Caleb Woke Up Ch. 07


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She felt his hand and she looked down at him with wide open eyes, and she started to moan as she bounced on his palm.

"Does that feel good, Anna Banana?"

"Oh God. Oh God. Oh Jesus."

"Come for me Anna Banana. Come for your Cale Bale."

"Oh. Oh! Oh! Oooohhh." She convulsed on him. She was moaning. He could feel her pussy massaging his cock, yet he didn't erupt.

Why am I lasting so long? he wondered. He realized that he felt more in control today.

As her orgasm subsided, she looked at him and blushed. "You didn't come. Didn't it feel good? Did I do something wrong?"

"No. You felt amazing. I don't understand it. I don't usually last this long."

"You've done this before?" she asked in shock.

"Yeah, a couple of times."

"A couple of times? Really? No offense, but I was sure you were a virgin."

"Well, I was, yesterday."


"Yeah, I was a virgin until yesterday."

"With Gretchen? I was just kidding. I didn't think she'd really ... " she trailed off.

"Yes. Sorry." He felt like he had cheated on her, or deceived her which he knew was ridiculous, but he felt bad about it anyways.

She eyed him suspiciously. "And others?"



"I'd rather not say."

She shivered. My brother is such a stud. He was already practically a god to her, but her estimation of him raised a few more points.

That sent her to thinking about who it might be. Caleb could see her mind working, and he didn't want her to think about it too long and figure it out. His hand was still trapped under her, and he nudged it up against her.

"Oooh. Careful. I'm still a little sensitive."

"Sorry, so uh, are we done?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, oh God, I can't believe how selfish of me. You want to try on top?"

"Uh, OK. I mean, we don't really have to if you aren't ready."

"No, I'm good. Come on."

"Wait, uh, Anna, are you disappointed that you weren't my first?"

"What? No. It's just a little surprising is all. I'm happy for you, really. Gretchen is gorgeous, and everything, and I knew you were going to find yourself one of these days. I don't know."

In truth, she did feel a little let down, and Caleb could sort of tell. He said, "If it makes you feel any better, I want you to know that I was jealous of your boyfriend, Brad. I know it sounds crazy, but I felt like I owned part of you, ya know?"

"Yeah, I think I get it. But are you just trying to say this to make me feel better? Because I sort of feel the same way."

"Well, I did say it to make you feel better, but I honestly felt that, er, feel that."

"Thanks. I'm over it, really. Or I will get over it. But, come on, let's not get all serious. I want some more fucking, OK Cale Bale? Can you do that for me?" She looked deeply into his eyes before mashing her mouth onto his.

She straightened her left leg out to align with his right leg as she hugged him and rolled over towards the wall. She was a lot more coordinated than he. His cock slid out a bit, but mostly stayed in.

"OK Caleb, I want you to make yourself feel good. Don't worry about me. Fuck me. Use me. I'll be your little Jezebel whore. Whatever you want."

"Whatever I want?" he asked as he started pushing into her.

She nodded.

"You'll be my little Jezebel?"

She nodded and smiled as evilly as she could, but it just came out goofy and sweet.

"Will you show me your breasts and let me feel them whenever I want?" He started moving in her again.

She smiled, "Yes."

"Will you suck on my penis when I'm afflicted?"

"Oooh, yeessss," she moaned. She liked the idea of him taking control and making her do evil things.

He thought for a few thrusts, and looked at her and shrugged his shoulders. "I ran out. I got nothing."

"Oh, come on. You just need to get, ungh, more creative."

He raised his eyebrows.

"Like, I can tease you under the table at dinner," she suggested.

In front of Mom and Dad? he thought as he smiled.

"And we can take showers together."

Yeah, I already know how much fun that can be, he he remembered his first time with his mother while Dad was just out the door.

"And I can bring home lots of girls. For you to fuck. You can fuck their brains out. And you can have the biggest harem. In the tri-state area."

"Oh Anna, now you're getting a little crazy."

"No, no, and you can whore me out. Like to your friends. For money or favors. I don't care. Just don't stop."

OK, that isn't something I'm interested in. I'd never consider it.

"I'll even let you do me up the assss."

