Breaking the Bridesmaids Ch. 11


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Anna went first up the stairs, and I was sure Nicole got a view of whatever of Anna's was under my shirt. I flipped to the guest bedroom camera when they left the living room, and it loaded up just as the girls entered.

Anna unzipped a suit bag to show off her outfit. While Nicole's outfit was demure enough that she probably could have worn it in an office environment, Anna's was not.

The dress was light blue. It looked simple enough on the hangar. But Anna described it otherwise:

"See how stretchy it is. It hugs every curve. Definitely no bra. Even a g-string would probably show in it."

Nicole reached out and touched the dress.

Anna saw she had the fish on the hook.

"Want to try it on?"

"No, that's okay." Nicole declined, but her her hand stayed on the dress.

"C'mon. Amanda said she would be a couple hours. What else are we going to do?"

Anna being the vamp she was, looked over Nicole's shoulder and winked at the camera now.

"C'mon Nicky. You have the body. Show it off. It's just us girls." Just like Amanda was 'Mandy' to Anna, Nicole was 'Nicky'.

"Ok." I heard Nicole's response clearly.

Anna left the room while Nicole changed so she didn't push too hard.

Her sister and I watched as the young blonde removed her sweater, showing off her breasts in a full-cup bra. Maybe VS. Video quality wasn't good enough to read tags.

When the skirt came off we saw a matching set of panties which covered a cute little bubble butt. I didn't know whether Nicole worked out or whether this came naturally, but she had dynamite curves.

She had just slipped on Anna's light-blue dress and was looking at herself in the mirror when Anna barged back in.

"Wow, Nicky, you look hot." Anna moved behind Nicole and knelt on the bed.

"But I told you, no undies. I can see that your panties are white from here."

Nicole's hands went to cover her behind, but Anna wasn't swayed.

"C'mon, take them off. Once you do, you will see how hot it looks."

Nicole lifted the skirt and shot her panties down without exposing her pussy. Anna and I had a side-bet on how much hair Nicole had down there. I guess that would have to wait.

She set the panties nicely on the dresser, and then went back to the mirror and admired her profile.

"Bra too, honey."

This time, Nicole simply faced away from Anna and peeled the dress off her shoulders. She unhooked her bra from behind and threw it on the dresser as well.

Fortunately for me, turning away from Anna meant turning towards the camera, so when she removed her bra, I got a second or two of those perky, tanned, melons before the dress covered them again.

Nicole turned back to Anna, then the mirror. As she admired her profile, Anna hopped up and stood behind her.

"See how the lines here are so clean" Anna's hand stroked down Nicole's side from stomach to hip, showing the clean lines.

Nicole's hand did the same, but down the front. Even over the video feed I could see her nipples poking through the dress slightly.

"I bet those college boys would fall over themselves if you walked into class with this on." Anna's hand continued to move up and down Nicole's side.

Nicole giggled in a 'I don't know how hot I am' way.

"Do you want to wear it tonight?" Anna had moved her body closer, and almost whispered into Nicole's ear.

My wife's little sister nodded, clearly taken with herself in this immodest clothing.

"Ok, but if you wear that, what will I wear?"

Nicole shrugged, still looking at herself in the mirror. Anna's chin was still resting on her shoulder, her pale hand stroking up and down the young co-ed's side, inching closer and closer to her breast.

"I guess I will just have to borrow something of your sister's. You think that's okay, don't you. Using your sister's things and giving them back?"

Amanda and I both chuckled at the foreshadowing of that question.

Anna didn't wait for an answer, and instead took Nicole by the hand into the master bedroom.

I flipped the cameras quickly, and it loaded up to see Nicole sitting on the bed, watching Anna approach Amanda's closet. She flipped through a couple dresses, clearly looking for something.

Amanda's dresses were hung on the top rack of her closest, so Anna had to reach up to touch the hangars. This meant my shirt was riding up her ass, exposing the fact that there was nothing under there.

Finally finding what she sought, Anna pulled it out of the closet. I recognized it immediately as the sundress that I had made Amanda wear during Anna's weekend. It was white with a red flowery print on it.

Anna hung it on the closet door and turned towards Nicole, who was sitting on the bed in the light blue dress, legs and arms both crossed. Anna reached down and pulled the sweatshirt up and over her head, exposing her pale, tight body to her oldest friend's little sister.

