Blind Date Ch. 01-02


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"Wow, thank you," Tom replied. "You really are a fortune teller. I do agree that many people here are not what they seem to be, everyone is acting, especially the girls. I really hope your predictions come true, especially the part about being able to celebrate tonight."

She felt him shift his weight a bit on the sofa, as if he was moving a bit closer to her. She felt a bit uneasy, unsure what to think of his rather blunt remark about all the girls just acting, even though she knew it was true.

"If there are any other questions you have, please let me -"

She gasped as she felt a warm mouth on her nipple. A quick flick of the tongue, a soft kiss, and the mouth moved to her other breast, repeating the treatment. She sighed softly, enjoying the gentle touch. Though his beard was a little ticklish, it did add to the overall sensation of not being able to see what is going on, and having to rely on touch alone. Immediately his mouth left her nipple, and she felt the sofa move, apparently Tom was moving back into a sitting position again.

"Very nice," he said. "You are beautiful, you know."

They continued to talk, nothing serious, and time went by so fast that only when her alarm sounded Tom remembered that he was to take some clothing of her. Ashley got up from the sofa, allowing him to remove her skirt, and they parted ways.

Slowly she walked around the room, listening to the giggles and conversations around her. It seemed like everyone was having a good time. She walked into some furniture, and a while later crashed into another woman.

"Ouch, sorry, I didn't see you coming," she said.

The collision told her also that the other woman was at least as much undressed as she was herself, she could feel her bare breasts against her arm.

"It's OK, neither did I," the other woman replied, and they laughed.

Moments later Ashley felt a strong arm around her waist. "Oh here you are, my angel," a soft voice said to her. The arm pulled her against a naked body, he obviously had taken the hint of dropping his clothes.

"I'm not Angel, I'm Rose," she answered, putting her hand on the man's chest. He felt smooth, skinny, not at all muscular. She felt his nipple, no chest hair. A hand touched her face, running through her hair.

"So sorry Rose, it is that you feel and sound like an angel. I can feel you have the looks of an angel, too. Let me guess. Silky blonde hair, deep blue eyes, like a true angel. Oh yes the picture is complete. Angel Rose."

This man was really on a high, Ashley thought. She found it rather flattering how he praised her, but it was a bit too much of a good thing. Running her hands down his waist to his hips she realised he was indeed completely naked. She could not resist grabbing his penis, holding it for a while, feeling it grow very quickly in her hand, before letting him go again.

"You really like angels, don't you?"

"Oh you bet I do. Especially the pretty ones, the sweet ones, like you."

I bet you say that to all the girls, Ashley thought, and smiled. The guy was funny, in a cute way, but would not likely end up on her top-three list.

For the rest of their ten minutes they exchanged more sweet nonsensical chatter, and he took one of her stockings, leaving her only in her panties and one stocking.

William announced that the dating would be suspended for tea, asking everyone to finish their current date and to move to the lunch room for tea. As she was just finished, Ashley started to make her way to the lunch room carefully. Navigating the room in the total darkness was not easy for her. Not knowing where all the furniture was made it a lot harder, too. She had no idea where in the room she was, or where the obstacles were.

After finding the entrance to the dining room she was led to a seat by one of the waiters, and sat down. A moment later a man was placed on one side of her, quickly followed by one on the other side. The rest of the people followed in quick succession, after which the waiters started to hand out drinks. Delicious cakes and cookies were placed on the table in front of them, and all enjoyed the tea break. Ashley did not talk much to the men next to her, instead enjoying listening to the conversations around her instead. She quickly found out the two men next to her were both naked as well. She wondered if all men had undressed by now, and how much the other girls were still wearing.

After a while the man to her right started a conversation with her. He gave his name as Frank, and she recognised his voice and way of talking as the guy she had been talking to before lunch. Again she felt a bit uneasy with him, and conversation ran dry quickly after which he returned to the lady on his other side.

A few minutes later the man to her left addressed her. He introduced himself as John, a calm and straightforward kind of guy. He was obviously not as good at the compliments game as the other men but Ashley thought that made him that much more natural and real.

