Brother Wolves Ch. 10


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Soon, her little boy entered the world, much to the joy of his father and mother. Just as before, Aidan and Layton were there. Not only did his brothers arrived, standing between them holding their hands was his new sister, Ciara. Rayan and Brecken greeted her with a huge hug, much to the dragon's dismay.

"Oh, I'm so glad to see you all. Where are the little ones? I must steal some kisses before I go." Ciara rattled on and on. As they talked, Dragor let out a wail. Brecken laughed. Ryan stood tall and proud and said, "Come on, I want you guys to meet my son. Dragor MacLean."

Caitlyn and Conor were actually visiting the Jackson compound. If her new grandson was being born then she was not missing it.

The family entered and Conor could see that Suni was not fond of the name Dragor. He faced his son and said, "Rayan, where did you get the name Dragor?" He asked. Suni was curious. She never thought to ask him where that name came from. Rayan held his son and smiled. "He told me his name. When I heard his heartbeat and thought he was a girl, he told me he was a boy and his name was Dragor."

Suni gasped and she smiled, "Well, Dragor it is."

Ciara squealed. She knew how Suni felt. Each mother wanted to give her child a special name, but his name was just as unique as everyone else. She rushed forward hand hugged her sister, not wanting to tire her out. She was not staying long, because she had to get back to her boys, but she needed to be here with her family for this important moment. Ciara had to admit, Dragor MacLean was one handsome pup. Rayan puffed up with pride as she boasted on his son. His brothers all teased him, and he took their teasing in stride.

Caitlyn liked the Jacksons and she had a chance to get to know Suni's parents. Hattie and Thomas earned her respect, and as a mother she assured them that Suni and Dreya would be cared for as long as she lived. Now, not only did she have to make sure Bertrand's pack was protected, Jackson was theirs to protect as well. After Suni had given birth and everyone had left, Caitlyn wanted to go for a stroll. Tasha and Kas joined her. Hattie and Nancy stayed home just in case Suni needed them.

As they walked, Caitlyn saw shadows over the land. The shadows told a story. She saw pain for the past, people pulling themselves up from the murky darkness, and a people that stood today stronger and wiser than ever before.

She was silent as the shadows revealed themselves. Soon, she found herself alone. Standing before her were two people. She knew who they were; her grandson, Naru, was the exact replica of the man before her.

"I have been waiting to meet you, Caitlyn. I want you to know that I thank you for defending my children against their foes. Despite everything, I love my family, and I need you to know that." The male spoke. The female was silent so Caitlyn faced her.

The female spoke, "I am Eva. I am not important. But you are Caitlyn. Suni and Mari have had a hard life. I can see how much you love them. Protect them for me. We can no longer interfere, but we are here. Naru and Dreya are Nakenda. They have a calling on their lives. Protect them and let them know we will always watch over them."

Caitlyn had questions, but before she could ask, they vanished. Tasha was calling her name; she was growing concerned when Caitlyn smiled, "I'm fine. Sometimes my dragon sees things and goes to investigate. All is well. Now, let's get back to my grand children. She looked at Tasha and you young lady need to get off of your feet. Let's move."

They returned to the compound. Ryelle was waiting anxiously. Suni had recently given birth and he knew Tasha would give birth soon. The pack was tickled at their alpha. You would think no other female had ever had a child. Later that night, Tasha woke her mate. He immediately called the healer and was promptly ordered out. Caitlyn laughed and told Conor to help calm the young alpha. She joined the women as the first Alpha son was born. Ryelle held his son. His dark eyes opened. His skin was a beautiful dark hue. His son had a head full of curly black hair. He was by far the most perfect child. The babe had a lusty cry, strong and deep. Ryelle held him close, whispering words of comfort. A child as wonderful as his son deserved a perfect name, "Akeemo Obudey, you are loved," Ryelle whispered. Everyone gasped as Akeemo stopped crying and looked at his father.

Tasha smiled, "That s the perfect name for him. Alpha Alphonso would be honored."

"His name is special. It means the enlightened one. Our son will bring so much light into the lives of our people." Ryelle whispered as he remembered the dark days long past. Conor watched him, and he knew. The pat was the past, but the memories lived on forever. Thomas and Hattie stepped forward. Thomas wanted to speak, but he could not find the words. Ryelle not only honored his father with the naming of his son, he honored their entire race.

