Blood of the Clans Ch. 24


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"Arabella, I have found you again, my dearest friend. I have wanted with all my heart to see you." she said to her and was quickly lowered carefully to the ground.

She hurried to Arabella's side and helped her to stand. A moment of reality passed when they first touched, confirming a dream wasn't tricking them, then they hugged and cried in joyous re-union. The rest of the men jumped from the birlinn and were assisted by the soldiers in pulling the boat up onto the coral beach.

The order to go back to their stations was given by Robert, as the two women clung to each other while walking, not wanting to let go. Once in the hall, seats were taken and Therese and Arabella started to share the events of their lives, since their parting. Sorley stood with Robert in front of the fire, as it cast a comfortable warmth in the room and warmed his hands to it.

"We need tae share what we know aboot this, Robert. I only know of what Lady Therese has told me, but from that, this does'ne soond good fer us all. If the Earl is trying tae take Donan fer himself, in the name of the King, he'll no stop, until all the castles are under his rule. With the force of the MacRae's, as well as aid from England, and forces from the King, there's no telling how large a force we're dealing wi'." he related his thoughts to Robert.

Robert nodded in confirmation of all Sorley said and added his own knowledge of things.

"The MacRae's ha'e slaughtered nearly everyone at Donan. Laird Hamish and most of the men were ambushed at first light, barely a week past, noo. Laird Grayson is seeing tae the castle's needs fer protection, as well as here and at Knock. Oor men are spread thin trying tae protect each one. We lost the support of the Stewart's as well. Laird Braedon lost his oldest, tae a foolish move by his son's own doing and is in misery o'er it. We've no idea if he'll return, or stay at Stalker and grieve. Every clan member we ha'e has joined us, but we fear it's no going tae be enough tae beat them."

Sorley looked at Robert and nodded his head, feeling the same outcome could happen.

"I ha'e word oot tae all the clans on Islay, Kintyre and the north of Ireland the noo. My brother, Colla, is preparing whatever men we get, tae come here once they're ready. Fer God's sake, Robert, don't attack them as well." he said with slight jest, knowing the tense state the men were in.

They continued to talk about strategies and plans on how to best use the forces they had and how to best utilize their weapons and boats. Therese and Arabella were still crying and laughing, the joys of togetherness and their deep love for one another clearly being showed.

Garreth got out of bed and dressed himself, his tunic and kilt, cleaned and dried for him. He stuck his finger through the hole the arrow left and shook his head, knowing he was not only lucky to be alive, a few more inches and his pride could have been severed. He left Arabella's chambers and carefully made his way down the steep, stone staircase. He heard all the voices and knew many people had arrived and were in the hall. One voice stood out from the others and held him fast. He crept to the doorway to the hall and peered around the edge, hoping what his ears had heard were true.

His heart leapt to his throat with excitement at seeing the raven-haired beauty of Therese sitting with Arabella. He watched them, not wanting to be seen, unsure of how he would handle talking to her in front of Arabella, knowing what had happened the day before. He was about to turn back and wait until a better time, when Robert spotted him standing there.

"Laird Garreth, yer up and moving. Tis surely God's hand that touched ye and spared ye from death. My heart is gladdened tae see ye standing well again."

The exposing greeting from Robert, took away any chance of setting his mind right to deal with seeing Therese. He came from his hidden position and stood in front of everyone. Therese heard his name spoken and searched through the men to see him, her face anxious and her heart racing wildly. She rose from beside Arabella and rushed to the doorway, finally seeing him in the flesh and tears of her love for him fell freely. She threw her arms around him and held him tightly. Garreth, stunned momentarily, wrapped his arms around her and held her the same.

"Therese, how do ye come tae be here, my love?" he asked her, speaking in a strained voice, holding back the conflicted feelings he had.

Garreth led her away from everyone so they could talk more privately. Arabella's face was strained with her own emotions, as she watched them. The joy and sorrow blending into a mix that left her heart pained and aching, at what she knew and what she didn't want told. She had her fears of causing grief to two people she loved as dear as her own family, even more, as her own feelings for Garreth were still weighing heavily on her.

Sorely went to Arabella and sat beside her, not knowing the turmoil that raged inside her. He looked at her and held his hands out for her to take. Arabella looked at him with tear-soaked eyes, that washed away the vibrancy of the emerald green to the paleness of sea foam. He knew she was under great stress and the emotional re-union with her friend had been one of great happiness, but he knew more lay behind them, untold and never to be spoken of.