While talking he gently felt her head, her face, trying to get an image of her. He let his fingers run along her neck and down her body, sending shivers down her spine. She tried to continue to talk normally but was sure her excitement could be heard in her voice.

Ashley in the meantime did the same to John. She felt his broad face, his rough features. Muscular arms and a large, hairy chest. She thought he looked like a rough biker kind of guy, but then without the obligatory beard that bikers have.

His large hands easily cupped her breasts. She gasped a bit. He felt really big. She wondered how big he was down there, and realised she could just find it out. She put her hand in his crotch, smiling when she heard him stutter. Indeed he was quite big, and she felt his dick grow a bit in her hand. She secretly wondered how it would be to have sex with him, whether it would hurt. Maybe later, she thought. Maybe later she could find out. For now she was happy to play a bit with this big dick, and she could tell John liked her attention too.

They were interrupted when William started talking again, inviting all back to the main hall for some more blind speed dating.

Before she was back in the main hall, Ashley was already claimed by another guy for a ten-minute date. He introduced himself as Rob in a nice soft voice, and lead her around the room. Soon he sat down, and invited her to come sit on his lap. She realised he lead her straight to a sofa, and was impressed with his memory and navigation in the dark. Sitting sideways on his lap she put her arm around his naked shoulders, leaning against his broad hairless chest.

While they introduced each other, and she had him talk a bit about himself, she felt his hands running all over her body. Starting with her head and face, then quickly moving down sizing up her chest. He gently rolled her nipples, making then hard, and sending a tingling through her body. She touched him too, and liked what she was feeling. His face was smooth, almost feminine. A firm chest, but not very muscular. While he talked about some of his travel adventures, he casually removed her remaining stocking.

He seems to be a nice guy overall, she thought. He must be incredibly rich, if even only half of his stories are true. And he sounds very much like a playboy, but one who is really good at putting a girl at ease, and making her feel comfortable.

When the ten minutes were over, Ashley got up from his lap and walked off. Wondering who it would be that would get her final piece of clothing, and the first taste of her pussy. From what must be the other side of the room she heard a woman's moans. It seemed not much sex was going on yet. But what was going on really, and how many girls were naked already, she had no clue. It was odd, it was exciting, and a little scary, too.

She slowly walked around, unsure on where she was or where she was going. Suddenly she tripped over something, and almost fell. It was a pair of slightly hairy legs sticking out. Soon a hand grabbed her arm, and helped her stand up again.

"Now what do we have here?" a man said. The deep voice sounded rather familiar.

"I'm Rose," she answered, steadying herself. She still did not remember whose voice it was.

"Rose, my lovely fortune-teller, so nice to meet you again."

Then it hit her. That was Tom, whom she had run into before. She immediately started to feel a bit warm inside, her previous ten minutes with Tom had been highly enjoyable, too. Even though he seemed to be much older than her, possibly old enough to be her father even, she did take a liking in him. He acted a bit like he knew her for a long time already, strangely making it feel very natural for her to be with him.

"Please come sit down with me," he continued. She heard him pat his hand, and moved to where the sound came from, and sat down. "I see you lost most of your clothes by now. Let me help you out of that last piece, before we forget."

Tom hooked his fingers in her panties, and she lifted her behind to allow him to slip it off of her.

"So now you're looking for more fortune?" Ashley said, rubbing her hand over his chest. It was rather hairy, she realised. He was just hairy all over, almost like a bear. A sweet, gentle bear, who had a knack of making her feel comfortable. His hands ran over her body, softly and deliberately. Through her hair, cupping her breasts, running over her thighs.

"I wasn't really looking, it seems fortune found my way already."

"Really. In what way?" Ashley moved around, swung her leg over his legs so she was sitting on his knees, facing him. He put his hands around her ass, gently massaging her round behind.

"In the form of a beautiful fortune-teller."

"Really. I think you're a very lucky man, in that case. And I figure you're fully prepared to take full advantage of your fortune."

"The fortune you gave me was that there were obstacles to overcome but that tonight I could celebrate. And if you allow me I'd like you to celebrate with me."

