Blue Futanari: Supplicant


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I scanned the room again. It was designed without entry. The shaft at the top had been the worker's entrance and escape. It's hers. The thought immediately calmed me. This is where they put her, where they locked her away. They entombed her here.

Despite the screaming pain from every joint in my body, I staggered to my feet. There were large mounds of fresh-smelling earth in most of the corners and flowers and vines snaked around the room despite the lack of sunlight.

I limped around the room looking for a way out but found none. Every wall was solid.

Standing on top of one of the piles of earth, I followed the heavy cords of the vines that snaked across the room. They all seemed to grow in one direction. Whatever wall or corner they started in, they moved toward a singular spot until they met along one of the walls and formed a tangled pile.

I walked to the pile and shined my light on it. A great many of the vines were dead, blackened and withered, but still more grew over them, as if they were trying to heal a wound in the tangled mass. I looked for a light source in the ceiling, something that would justify the hearty growth in pitch darkness, but there was nothing.

I shined my light over the vines again but this time it glinted off of something shiny, something deep in the tangled vines. They're covering something. I knelt down in front of the pile, reached out, and began pulling the vines away. They were heavy and thick. Their leaves were thin and glossy. I pulled with all my strength and tore a few away, but other vines twisted and grew to fill in the space I had cleared.

I watched the vines wriggle and grow into the void I had created. I took a deep breath and tried again. This time I cleared three or four of the bigger vines away and saw what the vines were covering - the box. My mind flashed back to the box the moon sister carried in the carving. It's here.

Yes...the voice whispered through my thoughts and a sense of urgency filled me. They trapped her in the box. Suddenly, I had to free it, I had to kill the vines and free the box.

Looking around, I grabbed a broken stone nearby, one with jagged edges, and began beating and smashing at the vines in my way.

The vines fought back. As if they understood my intent, they started growing almost as fast I destroyed them.

Watching the vines replace the ones I tore away, I became crazed. I had to reach her. I had to free her from the strange plants. My chest ached at the thought of failure. I grabbed a handful of the thick cordage and clawed the leaves and vines out of my way.

The plants reacted and sprouted thorns that tore at the flesh of my fingers and gashed my arms as I tugged and tore at the pile like a ravenous animal.

Sweat dripped from my forehead. Blood dripped from my hands, but I couldn't feel the pain. Nothing could stop me. She was trapped and I was the only one who could free her.

Vines wrapped around my wrists and tried to pull my arms away, but I tore them away and dug my way closer to the box, closer to her. The rock in my hand was green with the life of the vines I hacked and smashed.

I have no idea how much time passed but eventually the light on my helmet dimmed and still the vines snaked across the floor.

Grabbing a handful of vines and leaning back to pull them free, a vine slithered over my shoulder and wound around my breast. I screamed as the thorns tore through my shirt and dug into my flesh.

Almost...the voice whispered through my thoughts. Don't stop.

I pictured myself on the floor in front of her, naked and worshipping her massive cock. Gritting my teeth, I pulled harder on the vines from the pile until they began popping and snapping. My helmet went dark just as I thrust my hand back into the writhing pile of vines, but this time my fingers touched the intricate carvings.

The box glowed blue at my touch and the vines started to wither and die.

I pulled the vine off my shoulder and tore two more strands from my wrist.

As the box become visible, I smiled. I could reach it. I was going to free her.

I tore away the last dying vines and pulled the box free. The stone carving had not done it justice. It was magnificent. A half a meter square and made of a black stone that was as light as wood, it was covered in delicate filigree of silver and gold. The designs and shapes the metal made across the shiny black were the symbols and letters I had seen in the carvings - along the women's robes, on the altar the woman was bound to, but in my hands the shifted and moved as if they were responding to me.

Set along the top of the box in beautiful filigree was a blue stone three fingers wide and the entire length of the box. It was carved into a smooth cylinder, a sort of handle - it was the source of the light that started when I had first touched it.

Open it and set me free...

I took a deep breath. The voice filled me with calm and wonder. I needed nothing and all I wanted was to obey.

