Bring 'em Back Johnny


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The laptop was a last glimmer of hope for me, and as soon as I had managed to climb the dreaded stairs at Susan's place, I had a look at it. Of course, there was no power supply or cable with it and the battery was dead. Double of course, it was a unique plug connector there was nothing we could do about it until we got the correct one.

Susan and I cuddled all evening, watching some mind-numbing drivel on the television, but neither of us having the energy to do anything different. It had been a taxing couple of days. I eventually chastely kissed her goodnight and went to bed.

The next day was spent in search of a suitable power supply for the laptop. It was an obsolete unit and they weren't available new anymore, so we had to look at second hand options. There was only one that we could find on an auction site, and it was ridiculously expensive. We had a bit of a joke together about how I was apparently wealthy, but we still couldn't get enough money together to just buy a simple computer cable. Susan resorted to posting on line to her friends, and amazingly this actually got a result. One of her acquaintances had the same model laptop and she had the charger too. She wasn't going to be home until after 8.30, but if we picked it up then she would lend it to us on the understanding that she got it back early the following night before her battery went flat. Of course, we agreed.

Susan and I spent the day searching the internet for anything that might assist us in our quest but trying to search for a well-off person called Russell who had gone missing almost a year earlier was a bit like hunting for the proverbial needle in a metaphorical haystack. We came up empty. We kept staring at the laptop, neither of us saying it but both of us knowing that it was pretty much our last hope. The day passed very slowly as we continued to beat our heads against the virtual wall of the far too unhelpful, secretive and difficult to navigate internet.

I knew that Susan was just about out of money until payday, so I offered her the money in my billfold, but she refused. We had the cheap student meal of macaroni and cheese for dinner as we anxiously watched the clock. Finally, at the designated time, we went to her friend's place and got the charger. We spent the minimum time possible at her home being polite, and finally we were on our way.

Back at home we fired up the laptop and immediately started searching through Sally-Anne's files. The laptop did hold a lot of things that Francine was better off not seeing, and we duly sanitised it as we searched for clues. We found that Sally-Anne had quite a few brushes with the law in her wild years, and one ended up in a three-month state sponsored 'vacation'. She had a lot of legal documents, details of a pregnancy termination, and plenty of social events that were certainly not the sort of thing a mother would want to know her daughter was involved in. As I searched through it all I wondered how much of this I had been aware of before the accident. If I had known it all I thought that I must be a very understanding and forgiving person.

There was very little of any value to Francine and sadly nothing we could find that was of any value to me. Just before midnight I decided to give up, and I went to bed. Susan said she was going to have a quick second look and then she would head off to her room. We had a sad hug and I dejectedly headed off. Maybe I would never find out my true identity?

It was almost four in the morning when the lights came on and Susan gleefully jumped onto my bed.

"I found something" she said as I tried to wake up and get my wits together. It took a while for realisation to hit, and she waited, excitedly bouncing around on my bed like a five-year-old on Christmas morning. The penny finally dropped.

"What is it?" I asked, and she laughed.

"Come and I'll show you," she replied, and she pulled on my arm as I rolled out of bed and followed her out to the lounge where the laptop was still on.

"I felt really bad," Susan explained, "but I worked out that I could get onto her Facebook account and I went looking for pictures or posts that involved you. I had to see a lot of things that I really didn't want to, but then I found this." She brought up a picture of Sally-Anne with me in my Johnny hair, posing somewhere in the mountains in front of a camping set-up. The caption on the picture just said 'me and my man', and for the life of me I couldn't see what Susan was so excited about.

"Umm... what?" I asked, and she giggled.

"Took me a long time to find it too," she said, and then she zoomed in on the picture and pointed to one section of it. In a gap between the tent and the fly I could just make out the back of a vehicle, and there was a personalised number plate just barely visible there.