I could hear Nicole gasp even through the spycam as the redhead held the dress up against her naked body.

"What do you think?" She asked.

"I-I dont know" Nicole stammered, clearly taken aback.

"Yeah, it's not really sundress season." With that, Anna turned back to the closet, making no motion to put any clothing on.

Nicole looked a little uncomfortable now, and I hoped Anna hadn't pushed her too quickly.

Anna quickly pulled a second dress. This was the slinky red dress that Amanda had worn to dinner with Anna.

This time Anna went so far as to step into the bottom half, and hold the halter top over her front, holding the ties together but not tying.

She turned towards Nicole again.

"What about this one?"

I couldn't tell completely, but I believe that innocent little Nicole was now focused on the bare skin between Anna's A-cups, skin that was exposed from neck to almost navel in that daring dress.

"Umm... okay I guess?"

At that moment, I knew Anna had her on hook. Nicole had engaged in the conversation. Now let's see if the cocky redhead could land her.

"Just okay?" Anna turned now, showing off her body, but before Nicole could respond, she answered herself.

"Yeah, red's not my color. Below the eyebrows, that is."

With that, Anna removed the red dress and returned it as well.

A couple more flips and she pulled a third dress off.

While the first two I recognized, I couldn't immediately place this one. It was a white dress, again short and slinky.

Anna pulled this one on, and modeled for her blonde critic.

"Wow" Nicole said, clearly taken by the sight of her sister's friend, her fiery hair contrasting beautifully with the pale dress that looked painted on.

"That's the dress from my bachelorette party they made me wear."

I nodded, recognizing it from the pictures now.

"Well, if you think so, I guess this is the one." Anna twirled again, which almost exposed her breasts in the loose top.

Nicole giggled, feeling sexy again I assume.

Anna stood right in front of her, hands on hips. "Aren't we going to be sexy bitches tonight."

She pulled Nicole up next to her, and they looked in our mirror now. Her angle changed, I could see Nicole's nipples poking through the dress.

Anna maintained physical contact, placing her arm around Nicole's waist.

"Put Amanda in that red one, and every eye in the restaurant will be on us. Lucky Chuck, huh?"

Nicole giggled her response. Anna held the pose another moment, then moved back towards the clock.

"I wouldn't mind wearing that all afternoon, but I want a glass of wine, and if I spill one drop Mandy will kill me."

With that, Anna slipped the dress back over her head, leaving her naked again. She hung the dress up, and then turned.

"Shoot, where is that shirt."

Nicole turned from the mirror now, looking around.

"Nicky, did you see wear I put it?"

The girls looked around now. I had no idea how Anna did it, but I was sure that shirt was well-hidden.

After a minute, Anna stood up. "Fuck it. You don't mind if I go naked until they get back, do you?"

When she said this, she was standing over Nicole, who was kneeling on the floor, looking under the bed.

Nicole responded, but the camera didn't pick it up. It seemed to be affirmative, as Anna offered her a hand up.

When she stood, the girls were very close together. Anna spoke a little louder than she needed to for our benefit.

"Great. I need a drink." She held Nicole's hand, leading her out of our room and downstairs.

The wine was in the dining room, which didn't have a camera, so I couldn't see the girls pick that out, but the opener was in the kitchen, which did.

Anna deftly opened the bottle with a corkscrew, poured two glasses, and handed one to Nicole.

"To having fun" she said, and clinked glasses. She took Nicole's hand and led her back into the living room.

There Anna curled up on the couch, sitting Nicole down next to her.

They spoke for a couple minutes, before the conversation was steered towards our wedding. There was a pause, then Anna went for it.

"So was I your first girl?"

Nicole paused for a minute, surprised by the forward question.


"Ok, I will clarify. Was I the first girl you kissed?"

Nicole shook her head. "No, I mean, every girl practices with her friends, right?"

Anna took a sip of wine. "Your sister and I did a lot of practicing."

Nicole giggled. "I know. I watched you two once."

Anna giggled and slapped Nicole's thigh lightly. "You creep."

"I couldn't believe my sister was a lesbian, but then I saw her dating guys, and figured you two were just practicing with each other." Nicole sipped her own wine now.

"Well, was I the first girl to go down on you?"

Nicole nodded. She must have blushed, because Anna retorted quickly: "Was I the first person to go down on you?"