I closed my eyes and pictured the carving - the letters along the sleeves and around the necks of the gowns. The metal filigree moved under my fingers until I found a metal latch at the edge of the box, the place where the workmen had connected the lid. My cut and bleeding fingers traced it. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before, a semi-circle of sharp metal that spun along an axis and then pressed into a gap in the filigree.

I pressed down on the little latch where it fit into the intricate metal design until I heard a sharp click and the box sprung open.


Twilight washed the room in an almost purple light and the breeze that came through the window was warm and scented with flowers. I ran my hands along the fabric that covered the bed. So soft. I pulled them close around my chin and nuzzled into them. The bed was warm and comfortable. I sighed in perfect contentment and closed my eyes.

Wait, was I just waking up?

An arm slid over me and long, warm fingers wrapped around my naked breast. Her body slipped under the sheets and curled against me. Somehow, I can't explain exactly how, I knew who she was. It was as if my deepest desire had come true. It was her, and she was there with me, somewhere far away from the tomb, just the two of us, alone.

My heart skipped a beat and I pressed back against her warm flesh until her large breasts pushed against my back. I closed my eyes and savored the feeling of her body.

"Thank you." Her words washed across my ear and a chill went through me. She kissed the skin under my ear and I went weak against her.

"Anything." I sighed. There were parts of my consciousness that wondered if any of it was real, but the pain and darkness of the tomb were gone. I ran my fingertips along the smooth, olive skin that held my breast and saw that my fingers were healed.

I felt wonderful, blissful. I also had a great many questions, but as soon as her lips touched my neck again, I knew they could wait.

Her lips were warm and as she squeezed my breast, everything inside of me caught fire. I wanted her, I couldn't resist. I pushed back against her, my ass pressed into the top of her thighs. "I want you," I whispered.

She kissed my neck again, this time lingering. "I know..." the words floated through my thoughts and I remembered the carving at the bottom of the long stairs, the way I had looked at the young woman on her knees, the way I had envied her. "You were a priestess?" Some part of my brain couldn't let go of the questions I had.

Txaollix, the goddess...

The answer moved like smoke through my thoughts while my body began reacting to my want and longing. A goddess? I thought of the picture and she moved so that I felt her stiffening rod. Her magnificent cock. It grew. The tip slid up the cheek of my ass. I ground against it. The skin was hot.

Txaollix's hand gripped my tiny breast. I will make you one of us... the words whispered through my own thoughts.

One of them? A goddess? I had no idea what being a goddess meant, but I did know that the massive cock moving behind me was soaking my pussy. "Yes," I moaned and ground against her growing member.

All I could think about was the picture, the woman on her knees worshipping it, stroking it, the look on the goddess's face, her head thrown back. I would give her that ecstasy, I would worship her.

The cock moved up my lower back, stiffer and harder. It's so big. I rolled over.

Txaollix's face wore a smile. The carving did not compare. Her face was beautiful, exotic, with high cheek bones, full lips, and eyes that were shaped like almonds. None have worshipped me in thousands of cycles.

I loved the way her words felt in my mind - a lover's whisper caressing every thought. I could feel her power, this unknown force that seemed capable of anything.

Nothing I had ever experienced compared to the feeling of touching such power. I was entranced. I closed my eyes pressed my lips against hers as her cock continued to grow, rising up between our bodies until its blazing stiffness lay between our breasts.

Goddess. I reached my hand as far around the shaft as I could. It was so hot. I trailed my fingertips along its length and watched the goddess' eyes close.

My pussy dripped its anticipation onto my thighs. I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears. I was desperate for her. My hands began stroking the enormous phallus between us until the spongy head between my breasts oozed her satisfaction.

The clear liquid slowly pooled on the top of her and I leaned my head down between our kisses and lapped the viscous liquid into my mouth.

Txaollix moaned and more spilled from the tip.

The taste was like nectar, a heady mix of sweetness and flowers. I swallowed the first and lowered my head to wrap my lips around her.

"Yes..." she hissed the word into my ear as she started to thrust her hips.

I slowly squeezed and stroked my hands along her shaft until another surge of precum filled my mouth. I rolled it over my tongue and savored the taste before I pulled my head back and lowered my body. I was drunk with lust and wanted to worship her throbbing cock.

