Bunny Love Ch. 02

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My bunny and I play with a friend.
6.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/26/2017
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It may not seem like it but I really had tried to use a light hand on Barb/Babs overall. Sure, I remade her body almost completely, and messed with some parts of her personality rather heavily, but I really tried to leave a lot of her alone, like most of her friendships. Jan was a bit of an exception.

Barbara and Jan were school buddies, but while things went well for Barbara, they went poorly for Jan. Failed marriage, string of bad jobs, no luck with other guys, and never much to look at physically- she was going downhill lately. The two of them got together nearly every week for lunch or to go shopping, and after Babs was 'born', their relationship did not change much... although the shopping trips sometimes included clothing stores Jan had no real interest in, and every so often Babs tried to drag her to a 'adult' shop.

One night when we were all eating and drinking together, I noticed Jan looking at Babs, I mean looking at her a lot in ways that 'just friends' did not do. I noticed that Babs' typical tight and short clothing was as revealing as usual, to the extent that one could see a slightly moist camel toe and a nipple was playing peek-a-boo. Jan was almost staring and kept licking her lips.

I grabbed my laptop and checked her out on Master PC. Sure enough, she was aroused and had some strong bisexual urges that she apparently never really played on. I was drunk enough to not be thinking about the long term and nudged her inhibitions down a little... or maybe it was kind of a lot, I'm not real sure. Jan's nipples blossomed and her free hand began to stroke her own groin.

I caught Babs' eye and gestured to her friend. Her eyes went wide as she saw Jan looking at her with half-lidded lust, and heard Jan moan softly. Babs smiled widely and slid over to Jan's chair.

"Baby, you look like you need some relaxing." Babs was stroking her arm, her soft fingers getting dangerously close to Jan's own chest. "Can I help you out?"

Jan was frozen in place, eyes wide and panting softly as Babs leaned over and planted a big juicy kiss on her lips. I nudged another setting on the computer, and enjoyed the resulting explosion as Jan had a huge climax, moaning into Babs' mouth and squirming in her chair. Babs looked at me and told me she would see me later as she led Jan into the bedroom.

A few weeks later, Jan was a regular overnight houseguest and was an occasional guest on some of her webcasts and cam shows. A few weeks after that and she and Babs had their own regularly scheduled show on a popular cam site called 'Bunny and the Biker', featuring an adorable and sexy bunny girl and her more butch friend, the 'Biker', usually dressed in darker clothes and leathers. Jan provided her own outfit and truly loved riding her bike. She had even belonged in a gang for a while years ago.

Most episodes of Bunny and the Biker involved poor innocent Bunny getting into some sort of trouble that a.) involved the usually unnamed Biker character, and b.) sex. Breaking down on the side of the road (a digital backdrop) and being 'rescued' by the Biker, being saved from a rough gang of thugs (played off-screen) by the Biker, not having money for a repair, and the like. They got good ratings and had a solid following. Jan discovered that she liked the acting almost as much as the sex and the spare money she was making.

This night, Jan came over for supper and to work with Babs to prepare for the next episode of 'Bunny and the Biker.' We'd been hinting at some changes coming for some time now, building an audience and Babs and I were going to give them a doozy. I spent most of the day typing away on Master PC, tweaking and double-checking preset command strings and triggers as they rehearsed their bits.

At the appointed moment, 'The White Rabbit' and 'Alex in Wonderland' came into the studio space. Babs was holding an oversized pocket watch and wearing a waistcoat, a thong, and damn little else other than her trademark heels. Since this site already thought she was a surgically-created bunny girl, she didn't bother hiding her natural looks and had make-up'ed nose and whiskers. 'Alex' wore tall black biker boots, black leather pants, a ripped white t-shirt, and a heavily studded biker's jacket. Her makeup was pale and dark to reflect her goth punk biker persona. Usual viewers would instantly recognize her as 'The Biker' in this series.

"Who are you and how did you get here?" The White Rabbit gasped frantically, holding her hands against her cheeks.

With a bit of a snarl, Jan answered "I'm Alex. I saw you outside when you went in that rabbit hole. When I tried to follow you I fell in and ended up here. So where the hell am I and how do I get out?"

"Welcome, Alex, to Wonderland." Babs gestured to the walls around her. "I'm pleased you decided to visit, but I'm afraid that you cannot leave quite yet, nor visit looking like you do." Alex demanded to know why not. "Why, Wonderland is a magical place, full of enchantment, and I'm afraid you are not very, um, 'enchanting' as you are."