Nicole shook her head. "No, but you were the first one to give me an orgasm that way."

Anna smiled and looked at Nicole like a lioness at fresh meat. "Then I must have also been the first girl you went down on."

Nicole nodded. "And only."

"Aww, that's sad. Wait, so am I still the only one?"

Nicole nodded, hiding her face behind her wine glass.

"So you haven't cum since the wedding?"

Nicole shrugged. "I touch myself, but it's not the same."

Anna took a big sip, then put her glass down, leaning over the young blonde.

"I wouldn't mind helping you break that streak right now." She was close enough to kiss my wife's sister, but she wanted her to meet her there.

"What about Amanda and Charlie?"

"Mandy said they would be a couple hours, and it's only been maybe a half-hour. We have plenty of time." Anna took Nicole's glass and set it next to hers.

I saw Nicole size up the situation, and then go for it, kissing the redhead lightly.

Anna leaned in now, almost crawling naked on-top of the blonde. They made out for a couple minutes before Anna stood up.

"Sorry Nicky, but we can't ruin that dress." She took the young co-ed by the hand, stood her up, and lifted the dress over her head, exposing Nicole's full body.

Anna didn't know where this camera was, so I saw her kind of move around, being sure to give us a show no matter where it was, before pushing her innocent partner back down onto the couch.

Anna sat next to Nicole, their bodies parallel, and reached her hand over, cupping the blonde's chin as they kissed. Her hand roamed south, stroking her breasts and stomach, before finally touching Nicole's thigh.

At Anna's touch, Nicole's thighs shot open, clearly ready for Anna's presence.

While I watched this at rapt attention, my wife chimed in now:

"Charlie, how far do we let them go before we barge in there?"

As we watched Anna tease Nicole's body with her hand, I thought quickly.

"Nicole looks pretty wound up. Let's get in there before she cums."

With that, we switched to Amanda's car and drove around the block. I kept the tablet up, but the feed cut in and out, finally going out completely just as Anna's hands penetrated Nicole's pussy.

We pulled into the driveway, and quietly shut the car doors before walking into our house.

We had a tiny vestibule that was open to the living room, so when we opened the door, we were able to immediately see the sight on, and off, the couch that greeted us.

Anna had moved while we were in transit, and her face was buried in Nicole's crotch. Nicole tan legs were up and spread, her face contorted in pleasure.

I guess we were quiet coming in, because it wasn't until I slammed the door that either girl reacted. Anna was slow to do anything, but Nicole bolted upright, attempting to cover her ample bosom and wide-open snatch with her hands.

The video feed didn't do my sister-in-law justice. Even in her panicked state, she looked gorgeous. Her blonde hair was down and splayed on the couch behind her. Her tan chest heaved in heavy breathing, the tan-lines on her shoulders visible around her hands.

Her stomach was trim, her thighs just meaty enough to dream about locking around your head. Altogether, she was definitely a '10'.

"What is going on here?" I asked, feigning anger. We had discussed how to handle the situation ahead of time, so now it was time to execute.

I turned to Anna, who was still kneeling on the floor, face shiny with the sheen of the gorgeous blonde standing over her.

"What the fuck, Anna! It isn't bad enough that you were munching Amanda's box almost up until the moment she walked down the altar!"

Anna's back was to Nicole, so her response was a smile rather than guilt.

"So you go ahead and start doing the same to her sister right here on our fucking couch!"

Now she stuck her tongue out, which wasn't helping.

"And you!" I turned to Nicole, who was redder than Anna's hair. Her arms were crossed over her breasts, covering them, but leaving her downstairs wide open.

"I know everything. Little Miss Innocent. Finds out that Amanda was cheating on me with her friends, and instead of telling me, you join them."

Nicole's eyes couldn't rise to meet mine. Already I had control of the situation. Time to start moving forward.

"I mean, you are her sister. Show some respect. Instead you decided that getting your pussy eaten out was more important."

I paused for dramatic effect.

"I guess that hasn't changed either. Well, since you don't care about hiding things from me, why don't you two just continue."

I sat down in the chair across from them now.

When no one moved, I raised my hand in a 'continue' motion.

Anna turned back to Nicole now, who was still frozen, aghast that I was sitting there, putting her on display.

She tried to push the blonde co-ed back onto the couch, but Nicole still didn't sit.