"Arabella, I must leave fer Eilean Donan and see my kin. I ask that I take Robert wi' me, tae let them know I'm not a foe attacking. It'll be dark by the time I arrive, so I'll need Robert tae hail them and let them know it's me. Do I ha'e yer permission tae do that?" his words as soft to her as he could make them.

"Aye Sorley, ye can take Robert and we'll see tae yer man who was wounded. Ye'll come back and talk tae me soon, I hope. We need tae make plans fer yer men tae help us. Time is getting short fer what we ha'e tae do." her words coming out with little strength, but high in emotional content.

Sorley didn't understand what lay in her heart, but knew it was playing hard on her. He kissed her hands and thanked her, before he rose and confirmed he would return as soon as he could.

"Robert, yer wi' me and we sail fer Donan at once." he told him, then louder, "Men, tae the birlinn and Donan with all speed." he called out to the room.

With no hesitation, Robert and Sorley's men followed him out of the castle and back to the shore. All the men pushed on the boat and jumped in, as their feet made water. Sorley was last in and stood at the prow, looking back with a sense of bewilderment, at what had happened in the castle. The bow was brought about by oar and rudder, then shortly after, sixteen oars plied the water in perfect harmony. The pale, blue sail was raised and turned to catch the wind, filling it out in a graceful arc of power. The sun had just set, putting the outline of the birlinn against the backdrop of a painted sky of fiery orange and reds.

On the tiny dot of land in front of the cottage, the men were busy constructing a massive pyre. The ebbing tide had made it easy to carry the wood over the exposed ground. Grayson and Iain stood at the cottage and took Kyle's tunic and kilt in hand and looked at their duty, with all the dread the scene inside held. They knew once again that only the strength of honour and respect could carry them through their ordeal and each took a deep breath, then entered. Stephen and Athol stood watch at the door, making sure no one came close enough to see what was inside.

Grayson lowered the robes from Kyle's face and upper body first. The sight had them turn their heads away in shock, even though they knew what awaited them. Grayson took hold of Kyle's hands and raised them over his head. They each took hold of the tunic and worked it down over his arms and as far down the body as they could. They stopped and both ran out and gulped in large amounts of fresh air. Without words, they drew in a deep breath again and entered. Grayson slid his hands under Kyle's shoulders, his face showing his disgust at touching the decaying flesh, and raised him up enough for Iain to work the tunic over his body. Grayson lowered him slowly and once more they ran out for air. Stephen and Athol watched them and knew what they were witnessing, their own stomachs churning, at the thought of what they were doing.

The strain of emotions showed on their faces and in their eyes, as they looked to each other for the strength to continue. Grayson resolved himself and gave Iain the strength he needed to join him and they went in again. Grayson pulled back the robes all the way, while Iain held the kilt ready to put on Kyle. They took an end each and slid it under his feet and up his legs, then struggled with the last, trying getting it under his buttocks. When they had it in place, they tossed the sides over and ran out for air. Iain was on the verge of breaking down completely, and Grayson could see it. He pulled him into a comforting hug, the same a father would give his child and held him, until he felt he had steadied himself again.

The men building the pyre kept stopping and watched the display of emotion on the two faces of the men. They could see how it was affecting them and could only imagine what horrific sight they must be seeing to cause it.

Grayson entered first, while Iain hesitantly followed behind. They wrapped the kilt properly and covered him once again, never wanting another soul to bear witness to his state. Finally they tied Kyle securely to the ladder, making sure he wouldn't fall off, or become exposed in any way. They exited and Grayson ran for the beach, throwing up and shaking. He was sure he would lose his mind and sanity, if he had to look at him once more. Iain was in just the same state and the builders watched in solemn reverence, at what the two had just put themselves through. Almost every man made the Sign of the Cross, after watching the spectacle.

With the huge pyre complete, oil was poured over the wood to soak it thoroughly. The women brought rolls of MacDonnell tartan to the men, who stood on ladders and fastened it to the wood. Grayson finally looked at what his mind had conceived and was proud in his heart, as he felt it was justifiable to present to Lady Anne and Heather. He told Stephen to return and bring the Ladies and all who could attend, while some remained on guard at the castle.