Alex stage-slapped the White Rabbit. "You take that back! You don't know me!" The two 'argued' for a couple minutes, as Alex tried to look for an escape. She checked every wall and corner, even searching the 'fourth wall' for some sort of opening. It was fun to watch her bend and stretch in her tight pants. She shed the heavy jacket and her dark nipples were visible under the thin tee.

"Damn it. Now what am I supposed to do?" Alex sat in the chair heavily. The White Rabbit had been sitting in the other chair primly (but achingly sweetly) waiting for Alex to calm.

"That's easy. When you become 'enchanting', the door will open and you can choose to enter or leave Wonderland."

Alex looked at the Rabbit suspiciously. "And exactly what do I have to do to become 'enchanting'?"

"Well, that's where the Wall of Wonder comes in!" Rabbit threw back a curtain to reveal a bunch of bottles of colored liquids, each with a label and price tag. "Each of these magical potions has the ability to change you to help you become more enchanting, more wonderful, a more worthy citizen of Wonderland!"

"Why do they all have price tags?"

"'There ain't no such thing as a free lunch', Toots."

"But I don't have any money with me. What can I do?"

"Wonderland doesn't operate on 'money'. It operates on goodwill and happy feelings. The more goodwill and happy feelings you bring in from the ether, the more you can spend on your enchantments. This Magic Mirror will show you how much you have." Rabbit pointed at a monitor on the wall made up to look like a classic 'magical mirror'. It was already showing 20 'goodwill points' and climbing. The viewers had all been told about this as they signed in and were already chipping in to kick things off. They did not need to know that I was controlling the display. It was based on reality but I adjusted to fit our dramatic needs of the time.

"There are so many to choose from. How will I know which one to try?"

"First of all, there is no one potion that will make you enchanting enough so you'll have to try several. Next, you can ask the Magic Mirror for help. It can advise you on which potion to try. Now, try a free sample of this one. I think you'll like it!" Rabbit handed Alex a small bottle of a pink liquid labelled 'BE' that Alex took and stared at, then tossed back. I hit the appropriate button on the laptop.

Alex's breasts pumped up about half a cup size under her tee. It was a pretty cool effect, one that could be simulated with easy special effects- but it had the desired results. The invisible watchers tossed several bucks into the kitty. "Oh, wow! That was... interesting!" (I bet it was, I made it so the changes would feel good- really really good. Oh, and did I mention that it also added a bit of a transformation fetish in Jan for this session. Just thought I would mention that. Yep.)

"OK, so how do I start?" 'Alex' asked, shivering slightly as she looked at the labeled bottles.

The White Rabbit gestured at the wall, and at the Mirror. "Your choice, or you can ask the Mirror for advice."

The screens of the customers gave them four options to vote on- hair color, height, age, and waist to hip ratio. A bar chart on the Mirror show hair color in the lead, and the tips counter was just over 200gps.

"Change my hair?" Jan really shivered a bit just saying that. "I've had my short dark hair for a long time and had never really thought about changing it... until now. Magic Mirror, what color should I go with?" This time, participants got an abbreviated version of the chart from a hair coloring aisle. Unsurprisingly blondes and reds dominated. I tweaked the results a bit since Babs was already blonde and variety is a good thing. "Wow, that is a bright red!" 'Alex' said when she looked at the results. "OK, so can I afford it?"

Babs as the 'White Rabbit' turned to the wall and appeared to search for a bit before pulling out a bottle of bright red liquid. "Ah, here we go. It is only 100gps, so you have plenty... for now."

'Alex' drank the colored water and I hit the button. Her hair seemed to shimmer or glow as strands of color started to appear in her hair. Personally I liked one of the in-between looks- mostly dark with a few brilliant streaks- but the people had spoken and soon she was a very gingery ginger.

"Wow, that is so cool! Magic Mirror, should I change the length or style?" Alex was faithfully following the script, which was taped in various hidden places in the room. This time, voters choose pictures showing options like a short pixie bob, long riotous tumbling curls, straight and sleek to the mid back, and so on. I did not have any opinions here so let the voters decide.

By the time the Magic Mirror declared the winner to be 'just woke up tousled', and 'to the nipples', the White Rabbit had already found the appropriate potion and announced that it cost another 100gps, nearly wiping poor Alex out. Alex took the vial and tossed it back. "I'm sure that the goodwill fund will build back up as people see how willing I am to listen to their good ideas!"