Since she wasn't moving, I spoke up:

"Good girl, Anna. You have learned that to make up for your transgressions, a little compliance is required. Now Nicole, if you don't start listening, I would be happy to tell your family that I just walked on you and Anna in my living room."

Nicole looked absolutely horrified now. Anna stood up and stood between us, whispering into the younger sister's ear. Nicole nodded, and sat down on the couch, opening her legs.

Anna dove right in, resuming the cunnilingus she was practicing when we walked in.

After only a minute the sensations got to Nicole, and her arms moved from their position covering her chest, a chest I hoped to have in my hands soon, to Anna's head.

I looked back at my wife, who was still standing behind me, arms crossed. Our eyes met and I patted my lap.

She came around and sat on one knee, facing her oldest friend and younger sister as the former ate the latter in the middle of our living room.

We both watched as the gorgeous redhead continued to go at the blonde's pussy. Anna had started by sitting on the floor, but as she continued she re-positioned herself so that her gorgeous ass was sticking out at me, her firebox peeking from between her thighs.

It was difficult not to stick my dick in her right there, but I was trying to be patient and play for three instead of two.

Anna was very good at what she was doing, and before long Nicole let loose a long moan, and I could see her hips quivering as she came.

Anna backed off a little, waiting for my next command.

"Very good, Anna. I see you can eat one sister as well as the other. Now Nicole, I think it is time you return the favor."

Anna complied, crawling up onto the couch next to Nicole. The young blonde looked at me, frozen again, but a couple whispered words from Anna and she dropped to the floor.

She moved close to Anna on all-fours now. The redhead spread wide open, grinning above Nicole as the sheltered, innocent sister moved in close. I could hear Anna whispering direction as the younger sister starting eating the same pussy her sister had learned on.

Amanda was getting restless now, shifting in my lap. In her haste to leave, she had thrown on pants, rather than a skirt, so I couldn't easily play with her pussy. Making do, I unbuttoned a couple buttons on her shirt and slipped my hand inside, playing with her nipples. She responded to the touch by leaning back against me, her head on my shoulder. We kissed, but broke it quickly so we could both watch the 'fire and ice' show going on in front of us.

Nicole was full-on munching now, and Anna was grinding on her face a little. As Nicole's head bobbed, her ass, bigger and meatier than her sister's but still gorgeous, wiggled in front of us. Again, it was difficult to resist, but I had to be patient if I wanted to get everything I wanted that day.

I whispered to Amanda, and she did as I said, sliding down off my lap onto the floor. Turning around, she proceeded to unzip my pants and fish out my cock, which had been straining against the zipper. She immediately engulfed it, turning whatever emotions she had been feeling into motivation to suck the life out of me.

Anna and I grinned across the room at each other as the two sisters orally pleasured us. She reached down and stroked Nicole's hair. I knew she was silently telling me that she was first getting what I wanted. I made sure to make that dig up to her later.

The buildup of the day plus Amanda's cocksucking skill had me getting close sooner than I wanted, so I tapped her head, then pushed her off.

"Strip" I told her, then went back to watching her sister eat out her friend. Anna had taken full control of Nicole now, rubbing the young blonde's face wherever she wanted it. She came with a shriek, thighs tight around the younger girl's head.

When Anna finally relaxed and released her blonde head, Nicole sat back, proud at herself.

She turned to look at her sister and I and found that Amanda was just dropping onto my cock, facing her sister.

Nicole's eyes widened again at the sight of her older sister, naked, and her jaw dropped when she saw that my cock was out in the open before her sister buried it in her pussy.

Looking around her sister, I spoke to the gorgeous blonde on our floor.

"Why are you surprised, Nicole? You come into my house and start having sex in front of me. Why shouldn't I do the same?"

Amanda was taking no mercy on me. With her hands on the arms of the chair, she twisted her hips this way and that as she went up and down. It was half-fucking, and half a show. She never let the tip of my dick out of her pussy, which took considerable skill the way she writhed in my lap.

As I said, I had some tension built up, and the sight of two beautiful women on the couch plus my own hot wife on top of me was quickly bringing the train into the station.

When I was close, I wrapped my arm around Amanda and leaned back, pulling her on top of me. With my other hand, I reached around her and grabbed my pulsing cock.

Aiming my gun, I proceeded to shoot my cum on her pussy, rather than in. It was a big load, and when displayed across my wife's pubic area, I was quite proud of it.