Candice in Wickedland Ch. 01

Story Info
Candice is sexually violated by a mysterious woman.
7.3k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/02/2020
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I sat in the passenger seat of my mother's air-conditioned SUV and complained about the fact that I didn't have a vehicle of my own. I had taken the written test, taken the driving test, passed and got my driver's license. I was getting frustrated at the fact that I didn't have a car of my own.

"Graduate from high school and your father will buy you a car," my mother said, "He considers a high school diploma to be the bare minimum proof that you're responsible enough for vehicle ownership."

I blew an errant strand of hair out of my face and pouted. "I graduate in two days. I got the grades and everything. I've been an excellent student this year."

"So, you shouldn't have long to wait, should you?" my mother asked.

I love my parents, but I've been in a grumpy mood lately, so I've been complaining about almost everything in my life. For the past four weeks I've been having these truly elaborate and disturbing sexual dreams. I've been starting to suspect that there's something wrong with me.

That's why I made an appointment with Doctor Ackerman. She's a psychiatrist that specializes in helping teenagers deal with the traditional sorts traumas and stresses that teenagers deal with. It would be far too embarrassing to discuss my dreams with my parents or my sister or even my friends. These dreams blatantly pornographic and indecent. The only way I could talk to anyone about this stuff is if they were a stranger with a guarantee that they'd be discrete and when it was all over, I could go way and never see them again.

* * *

Doctor Ackerman clung to an old stereotype of having her patients lie on a couch while they recounted their problems to her. I don't get that, why would lying down make it any easier to talk about your problems than sitting down? Or standing up?

Anyway, I told her that I'd been having dreams of the mega-disturbing variety and she asked a bunch of open-ended questions, encouraging me to share as many details about my disturbing dreams as possible.

"Okay," I said, and I let out a huge sigh and tensed as I recounted a plethora of details.

"Every single one of these dreams features this scary woman, I don't know who she is, but she's tall, she has sea green eyes, long, crimson-copper hair, she has a lithe, athletic build, and when she looks directly at you, the look on her face is severe and intimidating."

"You say you don't know who she is," the psychiatrist commented, "but who do you feel she represents?"

"No idea," I responded, "She's totally cruel, and the most sexually deviant person ever. I've never known anybody in real life that was such a perv."

"And how many sexual deviants and pervs have you known in your lifetime?" Doctor Ackerman asked, I noticed that she said "pervs" instead of "perverts, mimicking my own words, despite higher education. It was an obvious attempt to make herself seem like she could relate to me on my own level.

"Um, none," I replied.

"So, none of your previous sexual partners were deviant in any way?"

I had to stifle a laugh.

"I've never had any sexual partners," I explained, "I've only went on one date in my life and that was with Jeffery Lemon. I mean, he's super-cute and all, probably the cutest boy in school, but he was so awkward and nervous, he never even kissed me."

There were a few seconds where neither Doctor Ackerman nor I said anything. I think she was stunned to find out I was a virgin. I know, I know, it's atypical these days for someone my age to still be a virgin. Most of the girls I went to school with lost their virginity at age fifteen or sixteen. And there I was sexually inexperienced at age eighteen.

"You've never even kissed a boy," she said, sounding somewhat surprised, "What about girls?"

I chewed on my lower lip for a few seconds before answering. I mean, technically I had kissed a girl before, but I didn't think it should count.

"Well, there was this one time at a Halloween party," I said, "I made out with Barbara Jacobs, but that shouldn't count."

"Shouldn't count?"

"I had dressed up as Cosima Niehaus," I explained, "The only reason I kissed Barbara was because I was in character. It was the sort of thing Cosima would have done. I took drama and when I play a role, I totally commit to it."

"This Cosima is some sort of lesbian then?"

"From the TV show, Orphan Black, you've never seen it?"

She'd never seen Orphan Black, so I had to explain about Cosima and Sarah and all the other clones, and how Cosima is this brilliant science nerd with a 147 IQ. I mean, she's also a lesbian, but I feel that women need to stop idolizing the Kardashians and need to embrace intelligent people as role models.

"So, the only reason you kissed Barbara was because you were playing a role?" Doctor Ackerman asked.

