Brotherhood of Janus Ch. 04-05: Sarah & Wedding


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Chapter 2

Jimmy got us one room as promised. I didn't have any plans to seduce him, but I was horny and he was a handsome guy. In the room, I went to the bathroom and undressed. When I came out naked, Jimmy almost had a conniption fit. I laughed and picked up my cell phone, while he ran into the bathroom.

"Sally, Sarah, things didn't go as planned. We are in a hotel for the night... yes. Sure, hold on a second."

I went to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Go away Sarah," Jimmy said.

"Jimmy, Sally wants to talk to you."

The door opened so quickly the breeze almost sucked me into the bathroom. Jimmy grabbed the phone from me and shut the door. I went to the mini-bar and pulled out the small bottle of champagne. I unwrapped the two flutes and poured both glasses half full. I turned at the sound of the bathroom door opening. Jimmy came out naked and handed me the phone.

"Hey Sally," I said. "Of course. I will, I promise. I love you too dear." I hung up, an archaic term for a cell phone, and tossed it on the table. I handed Jimmy a glass of champagne and raised my glass. "To a long, healthy friendship," I said.

"Friends and only friends."

We both drank. Jimmy slugged his back in one swallow. I sipped mine.

"Why are you doing this?" Jimmy asked setting his glass down.

"My dear friend, Sally, asked me too. Good enough?"

"Of course. What about John?"

"Right about now, Sally is sliding her lips down his hard cock," I said for shock value even though it was probably true.

I had told John I would arrange company for him while I was gone, every time I was gone. Jimmy's eyes got big and bulged out of his face. I giggled, taking another sip of my champagne. Jimmy just stood there, eyes wide, yet taking in my naked body. I put my glass down and took the two steps to where Jimmy stood. I looked up into his deep brown eyes. I could almost see the spark, but not quite. I took his cock in my hand and gently squeezed. He moaned. His cock pulsed in my hand.

"God you are so beautiful," Jimmy whispered.

"Then touch me," I ordered.

He shivered, reached out, and caressed my face. I pressed my cheek against his hand. He had to have the biggest hands of any male I knew. The skin of his palm was soft, except in the places his handgun rubbed when he fired it. I shivered. He moved his hand down, gently caressed my breast. My nipples scrunched up so much they hurt.

"Yes," I hissed.

"So beautiful," Jimmy whispered.

I squeezed his cock. It was now hard as steel and pulsed in my grasp. I pulled on him, sliding the skin down the shaft to cover the head of his cock. Then sliding it back up to stretch the skin of his cockhead tight. Jimmy groaned deep in his throat. I leaned forward just enough to kiss one of his nipples and flip my tongue across the hard nub. He jumped.

"Oh god," he said grabbing my face and kissing me hard on the lips.

"Mmmm," I sighed opening my lips to allow his tongue in to dance with mine.

I jumped when his hand came up between my legs to cup my pussy. My legs began to shake with anticipation as his middle finger slipped between the lips of my pussy. Then he was inside me, all the way inside me. I was on my tiptoes as he pushed up into my body. Then I was airborne, lifted by just his one hand and arm. He used the other to steady me as he turned toward the bed.

He balanced me on his finger. I had my first orgasm as he just stood still, his finger pushed up into me so far I could feel it pushing against my cervix. No one, not even John had been able to do that. John's cock always bumped my cervix during sex, but he had never been able to push his fingers in far enough to push against it. Jimmy's finger was. I was now looking down into his eyes. I smiled at him as he bounced me up and down in his hand.

"Put me on the bed and fuck me," I said to him, panting as my excitement grew.

Then I was falling... to land on the soft bed, Jimmy's finger still inside me. His finger started to fuck me, hard and fast. I came on the third thrust into me. I kept coming. My fluids sloshed out covering his hand and arm as he fucked my pussy with his fingers. He now had two in me, filling me up.

"I want your cock," I said loudly. "Fuck me with your big beautiful black cock!"

He growled at me, pulled his fingers from me, and crawling up between my creamy white thighs. Then he was face to face with me. He pressed his lips to mine. I almost passed out. Jimmy would be my first black man and that held some mystique about what we were going to do. I had no idea why. I certainly wasn't a bigot or racist. I thought Jimmy was just as good a man as John, but what we were going to do, for so long in our history as human beings on this planet, was taboo. In most states, it was illegal sometime back in history. There were even a few states where it was still illegal.

