Candice in Suburbia Ch. 02

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The public whipping of a naked slave girl.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 07/08/2023
Created 02/28/2022
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When I first met Anna, she was a sweet, compassionate woman who wanted only to help me. Now she's an imposing authority figure who punishes me if she feels I'm being lazy, disobedient or disrespectful.

Anna was spending at least fifty percent of her time at my house, and she insisted that I be completely naked any time she came to visit. In my opinion this was humiliating enough, but things became even more degrading when Anna decreed that my mother had to be similarly unclothed in her presence...even if one of my neighbors dropped by for a visit.

Anna was cruel and sometimes I would complain about the way she treated me. However, I found it darkly delicious the way she forced me to submit to her will and would have been disappointed if she had shown me mercy.

I remember one recent Saturday morning. I was standing in front of the kitchen sink washing the breakfast dishes. I was rinsing the dishes off while standing there naked with a stainless-steel shackle locked tightly around my ankle. The shackle was attached to a stainless-steel chain, which wasn't very long, perhaps twenty inches. The other end of the chain was bolted very securely to the concrete floor underneath the sink.

Anna felt that restricting my freedom while I performed menial household chores in the nude would help get me into the mindset of a slave. On a practical level, the thing locked around my ankle accomplished nothing, but on a psychological level, it made me feel inferior, owned, and enslaved.

It was a heady and intoxicating feeling to be naked, helpless, and subject to Anna's orders. My pussy throbbed as I obediently washed the dishes and submissively kept my eyes downcast, occasionally glancing at the strong shackle, snugly locked around my bare, slender ankle.

I was tempted to rub my thighs together, but I reminded myself that slave-girls aren't supposed to do that sort of thing. Slave-girls are supposed to keep their thighs apart, so that their pubic lips are always on display. Focusing on that idea, I closed my eyes and spread my thighs even further apart, luxuriating in the feelings provoked by my servile, inferior status.

While I was reveling in my feelings of being deliciously owned, objectified and naked, there came a knock at the door.

I was naked and couldn't step away from the sink because of the chain and shackle around my ankle. My mother wasn't chained up; however, she didn't want to answer the door as she was also naked. Anna got up, walked past me, and opened the door herself. I couldn't see the front door from where I was standing but I could hear Anna speaking to the person who had knocked. Her name was Kendall. I was surprised to see her, as she wasn't the type for making social visits.

Kendall was a member of Anna's coven. I assumed that her sudden arrival at my house had something to do with witchcraft and I was right.

"Hello, Candice," she greeted me as she entered the kitchen and looked me up and down. She'd seen me naked before, but every time she gave me that assessing look, I felt pornographically on display.

It didn't help that she was wearing stylish boots, dress slacks and a custom-tailored blazer. That she was so impeccably dressed served as a severe contrast to my nudity, making me feel even more embarrassed, self-conscious and vulnerable.

Anna joined us in the kitchen, closing the distance between us to better explain the purpose of Kendall's visit.

"I've been talking to Kendall about your new status as my slave, and the difficulties of treating you like a slave in public."

"Yes, well, America abolished slavery back in 1865," I replied. "That makes it kind of awkward to treat me like your slave while we're at the bank or the grocery store."

Anna slid her arm around my waist and replied, "Well, yes, that's what I thought. But Kendall thinks that she's found a way around that."

A smile crept across Kendall's face, and she explained. "I hypothesize that I can embed a suggestion spell into your skin. It will manipulate the opinions of those around you, and when they see you naked or handcuffed in public, it won't cause them to freak out or object. In their minds, they'll feel like this is the sort of thing they've dealt with before."

"Wait! You can do that?"

My mother had been listening nearby and padded over to join the conversation.

"I've tested the spell already under controlled circumstances," Kendall continued, turning to acknowledge my mother, then turning back to Anna. "I had some difficulties at first, but I believe I now have all the kinks worked out."

"This is so exciting," Anna enthused, squeezing me tight. "Do you understand what this means?"

I had an inkling. I had visions of Anna taking me out in public while naked and handcuffed. My heart sped up at the thought of Anna doing that sort of thing to me and I felt a wave of fear wash over me. It was a delicious sort of fear, and there was a pulsing in my loins that came along with it, but I was gripped with fear, nevertheless.