"It was Halloween," I replied, "The whole point of Halloween is to be somebody you're not. I spent one night as Cosima Niehaus. When Barb started flirting with me, it wasn't me who responded. It was Cosima. I totally embraced my role. It's what a good actress does. I totally got inside Cosima's head and reacted the way she would've."

"I see," Doctor Ackerman said in that totally neutral, non-threatening tone of voice that all psychiatrists seem to use when talking to patients, "Tell me about Barbara, what sort of person is she?"

Barbara is a total sweetheart. She's much more social than I am, and she's usually the one who gets me to go to events like Halloween parties. She was also the one who encouraged me to go out with Jeffery Lemon. She's always trying to get me to be more social and have more fun.

During my first visit with Doctor Ackerman, we mostly talked about my friends, my family, and my school. We didn't get into the disturbing, kinky, and lewd details of my dreams until my second visit. Honestly, for an innocent girl like me, it wasn't easy to open up about pornographic stuff like this, especially since it came from my own brain, I mean I was sleeping, but even when you're sleeping, your brain is still responsible somehow for the things you experience in your dreams, right?

* * *

"So, this scary redheaded woman," I told Doctor Ackerman, "she's always tying me up. And then, she's always cutting me out of my clothes. Sometimes she uses a knife, sometimes she uses trauma shears, once she just tore my clothes off me with her bare hands, she's surprisingly strong."

"Why does she tear your clothes off, Candice?" Doctor Ackerman asked.

"She's some sort of pervert," I explained, "She wants me naked. She interested in the most intimate parts of my anatomy. She runs her hands all over my naked body, paying special attention to my breasts, my nipples, my buttocks, my anus, and my pubic lips. Sometimes she sticks things into my vagina."

"What sort of things, Candice?" the doctor asked.

"Fingers are the most common thing," I replied, "She likes to force her fingers deep into my vagina and probe every square inch of it. But she's also stuck other things inside of me, candles, a cucumber, things like that."

"And why does she stick things inside your vagina?"

"She likes to humiliate me," I replied, "She likes to see me suffer. It's like I'm a mouse that's been caught and she's a cat that's tormenting me. Watching me suffer is grand entertainment for her. If I complain about what she's doing to me, she'll pinch one of my nipples or smack my butt repeatedly until it stings."

"You can feel pain in these dreams?" the psychiatrist asked.

"Oh, yeah," I replied, "especially when she pinches my nipples. They're sensitive. I think they're more sensitive in my dreams than they are in real life. Sometimes when she pinches my nipples, I wake up screaming. And sometimes my nipples are still sore and throbbing when I wake up, only for a few seconds, but the pain is surprisingly intense."

* * *

I explained to Doctor Ackerman how scary these dream were and how I sometimes had to deal with sharp, traumatizing pain, but what I didn't mention was how sometimes, like with the past four or five dreams, I woke up so sexually aroused, that I had to masturbate before I could go back to sleep.

I suspected that the dreams were changing me. I had never been a noticeably sexual person. I was far more interested in school and science fiction programs on TV than I was in sex, but these dreams energized my libido and made me hypersexualized for short periods of time. The orgasms I experienced after some of these dreams were so intense, I had to bite down on something to keep from screaming. I mean, I would have screamed loud enough to wake everyone in the house if I weren't careful.

* * *

Barbara and I both have health club memberships at Stark Fitness and we usually go and work out together between two and six times a week. It's one of our longstanding traditions.

Well, we've been doing it for about six or seven months. That counts as a longstanding tradition, right?

Our normal tradition involves us doing an hour on the elliptical trainers before moving onto the weight resistance machines and ab exercises on the Roman Chair. Then we would go down to the locker room, shower, change into our bathing suits and sit in one of the hot tubs and relax.

We still did all those things, only this time I found myself spending an inordinate amount of time staring at the feminine curves of Barbara's butt and fighting the urge to grab her perfectly sculpted ass in my hands.


I've known Barbara for years. I've seen her in tight spandex, in bikinis, in her underwear and even naked, but I never thought of her as a sexual temptation until I started having these dreams.

When we were in the hot tub, I couldn't help but think of Barbara as a sexual creature. Her lips looked so yummy and kissable, it took all my self-control not to lean forward and start kissing her in front of everyone.

"So, what do you think?" Barbara asked and I suddenly realized that I had missed a major portion of what she'd been saying.