"Thomas, let's give them time alone. We can check on them in the morning." Hattie suggested. She felt every emotion Thomas experienced through their bond. She knew how the naming of this child affected him.

Soon, everyone left, leaving the new parents alone with their son. Jebutu, Damian, and the other males were boasting of the things the young alpha son had to learn. Then everyone was silent. Caitlyn and Conor stood and bid everyone good night, as did Ms. Nancy. Then the groups dispersed as news of the new alpha son, Akeemo, spread throughout the compound.

The week ended, and although Caitlyn wanted to stay she had to return home, but not before making Hattie and Thomas promise to visit Scotland. As she and Conor boarded their flight, they looked back at their extended family. Yes, the dark Weres were now family.


Gao and Andrew were in transition. When they arrived in Scotland months earlier, Andrew had many questions. The healers were fascinated because these children would be unique. Gao was not worried. Whether her children were dragon or wolf, they were theirs.

The healers checked and did test and the only thing the test showed was three healthy human babies. Gao was annoyed with Andrew, because he was smothering her. As a wolf, he needed to be near her all of the time. Considering he was the only wolf present, he took that role seriously. As a dragon, she needed to be alone. Her body was changing, preparing to propel her young into the world.

On tonight, in her frustration, she lashed out at her mate. Andrew left. She regretted her words immediately and called him through their bond. Their bond was mute. He closed his end. Gao was worried. Have I pushed him too far? I am horrid, and he might not want me anymore, she thought.

Andrew missed home. He missed his pack. The dragons were nice. But they were not wolves. He wondered briefly if Rayan and Brecken ever felt so isolated. Tonight his mate, shoved him away once more. She didn't want him around her at all. So he closed of their bond and ran.

Andrew was careful. The wolf was making a comeback, but there were no werewolves in this region of the world. He missed Gao, so he decided to check in. She was weeping. Love, what's wrong? He sent.

I'm sorry. Please come home. I need you, Andrew. We need you.Gao sent.

Andrew rushed back to the castle as quickly as his legs would carry him. Shifting as he ran inside, one of the servants passed him a rode. He rushed to his mate. Gao was sitting and trying to stand when he entered. He moved to her and lifted her in is embrace. She held him so tightly as his children kicked against him.

"I'm sorry. I never should have told you to go. Never leave me, Andrew. I love you." She whispered.

"Gao, I'm not going anywhere. Girl, you are stuck with me." He replied. He held her close until she calmed down. Then, she gave him an important set of directions. "Love, will you go and make me a peanut butter, banana, and pickle sandwich?"

Andrew almost gagged. His mate craved the strangest combination of snacks. Yet, he'd give her everything her heart desired. In the next few minutes, Andrew returned with her monstrosity of a sandwich only to find his mate asleep. Andrew sat beside her caress his children, One kicked him and he chuckled. Gao told him the she was mistaken they were having twins, not triplets, and Andrew was not disappointed. He just wanted them healthy.

There was much debate as people tried to guess if the babies would inherit predominate dragon traits or wolf traits. Andrew had to admit, he was curious, but he would be over protective no matter what.

Gao was afraid. She had no dragons from her original clan to guide her through this, but she did have Caitlyn and Conor. Ciara stood by her unrelenting, and her mate was her rock. She knew it would be alright.

She knew they would come soon, and she also knew her family from the states was coming to see them. Gao was content.

Andrew was about to throw out the sandwich when she called him and woke up. She frowned as she realized her mate put the pickles on the sandwich, not beside it. Wrinkling her nose at him she chastised, "I should make you eat this."

Andrew laughed, "Hey, that's what you said you wanted."


Soon, the time came and the baby dragons were ready to be born. Everyone was excited because no one was sure if the children would be wolves or dragons. Andrew was just praying they were healthy.

Andrew had brought Gao back for her to give birth under the care of the Clan's midwife. Gao had opted for the water birth also, knowing it made it easier for the births of their young Dragons. Andrew had Layton and Aidan to guide him and support him through the birthing process, both full of encouragement. Ciara helped as needed but had their two little ones keeping her busy.

As she half watched, listening, her first born Brodie sent - Mummy, our new cousins are happy.

