Bully Came To Dinner


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At night, she masturbated furiously. Beyond her mental images of Sean, on the second, she started to use aids via the internet. She streamed older woman-younger male videos and read 'Mature' stories on Literotica. On the third day, she was completely overtaken by her desire. She was loud and pushed herself to make noise. She forced the dildo further into her cunt, moaning and looking toward the thin wall connecting her and Russell's rooms. He was in there. Gaming probably. What else did he do with his time?

"Oh yeahhh..." she moaned again. Her breathing raced as she shoved it. "Fuck...." Then without thinking she mouthed, "Sean."

"Fuck me Sean," Denise repeated without remorse. She wanted his young, college-aged cock so bad. The dildo was great at what it did, but she needed a real one. It had been too long. She and Russell's dad lost intimacy a long time ago.

She was close. Her toes straightened. Her back lifted off the bed. She pumped it further and deeper, letting out an imperiled gasp. "Ohhhhh yeeeeeahhhh...." Then she let out a succession of loud moans. "YEAHHH...YEAHHH...OOOH YEAAAHHHH..." Her pelvis contracted and she brought herself to orgasm.

She settled back onto the bed and relaxed her breathing. She couldn't stop smiling. She wondered if Russell had heard. Her twisted mind hoped he did. After a few moments, she rolled off the mattress and went into the washroom to clean up. Soon after that she went to sleep with the happiest of thoughts.

Her emotions in the morning matched those from last night. While getting dressed, she shot Sean a text message to see if they were still on for later in the day. They were. His simple confirmation made her gush and giggle:

Wouldn't miss seeing those legs

She came down in another flowing sundress and sandalled heels. Russell was sitting at the table when she arrived in the kitchen. "Gooood morning my son," she sang.

He looked up from his oatmeal, watching her hum to the refrigerator. "Morning..." he answered. She jovially moved about the kitchen, eventually ending up with a glass of orange juice.

"Sleep well?" she asked, leaning against the counter and taking a sip. She couldn't hide a grin as moved the glass away from her lips. She watched his face intently, looking for a hint of recollection from the night before.

Russell took a moment before replying and even another nervous pause before returning the inquiry. "Uh fine. You?"

"Wonderfully," she grinned. His hesitation told her everything. In that moment, she knew that they both knew. "So what do you have planned today?"

"Umm, not sure. I might stay around here and try to get some work done or something," Russell answered.

"Mmm, sounds great," his mom sounded, twisting her body against the counter behind her and tasting the sweet juice against her lips. "Sean's coming over for dinner tonight so the house does need some touch-ups."

Russell's eyes widened at the news. "What? I thought you were done with him. How could you let him come over?"

With an audible thump, Denise placed the cup down beside her. "You stop that. I've had enough of your rude ways toward Sean. He fixed our car. The least we could do is treat him to a nice meal and some hospitality."

"You paid him money already. You don't owe him anything more," Russell fired back. "I don't know why you're still bothering with him."

"That's enough. He is a hardworking, responsible young man who's already started on his way to carving out a life for himself. There hasn't been a day this summer where he just sat at home and waited for something to happen. See, now I'm annoyed. Go outside and mow the lawn and then sweep and mop this house from top to bottom. Now." Not allowing Russell to get in another word, Denise left the room and went upstairs.

Her son sat dumbfounded, trying to figure how what just happened. She was being so unreasonable and odd lately. Only the night prior he was clamoring on his computer when he began to hear noises from the other side of the wall. They were faint to start, and he thought his mom was dreaming. She sometimes spoke in her sleep. But then they grew louder! He had to pop some earphones into his ears and turn up the music to block it all out. It didn't work. That was a very uncomfortable few minutes. Now Sean was apparently coming over and he was charged with cleaning the inside and the outside of the house. Shaking his head, he left for the front door.

Denise sat in her upstairs office irritated and invigorated all the same. Who was Russell to tell her how to act? She was a grown woman with self-respect and the ability to make her own decisions. Her son was being just like his dad. Richard had his own controlling ways about her. She wasn't going to go through that again. She wanted to be free.

Outside her window she heard the blaring hum of the lawn mower. She lifted herself slightly off her seat and peered out the window. Russell was slowly trailing down the front yard, grooming their lawn. She was proud of herself for standing up to him. He needed the discipline was happy to put him in place. Plus, with no summer job, there was no way he wasn't going to pitch in around the house.