What? I'm not gay. Is that something guys do with girls? Really? That seems a little over the top.

"Anna, come ... " He was about to say "come on", like he was trying to call her on it and maybe she should reel it in a bit, but he got interrupted by the shivering bowl of Jello below him.

He stopped moving and looked at her. "Uh, what just happened?"

"You made me come again, ya goof." She was embarrassed. Now she was two up on him, and he was still hard.

He was feeling a little left out. When is my turn? "Anna, come ..." And she convulsed again before he could finish his sentence. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she came again and passed out.

What was that? Did I do that? I wasn't even moving. How is that even possible? Caleb exhaled through pursed lips making his cheeks bulge out as he rolled off of her. Now I am feeling afflicted, he grimaced as he looked at his hard on.

He grabbed some pajama bottoms and a T-shirt from his dresser, and got dressed as he looked around.

I can't just leave her there, can I? He weighed his options as he picked up his sister's sundries and looked at the tag on her bra. It read 36DD. Like he even knew what that meant. He put her stuff on the bed next to her.

He could either carry her into her room, or he could try to wake her up, or he could let her sleep in his bed. She looked like an angel sprawled out on his bed, and he didn't want to wake her. He picked up his sheet from the floor and gently spread it over and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

*** Breakfast ***

Caleb headed down for breakfast with some trepidation, expecting that his mom might have some second thoughts about last night. He knew he did. The guilt flooded him. He felt like a piece of crap.

What was I thinking. I took advantage of her. The things we did last night were illegal, and so immoral. As good as it felt, Mom must be suffering. I hope she doesn't hate me. Things are bound to be weird. He cringed all the way down the stairs.

He walked into the kitchen where his mom was cooking. She was making buttermilk pancakes, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and bacon. This was unusual as they were normally a milk and cereal kind of family.

She was wearing the same terry cloth robe she had briefly worn last night.

"Good morning, Caleb," she cheerfully chirped.

"Hey Mom, this looks great. What's the occasion?"

"Well, I wanted to make a big breakfast for my man."

Yep, she's trying to make it up to Dad.

"Your dad already ate his Raisin Bran, and Anna is just going to have yogurt or something, so this is all for you."

So she feels guilty about what we did, and wants to make it up to me? Wait, I'm her man?

"So did you work up an appetite. I heard you and your sister going at it. It sounded like the ceiling was going to cave in. Did she take care of your affliction this morning?" she asked, hopeful there might be some left over for her. Little did she know.

Crap. She heard all of that? He covered his face with both hands, and responded sheepishly, "Uh, I guess you could say yes and no."

"Why, what happened."

"Well, she sort of passed out before I finished," Caleb continued as he dropped his hands and looked a the ceiling. He was embarrassed but relieved that she didn't seem angry, guilty, or distant.

Criminy, he is a stud, isn't he? "You were too much for her then?"


"Have a seat. Your breakfast is served, my lord."

She was just finishing up as she turned off the stove. She fixed up a big plate for him and picked it up, after pulling the belt of her robe loose. As she turned to face him, the belt slipped down, and she revealed more and more cleavage with ever step. It was only a few steps in the small kitchen, but her robe had opened all the way down the front of her body to show that she wasn't wearing anything underneath.

Caleb gasped as he fell into his seat, almost missing the chair.

"Sorry we couldn't wake up together, but I had a lot of cleaning up to do this morning," she said with a wink.

After she put the plate down in front of him, she picked up a piece of bacon and fed it to him. She slid her robe off her shoulder with one hand. After he took a bite, she switched hands with the bacon, and took the robe off the rest of the way. He finished chewing and looked at her in amazement with his mouth opened in awe. She thought this was a signal for more bacon, so she slid the bacon into his mouth, and he reflexively took another bite as he looked her up and down. This was a shock, but it definitely eased his fears about his mom being upset.

"I didn't think you guys were ever going to finish. I had to call your dad and send him on another errand. Couldn't have him walking in on all that screaming and squeaky bed springs. I'm thinking we'll move your bedroom into the basement today."

She sat down in his lap side saddle, and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Caleb did his best to kiss back in kind, rubbing his hands all around her back, and slid them down to her rear.

"Gosh Caleb, I can't get enough of you."