Jan's short red hair began to ripple like it was caught in a breeze. It grew longer and longer, picking up a little body and some waviness as it tumbled down her face, then along her shoulders, slowing as the tips started to dangle around mid-chest, partly obscuring the dark shadows under her now-dry T-shirt.

"This is so much fun!" Alex enthused. "I think I like becoming more enchanting. But, oh, look. I'm almost out of points." Alex pouted at the White Rabbit.

"Well, sometimes you earn good-will if you dress more happily." The Rabbit opined. Alex nodded and stripped off her boots and tight leather pants, down to some plain white panties. She asked the Rabbit if she had a different top she could try and changed behind a small screen. You could almost sense her fans disappointment through the cameras. When she came out, she was dressed in some snug gym shorts and a somewhat loose but thin spaghetti-strapped tank top in pastel blues and yellows.

"I DO feel more happy, and look! My good-will points are building back up!" She hopped and clapped like a teenager, small breasts bouncing, making the totals rise a bit faster.

Babs and I loved Jan, and she was a nice person, but if you did an image search for 'stereotypical tomboy biker chick' you would get pretty close to what Jan/Alex looked like. She was average height, and a little overweight but not fat. She was, to be as honest as I could, dumpy. Her legs were boyish, she had a little roll at her hips and a pouched tummy. Her original small breasts were floppy and overall she was... well, just 'plain'. And now she had a sexy red head full of 'just got out of bed' hair and little cupcake titties.

"Now what shall we do, oh Magic Mirror? Height came in second. Shall we go for that?"

The White Rabbit grabbed a large bottle. "This is what you will need, but be warned- it costs 50 points a swallow, and each swallow only gains you an inch or so."

"I'm 5'4" now, and I'd really love to be really tall, like almost 6'! It would look so hot to be that much taller than you, wouldn't it?" She asked the audience by way of the Rabbit as she stood back to back with her, reinforcing the idea that she was already a couple inches taller (not including Babs' long ears). "OK, I can afford two swallows to start with." She took a couple swigs as I tapped the keys twice. She set the bottle down and grabbed the edge of the table. "I can feel it starting!" She stood up and reached towards the ceiling. The cameras clearly caught the growing gap between shorts and top, and the closing gap between her fingers and the ceiling. The back to back showed that she was now a little taller than the White Rabbit's ears.

"That felt delicious! I'd love to have some more." She looked pointedly at the Magic Mirror, which seems to have paused while she grew but now was changing almost too fast to watch. As it slowed down, it was clear that Alex was going to get her wish! "Yea!" She cheered as she guzzled the rest of the bottle. I tapped the keys several times and settled back to watch.

The two stood back to back and Alex reached for the ceiling. The gap between her clothes grew as her fingers stretched closer and closer to her goal. Alex paused to hug herself and stroke her much longer torso, making her nipples pop. She smiled at the ceiling and reached up again to find that not only could she reach it, but she could place her hand flat against it! She turned back to the White Rabbit that she now towered over and bent down a lot to kiss the tips of her ears.

"Thank you so much for making this happen for me! I love it here in Wonderland! What shall we do now?" She asked the Mirror. The choices the audience saw were 'Waist to Hip Ratio, Legs, Age, and Eyes. It was a close race and 'Waist to Hip Ratio' won.

"I'm afraid you have to make another decision, Alex." The White Rabbit said. "You can only have one dose of this potion, so you have to choose which one. She lined up several bottles of varying shades of blue. "The almost clear bottle will make your waist and hips the same size so your ratio would be 1.0, figured by dividing the waist size by the hip size. The almost black bottle will give you a tiny twelve-inch waist and huge sixty-inch hips for a ratio of 0.2. The bad news is the bottles get more expensive as you go up the scale. Oh, and it may help you to know that 0.7 is considered the most attractive by most people." The White Rabbit recited in her most professorial voice.

Alex toyed with the 0.2 bottle and glanced at the Magic Mirror. "Hmm, too rich for my blood. Besides, that seems a little extreme." Her fingers danced along the choices, stopping at 0.4. The bottle was tagged at 500 points, and the counter was not quite there yet. "Now, I would love this. 18" waist and 42" hips? I bet I would look hot like that! Umm, a big old badonkabonk butt would feel sooo good!" The counter was climbing but stubbornly wasn't the needed passing 450 points yet. She tinkered with the 0.5 bottle.