"It means that you'll have the freedom to be yourself in public," Anna said, not waiting for me to respond.

Kendall worked her spell on me. First, she produced a bottle of oily, amber colored liquid from a pocket, and uncorked it. She put some of the liquid on the tip of her finger and drew some symbols on me. The first symbol was drawn on my forehead, the second on the space between my breasts, and the third on my lower abdomen, about an inch or two above my vagina.

"You may feel a slight burning sensation," Kendall warned. "It's nothing to worry about. It just means that the spell is taking hold."

Kendall then said some words in Latin. I don't speak Latin, so I didn't really get what she was saying. I think I heard her say "stamen veritas" and "imperium," but there were lots of other words mixed in there, and then, while I was attempting to decipher the words, the burning sensation kicked in.


The spots where Kendall had marked me burned for a second, but the hot, stinging sensation dissipated almost immediately. The oily liquid on my skin also disappeared.

"That's it?" my mother asked.

"That's it," Kendall confirmed. "You should be able to take her outside just like this now. Nobody will call the police or accuse her of indecent exposure."

I was afraid to go outside like that. A large part of me was afraid that the spell wouldn't work, and I'd get into all kinds of awkward and embarrassing trouble, but Anna was eager to take me outdoors and test the spell immediately.

"Anna, are you sure?" I asked, as she unlocked the shackle from around my ankle. "Do we really want to do it right this minute?"

It turns out that was the wrong question to ask. Rather than being persuaded to be more cautious or careful, Anna decided to up the ante. Being naked suddenly wasn't good enough. She decided to take me outdoors naked and bound.

I groaned as Anna locked a slave collar around my neck and ordered me to place my arms behind my back.

"Hold your elbows and your wrists close together," Anna ordered, "while I get some bondage gear to put on you before I take you outside."

I gave Anna a pouty look, but she'd already turned her back and rushed out of the room. Kendall and my mother saw the worried look on my face, but they said nothing in response. My girlish frown was wasted.

Anna came right back and in no time leather restraints were buckled around my wrists and secured together with a stainless-steel clip. Then came the leather restraint around my elbows. I grunted as the elbow restraint was tightened. It was quite uncomfortable, but Anna insisted that it did wonders for my figure.

"It makes your breasts stand out like you wouldn't believe," Anna gushed. "Let's get you over to a mirror. I'll show you."

I sighed and allowed my girlfriend/mistress to guide me over to a full-length mirror so I could experience the aesthetics of being in strict bondage.

Naked before the big mirror, I got a good look and understood why Anna was so thrilled. The way I was bound my strained shoulders were forced unnaturally far back and my breasts were thrust unnaturally far forward. I had never seen my breasts look so impressive before.

My girlfriend added a second strap above the first one, pulling my arms even closer together. It was painful, but it made me look even sexier. The way I was forced to pull my shoulders back and thrust my chest forward, it seemed like my boobs had gone up by an entire cup size.

Anna talked about how beautiful I looked, and she wasn't wrong, but I couldn't help but think how slutty I looked too. The way I was putting my boobs so explicitly on display as if inviting anyone to play with my conspicuously hard, erect nipples seemed too brazenly sexual for public consumption.

The more I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, the more shameless and seductive I looked. My face was flush with arousal, my pubic lips were plump and glistening with my own juices, making me seem like I was a libidinous slut, ready to be touched and fondled by anyone.

My breasts heaved up and down as I took several deep breaths. "Anna," I begged, "I can't go out in public like this! I'm not just naked, I'm flaunting all my naughty bits like I'm some sort of internet ad for slutty girls that will sleep with anybody!"

"Well, that's what we want, isn't it?" Anna insisted as she stood behind me, reaching around to take hold of my extremely responsive nipples. "If I can take you out in public looking like some sort of shameless slut, shamelessly flaunting her tits and ass, and you don't get arrested, it will be undeniable proof that the spell works."

I moaned as Anna rolled my nipples between her thumbs and index fingers. Wave after agonizing wave of desire passed through me, making my nipples somehow even harder. I found it difficult to think, and I missed most of what was said after that.

