Blood is Thicker than Water

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The holidays have ways to bring family closer!
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It was the last thing I expected to see when my phone buzzed with a notification. I kept my focus on the road. A text could wait thirty seconds for me to park. I pulled into my spot. The letters "CEO" were painted to the asphalt in white, a sight I'd never get tired of seeing.

I started my own international trade business just five years ago when I was only 18. Everyone doubted that I would succeed, but here I am.

I twisted the keys and shut off the engine. I then reached over and grabbed my phone from the center console. It lit up in my hands. "Message from Mom" the notification read. I raised an eyebrow. Why would she be messaging me?

Five years ago around the holidays, I left the only home I'd ever known. It had started when my moms boyfriend had gotten too aggressive with her. I remember running to her room and kicking the locked door open. He advanced to me almost immediately, pushing me against the wall so hard the back of my head left a hole in the drywall. I remember punching him repeatedly across the face while my mother screamed and cried out for him.

He eventually broke away and pulled out a pistol from his waistband. I don't remember what he said but he grabbed his jacket and left the house.

My mother, Beth, yelled and screamed at me, tears running down her face. She was angry at me for making her boyfriend leave. My older sister, Lucy, even pitched in on the verbal assault. I immediately ran to my room and packed my things.

I loved Beth and Lucy and only wanted to protect them. I guess I never truly understood why she stayed with that asshole, but I knew I couldn't have lived any longer in that house.

I sighed, turned my phone screen off, and opened the car door. The confusion was unsettling. As I took the elevator up to the office, my mind continued to wonder why she would reach out.

The elevator chimed and the doors opened. I began my stroll to my office. As my colleagues passed I greeted them and smiled, occasionally shaking hands.

"Good morning Sir. I'm afraid there's a situation waiting in your office," said one of my secretaries.

"Ah the situation can wait till after the holidays," I replied, "we shut down at the end of the day".

The old woman shook her head with a grin. I had no idea what it could be. I stepped into my office and plopped down at my desk. I noticed the voicemail button was blinking red so I pressed it and started to take off my suit jacket.

A soft woman's voice began to play through the speaker.

"Hey sweetie! I tried to text you but maybe you changed your number. Your sister and I wanted to surprise you for the holidays but we couldn't afford to fly to the city to see you. Instead, we want to invite you over for the holidays," Beth's voice said.

The voicemail clicked off. I felt a warm feeling building in my chest. It had been so long since I've seen family. My life in the city was fast and at times... lonely.

I frowned and shook my head. I had just planned a trip to the beach. I was going to stay in a villa by myself and enjoy the change of pace.

To add, I did not want to go back to that house. I imagine her boyfriend is still there and just as drunk.

I paused to stare at the phone. With a sigh, I picked it up and pressed the redial button. The phone repeatedly played the dial tone until I heard a click and the rustling of a phone being put to an ear.

"Hello?" said Beth's voice.

"Hey mom," I replied.

"Oh my gosh. What a surprise! How are you, honey?".

"I'm great Mom. Look, I got your voicemail and I'm afraid I have some bad news".


"Yeah. It looks like you and Lucy aren't going to be able to celebrate the holidays at home this year".

"... Why do you say that?".

"Well... Because... you and Lucy will be flying out to Mexico with me tonight...".

"OH! My god, are you serious?".

"Yes ma'am. I'll send a driver to collect you two. Do you have your passports?".

"Oh, no... We haven't had passports in years".

"I'll pull some strings. Don't worry about it".

"Oh. Okay sweetie. I guess we'll see you later?...".

"Of course!".

"Okay. Love you".

"... I love you too Mom".

I hung up the phone, a grin across my face. ...I missed them. My mom, sister, and I were extremely close. We used to call ourselves the three musketeers.

Beth gave birth to Lucy when she was only 14 years old. Then had me the next year. It wasn't uncommon in the area we grew up in. My earliest memories were from a one bedroom apartment in the city.

We all shared a small bed until I was 17. It was a hard life. In the winter, there was no heat. We would have to strip naked and squeeze together in that small bed for warmth at night. It seems like it was harsh but I enjoyed it. It was comfy and I really felt the love between the three of us be shared.