"Well, if I can't have a big caboose, I'll settle for a nice ass." She popped the cork on the 400gps bottle and drank it down as I worked my side of the magic. Her waist began to suck in. First, her pudgy rolls, which had thinned out a lot as she grew taller, vanished. Then, her muscles grew more visible as her waist thinned before the camera's eye. At the same time, muscles to the south plumped up. Her pelvis grew, making her skin bulge and ripple as it did. Her thighs thickened, and her buttocks rose and swelled up. Her thin gym shorts started to get tight, then they looked like they were painted on, then the seams began to stretch. You could hear the fabric groaning as it struggled to hold hips that grew 6" in a few minutes.

Alex bent at her little 19" waist to look at her big 38" hips and newly bubbly butt in the mirror. "Nice, very nice!' She cooed as she ran her hands over it. She looked at her stomach in the mirror and ran her hands over her trim tummy. Not quite a six-pack, there were definitely ridges of muscle showing. She turned to her partner. "Thank you, Miss Rabbit! What should we do next?" Jan/Alex was holding her breasts hopefully. "Can we do 'Age' next?" She asked excitedly.

"Sure!' The White Rabbit grinned. "How old are you again?"

"Twenty-nine." Alex stated, then shivered. "Well, I tell people I'm twenty-nine, but I'm really thirty-five." Huh. I wonder if Babs knew her real age?

"You look good for your age, and you are not really all that old, but this potion should help you go back to a nubile 20 years-old. It's only 100 points, and you have that to spare. What do you think?"

Alex smiled and took the bottle, downing it delicately as she kept her little finger aloft oh, so properly. "That was delicious! But, I don't feel that differen... Ohhhhh!"

Alex closed her eyes and swayed a bit. Her skin cleared up- small wrinkles you did not even notice until they were gone vanished. Her nose and ears got a bit smaller as the cartilage that had accumulated over the years evaporated. Her hair thickened and her breasts lifted as more aging effects were reversed. She stood straighter, looking lighter on her feet, as she took a deep breath. "This is AMAZING! I feel like I've been let out of a dark basement or something!" She did some jumping jacks that did really interesting things to her pert breasts and toned ass. She did some stretches to work some kinks out and nearly popped some more stitches.

"This is so exciting! I feel, ummm, sooo good! Now what, Miss Rabbit?"

"The Magic Mirror is suggesting that you think about how you think." Alex looked startled, as well she should. This wasn't in the rehearsal or on her copies of the script. "Now, now. You know the people in Wonderland love you and just want the best for you, don't you?"

"Yeah, but Ba..." Babs/White Rabbit kissed her before Jan could say her real name and mess up the scene. I killed the sound feed for a moment as Babs whispered in Jan's ear to trust her and just go along, that everything would be OK. A rather shaken Alex said "OK, I... I trust you, Let's see what the Magic Mirror says." A sharp-eyed observer might notice that Alex was holding the Rabbit's hand rather tightly.

"The Magic Mirror does not seem to think that a biker is very 'enchanting', so has some suggestions. Hmmm, some of these are enchanting, but not THAT enchanting- naughty nurse, school girl, cheerleader. 'Naughty foreign exchange student'? That sounds interesting. And it seems to be the winner by a large margin- it does seem like a perfect fit for the new you. What do you think, Alex? You can easily afford the potion."

Jan did not look convinced. Babs leaned her head in so I cut the mikes again. "Please, for me? Just go for it. We can change it back after the show."

Jan's eyes got wide. "You can change me back? Or... maybe into something else? Really? You should have said that first!" Jan shivered a little as I reactivated the mikes. "OK, let's give it a try." She swallowed the purple liquid and gasped dramatically. She flung the bottle to the corner where it bounced, but I cued up a glass breaking sound just in time. She leaned over the table and began to pant, even though I hadn't done anything yet to her. Our Jan knew how to milk a scene! When I DID hit the button, she shivered.

Something in her face changed. Her eyes got a little wider, and became a vibrant green. Her lashes and eyebrows reshaped themselves as her eyelids grew smokey colors. Her posture began to shift, taking on a more dramatic pose, then shifting to something more alluring. Her fair freckled skin become more like smooth porcelain. She looked like she should be wearing a long tight black dress with long slits up the sides.

She spoke in a thick French accent. "Incroyable! I am femme Francaise! Comment... um, how? How deed you do that?"