"Uh, does this mean I still own you?"

"Yes dear, completely, until you don't want me. Is there anything further I can do for you this morning?"

"Well, you could start by buttering and cutting up my pancakes for me."

"Yes dear, gladly." She twisted her torso around to the other side so Caleb was now facing the back of her head. He reached up with one hand and started cradling and massaging her jugs.

"Ooh Caleb. It's hard to concentrate when you do that," she cooed as she continued to work on his plate.

"Mom, isn't this a little weird for you?" he asked. Somehow this felt pretty comfortable to him, maybe since he had always kind of taken his mom for granted. But he was curious about how she was resolving the conflicts.

"What, me making you breakfast, or me sitting on your lap naked?" she teased.

"No, really. I mean we crossed some boundaries last night. Are you OK with this? What are you thinking?"

"Well, I guess it should seem pretty weird, but for me, what we're doing isn't that much of a stretch for how I feel about you. I mean, I've devoted myself to you and your sister. Your happiness means everything to me. And I guess it wasn't that far of a stretch for me to extend that your sexual fulfillment," she explained as she continued to butter and cut up his pancakes.

With his other hand, he reached down and felt her thigh, brushing the inside of her leg up and down, lightly nudging against her opening. He had never really explored a girl down here before, and he was curious.

"You aren't making this any easier," she said, but she opened her legs to give him better access as she poured some maple syrup on the pancakes.

"Really, I thought I was helping," he said cheekily as he cupped her peach. She had a full bush and the hair was a little coarser than her daughter's.

She let out a muffled moan as his fingers explored while she tried to concentrate on the plate. Flustered, she poured more maple syrup on than was needed.

"How about the ownership thing? You seem so meek and mild. You used to control so much, and now you seem at my command, like you've submitted completely," he asked.

She thought for a couple of seconds and stopped cutting. "That is a bit more complex. Let me see if I can explain it to you. Before I met your father, I dated a couple of guys. One guy was so strong and commanding, and I really enjoyed it and I miss it. And now it seems like I am responsible for so much around the house, I sometimes wish I wasn't in control of everything."

She looked back at him. "Does that help explain things?"

"I guess so, for now," he responded.

"Would you like me to feed you, my lord?"

"Yes, please."

She speared some eggs, bacon, and a triangle of pancake onto the fork, and slid it around in the syrup sopping it up. "Open up. Here comes the choo-choo."

He opened his mouth and she delivered. During the fork's traversal from plate to mouth, a big drop of syrup landed on her breast. This detail did not go unnoticed by mother or son, and they both got sly grins. As he chewed and swallowed, she leaned back against the wall of the kitchen to give him better access, and he leaned down to lick the syrup off of her. He took the opportunity to suck on her tit. At the same time, he started exploring her sacred entrance with his hand, furrowing his fingers in through her nest and gently feeling his way around, looking for her opening. He positioned his fingers at her moist opening, feeling up and down the groove.

"I'm ready for another bite, please."

She tried to reach the plate from her current position leaning back against the wall, and was only able to spear some pancake, and she lifted it to him. He took his breast side hand and grabbed her arm, and shook it until some syrup landed on her chest. She smiled at him. She was now allowed to bring the pancake to his mouth. As she did, he took the opportunity to try and nudge a finger into her opening. She let out a gasp.

"Caleb, you're too distracting. I can't concentrate when you do that," she said in short breaths.

Caleb thought for a second or two as he let his finger explore her vaginal walls. "Does this feel good, Mommy? Do you want some more"

"Oh yes, Caleb."

"Well, I have an idea, Mom, but I'll need your help."

"MmmmHmmmm, anything you want dear," she mewed.

"Pick up the plate, Mom." She raised her eyebrows, but transferred the plate to her belly.

He pulled his finger out of her snatch and lifted her up with both arms as he stood up, and placed her onto the cold kitchen table. Both of these actions caused her to look at him in shock. He then took the plate of food and slid the pancakes, bacon and eggs onto her chest, and grabbed the syrup and poured more on her.

She was still shocked, but she giggled. He spread her legs, pulled down his shorts, and lined up his cock with her entrance.

"Are you ready for this, Mom?"