For the duration of the afternoon she worked on her online business, checking on sales and generating content. She was quite productive, although her mind inevitably drifted back to tonight. She felt like such a little girl, nervous but excited for their get-together. Sean was going to be here! She wanted desperately to impress him. As expectedly as her thoughts about the young mechanic entered her mind, she was starting to get hot. Sadly, she couldn't afford to be hot right now -- not when she had real work to do.

To 'cool' herself off, she went to fix herself a lemonade, of course adding something a little extra. As she walking back up, Russell was coming in. He looked very unhappy. "Finished out there?"

"Yeah," he dejectedly answered.

"Mmm, good," she sounded, biting down on the straw. "I was just in the kitchen and the floors need scrubbing. And make sure you dust and vacuum the living room too. So many days here and you let everything gather so much dirt." With that she gingerly climbed the stairs, leaving Russell to once again to contemplate her demeanour -- this time rosy as well as condescending, if that was possible.

Cognizant that Russell was laboriously toiling away on the lower levels, Denise buckled down upstairs. Deep inside her, though, the anxiety was building. Time wasn't the friendliest thing in situations like hers. She had to fight the urged to check the clock. Sean was coming by around 7:30. That gave her a lot of time and a lot of nerves.

At some point she realized it was probably a good idea to start on dinner too. That would eat up some time. On her way to the kitchen, she pleasantly noticed Russell pushing a broom along the floor downstairs. She refilled her drink and got to work herself. Even the decision on what to make had her thinking a bit. What would Sean even like? It was so critical; she really wanted to impress. With much deliberation, eventually she settled on steaks, potatoes, and greens. She found it funny that she ended cooking a pretty conventional North American meal, but at the end of the day she reasoned what man would turn down a big hunk of meat?

She stuck everything in the oven allowed it to cook while she went to get ready herself. A steamy shower started things off nicely. Moving her hands over her body, she was pretty confident about her body. Of course, she couldn't resist lifting her long leg onto the side of the tub and rubbing herself. She didn't bring herself to orgasm, but she still worked herself over pretty good.

Stepping out and drying herself off, she was out off to style herself for the evening. She blushed up her cheekbones, painted her lips, neated up her eyebrows, and dressed up her eyes. Sheer black stockings, a naughty little thong and a lacy brassiere made up her undergarments. As for a gown, the choices were numerous, but in the end she traded her sundress for a tiny black dress that was sure to bring out her legs.

She picked out a necklace from her jewelry box and started to fiddle with it when a devious smile formed on her glossy lips. "Russell...can you come in here for sec?!"

Her son entered the room a minute later, dragging his feet. "What?" Then she saw his eyes go wide as he took her in. With the expression on his face, she could tell that he thought she look like a whore!

"I need you to help me with the clasp," she answered with a knowing smile, holding out the ends to her necklace. Without a word, Russell approach to end. She could sense the discomfort in him as he stood close to her. He didn't connect the necklace right way, which made the situation that much more tense for him.

"Struggling?" she inquired, poking at his failure.

His hands were shaking. Beyond them was his mom's chest. She was showing a lot of skin. "I'm trying. It's just hard to get the thing in the hole."

Denise thought it was too easy to go there, but she did anyways. "It's OK, some guys have trouble, and others know exactly how to figure themselves around a hole." She was being juvenile. It's didn't even sound right. She wasn't even sure Russell caught her innuendo; it didn't matter because he finally fitted it through.

"There," he relieved, turning to leave immediately.

She touched his arm, "Wait." She stood back for him, twirling her body around and holding the hems of her dress. "Does Mommy look good?"

"Yeah, you look fine, Mom..." he simply and reluctantly answered.

Denise stroked his face. "Aww, do you really think he -- Sean - will like it? I ask because you wanted to voice your opinion about choices I make, right?" She could read him so perfectly. He was in disbelief about her, wondering if his mom and her sexy new persona were actually going there.

She grinned again, thanking him for the help with the clasp again, as if that was the whole reason he called her. "Oh, if the door rings, let Sean in and make him comfortable, OK dear?"

"OK...Mom..." And then he turned to go. Denise burst into a schoolgirl-esque giggle as soon the door shut behind him. She was bad.