Reaching between us, I grabbed his beautiful cock, flipped it up and down my pussy to get it wet. I held it against my pussy and Jimmy pressed into me. It felt wonderful. He was almost as large as John. Jimmy slid all the way inside me, mashing my clit between our pelvises. I closed my eyes, grunted, and came. It was a powerful orgasm. It shook me to the bone. Jimmy's bone. He pressed into me harder.

"God, you are so hot!" Jimmy growled.

"I know you have wanted this since the first time you laid eyes on me," I told him, sighing as I shook with another small orgasm.

"And it would appear you did too."

"Only after I knew you were a member of the Brotherhood, my dear man. Only after that knowledge though."

"I understand. And I did want you until John confirmed you were his."

"And now?" I asked staring up into his eyes.

"He gave me his okay before we left for Nashville, I only needed Sally's okay..."

"To fuck the shit out of me."

"Yes. God, you are so beautiful, but you know that?"

"I do."

"But you aren't stuck-up about it. I like that."

"And you act like a normal human being..."

"And not a ghetto nigger?" Jimmy asked chuckling.

"I wouldn't use that word, but yes."

"Then we understand each other?"

"We do. Now fuck the shit out me."

He pulled out until only the head of his beautiful cock was inside me. He held himself there for just a second. Then he was slamming into my body as hard and fast as he could. I screamed as my orgasm shot through my body. Jimmy kept pounding into my body, over and over. I bucked my hips up to meet his every thrust crushing my clit between us. I could feel Jimmy's cock grow as he got closer and closer to his orgasm. I was delirious with pleasure. I was clawing at his back, bucking my hips up even harder to get more of his wonderful cock in me.

I was starting to feel light-headed. I was panting, gulping air to feed my oxygen-starved lungs. I was coming continuously as Jimmy, sweat dripping from his body, pumped his hard cock into my pussy hard and fast. I closed my eyes tight as an orgasm to end all orgasms flashed through my body.

"Come for me," I screamed.

Jimmy grunted, then slammed into me once more. I could feel the warmth of his seed fill my belly. I had another orgasm, my clit crushed between us. Then Jimmy collapsed on to me. Two seconds later, he rolled to my side.

"You were wonderful," he said softly.

I was gulping air, trying to soothe my burning lungs. I just nodded at him, patting his thigh. It took a couple of minutes for us to catch our breath. When I did, I rolled over on top of Jimmy. He smiled up at me. I kissed him, hard.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"No, thank you," he whispered back.

"Would you like me to get off you?"

"No, little lady, you're fine just where you are," he said chuckling.

I scooted down his body just enough to lay my head on his chest. Then I felt his cock pop up and slap against my pussy. I moaned at his touch. I closed my eyes and just reveled in the pulsing cock pressed against my swollen sex.

"Are you up for another?" Jimmy asked.

"God yes," I growled.

Chapter 3

The phone on the nightstand next to my head was ringing. I tried to ignore it, but it just wouldn't stop. Opening my eyes hurt. The room was flooded with brilliant light. I looked at the bedside clock. It read eleven twenty. I picked up the phone and almost threw it across the room, but put it to my ear instead.

"What?" I growled.

"Long night?" my beloved John asked.

"Yes, it was dear," I told him.

"You can tell me about it when you return home."

"When will that be?" I asked.

"As soon as you and your team can get to the airport. The documents came this morning, everything has been handled by the local lodge council."

"Good to hear. See you when I get home. How was Sally?" At her name, Jimmy sat up in bed staring at me.

"She was real good, dear, most enjoyable. Tell Jimmy he's a lucky man."

"I will, he says the same about you."

"Thank him for me." I could hear the smile in his voice. He was very proud that I was his. I was proud he was mine. "Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up. "John says you're a lucky man Jimmy."

"Did he enjoy Sally?" He grimaced at his question.

"He did and he sends his thanks," I said softly.

"Thank you. Last night was... wonderful."

"It was and thank you. You were marvelous. What time did we finally call it quits?"

"Four AM, I believe."

"I thought so. Well time to go, we need to get to the airport. Call Feldman and tell him, if John hasn't already done it, while I take a shower."

"Sure thing, Sarah," Jimmy replied picking up the phone.

I was almost done with my shower when Jimmy joined me. I turned into his arms. Kissed him hard, then pushed off and stepped out of the shower. Laughing, I dried myself, brushed my teeth, dried my hair with the blow-dryer, and brushed it out. Almost dressed, I laughed at the look on Jimmy's face when he came out of the bathroom. He quickly dressed and we were on our way. Feldman and his team met us at the airport. On the plane, Feldman sat with Jimmy and me.

