Breaking and Entering


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So once more, he stood outside her window in the middle of the night. He tossed the pebbles he'd picked up in his hand, selecting one and lobbing it at the glass. When nothing happened, he tossed another one and finally a third before he saw the light turn on in her room. She opened the drapes, looking out and spotting him and then finally opened her window.

"DJ? What are you doing here?" She flipped her hair back from her face.

"I have to talk to you. Can you come down, we'll go for a ride?"

Cami looked indecisive, staring back into her room for a moment. Then she made up her mind. "I'll be right down. I've got to leave a note for my mom. She has a habit of coming in to check on me in the middle of the night now."

"Okay," he said, suddenly feeling as if a large herd of butterflies had taken up residency in his stomach.

He leaned against the side of his car until the front door opened and he caught a glimpse of her in the light from the lamp inside. She quietly closed the door and then skipped down the sidewalk towards him. DJ's breath caught at the sight of her.

Her hair was loose around her shoulders, looking as soft as a cloud and gleaming with mysterious fire in the light of the street lamps. She was wearing a top and shorts that hugged her slender body, leaving her long legs bare to his avid gaze. Her breasts pressed against the fabric of her top, her nipples apparent in the dim light. He'd never seen her look more beautiful as she did at that moment walking towards him.

He reached for her before he could stop himself, his lips finding hers, claiming hers with ferocious intent. His large hands slid down her back, molding her slender body to his, groaning at the contact of her softness pressing into him. He felt her lips open under his, the almost timid touch of her tongue against his lips as she responded to him with sweet innocent passion.

"I missed you," he said, tearing his lips from hers while he still could.

"I've seen you everyday," Cami said, teasing him.

"You know what I mean, Cameron. I've missed holding you and kissing you. I want to make love to you."

She shivered as she heard his words, desire coiling in her belly in hot waves. "And what makes you think that I'm interested?" she asked him, her voice husky.

His hand slid up from her waist, slipping over the firm skin that covered her ribs, finally cupping her breast in his big hand. He felt her nipple harden into a tight point that pushed into his palm and felt the shudder that went through her. "Hmm, a little birdie told me," he said, his lips brushing against hers once more. He rubbed his thumb over that hard little point, listening to her soft moan that was lost against his lips.

"Were we going to go for that ride?" she asked finally, feeling as if her legs didn't want to hold her up any more. "Or were you planning on giving the neighborhood a free show?"

"What do you mean, free?" he asked, dropping a kiss on her nose. "I'm making them pay big for the privilege of watching this show."

"Ha ha, funny," she said, smacking him gently on the arm.

He opened her door and helped her in, before hurrying around to his side of the car.

"Where are we going?" she asked as he pulled away from the curb.

"Have you ever seen Rifle Lake at night?"

"Not for a while. It's beautiful if I remember correctly."

DJ took her hand in his, bringing it up to his lips. "I have a blanket and a bottle of wine in the back seat. I thought we could watch the moon over the lake for a while."

"Sounds nice, though I have to wonder what you're getting out of this." Cami looked at him suspiciously.

"A beautiful woman in the moonlight, good wine, maybe some soft music, do I need anything else?" DJ kissed her hand again.

"Nice line, DJ, but I can't help but think that you've changed attitudes about me pretty quickly. I mean, just two weeks ago you couldn't stand me. You thought I was a stuck up, snobbish intellectual book worm. What's changed?" Cami couldn't believe she was asking him this, but it had been on her mind since the first time he'd kissed her. Not that she minded, but she had to wonder why he was suddenly so interested.

He pulled into the parking lot of the nude beach which was mostly deserted at this time of night. Getting out of the car, he grabbed the wine, a couple of wine glasses and the blanket. Then he opened her car door.

She sat there staring up at him, barely glancing at the hand he held out. "Are you going to answer me?" she asked him, crossing her arms over her chest.

DJ sighed. "Yeah, I'll answer you after we find a spot to sit and watch the moon. Now come on before I have to pick you up and carry you." He held his hand out to her once more, holding it steady as she tried to out stubborn him. Finally, she placed her hand in his and got out of the car.

They walked down toward the waterline and then off down the beach away from the bonfire that a group of teenagers were having. Just out of sight of the light of the fire, he spread the blanket out on the smooth sand, watching as she plopped down on the blanket and kicked off her sandals.

"Okay, we're on the beach, now answer me."

"Demanding little wretch aren't you?"

