Candice in Wickedland Ch. 03

Story Info
Forced nudity, outdoor bondage and forced orgasms.
9k words

Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/02/2020
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Anna had attempted to protect me from Princess Bedrohlich, unfortunately, her efforts at rescuing me failed, and on June the 6th, I was taken away to become a slave.

I was so nervous my hands were shaking. I was eighteen years old and barely out of high school. I was young, innocent, and inexperienced. Nothing in my life thus far had prepared me for the trauma of being taken away to a foreign land and becoming a sadistic woman's naked sex slave.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked Anna, "Don't you have any advice?"

Anna turned to Naomi and Kiko, as if to ask them for their opinion. Both women shrugged their shoulders. Kiko looked apologetic.

"Nothing?" I asked, "You have no advice, whatsoever?"

"Nothing that will get you out of becoming Princess Bedrohlich's slave," Anna responded, "She's a Sidhe noble. And one of your forebears promised that she could have you as her slave. By Sidhe law, that's a binding contract."

"It's a thousand days," I protested anxiously, that's like, two and a half years!"

"Actually, it's closer to three years," Naomi opined.

"Naomi! That's not helping!" Anna snapped and Naomi shut her mouth and averted her gaze.

Yeah, this wasn't really the time to be correcting my math. This was a time for helping me deal with my trauma and keeping me from having a full-blown panic attack.

I collapsed on the couch and closed my eyes and sighed. I was emotionally exhausted. I was too young, innocent, and untried to become a sex slave. There was no way I was going to be able to handle it.

"When Beth gets back, we'll have a talk with her," Naomi said, "She's the oldest member of our coven and has the most experience when it comes to dealing with the Sidhe. Maybe she'll have some ideas."

"Will she be back in time? We don't even know when Princess Bedrohlich is going to take me away."

"Beth should be back tomorrow evening," Anna replied, "As long as she doesn't take you away before then, we have a chance."

"Tomorrow? Oh God, I'm not sure if I can wait that long," I exclaimed, "A lot could happen to me between now and tomorrow evening."

I ended up having a panic attack, my throat felt tight and for a few moments I couldn't breathe, my blood pressure shot way up and I broke out into a sudden sweat. Luckily my girlfriend had seen panic attacks before and knew how to deal with them.

"Candice, drink this," Anna said as she held out a glass in front of me.

My hands were shaking, but I took the container from her hand and drank it all down. Shortly after that my feverish sweating stopped, my heartbeat returned to normal and it became easier to think.

"Oh my God, thanks Anna," I said. My hands no longer shook, and I stood up and gave Anna a hug.

Impulsively, Anna kissed me. Her lips were warm, and I was grateful for them. I had never needed moral support more than at that very moment. I kissed back, hard.

* * *

Anna and her coven did what they could to find a loophole to keep me from becoming Princess Bedrohlich's slave, but they were at a huge disadvantage, and in the end they had to admit they couldn't save me.

It was four or five hours later that two of Princess Bedrohlich's loyal agents showed up to collect me and take me away to be her slave.

Her agents weren't at all worried about Anna and her coven. They simply showed up while, Anna, Kiko and I were in the garden. We were picking comfrey leaves for Anna to use in one of her potions when we realized we weren't alone.

Anna and I were down on our hands and knees, carefully selecting the best leaves, when we heard a strong, female voice say, "We are here for Candice Beck."

I turned around and rapidly stood up. Standing just beyond the catmint were two women with high cheekbones, skin as white as snow, long, cascading hair as black as midnight and dressed all in black.

"Who are you?" I asked, although they looked so otherworldly, I knew they must be from Princess Bedrohlich's kingdom.

"I am Leise," one of the women replied, "And this is my sister Getreu. We are champions in the service of Queen Eydis."

"Leise and Getreu?" I asked.

"Total badasses," Anna explained, "They killed a dozen trolls during the Great Northern War."

"It was twenty-six trolls," corrected Leise, "Their heads are still mounted on spikes on Krieger Bridge if you wish to count them and see for yourself."

I had never heard of the Great Northern War, or Krieger Bridge, but if these ladies had killed twenty-six trolls all by themselves, I was willing to believe that they were badasses, to be feared and respected.

"No, that's okay," Anna replied, "We believe you."

