Blood Moon Ch. 06


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"Ohmygod, ohmygod. That feels amazing! Do it again." She moaned, arching her hips up in encouragement.

Rowan was more than happy to oblige. He licked up and down her wet slit, running his fingers over her pussy softly. Watching closely, Rowan thought he would come when he saw her muscles clench and unclench. He tongued Casey until she was begging him to make her come.

"Patience, little one." Rowan carefully slipped a finger into her pussy, marveling at how tight she was.

Moving in and out, Casey was writhing on the bed, begging for release. Rowan's brows pulled down in a frown as he pushed his finger into her again. He paused and Casey arched again, trying to get him to move once more.

"Casey," Rowan began.

"Rowan! Please, I'm begging you. Make me cum! Stop torturing me." Casey moaned.

He pulled his finger out and Casey's eyes flicked open. Rowan was looking down at her.

"W-why did you stop?" Casey asked, fearful of his answer.

"Are ye a virgin?" Rowan asked disbelief in his voice.

Casey tensed. "I didn't think you'd have a problem. I thought guys liked virgins."

Rowan groaned in pleasure-pain. "How can ye still be a maiden?"

Feeling very odd still lying down and having such a discussion, Casey sat up. "It doesn't really matter!"

"The hell it does." Rowan mumbled.

At first he was angry when Casey suggested they fuck and forget. But knowing that she was giving him her virginity made it obvious that he meant more to her than attraction. Looking at her caused him to grin. She was grumpy and flushed with her swollen lips and mussed hair. He wished he could see the hickeys he put on her breasts, but Casey had crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm not upset that yer still a virgin. Casey, I'm honored you'd choose me tae be yer first. But I'm not sure if that is really what ye want. I doona want ye regretting this. Everyone remembers the first and since ye doona want tae get involved with me, maybe its best we stop." His hands fisted as he forced himself not to reach for her.

Casey felt her eyes start to itch, but she refused to cry. "You're right."

Getting out of bed was difficult. Her legs where shaky and Casey didn't think she could stay long enough to pick up her clothes without crying. So she left her clothes scattered around the room, picked up the flashlight and walked out of the room. The soft click of the door closing made Rowan's chest ache. He wanted desperately to go after her and finish what they started, but Casey told him she didn't want to get even more involved with him or his paranormal world. And if that was what Casey wanted, Rowan would stay away from her, even if it killed him. He picked his pants up from the ground and dug out his cell to send a text to his brother. Rowan wasn't in the mood for talking.

"Would you like a drink?" Derek asked when he and Lilith reached his suite.

"I don't know..." Lilith said. "I mean, I never drank when alcohol could actually affect me. But water would be great."

Derek nodded and walked to the bar to pour himself a drink. "Then please have a seat, I'll be right there."

He walked back with a bottle of wine and a bottle of water. In his other hand he carried two flukes. "In case you change your mind." He smiled.

"I feel pressured to drink now." Lilith laughed. "Okay, since you insist. I'll have a glass."

They both looked out the window as lightening flashed. It had been pouring since Lilith arrived. Lilith was hoping the storm would lighten or else she'd have to spend the night. And seeing that the closest hotel within six miles was Princeville, Lilith wasn't sure if she could afford a night in the five-star hotel. She didn't want to be even more indebted to Elizabeth. And Lilith definitely didn't want to bum herself onto Derek.

"I think you should call Casey and tell her you're spending the night." Derek said, reading a text he got from his brother.

Lilith stiffened. "Are you asking if I'd like to stay over or are you telling me I will be staying?"

Chuckling, Derek enjoyed Lilith's temper. "Rowan sent me a text that he'll be staying over since Casey offered him to stay the night. Seemingly Keo isn't home either. So it's just the two of them alone. It would be impossible for you to go back in a storm like this. There are two bedrooms; you can take Rowan's since he won't be here."

With a sigh, Lilith relaxed. "Thank you. Sorry for being snappish."

Derek thought Lilith looked even prettier when she blushed. No, not pretty because she was already beautiful. Youthful, yes, that was the word he was looking for. He waited until Lilith finished her text to Casey before he spoke.

"Don't worry. In your position I'd probably be the same way. After we're told to have a son together it seems like I'm trying to do just that, right?"

Lilith smiled. "Just a bit. And um...I know this is getting off track, but what you said downstairs. About making a headstone for Bran. Can I come with you when you go to have it placed?"

"Of course." Derek smiled into Lilith's uncertain face.