"Yep, that's me. Spill it, DJ. Why in the world are you suddenly romancing me when before you did nothing but treat me like an annoying little sister?"

DJ sat down, kicking off his own sandals and kneading his long toes into the sand. He set the glasses and bottle down and stared down at his knees. "I don't know exactly when it happened but you seemed to change right in front of my eyes. You weren't the annoying little sister anymore but a grown up beautiful woman." He looked up, glancing over at her to see her gazing at him with a strange look in her eyes. "Well, are you going to say something?"

"So you're just attracted to me, then? This is just a physical thing?"

He sighed heavily. "No, it isn't just attraction, Cami. Dammit, why do you have to make this so difficult?"

She grinned, unapologetically. "Maybe because it's fun for me?"

His eyes narrowed as he looked at her, then his arm snaked out grabbing her and pulling her into his arms. "Well this is fun for me," he said just before his mouth fused over hers. He groaned as he felt the heat of her mouth, tasted the dark passion of her lips. Her soft body pressed against him, making him forget everything else.

"Cami," he groaned, twisting his lips against hers and feeling her respond. Her hands were on his shoulders, holding him, her lips were moving under his, mesmerizing him with electrifying sensations.

Cami pushed him back so that he was on his back on the blanket. She lay on top of his chest, her mouth a hot brand of fire on his skin. He tasted of sweat and soap, sunshine and man, a taste that was arousing and addictive, bemusing and stimulating. Her tongue stroked his skin, her teeth nibbled with tempting little bites that had him moaning.

DJ stroked his big hands up her back and then back down, caressing and kneading the curve of her ass as she arched against him, pressing her breasts against his chest. His eyes closed as he savored what she was doing to him, groaning as she shifted, settling her hands on his stomach under his shirt and pushing up.

Her hair stroked his bare skin as she followed the path of her hands with her mouth, his shirt rising as her hands stroked over his chest.

"Oh, God, Cami," he swallowed heavily when her tongue flicked over his nipple. "Do you know what you're doing to me?"

"No," she said, smiling up at him. "But do you really want to go into this now, or would you prefer I just continue what I'm doing?"

"Ah, let me think about that," he said, finishing with no pause. "Please, continue."

She chuckled, nibbling on his chest as she yanked on his shirt getting him to sit up while she tore it over his head. His arms came down around her as she dropped his shirt on to the blanket. His hands found the hem of her tank top, lifting it up and over her head dropping it next to his. Then he pulled her close, groaning as the soft curve of her breasts pressed against his chest.

"You feel so good," he said, huskily, looking into her eyes. "I've been wanting to do this since that first night when I climbed into your room."

"What's stopped you?" she asked, moving against him so that her nipples traced fiery patterns across his skin.

"Well, it might have something to do with you mother getting rid of that trellis," he said, his laugh cutting off as she threaded her fingers through his hair, bringing his mouth to hers.

"So nothing is stopping you now," she whispered against his mouth. "Make love to me, DJ. Make me forget everything that happened. Make it like it never happened."

He could do nothing but comply as her mouth hungrily feasted on his, twisting and moving until he grabbed the back of her head with one big hand, holding her still while he kissed her. His other hand was on the small of her back, holding her to him. His hand seemed huge compared to the slimness of her waist, his little finger slipping under the waistband of her running shorts. He stroked the soft warm skin that curved so deliciously into the rounded globes of her ass.

His mouth left hers, starved for the taste of her, the softness of the skin under her ear, the warmth of her slender throat, the saltiness of her collarbone. He felt addicted on her, gorging on her sweetness as if having been deprived his entire life of her flavor, he couldn't get enough. His hand dropped to her waist, lifting her to her knees, finding the under curve of her breast with his tongue.

Cameron's breath hissed in her lungs. Heat engulfed her being, passion unlike anything she'd felt before held her in its razor sharp grasp. His hand cupped her breast, his long fingers dancing gently across her skin, finding the taut pink tip and twisting it. The pleasure and need he created tripped along her nerve endings making her feel more alive and wanted then she'd ever felt before.

"Please," she whimpered, arching her back to give him more access. "Please, DJ, I want to feel your mouth."

"Are you sure?" he asked, remembering how she'd felt that night in her room, a night that had haunted him for what seemed like an eternity.

She nodded, her bottom lip caught between her teeth.

"If you get scared..."

"I won't. I want you," she said, her hands roaming over his shoulders and his chest. "Please don't make me beg."