"What happened?" Johnny asked.

"The lodge council voted the old president out before he could get any of his buddies on the council. There was a new president at the gather and the paperwork informing the Grand Council of the change didn't get there until this morning," I told him.

"Great, another wasted trip..."

"Or the lodges are getting their shit together so they won't have to put up with us swooping in and disrupting their lodge."

"Could be, could be."

"I'm going to suggest that even if paperwork shows up with changes that negate the complaint that we go anyway. Never can tell, maybe the paperwork is phony. So I don't think any trip would be wasted, Johnny," I said. Jimmy sat there nodding at what I said.

"That makes sense. That guy in New York would have probably done something like that if he hadn't already known he would be investigated," Jimmy said.

"All right, I'll leave you two, some of the guys were just wondering. I think they wanted to see Sarah in her gather gown," Feldman said winking at me.

"You only have to ask Johnny," I said winking back. He blushed as he walked away.

"He'll never ask," Jimmy said.

"I know. He is completely devoted to his lovely wife. Have you met Karen? No. They are deeply in love. Johnny turned down a membership because he knew Karen would have done it. After all, she loves him, but he knew she would have hated gathers."

"Really. She has no problem with him flying all over the country and seeing other women practically naked?"

"No. She knows Johnny wouldn't, even though he could."

"Good for him. Good. For. Him. I wish my moral fiber was that strong."

"Yours is just fine Jimmy. Just fine. I'm going to take a nap, my roommate kept me up all night," I said winking at Jimmy. He smiled looking up and remembering last night.