I looked up and met her glowing blue eyes while I licked the length of her.

Another surge of precum dripped down the shaft and she moaned low.

I was on the edge of orgasm, licking and sucking her pleasure. Clenching my thighs, my soaked pussy ached and I could feel the first waves of an orgasm coming.

"There..." Txaollix opened her eyes and stared hard into mine while her hand slid down to my gash and dipped a finger into my nectar. "Your praise," she grinned.

I reached out one hand and found the soaking pussy that hid at the base of her massive dick. It thrilled me that she was wet, that I was bringing her pleasure. I slipped a finger inside, then two, then three, until she bit her lower lip and thrust her hips so that my fingers disappeared inside her.

Unable to wait any longer, I arched my own back and swallowed the length of her fingers, pressing them against the spot that sent white light behind my eyes. Every muscle in my body went rigid and I could barely breathe as the orgasm exploded behind my eyes.

She pressed her fingers deep and hard while I writhed back and forth fucking her hand while she fucked mine. Sweat poured off of me. I had never experienced such profound pleasure.

My delirium pushed hers and we both moaned and gripped each other's bodies as her pussy contracted around my fingers and her cock splashed more precum across our chests and breasts.

I pulled away from her hand, shivering, unable to control the sensations that swept through me.

Rolling my hands through the clear liquid that covered us, and gently stroking her member, I stared into the blue glow of her eyes. I knew it was impossible but I wanted to try - I needed to try, I could not fully worship her, could not fully call myself her supplicant, until I had done it.

"I want you inside me," I said and rolled the goddess onto her back.

Txaollix smiled. "Greedy for my gift already?" She spoke the words out loud and I felt like a warm breeze had rushed around me.

I stared at her throbbing cock. I didn't know what she meant and I didn't care. All I could see was the massive horse-sized cock bouncing up and down and dripping the sweetest precum over her enormous breasts.

Straddling her waist, I laid my pussy against her hot iron. "Oh, oh!" Another orgasm rushed through me. I fell forward and grabbed both of her breasts while I stroked the length of her with my cunt, dragging myself back and forth across her stiffness.

Txaollix's hands grabbed both sides of my waist. I felt her strength, her sudden determination. I bit my lip ready, waiting for what I knew was about to happen.

The goddess slid me back until the tip of her cock was at the entrance to my dripping canal.

I knew it wouldn't fit, but I didn't care. I needed it inside me, all that I could take, I needed her to ram it home, I had to give her the pleasure she desired. I had to give her all of me.

Her hips thrust forward, up into me.

My pussy stretched wide and a bolt of pain raced up my spine as she pressed the beginning inside. "More," I screamed as I felt every muscle in my cunt expand to take her.

She lifted me to the tip and then thrust again, this time harder.

Pleasure and pain caught in my throat. The orgasm that crashed through me was like a storm that shook my entire body. Perched on end of her cock, my pussy crammed full of all it could hold, I screamed and moaned and did my best to take more.

I was like a crazed beast. All I wanted was more, all I wanted was to sheath her, hold her immense tool inside of me. I didn't care how much it hurt; it felt too good, too right. I was the goddess's humble servant, the vessel for her passion.

The look on her face told me she was pleased. But I could do more. I reached down and grabbed her massive breasts. The flesh was still sticky from the precum.

The goddess moaned and I leaned over and sucked a nipple between my teeth.

She thrust again and pain rattled through me. "Fuck me," I moaned as another intense wave of euphoria crashed through me. "Fuck me harder."

Before I could take a breath, I was on my back. Txaollix had flipped us over. Her giant breasts swayed over my face. I bit down on the nipple still between my teeth. "Yes," she hissed.

I felt the weight of her on top of me, the pressure of her body against me, and then my pussy changed. I pressed forward, wanting more and she drove deeper inside me. Somehow she went deeper. I felt her throbbing muscle move higher inside me.

"More," I gasped.

It happened again. Txaollix pulled back and thrust her torrid dick deeper still. I felt the tip of her somewhere near the core of me.