Ashley's heart started to beat faster. That was not exactly what she expected, he was obviously inviting her to spend the night with him, and forgoing an instant sex session. She felt fortunate, as she had put him on top of her own list so far. She scooted forward over his legs, pressing her body against his. She could feel his hard dick against her belly, her breasts squashed against his chest, his chest hair lightly tickling her. Moving her head slowly forward, she whispered in his ear, "Sure, I'd love to," before moving back to her original position.

They continued to gently touch and feel each other, while falling back to small talk.

After a while Tom mentioned, "Is it not time yet? I think we only have ten minutes."

Ashley gasped, "Sorry, forgot to set my timer."

"Don't be sorry, I don't mind. But I think we should break up for now, I think there are more guys that would like to know their fortunes."

"And for you there are other girls to play with, right?"

Tom laughed, and helped her to stand up. "See you later," he said and left to hand in her panties.

"Can you give me some good fortune, too?" she heard a man ask, and a moment later a hand touched her arm.

"I may only tell you your fortunes, not make them better or worse," Ashley replied, switching on her timer.

"Your being here already improved -- ouch, what's that, oh a sofa, now I wonder whether your presence improved my fortune or not. Why don't we sit down, maybe that improves our fortunes."

Ashley laughed. The guy was funny. She was quite sure she had not met this man before, the voice did not sound familiar at all. He introduced himself as Victor, and lost no time feeling up her body. She felt his eager hands running all over her, massaging her, squeezing her breasts, feeling her pussy. She felt him up, too. Smooth skin, closely shaven, no hair whatsoever on his body. Even his crotch was hairless, with his dick standing straight up.

"You're a horny boy, aren't you?"

"Oh yes I am. And I am so lucky to finally find a girl with no clothes on her."

"So I do bring you some good fortune."

"Sure you do. And I want to take full advantage of that fortune."

She felt his finger run over her pussy, rubbing her clit. She was horny, too, thanks to all the touching of the day, and the whole atmosphere. She could hear other couples engaging in sex acts, but could not tell exactly who or where they were, or what they were doing exactly. Just that they were doing it.

Victor pushed her on her back on the sofa, pulling her hips towards him, and a moment later she felt his dick trying to enter her pussy. He was hard, she was wet. She was totally ready for this moment, knowing it would come, and that many more would come later. She felt him entering her, and pushed her pelvis up, taking him in completely. She felt him very close to her. His hands grabbed her waist as he slowly started to move in and out of her. She moaned, pushing back, trying to follow his rhythm.

She realised she had not even felt his face, in fact she had no idea how he looked like. If she would see him tomorrow, she would not be able to tell who it was to have been the first to take her pussy. Their sex act had become just that, pure sex, pure lust, and nothing more. She gave in, fully gave herself over to that detached, anonymous dick violating her dignity, letting her lust take over. It felt good, very good even. Sex and lust with nothing more to worry about.

Too soon her alarm sounded. Their ten minutes were over, and Victor reluctantly withdrew.

"That was nice, but too short. Thanks anyway," he said, and left.

Ashley lay on the sofa, catching her breath. She pulled up her leg from the floor, and sat up straight. No-one claimed her now, yet she was sure someone would come soon, and was hoping for it to be someone who could do her well. She was fully aroused now, and in for anything that would give her a much wanted orgasm.

Her fingers touched her very wet pussy. Listening to the excited moans of men and women around her she started playing with herself, gently, moaning softly. Sex was the only thing on her mind. She had lost interest in the dating part of the game, not only because she already found her match.

A bump against the sofa broke her concentration. A hand started feeling over the backrest, and a moment later a smallish hand landed on her shoulder.

"Oh sorry, do I disturb you?" a woman asked.

"No not at all," Ashley replied. "I'm on my own here, no date. You can have the sofa."

"No need, I'm single too. Just walking around a bit. Enjoying yourself?"

"I do. Just having a break, waiting for the next guy to turn up."

"Same for me. Won't take -"

"I hear there are dates available here?" a man said from right in front of Ashley. She had not noticed him coming.

"I am," Ashley replied quickly.

"Have fun," the other woman said. She then got up and left.

Ashley stretched out her arms towards where she heard the voice, and found the man. She grabbed his waist, and gently pulled him a bit closer.