I grinned and held out my arms. Susan came and cuddled me, and as she did, I noticed two things. The first was I was only wearing loose boxers, and the second was the drugs were finally wearing off. To prevent mutual embarrassment, I tried to distance myself, but Susan was having none of that.

"Don't you dare," she said quickly, "I really deserve a hug after going through all that."

I considered, I conceded and I cuddled.

After an extended celebration and cuddle session we eventually separated and went to our own beds. It took a while for my half erect cock to subside and let me sleep, and when I did, I dreamed impossible erotic dreams of Susan. I knew I had to get away from her soon because I was really falling for her, and I already knew that had no future due entirely to my ridiculously large cock. Idly I wondered how many guys lie in bed at night wishing their cock was smaller.

To try and keep things under control I masturbated in the shower the next morning. I had still been partially erect when I woke up and the clothes Susan had found for me were simply not made to support my monstrous equipment when it was soft, let alone when it decided to wake up. When I finally came I damn near clogged the drain, and I swear I heard a distant anguished cry from Ricky as the grossly oversize 'money shot' slowly glugged down the drain without a pretty face, a silicone chest or a camera in sight. That had been well backed up.

After breakfast we discussed how to proceed. The first thought was to go to the motor registration people, but we knew they wouldn't provide an owner's details without authorisation. I said we should go to the police for that, and Susan said they should be able to look it up for us there and then. I agreed, and we took a couple of photos on her phone of the picture on the monitor, and then shut the laptop down. It had a full battery and we weren't sure what the day was going to bring so we took the power supply with us.

What should have been an easy thing was much harder in reality. The cops who had been dealing with me were rostered off at the time, and we had to go through the whole story three times. Finally, we were sitting in a dingy office with a veteran sergeant, who looked up my file on the computer and actually listened. Then he nodded.

"Bullshit procedures," he muttered as he typed something into the computer. "Gotta go out for five minutes," he said as he stood up, "be in those chairs when I get back." He then winked and left the room.

As soon as the door closed, we went around to his side of the desk and Susan took a couple of photos of his monitor. We finally had what we wanted.

When the sergeant came back, he told us that he would have to 'take it upstairs' if we wanted to pursue our enquiry, and we thanked him and said we wouldn't bother. We shook hands on the way out, and he wished me luck. It was nice to find out that good cops did really exist after my previous bad experiences.

Outside the police station we had a close look at the photos Susan had taken, and I found out a lot about myself. My real name is Russell Evan Giffon, my birthday is the seventeenth of June and I was twenty-eight years old at the time. I still live at lot 4 Alpine View Road Junifield. I had four vehicles registered in my name, a grey 2015 Ford F250, a blue 2017 Mercedes GT S, a gold 1969 Holden Monaro GTS and a black 2016 Lexus IS200t, all of which had registration that was current. I had a full and unblemished drivers' licence. As usual, as soon as I saw the reminders I 'remembered' the details as if I had never forgotten them.

We looked up Junifield, and found it was going to be about a two-hour drive to get there. If we used the money in my billfold for petrol we had enough to get there and back. We added another twenty minutes to the trip by going and dropping the laptop power supply in Susan's friends letterbox as we went, just in case we were late returning. Despite our critical financial situation, we knew we really had to go this last step and we headed off out of town.

As we left the city the sun broke through the clouds, and the dull grey of the day seemed to fall away from around us. Things were finally looking up. We drove on until we got to the mountains, and then we put the windows down so that we could enjoy breathing the fresh forest air. As we climbed higher, we had to put them up again to keep the crisp but chilly air from making us too cold. We didn't care, and Susan and I would often glance in each other's direction and smile when our eyes met. We didn't say much, both wrapped up in the excitement of what we would find when we got there. I fiddled with the keys in my pocket, they were still the strongest link I had to my mysterious past.

I was getting quite hungry as we got closer, and I'm sure that Susan was too but I think we were both hoping that reaching my place would somehow solve our current financial woes, so we drove on trying to ignore what our stomachs were telling us.