Pleasure flowed through me. I felt like my blood was on fire, like I could explode like a star.

Txaollix began to hammer her cock into me, back and forth, she moved out and then slid deeper than I ever thought possible. I was sure I could feel her pole under my ribs, but I craved every centimeter.

I focused on the feeling of her skin as it moved along me, the ridges of her cock, the veins and angle as it drove past my soaked and stretched pussy. I bit into the soft flesh of her breasts and reached a hand around her ass to push her deeper.

As another orgasm built inside me, the sensations so strong that I felt like I might pass out, Txaollix began to moan.

I stared into the blue glow of her eyes. It was coming. My pussy stretched further as I felt her orgasm build. Take me. Fill me. I am yours.

I was no longer in control. The goddess, lost in the throes of passion, held my body pinned beneath her weight as she fucked herself toward euphoria.

"Yes, give it to me," I said as my body bounced back and forth underneath her. "Give it to me..."

She leaned her head back and cried out. I felt her cum surge up the enormous length of her member before it gushed inside of me.

I held my breath. The pain disappeared. I could feel myself glow as she filled me. Bolt after bolt of hot liquid gushed inside of me. My insides expanded to hold all she poured inside.

The goddess thrust again and I thought I was going to explode before she pulled out oozed onto my chest and stomach. The cum was the color of the sky, a deep sapphire blue that sparkled with energy.

The room immediately smelled like flowers. I grabbed her cock and opened my mouth.

She leaned forward and splashed the last few drops onto my tongue.

The taste was glorious.

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Fireheart310Fireheart3103 months ago

this is amazing but I feel like this part should've came first.

KClookingKClookingover 9 years ago

Just found the story. Can't stop reading. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

WHY DID YOU STOP THERE?! It's so good. .-.

ChrispeChrispeabout 10 years ago

Such an erotic mind you have, the descriptions are beautiful. Words fail me as I try to describe the feelings you have aroused in me. Thank You.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

So good. Best futa story on literotica.

metzermetzerabout 10 years ago

This is simply wonderful.

gabrielleprevotgabrielleprevotabout 10 years agoAuthor
Hey, it's me, Gabby

Thank you all so much for the kind and wonderful comments. You guys are the best! I am working on part 4 of the series now. Alexys gets some answers to the questions raised in "Blue Futanari: Transformation" and "Blue Futanari: Neophyte" (Parts 2 and 3) but she also meets another futa goddess...

Is it a chance to learn who and what she really is? What does this goddess know about Txaollix?

Can't wait to hear what everyone thinks! Thanks again. -Gabby

DelsetDelsetabout 10 years ago
*builds you a pedestal*

This has been far and above, the hottest story I have ever read on this site. Thank you so much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
need to write more!

Quality writing, exciting concept. Please write more.

XamCottonXamCottonabout 10 years ago
Can't wait to read more.

I really like everything about this story. Very erotic.

RynelfRynelfabout 10 years ago
Edge of your seat!

Not many stories have had that "biting your nails as you wonder what's next" feeling as you read along! Great pace with the sexual hints as well as the non-erotic hints that lead you to the cliff hanger ending, which just makes you hope another part is posted sooner rather than later. Nice work, hope to see more!

TruesylverTruesylverabout 10 years ago
This is great

I agree that this is a wonderful story and I am hungry for more.

thisguyrightherethisguyrighthereabout 10 years ago
Very interesting...

The sense of realism you put into this story truly makes it golden.

I can't say enough good things about it, so I'll just say I look forward to when you post the next chapter!

gabrielleprevotgabrielleprevotabout 10 years agoAuthor
Author replying

Thank you both for the very nice comments! I appreciate your reading the story and am very glad you enjoyed it! I am currently working on the fourth part of the series (parts 2 and 3 are posted on Amazon but I will be putting them here in the future) and it should be ready soon. Thanks again!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I never thought I'd use that word in describing a story on Literotica. The buildup set the tone of a mystery ... drawing the reader in ... you skillfully make the reader a feel a part of the story not simply a voyeur ... the sex scene was well written and, considering the story line, quite believable.

Kudos! Can this story be continued?

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