Then came Beth's boyfriend. He was a damn prick and would drink way too much. He had money... well... more money than we'd ever had. He was vile, but he took care of my mom. He moved us in with him on my 18th birthday. Two weeks later, I was on my own.

I shook off those memories of that asshole and grabbed my jacket. I swung it around and buttoned it. I turned to look in the mirror to make sure my tie was straight. I loved the man I have become and I'm excited to see my family.

I grabbed my bag and headed back for the elevator.

"I'm headed out ladies. You all can too. Happy holidays!" I exclaimed to the handful of older women who made up my secretary department. They smiled and began packing up their things.

I hastily headed home to begin packing my things. When I was finished, I decided to call the pilot. I notified him that I was about to be on my way and to be prepared to leave. As I hung up, someone buzzed my loft from the ground floor. It must be the driver, so I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

I hopped in the backseat of the SUV as the driver held the door. He closed it and jogged to the drivers side door and hopped in himself.

"Airport sir?" He asked.

"Yes please," I replied.

I flipped my phone out of my pocket and texted my mom to see if she had been collected yet.

She responded quickly. The driver was on his way but traffic was terrible. They were going to be behind schedule.

I told her not to worry and that I'd see her soon. She seemed excited. I then opened the cooler that was built into the car.

Normally, I only drink in social settings but since I'm now officially on vacation... I poured myself a glass of champagne. I sipped it while scrolling through social media.

After a short while we arrived. I chugged the rest of my champagne and grabbed the bottle and my duffel bag. The driver opened the door for me and I stepped out.

"Thank you Bradley. And happy holidays. I just wired you a bonus for all your hard work. Make sure your wife gets something nice for Christmas!" I said.

He laughed and patted me on the shoulder. "Always a pleasure sir," he replied.

I shook my head as I headed for the stairs to the plane. "Pleasures all mine!" I yelled as I neared the plane.

I climbed up the stairs and through the door. My stewardess greeted me and directed me inside. She took my bottle and my bag as I went to sit.

I plopped down and buckled in and she brought me another drink. "Here you are sir," she said, placing it down on a napkin.

I thanked her and reclined my seat.

I closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep. I woke as the plane touched down. When the rumbling stopped. I undid my seatbelt and headed for the door. The stewardess handed me my bag with a smile.

The sun gleamed into my eyes as I exited the plane. I put on my sunglasses, still squinting. The cold grim of the cut was now gone, and the warm embrace of Latin America was now here.

After an hour, I arrived at the villa. The driver handed me my bag. I thanked him and handed him a 20 dollar bill, U.S. of course.

The villa was beautiful. Solid white quartz made up the walls and ceiling. The floor was an exotic hardwood. I walked into the kitchen. An island made of a solid piece of stone protruded from the floor. Luxury appliances and furniture filled the open space.

I turned to face the living room. A massive tv was mounted to the wall. The couch was a cream color. It was huge and stretched across the living room. It's design was made so everyone would have room to lay down.

I picked up the remote that laid on the edge of the couch. It had multiple settings and buttons to control the whole villa. I pressed a button and the wall-to-wall glass slid open.

I stepped out onto the back patio. The pool was crystal clear. The waves crashed behind the view looking out. I noticed a small path leading down to the shore of the private beach. The greenery was amazing as well. I inhaled through my nose, smelling the wonderful air. I could stay here forever.

I turned and went upstairs to the master bedroom. The massive king sized bed was freshly made. The bathroom glistened. Everything had been perfectly prepared.

I dropped my bag and quickly changed into trunks. I ran back downstairs and got into the pool to cool off. On the edge of the pool, I made a phone call to order food from a local restaurant down the road.

Beth and Lucy should be landing soon. I took the time for myself to swim a few laps and transition to vacation mode.

After an hour or so, the villa's speaker system chimed. They were here! I jumped out of the pool, dried off with a towel, and walked through the villa to get the door.

I opened the massive front door and was met with two familiar faces.

"Hey baby!" my mom yelped. She jumped and embraced me. She kissed my cheek and released me with a grin.

She had a large sun hat on and wore a white beach dress that stopped around her mid thigh.

"Hey lil bro," said Lucy. She gave me a quick hug and I motioned them in.