Russell descended the stairs disparagingly. What was his mom trying to do? For whatever reason, she still had her wedding ring on! He wanted to tell her she was behaving like a...well, like a slut. Gosh, he didn't think he would ever have to use that word with her! He never saw her snap like that with him today either. At this point, his words were going hopeless. She was just going to have to realize for herself what a jackass Sean was going to be.

Still though: that dress. Could it have been any shorter...or tighter? Her breasts looked...bigger. And she was that big normally. He always thought his mother was beautiful, but this was something else. Was she...hot? No. What was he doing? What was he thinking?

He hung around the house, hoping that Sean would not come. Russell desperately didn't want it to happen. He was clockwatching. 6:45 became 7, which became 7:15. Maybe he would cancel. Maybe it wouldn't happen after all.

His hopes were dashed by the chimes echoing through the house. "Seanyyyy...doorbellll..." his mom called from upstairs, as if he hadn't figured it out. He sighed, his cement feet guiding him toward the front entrance. The only bit of hope he had now was someone else appearing on the other side of the door. But alas, it was Sean after all.

"Heyyyy, Rusty!! Good to see you, bro!!!" The imposing young man slapped him harshly on the shoulder and step inside without invitation. He was respectfully dressed in a pair of black trousers and dark shirt with its sleeves rolled up. Sean passed a liquor bag into his former schoolmate's arms. "Vino for later. Don't drop it or I'll kill you."

"So, is the little lady all ready for me?" Sean gazed up the stairs.

"No, I think she'll be down in a minute. You can wait in the living room until she's done."

"Why I think I might, Rusty!" he said, already walking and taking a seat on the couch. "Fix me up a drink there kiddo. Anything with rum."

Russell was beginning to feel more and more like a servant today. First his mom, now Sean. He hated it. He reluctantly did as he was told, though. Sean seemed to be OK with his drink making skills. "Not bad, Rusty!" he raised the glass to him. "By the way, don't worry."

"Don't worry about what?"

"Your mom is in good hands tonight," he said, draping one hand on the back of the couch. "...And I'll be between a great pair of thighs."

Sean winked and Russell seethed. He came in like he owned the place, was making himself comfortable on his sofa, and was now talking about having sex with his mom?!

"I think it could really be a good influence for you having a real man around here. At least, your dear mommy thinks so," Sean added some more.

Russell's teeth gritted together. He opened his mouth, readying to give him a piece of his mind. He didn't care that Sean was taller and stronger. He had to stand up now. His lips parted, his hand lifted, and ...

"Awww, my boys are catching up, eh?" Russell turned around. His mom was standing behind him.

Sean immediately stood up, bluntly complimenting her in front of her own son. "Wow, Denise...you are smoking!"

The older woman beamed, not even hiding humility. "I know. I see Russell took care of you, huh?"

"Yeah, the kid ain't useless after all," Sean replied, slapping the back of his classmate's neck and giving it a squeeze. Russell wanted to yell out that they were the same age amongst the abusive treatment!

"Well, dinner's ready if you boys are hungry," informed Denise.

"I'll eat later," Russell informed.

Sean cocked his head at him. "Your mom cooked a meal and you don't want to eat? How ungrateful are you?"

Russell's eyes widened at the sudden accusation. "What? I didn't say that. I'm just not hungry, that's all."

"All I'm hearing is you don't want to have a proper meal at the table with your mom and me."

He groaned again. "I didn't say -- oh fine! I'll eat with you guys. I gotta use the washroom first, IF I'm allowed to do that." His body washed in frustration and futility, he walked down the hall to wash up.

Denise and Sean watched him leave the room before putting their eyes on each other. Once again the mom was impressed by how controlling this young, hulking man could be. Sean completely dummied her little boy -- and she loved it.

"Moody, isn't he?" he commented, sliding his hand down her back.

Denise rolled her eyes, snickering a bit. "Forget him. Youuu..." she sang, tiptoeing her fingers up his chest while feeling him on her ass, "...are looking sharp."

"And you..." he looked up and down her dress, "...are looking sexy."

The older woman grinned, "Well, that was the idea..." She craned her neck up, gazing into his handsome visage. With his firm body pressed against her, she couldn't resist arousal. His cock was so close. He definitely was keeping it in the pants, because she sadly couldn't feel it all. She desperately wanted him to toss her onto the couch and take her right there. Or maybe bend her over the arm rest and hammering her from behind. She was pretty open to anything...