Ciara smiled - Thank you Brodie, they will soon be here to.

She then heard from Jessie - Mummy can we send soothing thoughts to Uncle Andrew? He's upset.

Ciara chuckled - Yes love you can, it's always tough on first time Dad's my boys; yours were, as you know.

She grinned when she heard two little giggles back agreeing, then felt their soothing thoughts directed at Andrew. He looked up suddenly at her and she just pointed to the twins smiling. Her son's still giggled as they felt their Uncle enjoy their soothing thoughts, letting him know he was doing just great helping his mate bring their two new cousins into the world.

Aidan and Layton chuckled with pride as both said together "That's our boys!"

Ciara's mates continued to help Andrew, with their sons sending soothing thoughts that even Gao enjoyed. It all helped the soon to be parents with praise from the midwife in the progression of Gao's labor.

Ciara enjoyed the vibe in the ensuite with her son's happily helping their Aunt and Uncle as well as their cousins. She loved that her sons were so caring at such a young age; knowing when it was needed. Ciara read her mates were glowing with pride in their sons and amazed at how their two sons were so giving. She sent her love to all four, feeling it back with little giggles from their sons.

Ciara sent - Thank you my sons. I can see Uncle Andrew is much more relaxed now and enjoying the process of becoming a parent very shortly.

As she looked over to her mates they grinned back sending their love and hugs agreeing. Giving thanks and praise to their sons. Caitlyn and Conor had also been advised now. They would await the birth and the new family settled, before coming through to visit.


Once again, Brecken and Rayan found themselves flying back to Scotland. The brothers looked at each other and simply smiled. They were going home and this time they were bringing their children with them

This time there were no outside threats, not crazy man coming after their young, and no other men lusting after their mates. They were simply going to see their family.

Mom, as usual, stayed in contact. She checked with Mari and Suni. She asked about the babies. She wanted to know that they children were resting for she had plans for her oldest granddaughter. Naru could not wait, his Grandpa promised to lift him in flight. Brecken actually had to command him to calm down.

Mari laughed as she nursed their daughter, Nesha. Brecken could not help but smile. He never knew he could love so deeply or so much. Often he wondered about his birth parents and knew they never intended to leave them alone. He knew this because now, with his three young ones he would give his all to care for them. Brecken sighed, drawing the attention of his brother Rayan.

Gao gave birth recently and they needed to be there for her. Mari and Suni were excited. Because of Gao their family survived, impossible odds, so they would be there to support her. She knew they were coming and was excited to see them.

They missed Ciara and could not wait to meet their nephews. Their mates had seen the boys several times, being able to vanish in and out. This, however, would be their first time seeing the children. Dragor began to fret and Rayan rescued his boy from his Mom. Suni smiled, she needed a break. Her son was very demanding. Dreya and Naru chatted, The two were as close as siblings could be.

Suni smiled remembering the directions from her mother. She gave her a list of things to share with Caitlyn. The two women formed a tight bond. The Jackson pack was just as important to the Dragon clan as Bertrand's Pack had become.

Soon the jet arrived, and the wolves from America were home.

The family had a car waiting that drove them home. Ciara met them first. The three women hugged each other as Ciara welcomed them home. Then the kids met their family. Gao was in her room with her young, as Andrew left out to greet his pack members. Walking in and seeing other wolves, his animal leaped for joy. He had felt so isolated, yet he'd never let his Gao know. However, being here helped him to realize that she must have felt the same being with him in the states. His mate was dragon, his children were part dragon, and he needed to do what was best for his family. As much as he missed his pack, Andrew decided to stay in Scotland.

He greeted Rayan and Brecken. Something in the two wolves connected with the beta from Bertrand. The brothers shared a look. Bertrand was a home, but here was their real home. Suni and Mari accepted the change that was occurring. They needed to talk.

Caitlyn knew something big was about to happen, but she was not sure what. She knew they would share with her when the time was right. Mari and Suni asked about Gao and Andrew gladly escorted them to their room.

Gao sat in a chair beside her bed. She held her daughter as her sons slept side by side in their basinets. The women entered quietly, careful not to wake the newborns. The babies were beautiful. Being a new parent and dragon, Gao was extra sensitive, so they were not allowed to hold the babies, but they each admired them.