Handing her a glass of wine, he made a toast. "To our son, Bran Roderick."

Lilith's eyes watered as she nodded her head in acknowledgement to the toast and downed her glass of wine like it was a shot of cheap, hard liquor more so than it being $1200 per bottle quality wine. Derek laughed, almost choking on his own sip of wine. Trying to cover up his laugh with a cough, he lowered his head and poured more into Lilith's cup. This time she sipped at the wine, enjoying the flavor.

"Should we set up rules?" Lilith asked.

"Rules? About us making a child?" Derek questioned, slightly confused and not really in the mood to discuss technicalities. He was certain that would put a damper on their currently good humor.

With a nod, Lilith began to go through her list. "Firstly, I want to say that I will not keep you from our son. I don't know exactly how the curse is supposed to end so I'm going to assume that when he reaches a certain age the curse will be broken or something. So secondly, I don't want our son used in any political gains in your packs and whatnot. I will promise on my part that our child will not be used in such a way. Thirdly, while we are...trying to conceive...would you want this to be an open relationship?"

Derek carefully placed his drink down. "Do you want to have an open relationship?"

Another very becoming blush. Lilith took a large gulp of wine, feeling a nice buzz. "Well...when we're trying to conceive, I don't want to have an open relationship." She admitted.

A relieved grin touched Derek's lips, making him even sexier in Lilith's eyes. "Good. I'm not too keen on the idea of sharing."

Lilith wasn't sure if he meant during conception time or ever. A shiver ran down her back as she thought of Derek being possessive about her. Why did that thought arouse her?

"And after conception?" Lilith bit her lip. "When I was pregnant with Bran...I was very um...horny all the time."

Another flash of teeth. "How about we're in an exclusive relationship until our child is born? And we'll see where to go from there."

Lilith nodded. "Okay." Suddenly she was very embarrassed. "I don't want to obligate you. But if you do want to...have sex with someone else during our relationship when I'm pregnant, don't let me hold you back."

"I think you'll be more than I can handle." Derek grinned again. He frowned when a thought struck him. "So when you were pregnant with Bran..."

"You were the only one until William well after the attack on the village." Lilith quickly said.

"And when you were...aroused. What did you do then?" Derek knew the answer, but a perverse part of him wanted to hear the words from her lips.

Lilith took another gulp of wine. She felt hot. "You know what I did."

Derek noted that she couldn't look him in the eyes. "Tell me. I want to hear. Please." He hastily added when Lilith gave him a glare.

"I touched myself, okay? I thought about you and touched myself." Lilith said in a rush. "I can't believe you made me admit that." Lilith poured herself another glass.

Before Derek could stop her, Lilith downed her third glass of wine. Obviously she wasn't very tolerant, because in a couple more sips from her fourth glass, she was drunk. Derek laughed as he stood to help her up.

"Come on, let's get you to bed." He picked her up and Lilith giggled before groaning.

"Oh, the room is spinning. Please put me down. I feel sick." She complained.

"Close your eyes, sweets." Derek chuckled.

She did as he instructed. Still feeling as though she would fall, Lilith looped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his neck and inhaled.

"I love the way you smell." Lilith sighed.

Derek was instantly hard. But he wasn't going to take advantage of her. He put her down on the newly made bed of Rowan's room. Lilith was still holding on and Derek had to reach behind to gently detach her. Her eyes fluttered open and she gave Derek a dazzling smile that stole his breath.

"Come to bed with me." She pleaded. "I want to smell you when I wake up."

Those words went straight to his already throbbing dick. Lilith begged more and Derek gave in. After he removed Lilith's high heels, he took off his own shoes and got into bed fully dressed. Lilith sat up.

"Help me take my dress off. I usually sleep in my underwear." She pouted.

Derek groaned into his pillow before getting up and helping Lilith out of her dress. When they settled back in bed, Lilith curled up against him and fell asleep almost instantly. Unable to do anything about his raging hard on, Derek laid as still as possible until he finally drifted to sleep.

Lilith was having such a good dream. She felt sensitive everywhere. Her nipples grew hard against her bra and her panties dampened as a very skillful tongue played with hers. Moaning into the mouth of the one kissing her, Lilith arched into his hand as it went to cup her. His fingers moved the strap of lace aside as he pushed two fingers into her tight hole and he pulled away from their kiss to suck on her freed breasts.

Lilith's eyes flew open as she saw Derek's head at her breasts, his face slightly damp with perspiration. Her bra had been pushed out of the way. She didn't want him to stop. Derek pulled away, making a wet pop as he did.