* * *

We ended up at Fairhaven mall. I barely even remembered getting into Anna's car. The entire trip was largely blotted out as I was swimming against a tide of feverish desire. My breasts were conspicuously on display, and Anna kept reaching over, taking hold of them, brushing her thumbs across my nipples, doing wicked things to get me so erotically stimulated I couldn't think straight.

"I thought some shopping would be nice for you, darling. Much better than being stuck at home all day, don't you think?"

I was naked, and the mall was filled with people. Sexual arousal and blind panic battled inside me for supremacy. I felt I might faint, as my emotions were being strained to the breaking point, but Anna just smiled with amusement at my plight.

"People are staring," I protested as two dozen pairs of eyes fixated on my bound nudity, making me feel even more naked than I had felt before.

"Well, of course, they're staring," Anna replied congenially. "You look scrumptious. Why wouldn't they stare?"

People would be walking through the mall, seeing me and then changing direction so they could get a closer look at me. I felt an urge to turn around and flee their prying eyes, but Anna kept her hand on my arm and escorted me deeper into the mall.

"Candice?" a boyish voice said insistently, and I turned to my left to see a familiar face.


Jeffery Lemon was a boy I knew from high school. He was super-cute. We had gone out on a date years ago, but he was so awkward and nervous, he never even kissed me. I hadn't seen him in three or four years, but he still looked super cute. He has kind of a Georgie Farmer look to him, only his hair is longer, wavier and is a strawberry blonde color.

"I'd heard you'd left town," Jeffery said as his eyes roamed over my naked body before finally making eye contact. "It's good to see you finally came back."

"You two are old friends?" Anna asked. Jeffery didn't even notice Anna until she spoke. I suppose seeing me naked and barefoot at the mall would cause him to be hyper fixated on me to the exclusion of everyone else.

"We went to school together," I explained. "Anna, this is Jeffery. Jeffery, this is my girlfriend, Anna."

"Girlfriend?" he asked. I could hear the disappointment in his voice. He'd probably been hoping we could get back together again.

"Girlfriend and mistress," Anna amended. "We have a complicated relationship."

Jeffery's brow furrowed. "Mistress?"

"Candice is my lesbian sex slave," Anna explained. I could feel my face blushing a deep red as the words left her mouth.

"Anna! You can't say things like that!" I blurted out loud.

Anna raised an eyebrow at me, and I realized I was in trouble. The mall had familiar surroundings and Jeffery was a familiar face. Surrounded by these familiar sights, I suppose I just slipped into my old way of doing things. Of course, Anna was expecting me to behave like a slave, not like some random civilian.

"Can't?" Anna asked. "Is my slave giving me orders, now?"

"Oops, sorry," I said anxiously.

"You realize I have to punish you for that, don't you?"

"I said I was sorry!" I grumbled, digging myself in even deeper.

"It's a serious violation of slave etiquette," Anna replied. "Apologies aren't good enough. You'll have to do a seriously painful penance to make things right."

Jeffery was amazed by all of this. He had known me as an ordinary, conventional, heteronormative student back in high school. Seeing me as a lesbian sex slave who could be casually sentenced to exotic punishments was a bit much for him to take in. Anna found his reactions amusing.

"Would you like to watch?" she asked Jeffery. "I'm thinking of scheduling it for Saturday morning. I can text you the time and address."

I was shocked speechless. Inviting Jeffery to watch me being subjected to a spanking or some other form of humiliating punishment felt like Anna was crossing some sort of line. I had a brief hope that Jeffery would refuse Anna's invitation, but said he'd like to watch, and he gave Anna his number so she could text him with the details.

Anna was annoyingly pleased. I blushed at the thought of Jeffery witnessing my punishment, and my mistress was enjoying every second of my embarrassment.

"You're dreading him watching, aren't you?" Anna asked, grinning. "The thought of one of your old friends watching you punished like a naughty slave-girl."

My mistress was enjoying my discomfort so much, she set out to locate as many other people in the mall that I knew from my old life as possible so she could invite them to witness my punishment as well. I gritted my teeth and tried not to say anything that would get me into even more trouble.