"Um," I said somewhat embarrassed that I had no idea what Barbara was talking about, "think about what?"

Barbara's beautiful mouth dropped open and she stared at me, her face an expression of both amusement and shock and then she said, "Candice! I just spent the past five minutes telling you all the reasons you should go to Fairhaven University and live on campus with me, and you didn't hear a single word I said!"

"Sorry," I said sheepishly, "I guess my mind was somewhere else."

I squirmed uncomfortably as she gave me an assessing look. As I squirmed, I maneuvered slightly away from her and as a result I ended up with one of the water jets shooting directly at my vulva. I stifled a gasp and tried to angle my hips to get my pubic area out of the line of fire, but Barbara moved forward, backing me even more firmly into the water jet that was firing an intense pulse of water into my pudendum.

"You were thinking about that boy upstairs doing leg extensions, weren't you?" Barbara asked as my sex throbbed, "the one in the bike shorts?"

I wasn't sure what boy she was talking about. I had become fixated on Barbara and the delicious curves of her body. Whoever the boy was that Barbara had seen, I had totally failed to notice him.

But I couldn't tell her that, could I?

"Um, wow," I said as I eased my pussy off the powerful water jet, "yeah, you can read me like a book. Maybe that's why we're such good friends."

Of course, as I easing myself off that erotic pulse of water meant that I had moved intimately close to Barbara. We were so close that our breasts were almost touching. The smell of pool chemicals seemed strangely arousing all of a sudden, and my sex throbbed as Barbara slid one arm smoothly against mine and one of her legs rubbed gently against my thigh.

"If we both go to Fairhaven, we can share a room together, but we have to ask quickly before all the room assignments are given out," Barbara warned.

"Fairhaven, right," I said, my eyes intensely riveted to my best friend's fully, luscious lips, "Yeah, my dad is pushing me to go to Bryn Mawr. But my mom is all for Fairhaven. She doesn't like the idea of me moving all the way to the other side of the country. She'd like it if I stayed close by."

Barbara's eyes widened excitedly, and she smiled, "Well, just team up with you mom then! It'll be two against one!"

I nodded in agreement with my best friend, just barely comprehending the meaning of her words. I had known Barbara for years and had never been sexually attracted to her before, but all of a sudden, I had found myself hypnotized by her beauty.

I mean, sharing a dorm room with my best friend for four years while I attended college was probably a good idea, but I was so mesmerized by her feminine curves and her seductive lips, I didn't even take two seconds to think about it. My cognitive abilities were hopelessly swept away by an overwhelming tidal wave of sexual longing.

* * *

I was in a large, sunny courtyard with sun-warmed paving stones underneath my bare feet. I was naked, the most intimate parts of my anatomy shamelessly exposed. I wanted desperately to use my hands to cover my breasts from public view, but my hands had been tied behind my back.

The tall, terrifying, redheaded woman had led me across the courtyard by tugging on a leash that was attached to my slave collar. She pulled hard on the leash and dragged me into a fast trot behind her. I was forced to try and keep up whether I wanted to or not.

As I was dragged forward, people in the courtyard reached for me, touching my naked body, copping a feel, slapping my thighs, or smacking my unprotected buttocks. Being naked and exposed in front of dozens of prurient strangers was traumatic and humiliating, however, that wasn't the worst of my troubles.

Eventually I was marched to a row of stages with vertical poles ascending from them. The poles were thick and sturdy and set approximately three feet apart from each other.

"You thought a mortal woman with a doctorate could banish me from your mind?" the terrifying woman asked as she pulled me towards one of the stages, "Foolish girl! I am no mere apparition to be chased away with a commanding voice! I am Lady Bedrohlich, and you shall never be rid of me!"

Lady Bedrohlich? In all my previous dreams, I had never been given a name to go with my tormenter. Now, I knew that she called herself Bedrohlich. What kind of name was that anyway? It sounded guttural and angry, almost as if she wanted to be feared.

Lady Bedrohlich untied the cords that bound my arms behind my back and ordered me to climb up onto one of the unoccupied stages. I was naked and terrified. I obeyed quickly, not wanting to do anything that would make her even more hostile than she was already.

"Up you go, girl," Lady Bedrohlich commanded, pointing to the unoccupied stage. "Step lively now!"