In less than an hour, a large procession of people, led by Lady Anne and Heather on horseback, made their way along the coast towards them, Gregor playing a sombre air to cadence the march. Everyone gathered at the shore to look at the pyre and stood in respectful awe at the sight of it. It stood close to twenty feet high in a massive construction of logs and branches, kindling wood along with dried grass was stuffed into the seams and cracks. Anne and Heather looked at it, realizing the effort put into it for their benefit and that of the fallen, then bowed their heads and prayed before it.

As the sun set below the craggy mountain tops, Gregor began playing and Grayson, Iain, Stephen and Athol took hold of the ladder and carried Kyle's covered body out to the pyre. Heads were bowed in respect and the people Signed the Cross on themselves, as he past. Anne held onto Heather tightly, as they watched the last of their family go by, tears streaming and sobs no longer held back in reserve.

Kyle was raised by the men to the ones clinging to the ladders, who then passed him up to the ones standing atop. Carefully he was placed, before all of them climbed down and removed the ladders. Gregor played the MacDonnell clan song, as torches were brought to Anne and Heather.

Once the prayers were done, the torches were tossed at the base and the flames licked at the oiled wood and caught rapidly, spreading up and around the pyre.

The darkness fell fast over the waters, so Sorley and his men stayed as close to shore as they could, while Robert guided them up Kyle Rhea towards the Kyle of Lochalsh. The off-shore breeze pulled them faster, as they rounded the point and headed down the waters of Loch Alsh and on to Donan. It was easy to see from the distance they were at, that a large fire was burning brightly, not far from the castle.

"Make for that fire, Randal. I want tae know what's happening there, before we make fer the castle." Sorley told him, more interested in what it was about and how it affected their arrival.

They sailed down and entered the sandy cove that Garreth's men had beached on before. They allowed the bow to scrape up the beach and hold them steady, as they watched the inferno light up the night sky and illuminate the multitude of faces on shore watching it. Sorley turned to Robert, looking for an explanation, if he had one.

"What's going on, Robert? Is it a celebration of some kind?" he opined his thoughts to him.

I don't know what it is or what it's aboot, Sorley, but that's a bloody, big fire. And it's oot on that wee island." Robert spoke out in his amazement.

The flames reached over a hundred feet in the air, and a sense of the heat could be felt by them, where they sat. Through the roar of the flames, they heard the skirl of pipes and in seconds, Robert knew who was playing.

"That's Gregor playing the pipes. That's oor dirge he's playing. They must be ha'ing a ceremony of some kind." he informed Sorely with assurance.

"Men, row o'er slowly and land close tae them. Robert, make sure ye hail them loud enough, so they don't attack us. I can't afford tae ha'e my men brought doon by mistake, thinking we're the enemy." Sorley told him with caution in his voice.

The birlinn was rowed astern, until they were able to turn and row through the shallow passage between the small island and the peninsula. They rounded the point and turned to make land a few hundred feet away from the throng of people. The pipes were played long and loud, the sound echoing off the mountains close to shore, as they touched land. Sorley and his men stayed on-board and waited, as Robert leapt over the side and made

his way towards them.

"MacDonald's. My hope is constant in thee." Robert yelled out the clan oath, letting it be known he was one of theirs.

Heads turned in his direction and Grayson moved through the masses and made his way over. He saw who it was and was surprised to see his cousin standing there.

"Robert, how did ye get here?" he asked, not caring that he was there, but how he arrived without being seen.

"I came wi' a few relatives of oors. Ye'll ne'er guess at who showed up at Tioram, tae gi'e us aid." Robert told him, wanting to surprise him with the good news.

"Who's come? I've no time fer playing wi' questions, Robert. We're paying tribute tae the MacDonnell's that are gone." Grayson said in frustration.

Robert turned to the immense fire and understood now why it was so large.

"It's oor distant cousin and Lady Anne's as well. Sorley Boy MacDonnell is just o'er there, waiting in the birlinn wi' his men." he said, pointing back towards the birlinn, unseen in the night's blackness.

Grayson quickly walked in the direction Robert gave and saw the outline of the boat on the shore. As he approached, he could make out over a dozen men standing inside.

"Sorely Boy, is that ye? It's me, Grayson MacDonald. Come and join me here." he called to him.