Whatever moment they were about to have was interrupted by the distant flushing of a toilet. Moments later, Russell walked out to see her mom in the arms of his highschool tormenter. He froze in place. Initially his brown pupils went wide and still. But then a curious thing happened: his eyes followed her body. They followed her torso as it was pressed against Sean. They followed her backside as it was groped by Sean. The look on his face wasn't disbelief like she saw many times before...no, it was something else. Perhaps, curiousity? She beamed inside at that thought: her bratty son had voyeuristic side potentially!

"All washed up, Son?" Denise said with a smirk.

Russell shook his head. "Yeah. Let's go." He led the way to the kitchen with Denise and Sean bringing it up the rear.

When they all got in the kitchen, somehow Russell was taxed with prepping the table...and serving the food...and serving the wine. He even wore an apron through the whole thing, so as to not 'dirty himself'. He tried to make it so he would sit beside his mom (in his dad's spot) and Sean would take a spot across from them, but Sean butt in and sat near her at the last moment. Russell sat down himself, although his mom and his former (and current) tormenter didn't wait to start eating.

"Mmmmm, this is delicious, Denise. Really," Sean commended, sliding a bite of steak into his mouth. "Have you ever been commended on your cooking?"

She giggled. "Not often enough."

He turned to Russell, "That's such a shame. Rusty, thank your mom for this great meal." Russell looked at him in skeptically. He was being order to appreciate his mom's cooking? He already appreciated it! He wasn't about to tell him mom because the jerk ordered him to.

Sean abruptly banged the table. "WELL...?!?!"

Russell nearly came out of his seat. His heart nearly jumped out of his chest. Sean's eyes and voice attacked him with the same ferocity he remembered in highschool. It reminded him that the asshole was actually short tempered and a loose cannon.

He was about to answer when his schoolmate suddenly burst into laughter. "Man....you should've seen your face!!!You were going to piss your pants, weren't ya??? Oh mannn..." He just continued laughing.

Denise rubbed Sean's hairy forearm, fighting off laughter herself. "Thanks...Sean. I'm glad it turned out so succulent in the oven," she said.

"Oh I bet you love a succulent hunk of meat in your mouth..." Sean winked back. He poured her more wine. "Drink up."

Denise was feeling frisky, and the alcohol didn't help things. Neither did Sean's arm, which was now under the table and caressing her leg. He clutched the hem of her dress and began to tug on it. Her son across the table was the X-factor in everything. Feeling especially daring with him in the room, the mom leaned into Sean's neck, gazing at Russell before whispering into his ear.

"Just so you know, I'm wearing a thong so skimpy that I might as well have nothing on at all."

Sean continued to pull on the skirt, exposing more of her fair white skin. "Why didn't you go with nothing then?"

The idea tickled her naughty bone, but she looked to Russell before she addressed it. He was looking at them like in the living room -- not shock, not disgust, just a level of fascination. "Maybe I should have..." she whispered to Sean, then retracting her head with a schoolgirl's giggle. While stroking her forearm, she pictured something else she could rub.

"Well then, I'm pretty full," she said to both Sean and her son.

"Me too...for now," Sean concurred.

"Great! We're all done with dinner then! Rusty -- I mean, Russell," she giggled, "can you clean things up and join us downstairs? Bring the wine."

Russell opened his mouth to interject, "But I'm..."

"...Such a good boy, I know," Denise said, lifting herself out of her chair. Sean rose as well, surprisingly saying nothing to him, but likened his highschool target to a dog on his way out of the room.

Russell heard their voices disappear down the stairs. He just didn't get how they could jerk him around like this. Yes, jerk was the appropriate word. Sean Preston was the biggest jerk known to man. As he lifted their half-eaten plates and half-consumed glasses, he still didn't know how his mom didn't see it. She was flirting even more!

He was staring right them as they played with each other. Her mom looked gorgeous, albeit very evil, and Sean looked his douchy self. Russell didn't blink, he didn't chew, he didn't breathe as he...well, ogled them. He was staring, observing...analyzing. What came out of it was that he wasn't as disgusted as he should have been! What little disgust he had led to fascination which led to more intrigue. Things were bad. He protested them from the start! Now he was...warming up them? Not believing him, he grabbed the bottle and headed downstairs.