"You're a heavy sleeper." He grinned.

All Lilith could do was moan as his thumb rubbed against her clit. She was practically naked and Derek was still fully dressed. What happened last night? She didn't care! Lilith's body demanded she give her undivided attention to Derek and what he was making her feel.

"I want you inside me!" Lilith ordered.

Derek looked up, his eyes flashing. It was animalistic. He tore her panties off and worked at his pants frantically. Lilith got her bra off and arched against Derek. There was something so erotic about being naked while Derek was fully dressed. His cock sprang out the moment it was freed.

"Finally." Lilith breathed. She was wet and aching.

But Derek rubbed the head of his penis over her wet slit instead of slamming into her like Lilith wanted. Up and down, coating his cock with her juices. Lilith was growing desperate.

"What are you doing?" She asked breathlessly.

"Do you want me inside you?" He asked as if he really didn't know the answer.

Lilith narrowed her eyes. "Roderick McElroy, if you don't put your cock inside me within the next three seconds, I am going to maim you!"

Derek's laugh turned into a moan as he pushed inside her roughly. They both groaned as he began to move against her. It didn't take much to make Lilith climax. The feel of her hot pussy clenching around him was too much and Derek jetted his cum deep inside her. He rolled off of her and they were both breathing harshly. Both were satisfied for the moment. Lilith came out of her lust haze and almost shouted. But she was too out of breath.

"Good gods." She said raggedly. "That was going into heat with your mate nearby."

Derek tried to laugh, but he too winded. "Exactly. And you're not even at the peaking point of your ovulation period. That was just preliminaries. Imagine the next several days."

Lilith couldn't help it when her body throbbed excitedly at the situation. The doorbell rang. Derek and Lilith looked at each other in confusion. Checking the time, it was seven in the morning. Derek knew that wasn't Rowan because his brother had a key to the suite.

"I'll be right back." Derek got out of bed and righted his appearance.

Lilith pulled the sheet over her body and wandered to the entrance of the bedroom. She peeked over the corner to see Derek swing the door open. A gorgeous brunette flew herself into Derek's arms and kissed him passionately. An uncomfortable twinge of jealousy bolted through Lilith before she stomped down on it. Looking closer, Lilith thought the woman reminded her of that Victoria's Secret model Katarina Udovin.

"What are you doing here, Kat?" Derek sounded surprised more so than angry.

Lilith was still trying to get over the fact that the woman indeed was the Victoria's Secret supermodel Katarina Udovin. That was easily overlooked as Lilith strained to hear the woman's reply in that Russian accent Lilith detested.

"But Derek! I visit Seattle for so short a time. Surely you don't think a week would be enough to satisfy me." Her voice grew seductive.

"How did you find me?" Derek's voice was strained and Lilith knew why.

Lilith was getting aroused again and Derek could feel it too. Katarina looked down and purred when she saw his erection. She took it as an invitation to rub against him. Lilith narrowed her eyes, trying to ignore her lust.

"George told me where to find you. And you've been a bad boy leaving me the way you did. I want an apology right now. And I want it with you and me in bed, naked. That's no way to treat your fiancée."

Lilith gasped, grabbing both Derek and Kat's attention. Katarina appeared as though she wasn't expecting to find another female, a naked female, with Derek. But Katarina had known. She had talked to the front desk before making her way up to Derek's suite. She heard about Derek's dinner date with a lovely raven-haired beauty with captivating moss-green eyes.

Lilith quickly shut the door and scrambled to put her clothes back on. Opening the door, Lilith was expecting some screaming. But there wasn't any. She grabbed her heels and tried to make her way out as quietly as possible. She spotted Derek and Katarina making out against the bar and Lilith's anger flared up once more.

Derek pushed Kat off of him. "What is wrong with you?"

"Oh look. Why don't you tell her to join us? I'm sure you'd like that. I wouldn't mind either. But once we're married, we cannot be unfaithful."

Katarina was rubbing her hand up and down Derek's cock. He couldn't help but groan at the contact, even when he tried to push her away. It was because Lilith was aroused that he was so desperate for release.

"I didn't mean to interrupt, but I'm looking for my purse. I need to go." Seeing her purse on the counter, Lilith lifted her chin at the cozy couple. "Forget it. I found it. Goodbye, Derek." Lilith ignored the stab of lust that made her knees weak and an overwhelming urge to have Derek inside her.