* *

Our first stop was at Fairhaven leather design. Anna tried on leather jackets until she found one that she liked. She also got some stunning leather boots. She wore her new purchases out of the store, looking majestic, while I was still barefoot, naked, and helplessly bound. Her fabulous new clothes somehow managed to amplify the contrast between the two of us.

On the way out, we ran into a former teacher of mine. Her name was Ms. Grigorova. She was shocked to see me walking around naked with my arms bound behind my back. Anna explained that I was her slave, and she invited my old teacher to come see me getting punished for my impudence the following Saturday morning.

She seemed shocked at first, and I was almost certain she was going to decline the invitation, but after a minute or two she allowed that it could be interesting to watch one of her former students subjected to public corporal punishment.

"Teachers aren't permitted to punish students like that, but it might be interesting to watch Candice being punished by somebody else. What time should I be there?"

I let out a disappointed groan. Later Anna informed me that my groaning was rude, and she added an additional five strokes to my upcoming punishment.

We ended up having lunch at the Cheesecake factory. With my bound arms, I couldn't touch a knife or fork, so Anna fed me.

Oh, and to make things even worse, our waitress was a girl named Sam. She was one of the popular girls from my senior year in high school. I had let her copy off my quizzes in history class, so we were on friendly speaking terms.

"Candice! What happened to you? After high school you just sort of disappeared!"

"Candice was out of the country," Anna explained.

"At school?"

An amused smirk spread across Anna's face, and she replied, "Kind of. She was in a foreign country. She was with the royal family of Verborgen. They were teaching her how to be a sex slave."

Sam's cheeks flushed for a moment. Then she said, "That is so intense! I could never do that! I'd be too nervous!"

Sam seemed to think that the life of a slave was so exciting. She wanted to hear tales of my slave training and see pictures. Anna was extremely happy to oblige with both. My face blushed hot with extreme embarrassment as my girlfriend told our waitress tales about how I went from an ordinary girl from the suburbs to be transformed into a lesbian sex slave.

If there had ever been any doubt about the effectiveness of Kendall's spell, it was dissolved right then and there. I was sitting there stark naked, with my arms bound behind my back, discussing my descent into slavery and instead of causing a scandal, my situation was considered to be something provocative and engrossing.

"Would you like to come over and watch next time she's punished?" Anna asked. "You seem to have an interest in that sort of thing."

Of course, Sam wanted to watch. Anna and Sam planned it out, and I knew that I was going to have an audience the next time I was screaming in frantic pain.

* * *

In America, you wouldn't expect many people would see a naked woman being whipped as a form of entertainment, but it took Anna very little time to drum up a crowd to come and witness my punishment.

Of course, my best friend Barb was there. She had been uncomfortable with the idea of me being a slave at first, but now she was embracing my new status wholeheartedly. She had even agreed to become my co-mistress, along with Anna.

My ex-boyfriend Jeffery was there, looking confused but still excited to be included in the festivities. Sam traded shifts with one of her fellow waitresses so she could be there to witness my punishment. My ex-teacher Ms. Grigorova was there, as was my next-door neighbor Laura Reed and her mother. My friend Aimee showed up to view my whipping, and then, just when I thought all the spectators had arrived, my Aunt Emma showed up.

As a slave, I'm not supposed to complain about who witnesses my punishments, but my Aunt Emma creeps me out the way she ogles me. It's one thing to be ogled by your next-door neighbor, but your aunt? Now, that's disturbing! And what's even more disturbing, she stares at my mother the same way.

Aimee squealed and gave me an enthusiastic hug when she arrived. She's had a crush on me for years, but it wasn't until I became a slave that she worked up the courage to express her true feelings towards me. She hugged me tight, kissed me on the cheek and said, "It's so good to see you! Thank you for inviting me!"

Before the whipping began, I greeted all the guests one at a time. Some were warm and affectionate, like Aimee. Others were eager to hear me scream in pain. Then there was Jeffery, who was confused about the whole thing, but he was very much enjoying the fact that my mother and I were naked.

"Your mom is so hot," he gushed as his gaze darted from me to my mother and back to me again. "I can't believe she's forty!"

"Yes, well some women age well," I explained.

"Anna tells me that you've made out with her."

"Yes, well, the Royal Family of Verborgen thought it would be entertaining to have a mother and her daughter..."