Sorley jumped down and walked towards the large, shadowy figure approaching him. When enough light hit their faces for recognition, both had broad smiles come to their faces. Grayson's hand was out to him as he approached and Sorley's was extended in kind. They clasped wrists and stood looking at each other, so many years passing them by without contact. Grayson pulled him closer and they hugged in sheer appreciation of him being here.

"What's this aboot then, Grayson?" Sorley had to ask.

"It's a tribute tae the MacDonnell's that were slain. The only one left was Kyle, he lies atop, while the others are somewhere in the loch. I'll tell of it later. Come, bring yer men and join us. Lady Anne and Heather will be pleased tae see ye's. Yer the one thing they need tae see noo, is their kin." Grayson told him and they slung an arm over each other's shoulders and walked back.

The crowd parted for them, as they made their way to the centre of the congregation. Lady Anne and Heather stood looking, but were blinded by the bright light of the fire and couldn't make out who was approaching. When their faces were illuminated, her recognition of Sorley was unsure, yet she hurried towards him.

"Sorley? Sorley! Oh my sweet Lord in heaven, Hoo do ye come tae be here?" she cried out, tears of heart-felt joy flowed at seeing him, as a smile grew and happiness swept through her.

Heather heard her mother call out Sorley's name and she too rushed to be with him. Grayson stood with emoted happiness, seeing the tide in emotion swing from being dutifully sombre, to one of emotional triumph, in a renewal of faith and God's loving grace for his thoughtfulness.


"Okay, so noo ye see hoo all that ties in t'gether. I know it was a bit long-winded in all the telling, but it gi'es ye a better understanding of everything. Doesn't it?" Tavish asked them.

Everyone agreed it all made sense and thanked Tavish, then raised their glasses to him. Argus saw him being praised and coughed out his objection to being left out. He looked at the guests in hopes he would share some of the thanks as well and shortly after he smiled smugly, as they saluted him with a cheer, "Tae Argus."

Tavish excused himself, then and made his way down the hallway to Stuart's office. He knocked on the door and tried to enter, but the door was locked. Stuart asked who it was and Tavish just said, "Me." The door was opened and Stuart hurried him inside and locked it again.

"What's all the secrecy, Stuart?" Tavish wondered.

"I'm going tae show them all some of their past." he told him, as he walked back to his desk.

Stuart held a small, intricately carved box with the MacLeod's bull's head carved into it. He opened it and there inside was the Luck of the MacLeod's, that Garreth had given to Therese. He closed it and went to the far side of the room and took a royal blue velvet cloth off a large frame hanging on the wall. Behind it was the remains of the centuries old Fairy Flag, something Stuart knew would make his guests feel not only a sense of pride and honour, but a chance to believe in magic.

"I was just aboot tae open the safe again, tae get the Cup oot. If ye don't mind, Tavish, just turn aroond fer a minute." Stuart asked him.

Tavish turned and Stuart opened his safe and took out another wooden box, equally intricate in the carvings. He gently laid it on his desk beside the amulet and showed Tavish what he was about to present.

"I could see a look of disbelief in some of the things we were telling them, Tavish. Wi' these displayed before them, there'll be no chance of that happening again. It'll be there as proof we're no just telling a fairy tale tae them." Stuart explained to him.

Tavish looked at what Stuart was willing to bring out and smiled at him. Stuart smiled back and winked.

"They thought the story a bit much the noo, they ha'e no idea just hoo wild it'll get later, when we talk of the battle." Tavish started grinning.

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RoyceConnorsRoyceConnorsover 10 years agoAuthor

The story is loosely based on events that happened over the course of a few hundred years. I've taken many and combined them to present one story of them. Many of the clans were in actual combat in the places mentioned and the clans are in their proper seats of power. Many characters are real, while others are fictitious.

I have kept everything correct to the period of late 16th cent. and yes, all the places mentioned are real and can be found on GoogleEarth.

Glad you are enjoying the tale, lots more to come.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
what a fun story

I have the screen split and am sharing it with google earth looking up all the places that you name. I am really enjoying this. Question, I am going to show my ignorance here, but, is this a real clan history, or as close as handed down history can come?

angeldustjaangeldustjaover 10 years ago

If I could vote more times I would continue to give you 5 stars. Keep them coming please and thank you for posting 2 chaps so quickly.

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