Lucy had a bikini top on and short jean shorts on. Her large sunglasses covered her eyes.

Their eyes widened and necks craned as they took in the gorgeous villa. I grabbed their suitcases and brought them into the kitchen area.

"Wow. This is beautiful," exclaimed Lucy.

She put her purse on the island and went outside to see the patio.

"Jeez sweetie. You rented an amazing place," said mom.

I blushed and thanked her.

"I visited last summer and couldn't live without it. I closed on this place about six months ago," I said.

She gasped. "You bought this place?"

I nodded, attempting to remain humble. My fortunes were nothing to brag about.

"That's amazing honey! You've really got it all together," said Mom.

I blushed. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Ah. That must be the food. How about you and Lucy enjoy the beach for a little so I can get your bags situated? I'll get the door so they can start setting up our dinner," I said.

My mother smiled and skipped off to be with my sister.

I let the delivery team in to set up dinner in the kitchen area. Afterwards, I took their bags up to the master bedroom. It just dawned on me that I would be sleeping on the couch since the villa had no guest rooms. No biggie to me anyways.

I trotted downstairs, out to the patio, and jogged down the path to the beach. The sun was slowly beginning to set. It tinged the beach vibrant colors of orange, red, and yellow. The strong contrast of the blue and turquoise water glistened.

My mom and sister were holding hands, walking into the ocean. The water rushed and covered their ankles as they walked along the sand. I stood on the sand and grinned with glee. I was happy and awestruck with the beauty of the ocean.

They shared their awe with me. The two waved their arms and yelled about the views. They were just as mesmerized by the views as I was. However, something else had caught my attention.

I always knew my mother and sister were genetically gifted but seeing them both here now was... new.

My mother had taken off her white dress. She wore a bright pink bikini the same color Lucy was wearing. Lucy had taken off her shorts as well to get in the water.

As they continued their walk together, their backsides were prominent. Lucy had a thong that was completely enveloped by her ass. My mother, whose bikini was a normal triangle, had the exact same endeavor.

The two had incredibly wide hips and large buttocks. Mom had a little bit of pudge in her stomach and large breasts. Lucy had a smaller butt but defined abs and small perky boobs.

The two were stunning and the sunset falling across the beach only enhanced their assets.

I heard footsteps from behind me, coming from the villa. A man from the delivery team approached, holding a bottle of champagne and three glasses by the stems. He handed it to me and welcomed us to the area. After shaking hands and exchanging good wishes, he left.

My mother looked back towards me. I raised the bottle of champagne to invite them over and they wade their way towards me as I poured some into one of the glasses. I handed them each their own glass and poured champagne into my own. Then, placing the bottle into the sand to sit freely, I made a toast.

Our glasses tinked together and the celebration began. We waded in the water and talked. We laughed and drank until the bottle had emptied.

"Guess it's time to head back in. Let's eat, I'm starving," sighed Lucy.

My mother and I obliged and we headed back to the villa. After quick showers and changing of clothes, we ate the delicious spread in the kitchen. Lucy had figured out how to play music through the villa's sound system. It had turned into a party. The alcohol cabinet had found itself ransacked. Our glasses stayed full and laughter filled the villa.

After a while, we had decided it was time to settle down. Lucy wanted to watch a movie together. The two ran off to shower. I cleaned up the rest of our dinner and put it away in case we get hungry later. I then got towels from the closet and headed upstairs to put them on the bed for Mom and Lucy.

I heard them laughing as I made my way up the stairs. As I entered the bedroom, I immediately turned my gaze away and gasped.

"Aww. Thank you sweetie", "Thanks bro", they said simultaneously.

"Honey. It's fine. Can you bring us those towels?" My mother asked.

I opened my eyes and slowly turned to face what I had only gotten a quick glimpse of. My mom and sister were showering together with the door open. The rainfall shower was steaming up the room. Their naked curves were covered in suds.

I hesitantly walked closer and smiled. It had been a while, but wasn't uncommon from my childhood. At times, we had all showered together to save money on water. This was no different... Yeah.. No different at all. It was almost hard to convince myself.

"You're a lifesaver," said Mom as I handed her a towel. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me in to give me a huge smooch on the cheek.

"You can just throw mine on the hook, I'm loving this shower," said Mom.