We drove through the pretty little town of Junifield (population 320 according to the weathered sign) and continued on, climbing rapidly, looking for Alpine View Road.

"Just around the corner, on the left," I said without thinking, and we both gasped. I had actually remembered something without being told it first. We went around the corner and there was the road we were looking for. It was narrow, just a single lane of bitumen, and it rose steeply. We passed a couple of driveways that sported the overdone massive ornamental gates that rich people often use to flaunt their wealth, and I wondered if mine was going to be the same. Yet again I wondered if I was actually going to like myself when I finally found out who I really was.

When we reached lot 4, I almost laughed out loud. The sign was just the number hand painted on a board which was nailed to a tree stump next to the drive. Susan turned into the drive and had to stop quickly because there was an old farm gate blocking our way. I got out for a look, and there was a padlock on it. Nervously I took my keys from my pocket and tried one of the simpler keys. It worked, and the well-oiled lock opened. I opened the gate and Susan drove through. I closed and locked the gate behind us and got back into the car.

"Definitely the right place," Susan said with relief.

"Yes," I replied, my tone echoing hers.

We drove up a very long driveway that widened out to two lanes as soon as we were out of sight of the road. It was a far better quality road than we had been on since we left the main highway about twenty kilometres before Junifield.

"Modest and understated," Susan commented, with more than a hint of sarcasm, and I smiled but didn't reply. The road wound up yet another steep hill.

"Just around the next corner," I said, grinning, but when we went around the corner all that was there was more road.

"Not this time Johnny... err... Russell," Susan said, and I shrugged. I had been sure that the house would be there.

We drove for another couple of hundred metres before the road finally leveled out and we arrived at our destination. We both gasped when we saw it. The house was a huge single-story blue stone structure which was built on a flat area right on top of the tallest mountain in the area. A large steel tower stood beside the house with what looked like a massive lightning rod on the top of it. That made a lot of sense considering the location of the house. The roof of the house was totally covered in solar cells. There were no cables running to the house, and with all of the solar panels on the roof I gathered that the house was off grid.

The side of the house had a couple of huge water tanks beside a solid blue stone wall, and across the front of the house, as we approached, we saw six garage doors separated by columns of blue stone, maybe one metre wide. After the garages a wide veranda started and went to the far corner of the building. There was a lot of room for people to park in front of the house, so Susan drove up, pulled up, and we got out of her car. I walked up onto the veranda and went to the ornate solid timber front doors and I got out the first house key.

It wasn't even close. Neither was the second.

I tried the padlock keys, and then the security key, but none of them would even fit in the cylinder. I was shattered.

"I don't have a key for this door," I said dully.

We spent the next hour searching for a way into the house. On the garage end of the house, behind the water tanks, there was a fenced area. This was where the clothesline was located, and there was a chain mesh fence surrounding it. My front gate key opened the padlock to the enclosure and we went in. The first thing we noticed was that the house was built right on the edge of a cliff. It was an absolutely stunning location. Sadly, my keys didn't fit into the laundry door lock either, so we kept looking. On the other end of the house the veranda continued around, but had a wall built into it with another solid timber door. Again, the lock didn't match my keys.

Using some excellent contortionist skills Susan managed to climb the side wall of the veranda on the far side of the door and wriggle through the small gap between the wall and the veranda roof. This gave her access to the rear balcony and she was able to reach the back door to the house. Yet again there was no luck with my keys. We tried to open all of the garage doors, we checked every window and we even searched under every nearby pot plant, brick and garden ornament in the area looking for a spare key. We turned up absolutely nothing. After coming all of that way and getting so close we finally realised that we weren't going to get in without breaking something, and I really didn't want to do that. It was devastating. We finally conceded defeat and decided we had to head back, as we didn't want to be driving through the mountains in the dark if we could avoid it.

The mood was subdued as Susan drove down the driveway, but again I got the feeling that we were approaching something important as we came to the point that I had commented on when we were on the way in.