I closed my eyes and dropped off to sleep before the plane even took off.

~~~ Janus ~~~

The plane landing woke me. I jerked a little, then looked around. Everyone was looking out their windows. I looked out the one Jimmy was sitting by.

"Hey, that's not Chicago," I said.

"Right. We got a call to divert to Lincoln, Nebraska. Seems about ten complaints were in the mail this morning. John wants us there just do a surprise inspection. There is no gather scheduled for three weeks. Something about the president not following procedures and such. The Grand council investigators will meet us here. There's their plane pulling in right behind us," Jimmy said pointing out the window.

"You do know I have to be back in Chicago tonight?" I said.

"Yes. You and I will just be staying until the investigators get settled and they have secured the lodge. Half of the Tac-Team will stay with the investigators. The rest of us will fly out sometime this afternoon. Okay?" Jimmy replied.

"Yes, dear," I said watching his face.

Jimmy just shook his head as he got up. The plane had stopped and we were offloading to vehicles on the apron by the hangers. The ride to the lodge took all of ten minutes. Jimmy and I calmly entered the lodge. The Majordomo met us with a group of ten men standing behind him. The Tac-Team spread out behind us. The council investigators stood behind the Tac-Team.

"Welcome, my name is Fredrick, you may call me Fred, I am the Majordomo of this lodge. These men behind me are who wrote the letters to the BID."

"Well, Fred, if you would show the Council Investigators to the President's Office we would appreciate it greatly," I said calmly.

"Of course, gentlemen, if you would follow me," Fred said, turning toward the stairs.

Jimmy pointed at two of the tac-team to follow the investigators.

"Gentlemen," I started. "If we could find a conference room, please."

Nodding they turned and headed back into the lodge. Jimmy nodded to the tac-team leader. Two of his men peeled off and followed us. Jimmy left the tac-team guys at the door. We all took seats at the table. Them, facing us.

"Name, number, and position if any, please," I said pointing to the man to the right of me.

"Dan, 12544," he said.

"Mike, 2351."

"Lenard, 9615, master at arms."

"Bill, 8375."

"Dean, 976, council member."

"Ned, 5846."

"Sean, 3914."

"Jerry, 17512."

"Allen, 4531, council member."

"Robert, 2143, senior council member."

"James, 51631, Investigator, Brotherhood Investigation Division."

"And I am Sarah, 157505, Duchess of Janus, Investigator, of the Brotherhood Investigation Division. Now, down to business. Tell us what the problem is here, please."

Everyone looked to Robert. He nodded.

"Well, as we said in our letters..."

"Sorry, I should explain. We, Jimmy and I, have not seen your letters. We were on our way home from another lodge when they, the IBD, diverted us here. So we have no idea what the problem is. The investigators do, they flew here from Atlanta. So, please tell us what has happened here to prompt your letters," I said my voice dripping with sincerity, which I meant.

"I understand. Okay, from the beginning, then. Ted, he's the President, has started to sample new wives, before our gathers begin. He has the Master at Arms in his pocket and most of his men. The exception sits here with us today. Our two newest wives fought back at the last gather and were punched into submission by the master at arms men. We..."

"No need to go on. Are your wives okay?" I asked looking at Dan and Jerry.

They both nodded, looking very sad.

"We will take care of this. Can any of you get him here this morning?" I asked.

Jimmy cleared his throat.

"What?" I asked.

"Our plane leaves at one," he replied.

"Well it looks like you will be staying with the tac team until the plane gets back then," I said.

"You're right of course," he replied.

"Any answer to my question?" I looked at Robert.

"Of course. I can tell him I found a discrepancy in the bank balances."

"Please do. I really want to have a talk with him before I have to leave."

"May I ask a question?" Robert asked.

"Sure," I said knowing what he was going to ask.

"Why do you have to leave?"

"Well, I have a day job, which I just can't get out of," I replied.

"What is it that you do?"

All the men were looking at me now.

"I teach sixth grade," I said giggling.

They all gasped, then nodded. Jimmy chuckled.

Chapter 4

I took a deep breath as the plane began its final approach. It was Luke and I coming back to Chicago. Jimmy and the rest had stayed to sort out what was happening in Lincoln. I needed to get home so I could go to work the next day. I jumped a little as the plane touched down. I had been thinking about my life. Before John came into my life, I believed I was happy with Jeff. No, I know I was happy with Jeff, in the beginning. Six months before John, not so much. I saw what he and that dumbass Peterman were doing and it made me sick. I tried to tell him, but as I said before, he knew better than I did.

Since John, I have been so happy. I can't describe the feeling in my heart and mind. Things are so much clearer. So much better. It's as if I was wearing very dark sunglasses and someone, John, lifted them off my face and I could see so much better. I loved him for opening my eyes and his heart. He became the best thing that has ever happened to me since my children. I love him with all my being. I couldn't think of myself without him in my life. Did I want to marry him? Damn, right I did. I kept hoping each day was the day that he would ask me but it wasn't.

I wasn't heartbroken, we still had six months to go and I knew he wanted to ask me. Little birdies had whispered in my ear he did. I was just wondering what was taking him so long. My final thought before us touching down was maybe I should prod him a little. There was a lodge limo waiting on the ramp when Luke and I disembarked. Mark was driving. Michelle was with him as was Allison their daughter.

"So how did it go?" Michelle asked.

"Nashville went fine. Lincoln is still happening."

"Oh, so it's just you and Luke?"

"It is my dear, Michelle," I replied climbing in the back with Luke.

Michelle followed us. I could hear her sigh at John not being with us. Michelle was John's, second love. His first was his ex-wife, while still married to her, he fell in love with Michelle, his doctor at the time. Was I jealous? Not really. I had helped him love Michelle a number of times. Was George, Michelle's husband, jealous of John? No. He knew his wife would never leave him for John, even if John asked, which he wouldn't ever do. Susan on the other hand, Mark's, wife and John's third love, would leave her husband for John if he asked. She had told him she would but, as John had told her, he would never ask that of her.

I was John's fourth love, although there were others he also loved, they weren't... wouldn't ever be one of his loves. No, I don't understand it either.

John had a lot of love inside him. A lot. Right now, I was the one he chose to share it with, which made me very happy. All this time, Michelle had been babbling about things at the lodge. I had been looking at Luke as he rolled his eyes trying to keep Michelle from seeing him. Mark on the other hand could see Luke in the rearview mirror and was really trying to keep from laughing.

"What was that, Michelle?" I asked. I heard something I needed to know about.

"John and Jimmy are flying down to Atlanta to meet with the grand council."

"But Johnny and his tac team are tied up in Lincoln?"

"Johnny and the tac team will pick him up here when they are done there."

"Oh, good." Luke winked at me. I patted his shoulder.

Luke and the rest of the tac team would walk through hell with John if he asked them to. I would too. He was just that kind of person. But didn't even think he was. I remember an old saying, 'You can catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar.' That was John. Always polite, even to someone who wasn't, right up until he didn't need to be. When we pulled up in front of the lodge, John was there to meet us. Luke poked me in the ribs with his elbow. I just smiled at him as I pushed the door open before we had stopped moving. I ran into John's arms, hugging him fiercely. He hugged me back, tightly.