The potion Anna had given me was still keeping my fear in check, so instead of panicking or trying to flee, my brain was able to formulate a coherent thought.

"Wait a minute," I said, "Isn't it overkill to have troll-slaying war heroes to come and fetch an unarmed, teenage girl?""

"We go where the queen sends us," Getreu replied.

"Service to the queen is not always about glorious battle," Leise added.

"I'm Candice's protector," Anna said, "I need to know that Candice won't be harmed if I allow you to take her back to your kingdom. What's going to happen to her?"

"She will be given to Princess Bedrohlich," Leise replied, "She will serve as Princess Bedrohlich's slave for a period of one thousand days. During her time as a slave, she will be properly fed, groomed and given time to sleep. When she is returned to you, she will still be in good health."

"So, I won't be whipped or branded, or anything like that?" I asked.

"The queen has prohibited the branding and burning of human slaves," Getreu responded, "however, you will be whipped often. This will cause no permanent damage. Slaves are never whipped beyond human endurance."

"But," I stammered, "why do I need to be whipped at all? I'm not a bad person! I'm not a criminal! I'm just a sweet, innocent, teenage girl!"

My eyes were pleading, and my voice was sincere, however, Leise and Getreu were unmoved.

"A sound whipping does wonders for a slave," Leise explained, "It helps to keep them humble and obedient. Whippings also provide great entertainment for the royal family and their honored guests."

"Entertainment?" I exclaimed in outrage, "What kind of sick people would be entertained by the screams of an innocent girl in pain?"

Leise and Getreu were not moved by my moral outrage. Their society had different values than the ones I was taught. For them, public whippings were a legitimate form of entertainment, and no amount of outraged complaining by a human teenager was going to make them feel differently.

There were a few moments of awkward silence after I failed to convince the pale, dark-clad women of the immorality of whipping naked girls, and then they spoke up and said, "Strip."

"What?" I said, sounding childish and confused. I understood the word, but my emotions rebelled against it.

"You must strip before we take you to Verborgen," Leise replied, "You may not set foot on our territory until you are completely naked."

A mad moment of hope sprang to my mind and I desperately called out, "Wait! If I don't strip, does that mean that you'll leave me alone and I can just stay here with my family and friends?"

Leise and Getreu didn't even blink.

"No," Leise replied, "If you do not strip voluntarily, it means that my sister and I will be forced to strip you ourselves. Would you prefer that option?"

I most certainly did not prefer that option. I didn't relish the idea of those two grabbing me and ripping my clothes off by force. So, even though my hands were shaking, I almost immediately began to undress.

My shoes were the most obvious and easiest choice to start with. I slipped out of those and then blushed as I looked up and realized Anna, Kiko and two imposing females from a faerie kingdom were watching me. Next, I grabbed my t-shirt by the hem and pulled it off, over my head. I handed it to Anna and belatedly realized that I was undressing outdoors, and suddenly I felt even more exposed and vulnerable.

Apparently, I hesitated, as the Getreu then offered, "Miss Beck, if you're having trouble disrobing, my partner and I can help you."

Her tone of voice was polite, but the message was unmistakable. Either I take my clothes off without delay, or she would tear them off me by force.

"I'm fine," I said as I then undid the snap on the front of my jeans. Then I pulled the zipper down and slid my jeans down my hips and stepped out of them. I handed my jeans to Anna and then I stood there in the garden, wearing nothing but my bra and panties.

I faced Getreu and Leise as I fumbled with the catch on my bra. It was the type that fastens in front and was normally easy to undo, however my hands were trembling so much I couldn't seem to work the little hook and eye properly.

"Do you need help, Candice?" Getreu asked. Her voice was still polite, and her face showed no sign of malice. At this point I saw no point in refusing her assistance.

"I can't seem to work the catch," I said, and I noticed my hands were trembling as I lowered them and allowed her to touch my breasts.

Her hands moved with skill and found the catch almost instantly. She unhooked my bra without damaging it and then handed it to Anna. Then I was standing in nothing but my tiny thong-style Lycra panties. Getreu was standing intimately close and probably wanted to help me remove those as well. However, I hooked my thumbs in the waistband and pulled them down myself. After I stepped out of them, I handed them to Anna as well and then attempted to cover myself with my hands.