Derek pushed Katarina off of him again when he heard the front door open and close. "I'm serious! Stop it Kat! Nothing happened last week and you know it. I broke up with you the night you suggested marriage. We both know it's been long over. Dammit. I have to go catch, Lilith."

"Is that her name? The little slut you left me for?" Kat narrowed her eyes as Derek dodged Katarina to chase after Lilith. He grabbed his suite key card on the counter next to the door and flew the door open.

"Lilith!" Derek shouted as he rushed out of his suite and towards the elevator.

Lilith spotted him and made a dash for the stairs. He caught her easily and Lilith glared up at him.

"Were you even telling me the truth when you said you found Bran Roderick's burial site? Because it seems that you had far more interesting pursuits the week you've been gone." She tried to push him out of the way, but he didn't budge.

Derek's face grew dark. "How dare you question what I said about our son? Kat is nothing and less than nothing in comparison to our son. I broke up with her almost three weeks ago and I haven't been seeing anyone since!"

"Then why is she calling herself your fiancée?" Lilith spat.

"Jealous?" Derek tried to joke.

Lilith huffed, her body tingling from such nearness to her mated. "Hardly."

"Will you please give me a chance to explain? Have breakfast with me. I'll answer any and all questions you may conjure in hopes of proving me a liar." Derek knew Lilith wouldn't pass it up.

"I accept your invitation." Lilith answered, her breathing growing harsh. "But, I think we better get rid of your 'fiancée' and order some room service."

Derek's cock twitched in his pants at her suggestive tone. He should call Rowan to warn him that Lilith was in heat. But first, he had to get rid of his ex.

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polgaranightpolgaranightover 12 years ago

This story is just blowin my mind. I just love it to bits.... Thanks.

bad_girl69bad_girl69over 14 years ago
I just

re-read all the chapters again. Please post the next chapter asap. I know this isnt the last chapter.... i know you are about to post something (hopefully very soon). I cant wait. I have missed your writings so much :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
........still waiting...........

if there was a percent higher than 100 you would get it. well I've been checking the stories but it seems that you haven't written anything in a long while, so i guess that's the end of Blood Moon and the rest of your stories then? well i hope its only a long break, i would absolutely love to read the rest of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Holly Shitttt This Is one Lovely Story

Wow ..this is the best story i've read ..and still ...

you put me to curiosity state ...and make me want to read it on and on and on ..

please write more..the soonest the better ...oh just cant wait for the next story ..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

pleeeeeeaze write more!

MatedforlifeMatedforlifeover 15 years ago
More Please!

Loved it, but you cant leave us hanging!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
More, please.

We want more.

VioletLittleVioletLittleover 15 years ago
we miss you

we miss you here, hope everything is going ok or better with family and jobs and the amount of personal down time to process. hope to hear from you soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

More, please! More, more, more!!

sexy_southern_galsexy_southern_galover 15 years ago

Wow... usually when i read stories i get bored when they're this long but OMG I LOVED THIS! PLEASE WRITE MORE!! Please! The characters are amazing and the jumble of emotions in them is well written and awesomely developed. Lillith at this point i think isnt really forgiving, but more being tolerant before she decides either to bust her mate in the chops or strangle the bimbo walking in on what was a good moment. Ohhhh i soooooooooooo cant wait for more. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

tnme3tnme3almost 16 years ago

How can Lilith be so forgiving of Roderick? She is almost-mated and everyone but not entirely. I should admire her for the ability but it seems so... irritating. Your story is unvelivabley great too, I'll be looking forward to the next attachment.

ShondramwwShondramwwalmost 16 years ago
Will this be a book?

I Love The story. I can't wait for the next chapter. Will there be more I hope so.!!! I think I even liked it better then the Twilight saga by Stephanie Meyer maybe that is because its more adult. I will be checking a lot for more. I am also sorry to here about your trouble and I hope ever thing is better.

aaddictedaaddictedalmost 16 years agoAuthor
To Anon below

LOL. Actually in the next chapter, that will be explained. Elizabeth's a secret Jane Austen fan. Thank you everyone for your comments! And any help with Scottish accents would be GREATLY appreciated. Just send me an email through the personal feedback link. Thanks so much everyone!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Great story!

I usually don't leave comments, but I just want to say that I really like this story.

One question--do you read Jane Austen? Elizabeth Knightly? Did you combine Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Knightly from Emma?

pookertspookertsalmost 16 years ago
Oh the suspense!!!!

Oh man...this was well worth the wait, you're writing is amazing....can't wait for the next chapter :)

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