"Let me see whether you have what I am looking for in a date," she said.

Her hands found his half-hard dick, it felt slightly sticky. She took him in her mouth, and started sucking. She heard the man gasp, and the dick hardened quickly.

"You're one horny bitch, aren't you?" he said.

She let his dick slip out of her mouth, and replied, "Yes, I am. Horny as hell. And you taste like pussy, if I'm not mistaken."


"No cum."

"Correct again."

"Tell me, how was she."

She continued to suck his dick, slowly, savouring his taste, feeling his reaction.

"Hot and horny."

She let his dick go for a moment, and said, "Come on, there must be more about her than just hot and horny."

"Debbie, she called herself. Horny Debbie. A bit of a chubby girl. Round face, round everything."

"Mmm, mmm," she moaned in encouragement, hoping he would tell more. Even though she really wanted him to fuck her, she was curious about how much he would tell her about this Debbie.

"Very nice and soft body. Sweet voice, shoulder length hair, smooth and silky. We played a bit, had a nice chat, after which I got to take her panties, and got to play with her a bit. Her tits round and soft, very full, with large nipples that are just great for sucking. I could suck them for hours, so lovely. Mmm, you suck very well, too."

With his cock still half in her mouth Ashley asked, "You like them big?"

"Oh yeah, the bigger the better. I want her for the night, gotta give those tits a good fucking. They're big and round, just perfect to wrap around my dick. I can't see you but I imagine you're like her. Your tits swinging while you suck me."

"You tasted her pussy?"

"Yes I did, it was tasty. Really nice pussy. But I didn't lick her long, just long enough to make sure she's wet. She was really wet already actually, the horny bitch." He let out a moan, and paused for a bit. "You just tasted her. You really suck nicely, you know. Very nice. Too bad I can't see you, but your mouth surely feels great on me. Debbie didn't suck me, didn't give her the chance, I just had to feel that hot pussy around my dick."

Realising he would not last much longer, and she had a need of her own still unfulfilled, she let him slip out of her mouth. "Fuck me, too," she requested.

"Now don't stop," he answered, grabbing her head. "You suck too well. Better than Debbie. I love your sucking very much, and I want you to finish me with your mouth."

"Then tell me more about your Debbie, too. I'd love to hear. And indeed she tastes pretty good."

It was not exactly what Ashley had in mind for this date, but she rather enjoyed listening to what he had to say about the other girl, so she decided to make the most of it. And telling about Debbie appeared to arouse him. So she took his dick in her mouth again and started sucking, while he continued talking.

"As I said I licked her slit, got a good taste of her. When I found her wet enough I moved up and started fucking her. And playing with her big boobs, I'd love to see those tits swing around while fucking her. I could only feel them, and imagine how they move, swinging around. Hearing her moan made me fuck her harder, deep in her nice tight pussy, her fleshy thighs wrapped around me. Oh yeah suck me baby, that's right. Delicious. Her pussy was really wet, just like your mouth. Oh, here I come."

Ashley felt his dick stiffen in her mouth, and then he started to shoot. She moved back, letting him slip out not wanting him to come in her mouth. The first shot hit her lips, she felt the next shots of warm liquid land on her chest. She grabbed his dick with her hands, milking the last bits out of it. She was a mess. She felt drops of cum running down her chest, over one of her breasts, another running down her belly. She had the taste of cum in her mouth, and her hands were covered in it. She smiled. The guy must have been very horny, but she still did not get what she craved for.

"You like her, don't you?"

"Oh yes, I do. Top of the list, hands down. And thank you, that was nice, you give great head," the man said, and left before the ten minutes were over.

"I got another dick for you, can you handle?" another man said. She had been talking to this man before, but couldn't immediately place him.

"Sure, one wanting pussy here," she replied, not wanting to make the same mistake twice. Now she really needed a good fucking, and would not settle for anything else.

She felt a big hand touch her arm, and reached out to the man. She got up, wanting to know who he was, and felt around his body. He was a big guy, muscular, with some hair on his chest. She felt down, and found his dick. It was remarkably large, and then she remembered.

"John, isn't it?"

"How do you know?"