When his mouth touched her skin, brushing over the areola that tightened with pleasure, she threw her head back, arching even more to off him everything she was. The heat of his mouth sent waves of longing that coiled in her loins, the tugging of his suckling sent pulses of need that contracted her womb until she felt like one mass of need. Her hips rocked against him, her body begging for that which she needed with a desire that was almost painful.

He rolled, laying her down beneath him, his hands fastening in the waistband of her shorts and tugging them down until they tangled around her ankles. She kicked them off while his hand roamed the tender flesh he'd uncovered. He placed the palm of his hand on her flat stomach, sliding it down and over her panty covered mound, slipping his finger between her thighs to feel the heat of her pussy.

Looking into her eyes, he pulled aside the panty that kept him from the soft wet flesh, tracing his finger against the soft hair covered lips. He parted those lips with his finger, slipping into a wetness that caused his body to ache with need. "God, Cami, you're so wet," he groaned.

Her thighs felt weak. Her heart raced with excitement and need. She pushed against his hand, opening herself to him with a gasp. When he stroked her clit with the tip of his finger, her hands went to his wrist, holding on tightly.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice husky as he stared into her eyes. His hand stopped moving, waiting for her answer.

"God, don't stop," she hissed. "I need you, DJ."

His lips found hers as he circled her clit with his finger before pushing into the satiny sheath of her cunt, feeling how incredibly tight her opening was around him. She moved her hips under his hand, urging him on with soft moans and gasping whimpers. Slowly, he added another finger, feeling delicate flesh stretch with delicious tension. Using his thumb against her clit, he brought her to the brink of climax, holding her at that sharp edged peak until she clawed at him, begging and pleading for the pleasure that was just beyond her reach.

His mouth found her nipple once more, sucking it in and flicking it with his tongue. His fingers increased their pace until she arched under him, as tight as a bow string, her head thrown back, eyes half closed. Crying out, she felt her body contract under his hand, waves of heated, prickly pleasure bursting from her loins, making her shake and shudder.

He felt her orgasm as the muscles fluttered around his fingers and warm moisture flooded over his hand. Her body slowly relaxed even as little shocks of pleasure continued through her system. Her eyes closed, a satisfied and replete smile appearing on her lips, she sighed her pleasure.

DJ stripped out of his shorts and the briefs he wore under them, pulling off her final garment also. When she was naked, he sank between her thighs, his cock poised at the entrance to her vagina. "Cami?"

Her answer was a long humming moan.

With an ease that surprised him, he pushed inside of her, the walls of her sheath tight around his shaft. Her eyes opened, staring up at him as he filled her with himself.

"Are you okay?" he asked again, slowly pulling from her body and then thrusting back inside of her.

"Don't you get tired of asking that question?" she asked him back, her hips beginning to move with his as passion began to build inside of her again.

He chuckled, a husky sound that shivered through her. "You are something else, Cameron James."

Her hands slowly slid down his back, pulling him down so that she could feel his weight against her. "Yes," she said in agreement, "I am. Now shut up and fuck me."

His lips found hers, his tongue tangling with hers as he rocked his body against her. Her hands became claws, lightly scoring down his back as pleasure built inside of her. Whimpering cries were caught in his mouth.

Pleasure captured, digging in razor sharp talons that grew and grew until his hands came down to her waist, holding her still while he pounded into her. Her head fell back, her lips dragging from his, her teeth gritting as ecstasy poured through her.

He felt her come, the muscles contracting around his cock, the heat of her, the tightness pushing him over. Spurts of hot sperm shot into her, bathing her with the heat of his come. He groaned, jerking as it seemed to go on forever, the pleasure numbing his mind.

He collapsed over her, his breathing harsh. He felt her hands rubbing down his back, slowly stroking his sweaty skin. Picking up his head, he stared into her eyes. "I love you, Cami."

A radiant smile appeared curving her lush lips. Her eyes seemed to sparkle in the dim light of the moon. "It's about time you realized that," she said.


"Well, what?" she asked innocently, squirming under him in a provocative manner.

"If you have to ask that then I guess there's no reason to continue this," he said, starting to pull away from her, only to laugh as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"You don't have to be in such a big hurry. God, can't you give a girl a chance to express herself?" She lifted her head, finding his lips and kissing him gently. "DJ?"


"I love you, too."

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cutedaddy69cutedaddy695 days ago

Entertaining story. Good writing.

But. You enjoy the rape scene too much, so much so that i couldn't.