Soon, Gao and Andrew wanted time alone and the families needed to settle. Each family left to take care of their needs. Once the kids were settled and napping, the four needed to talk. Brecken and Rayan shared a look, Suni spoke first, "What is it?

"Andrew is not returning to Bertrand. His wolf has decided to relocate here." Brecken explained. Mari looked as realization dawned.

She sighed, "You want to stay here too."

"This is really our home. Think about it. If you don't want to, we won't." Brecken whispered.

Rayan was silent. Suni looked at her mate. "My parents are at Jackson. How often can I go see them?"

Rayan sighed, "I'll take you as often as I can." He swore.

Suni and Mari shared a look. They were home. The kids slept peacefully and they were content. Soon, Caitlyn knocked and invited them down stairs. As they walked into the room, her dragon knew. Her boys and their families were moving back home. She knew it would not be simple. They had things to take care of in the Americas. Suni had to make sure her parents were cared for.

Suni had no reason to worry. Jackson was family and as long as Clan MacLean existed, that pack was guarded. The family gathered and the young ones were showered with love. Brecken held his Mari in his arms. Mari knew what she needed to do. Welcome home, love. My home is with you. It's in your heart. So, welcome home Brecken gasped and kissed his mate.

Rayan knew, as did Suni. I will never be the reason you have to separate from your brother.

Once Rayan and Brecken accepted their mates' decree, their alpha Bertrand called all four wolves. It has been an honor to be your alpha. We are here anytime you need us. Stay strong as you bring life back to the Highlands my sons. The four gasped as their alpha bonds severed, only to be replaced by a new bond. Andrew was holding his son as Bertrand spoke and told him farewell, Before he could question, their bond snapped and he felt new connection as several new bonds formed. He had a new pack, and was now alpha.

"Love, what is it?" Gao asked as she two acquired new bonds with the first members of their pack.

"I'm alpha of a new pack." Andrew whispered. At that moment, Brecken, Mari, Rayan, and Suni spoke, Alpha Andrew

Andrew was stunned. Welcome, He replied.

Caitlyn sat back watching as Layton and Aidan wondered what was going on. "A new pack has formed. Your brothers and Gao are home for good." She whispered. Conor held his mate close as she cried softly, ever grateful that her boys had come back home.


Meanwhile, Hattie and Thomas felt a sense of loss. Suni had separated from them. She was completely independent now. She was with her mate, and happy. Thomas held Hattie's hand. He kissed her knuckles. "It is as it should be, love. We raise them to be free. She is where she belongs. She will thrive. Besides we get to travel to another country to see them.

Hattie laughed, "You are right. I can't wait to visit Scotland. Caitlyn has me fascinated with that place."

Bertrand called Ryelle and reported the change. Ryelle sighed and walked outside. Tasha joined him, then he smiled. She carried their son, Akeemo, in her arms. Ryelle smiled, thanking Luna for such an amazing mate. He kept his promise to his dad and his baby brother and sisters had fathers that loved them unconditionally. They would always be there for them and Suni and Mari knew this.

It was time to move on. The Dark were had a dark history. They had a history of bloodshed, shame, fear, despair, and hatred. But that is what it was history. Ryelle would never forget where they came from, but it was time to move on. Their pack was a mixture of people and creatures. He had no reason to fear anyone anymore. He wished his father could be here to see that things were so much better than it used to be.

Ryelle sighed as Tasha wrapped her arms around his waist, Father, you picked me to lead. I have done so as well as I could have. I pray I have lived up to your expectations. Your youngest children are safe now, and I will keep in touch to make sure they are cared for. I will never let you be forgotten, Akeemo Obayatuku. We will make sure our young know the story of our people. Rest father, you and mother can rest now.

The strangest thing happened, Ryelle saw two magnificent eagles fly across the sky. The majestic birds seem to circle over head and land briefly on the top of a tall oak tree. The birds looked at him and Tasha, the smaller one, opened her beak as if to speak, then she flew off. The larger bird followed and Ryelle and Tasha watched them fly out of sight. Ryelle felt a sense of completeness. He felt a sense of warmth and peace. He knew it was a hug from his mother. Tasha wiped away his tear as she too cried in his presence.