I nervously stood between the poles and was made to raise my arms so that Bedrohlich could tie my wrists to iron rings set high up in each pole. Then my ankles were dragged far apart by my oppressor and she then tied my ankles to iron rings set into the floor. Within a matter of seconds, I was spread wide, completely vulnerable, and utterly helpless.

A crowd of well-dressed, smirking men and women had followed me as I was led through the courtyard and they soon surrounded the stage. A bold woman in a gown of seafoam green gazed intently at me and addressed Lady Bedrohlich, declaring, "Your new slave is adorable, but why have you allowed her to conceal her sex underneath all that hair?"

I looked down at my small patch of pubic hair and then looked at the crowd of people in front of me. They were all staring directly at my crotch with great interest. A feeling of dread overwhelmed me as I anticipated what was likely going to happen next.

"I'm still in the process of laying my claim to her," Bedrohlich replied, "I had intended to shave away her pubic hair after all the customs had been observed and she was formally recognized as my property."

The woman in the green gown studied my helpless nudity and spoke of the importance of stripping away all vestiges of pride and haughtiness away from newly obtained slaves as quickly as possible. She recommended that my pubic hair be shaved off immediately while the spectators in the courtyard watched.

"They will no doubt find the removal of her genital hair an amusing diversion," she suggested.

The crowd laughed as the lady in green reached between my thighs and ran her fingers through my pubic hair. I trembled and whimpered as the wicked woman fondled a very private part of my anatomy and Lady Bedrohlich then opined that if the lady in green felt it important I be shaved with such great haste, that she could do the honors herself.

The lady in green introduced herself as Gudrun and graciously agreed to be the one who shaved my pubes bald.

At Lady Bedrohlich's command, people in the crowd scurried to bring forth a bucket of warm water, two clean cloths and a bar of soap. And from the recesses of her own clothing, Gudrun produced a very sharp, intimidating razor. I whimpered at the sight of it, horrified that that such a sharp, formidable looking blade would be pressed against the most intimate and delicate part of my female anatomy.

"Don't tremble little girl," Gudrun admonished as she took my pubic lips between her thumb and forefinger and pinched them cruelly, "I've shaved many pretty slave girls. I have steady hands and I can expertly shave you from back to front without leaving so much as a scratch on your beautiful skin."

Despite her calm assurances, I was gripped with a sense of panic. I was understandably nervous, nevertheless, I did my best to keep from shaking while Gudrun held a razor near my pubic lips.

Gudrun released my labia from her grip, then she washed my pubic mound with soap and water. Despite my feelings of fear and humiliation, the heat and the urgency between my legs increased and I could feel my clitoris growing hard as the rough, wet cloth was pressed against my pelvis and stroked up and down across my pubic lips from top to bottom.

And then came the razor.

I was impressed with Gudrun's abilities. Her hands were smooth and steady, and they did their job efficiently. She shaved me around my pubic lips, my perineum and even around my anus, leaving me as smooth and hairless as the day I was born. Then Gudrun used a clean cloth to wipe away all the refuse that had once been my pubic hair.

With my pubic hair gone I felt far more naked than before. And with a crowd of dozens staring directly at my bald pubes I felt terribly vulnerable. Then to make matters worse, Lady Bedrohlich closely examined Gudrun's work, inspecting my pink slit from back to front, touching my vulva all over, checking for any stray pubic hairs and causing me to moan as played with my sex.

"You did an admirable job," she said to Gudrun, "Should you wish, I could put you in my employ and pay you to shave her every day. It would please me to keep her sex always this hairless and exposed."

It was humiliating to be so naked, exposed and on display for a crowd of seventy people or more. I whimpered and squirmed in my bonds, indignant at how I was being humiliated and abused, and yet at the same time my nipples had grown embarrassingly hard and erect and my vagina throbbed with one agonizing spasm of desire after another. I attempted to hide my sexual arousal, but it was extremely difficult with my hard nipples and swollen pubic lips so blatantly on display.

Then using both hands, Bedrohlich grabbed the delicate lips of my sex and roughly spread the lips of my vagina wide. I was horrified to have my most delicate and intimate place manhandled by that hateful, wicked woman, and yet my breath came faster, and I felt a familiar heat building in my loins. I strained to close my legs, but against the ropes that bound me, my struggles were inadequate.