"Stop here," I said, and Susan stopped.

"What's the point?" she asked curtly. Her normal positive attitude was not in evidence, and I could hardly blame her after the stresses of the day.

"There is something important around here somewhere," I said and she pulled up and we got out.

We were on a section of driveway, just the same as every other section of driveway. There was nothing man made in sight. We both walked around for a few minutes, but there was really nothing to look at. The light was starting to fade and I decided it was time to give up. Susan was a fair way up the road and I called her back. We really had to get going. I sat on a rock that was beside the road to wait for her, and it moved slightly. Now this wasn't a 'rock is loose in the ground' movement, it was something else. I got up and kicked it, and it made a rather un-rock like noise.

By the time Susan got back to me I was searching all around the rock for something unusual and she watched me dubiously as I poked and prodded a rock. Then I pushed a bit that went click and the rock neatly folded away from me on some hinges at the back. Inside the rock was a solid concrete post with a small safe attached to the top of it. Nervously I reached for my keys, and this time the security key fit. I opened the safe and sitting inside was a phone, a wallet and another set of keys.

"Well bugger me," I muttered in awe.

"Can't, haven't got the equipment," Susan said. From her smartarse retort I guessed that the discovery meant she was not quite as down in the dumps as she had been just minutes earlier.

We stood there and stared at each other for a moment. I wanted to celebrate, and I'm sure she did too but after all of the setbacks and disappointments we had endured I was just too nervous.

"Let's go back and see if we have a door key before we get excited," I suggested, and Susan nodded.

"Good idea," she agreed.

I emptied the safe, locked it swung the rock back down. Even knowing what it really was it still looked like a rock. It was a damn good hiding place.

On the way back up to the house I found out the phone was flat (of course), the wallet held my licence, a couple of credit cards, two blank cards that might have been swipe cards and two hundred and forty dollars in cash, which on its own was plenty enough to dispel our immediate money issues. I also did some thinking and worked out why there was a safe hidden under a rock.

"That must be superman's phone booth," Susan said, voicing exactly what I was thinking.

"Yes, Russell goes in and Johnny comes out," I replied. It was a brilliant system, but it was also one that had almost robbed me of my identity.

We pulled up at the house and we approached the front door with trepidation. I tried a couple of keys without success, but thankfully the third one worked. We were in.

"Thank goodness for that," Susan said and I turned around and held my arms open. She came to me and we hugged tightly for a very long time. Eventually we pulled apart, and she had been crying, I hoped with relief. I flicked a light switch and the lights went on. That was good, the electricity was still working.

We were standing in a wide timber paneled entrance hall. There were tall cupboards on the left for coats and outdoor gear, and on the right there was a door into a games room that held a full size pool table, a table tennis table and at the far end there was a bathroom with a couple of toilet stalls and a large and, by the look of it, very well stocked bar. The games room opened into a large lounge and dining area which had full length windows that looked over the back balcony to an incredible view across the smaller mountains and lush valleys.

Susan and I walked through the house in awe struck silence.

The commercial style kitchen was beside the lounge, and it had sliding panels that opened up to make a servery beside the huge dining table. Both the dining area and the kitchen had doors that opened onto the main hallway, which had made a left turn to run through the middle of the house. On the left-hand side, the hallway opened into two alcoves, and off each alcove were doors to the left and right that led to en suite bedrooms with queen sized beds. In between the middle two bedrooms was a well-equipped gym room.

On the right-hand side was the entrance to the massive master bedroom, which had its own balcony overlooking the spectacular mountain vista. On the kitchen side there was a spacious walk in robe and also a large en suite with a toilet, twin hand basins, a two head shower, and a twin spa bath. Most amazingly there was door out to the balcony and tucked in between two blue stone privacy walls was a hot tub that must have had the best view ever, looking out over the vast valley below us. The bedroom had a huge bed, and as I walked past a bedside table, I saw the charging cable for the phone, and I plugged it in.