And. You have the male gaze. She was not almost raped, she WAS raped. And then some. Overpowered, violated, violently handled, restrained and forced, hurt, humiliated, terrorized, potentially in mortal danger, fingers and spit inside her. Almost, seriously?

Where i come from, both guys would be convicted for full out rape. Any woman would perceive it as full out rape. Only a guy would call it ’almost'. A pretty insensitive guy at that.

Still, ur a decent writer, so tx!

vanyevanyeabout 1 year ago

DJ was an annoying bastard.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Was the cunt Clarissa keeping DJ and Cami apart after knowing that DJ loved Cami only because the cunt could marry Dan?!

In front of the police and DJ, she tells Dan that DJ loves Cami!!

Selfish bitch Clarissa

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Cunt Clarissa was a bad mother!! Her daughter was sexually assaulted and almost raped while the cunt was at a family nude beach with her boyfriend and his adult son!! Yet the next day the cunt was hanging at home with Dan instead of accompanying the daughter to college!! FFS, it was a traumatic event, even sleeping alone would be a problem yet cunt rissa was fuckin Dan!!

She is not a good mother

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Clarissa the Cunt should have been a better mother

Phoenix50Phoenix50about 3 years ago

Excellent! Overall your writing is excellent with some minor typos a spell check would catch. Keep writing you have talent. Having dated a young woman who had been sexually assaulted you came real close to the emotions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I like it

Thanks for posting this. I like the story and love the storyline. 😊

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

A family oriented nude beach??? No sweetie it's WHORE oriented. Face reality...There is nothing overtly sexual about nudity??? YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING!!! THAT is all it is SEXUAL!

hootrodhootrodover 9 years ago
very nice

Good love story keep on writing please

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Good one

I loved this story very much..keep writing on...

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
This one hurts ME too much and I'm a guy

I normally like your writing style; but I couldn't complete it!. This was supposed to be Romance, not Thriller/Suspense/BDSM.

You used RAPE and BRUTALITY way too lightly just to add suspense. I had a sister and a friend that went through it 30+ years ago, they'll never get over it completely. Cami didn't have to be naked, licked, penetrated and tortured for readers to be extremely concerned for her safety. And no matter "how strong she is" she can't just ignore it. She'd wake up for years "screaming", wouldn't trust men, nor be able to stand their touch without physical revulsion (you added a 3 second blip, tsk, tsk, tsk, doesn't cut it).

DJ is bad person "Arrogant, Conceited and Disrespectful"; he treats women as toys, abusing them physically, emotionally & spiritually because that's the way he believes they should be treated (you made it clear that he's a player). He doesn't deserve her. He has been mistreating her for years; then after she was almost raped; within hours he decides to climb in her window (WTH???), and then minutes later "mauls her", pinning her hands above her head, BS, BS, BS. I might have expected this from a male writer; but not a female.

As portrayed Cami is supposed to be intelligent; but she's really stupid. They have a history, she knows how he treats women. Yet all of a sudden "my hero" and it all goes out the door? Plus; after he basically broke into her bedroom and mauls her. Grrrrr

Every woman deserves a good man; one who will always treat her with tenderness and respect; even when losing control when passionate because he's still good by default.

Then the kidnapping; "because of very stupid thieves", and having a woman involved as well. We're supposed to believe that the 2 thieves would've ransacked the house & left "if she hadn't come in". In reality based upon your characterization they would have dealt with her first "at least tying her up" because you told us that "they'd seen her outside", then ransacked and kidnapped, raped or killed her!!

Sorry; being honest ... DKP

please keep writing; just not like this!!

ladybug71ladybug71about 13 years ago
Great romance!

I thought the story was great, but it could've been several chapters my opinion. I hope to see more romance stories written by you, as you really are a good writer!! :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Loved it!

Really enjoyed this story :-)

It would have been nice if it were a bit more realistic though-as someone who has been there I wish it were really that easy to move past my sexual assault to a point where I was ready for sexual intimacy.

PurplePeopleEaterPurplePeopleEaterover 13 years ago

One of my favourite stories on here. I think I've reread it 20 times or so. Love it xoxo

Missy18873Missy18873about 16 years ago

You have done it again. I have read each story you have posted and I love each one more than the last.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

for another great story. If it's no trouble and you have the time, could you write a (short) romantic story of people with issues: weight, insecurity, shyness, etc. A story about non-glamorous or overly beautiful/handsome/ hunky people - ordinary people, in short. It's fun to read about greatlooking heroes/heroines, but a good story about ordinary people would be refreshing. =)

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