"Yes, oh yes. Please. I'm like a drive-in diner. Happy to be of service."

Once he felt his tip nestle up against her moist groove, he leaned over to take a mouthful of pancake off of her body. He slowly inserted his dick, and then rammed into her as he chewed.

"Oh God Caleb!" she shrieked.

The phone started ringing as Caleb started slamming into her, occasionally taking a bit to eat off of her chest.

"Caleb, I should get that," his mother said. She looked nervous.

"Ignore it Mom. You're indisposed."

He slid in and out of her rather aggressively. The table bounced against the kitchen wall as food vibrated along her body from the movement.

"Oh Caleb. Yes honey. That feels so good," she said as the phone continued to ring.

The phone stopped ringing as the answering machine picked up.

Caleb kept slamming into her with brief pauses to take another mouthful off of her body.

"Hello dear are you there? Can you pick up?" his father's voice sounded.

She got a look of panic, and Caleb just shook his head at her. "Not now Mom. It's OK. I need you."

His dad continued, "Well, it took me forever to find the items on your list. I had to go to a different store. The line here is terribly long. Everybody's shopping this morning. Anyway, I don't think I'll make it home in time for nine o'clock service. Maybe we should plan on the eleven, OK? I guess I'll be home in an hour or so. Love you. "

Caleb got a big grin. I love you father, but I'm sorry. I can't stop myself from fucking your wife.

"Mom, come for me. Come for your son. Come for your master."

"Oh gawawawawawd," she trailed off in a sobbing moan as a deep orgasm shook her, and she convulsed uncontrollably.

Just yesterday she was controlling practically every detail of his life, and today she was completely at his command. The feeling of control overwhelmed him, and he was finally able to release in a torrent. He shot one load in her, and then pulled out, and sprayed her body randomly with his globs of cum.

He collapsed on top of her, exhausted, and the table gave out sending them both crashing to the floor. He looked at his mom in shock. "Are you all right?"

She just busted out laughing uncontrollably.

I guess she must be all right.

Her laugh was contagious. He joined in. She was just able to talk over her laughter, "I never liked that table anyways. Uff da, how are we going to explain this one to your father?"

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tnburn72tnburn72over 3 years ago
Go Caleb Go

AND I like the Uff Da (PS I'm part Norwegian, I know)

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 4 years ago
Lots of fun!

And lots of yummy play! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Getting boring

Great potential story line but got dull as ditch water

MishaPearl2MishaPearl2about 7 years ago
Uff Da, Indeed!

Nice cliff-hanger... :-) MP2

zena99zena99about 11 years ago

I loved Anna's comments regarding whoring herself out for Caleb and bringing home sluts for him to fuck. I would enjoy seeing that theme pursued.

McBaconMcBaconalmost 12 years agoAuthor
From the outline below, only made it to church

Chapter 8 has been submitted to Incest/Taboo for a few days, was sitting in MC prior to that.

Not sure how long it takes to post, but I keep tweaking the story, and each time I resubmit, it goes to the end of the queue. So the delays there are mostly my fault, but I think the story is a little tighter because of it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
yes another please


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Simply Amazing

Loving this series so far, it has all my favorite elements (mind control, harem, incest ect.). Keep up the great work.

McBaconMcBaconalmost 12 years agoAuthor
chapter 8 in progress

Working on next chapter.


- take shower with anna

- pick up gretchen

- go to church

- touch base with mel

- visit ming

I think that takes through lunch. Sorry for the spoilers. Subject to change.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Glad you finally got bacon in there. keep the stories cumming.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Both sexy and funny, and for that your stories get 5's

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Thank you

I love this series so far, thank you for continuing the series.

Keep it up with mom and sis. as much as i love the other girls, calebs mother and sister are what keep me coming back.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago


Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftalmost 12 years ago
Now this is what I like.

Inventive places to have sex, and lots of foreplay.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
thank you

i totally thought that this stotry might be dead im so glad its not


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

...MISSED this story --

I've been following the series in the 'Mind Control Hub'; just happened to check the 'New Stories' page(s). I guess 'Incest/Taboo' trumps 'Mind Control' for hub placement.

As usual (by me), 5 stars

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