I did as she asked and handed the second towel to Lucy. She stepped out, dried off, and left.

I gulped, untying my trunks. They fell to the floor and I stepped into the shower. My mother sat on the marble bench that was towards the back wall.

"You've been in the gym. You look fit hun," she said.

I thanked her. I really had been since I left home years ago. I angled my chin towards the water falling from the ceiling. I closed my eyes as the droplets gently hit my face. I took a second to contemplate the strange feelings I've had this evening.

Before I opened my eyes, I felt a hand placed on my chest. I opened them, revealing my mother had gotten up close and personal. She rubbed her hand in circles. I then realized she had a bar of soap in her other hand.

"Let me help you baby. We haven't done this in a while," she said, putting me at ease.

She continued to scrub my upper body. I slowly turned in a circle. She washed my arms, back, and torso thoroughly. When she finished with my upper body she dropped down into a deep squat.

Her face was just inches away from my dick. She began scrubbing my legs, starting from my hip and down to my ankles. Mom washed both legs and then took the bar of soap in both hands.

I tried to look away, praying my flaccid penis would stay that way. She rubbed the bar of soap in both hands, collecting suds. I closed my eyes, feeling my dick begin to grow. She dropped the soap on the shower floor and gripped my shaft with both hands. She gave it two strokes with a twist and then released it.

She stood, making eye contact with me.

I was at a loss for words. I prayed for myself silently, feeling the scolding that was to come.

"All clean," she said, smiling.

I stuttered. My mouth quivered. Mom's face changed when she saw my expression. She raised an eyebrow and then giggled.

"Pshh. Honey... It's natural and we're adults. Not to mention, we're family. I know every inch of you," she exclaimed. She waved me off and left with a few more laughs.

When she closed the door behind her, I almost fainted. I guess being raised the way I was, we never really had any boundaries. Though my mother had never. Ever. Seen me erect, this was totally normal... maybe... I tried to make sense of it as I rinsed off.

I threw on my favorite pair of sweatpants and a tank top then made my way to the living room. Mom and Lucy were sitting on the couch together talking. Lucy was wearing black spandex shorts and a long sleeve shirt. Mom had a light pink nightgown on with a flowy robe over top. I noticed that Lucy had found some microwave popcorn in the pantry and had put it into a large bowl.

"Chick flick or slasher?" asked Lucy.

"Mmm. Chick flick. I want to be able to sleep tonight," I answered.

Mom laughed and agreed. She motioned me over to sit. I climbed into the depths of the large sofa and in between the two. I sat with my back against the couch and my legs straight out in front of me, my ankles crossed. Mom scooted closer, putting her elbow up onto the back of the couch and supporting her head with her hand. She brought her knees up to her chest, angled in towards me, and her heels under herself.

Lucy clicked a few buttons on the remote she was holding and the movie had queued up. She got up and left, saying she needed to use the restroom. She strolled away and turned off the lights. The light from the TV illuminated Mom and I. She nuzzled closer and I looked towards her.

"So... who's the lucky lady and why isn't she here?" she inquired with a grin.

"Well. I've been quite busy with work and everything. It's hard to keep a girlfriend and date around. And honestly, in the city there aren't many good girls," I said.

She took a sip from her wine glass.

"It's like they see my apartment and the car and get so caught up in what I own rather than who I am," I continue.

She nodded her head.

"Mmm. I understand. That's just how young women are nowadays," she said.

I nodded in agreement.

"See... I don't understand why they act like that. I doubt any of them know how to take care of a man anyways," she said.

"Exactly. I haven't seen them come close to being long-term material. The market is awful".

"Honey. Just know that your sister and I are probably the only women you've met that know how to take care of you. Give it fifteen years and you might get lucky," she laughed.

She sipped her wine once more.

"You know. It took me years to figure out that asshole was no good for me... for us. It was a mistake. I'm really glad that you responded and are willing to make up for lost time," said Mom.

"Of course. We're the three musketeers... So, you moved out?" I asked.

She shook her head. "He kicked us out when I brought up visiting you for the holidays. I had to move in with a friend for a couple weeks but I'm still looking for a place. Hopefully, I'll get it sorted out in the new year".

I frowned for a moment, and then got an idea.