"Don't cover yourself, Miss Beck," the pale, intimidating female ordered, "Place your hands behind the back of your neck. That's better. Now, pull your elbows back."

I reluctantly obeyed and then looked into the eyes of the Sidhe champion. There was still no malice in her eyes, but there was no compassion in them either.

"As Princess Bedrohlich's slave, you will not be permitted to cover yourself," she informed both me. The way I was standing with my hands behind my head and my elbows pulled back, caused my breasts to thrust forward and I felt painfully exposed and vulnerable as Getreu and Leise appraised my naked body with their eyes. I felt as if my bald pubes were acutely on display and even as I distressed over how exposed they were, I felt a soft, wet pulse in my sex, and my pubic lips began to swell and expand.

"I'll keep your clothes safe until you return," Anna said as I stood there feeling shamefully on display, "It's not for life, it's just for one thousand days."

One thousand days sounds like an awfully long time," I said, "but I'll try to be brave."

"Can I at least visit her during the thousand days?" Anna asked the imposing women, "I won't help her escape, I just want to check on her and make sure she's all right."

Getreu and her sister looked impassively at Anna and Getreu replied, "It is not my place to make such a decision. However, I will speak to Princess Bedrohlich on your behalf."

Then Getreu did something amazing. She held up her right hand, pointed it in the direction of the neighbor's yard, said a word in a language I didn't understand, and ripped a hole in the fabric of reality.

That's the only way I can describe it. There was suddenly a hole in the air and through that hole I could see another city. The city had cobblestone streets and buildings that looked preindustrial. There were no telephone poles, cable boxes or power lines anywhere. It reminded me of paintings I've seen of Europe during the Renaissance.

"This portal leads to the Kingdom of Verborgen," Getreu explained, "You will step through first."

I spared one last backwards glance towards Anna and then I stepped into a world I knew nothing about.

Looking up the cobblestone street, I could see stalls set out for the market, women dressed in bodices and long skirts, men dressed in tunics and leggings.

Getreu and Leise stepped through the portal and closed it behind them. I was naked, trapped in a foreign land and people in the street stared at me with prurient interest. I felt a sense of panic as their eyes burned into me and then I felt Getreu's hand on the small of my back.

"You must walk forward," she said, "Keep your hands behind the back of your neck and walk up the street. I will tell you when to stop."

I was made to walk naked through the medieval-looking town and men and women openly focused on my bare breasts and other naughty bits as I walked past. Much to my embarrassment, my nipples stiffened and became conspicuously erect.

Barefoot, I walked over the cobblestones of a street lined with little shops. There were people watching me from some of the windows. The more people who gazed upon my naked body, the more naked, exposed and vulnerable I felt.

As I was forcibly marched down the lanes, people became bolder and came out onto the street to gawk at me. Eventually a well-dressed woman strode directly into my path and deliberately blocked my path.

"Lady Hildis," Getreu said, greeting the elegant woman.

"Lady Getreu," the elegant woman said, "who is this delicious morsel you are escorting?"

Lady Hildis looked me up and down, assessing my naked body with a hungry look in her eyes. I squirmed uncomfortably as I was ogled. I desperately wanted to use my hands to cover my breasts and my pubic lips, however, I somehow managed to keep my hands obediently positioned at the back of my neck.

"Her name is Candice," Getreu explained, "from the land of mortals. She is Princess Bedrohlich's newest slave."

Lady Hildis made a great gasping sound and then exclaimed, "Princess Bedrohlich failed to tell me that she would be receiving her newest slave today! I thought that we were the closest of friends! Why would she not tell me?"

Lady Hildis continued to consume every inch of my naked body with her eyes and I continued to squirm in embarrassment. And then Getreu made my situation even more humiliating.

"You may touch her if you like," Getreu said, "I'm certain that Princess Bedrohlich wouldn't mind."

I felt my face burn hot as Lady Hildis smiled earnestly and reached out a questing hand towards me. She gently cupped one of my breasts and fondled it, feeling the warmth and the smoothness of the skin, before grasping the nipple between her thumb and forefinger.

Lady Hildis took both of my boobs into her hands and manipulated my swollen, erect nipples, brushing her thumbs across them, toying with them, turning them this way and that, eliciting moans and labored breathing from me, while I obediently kept my naked breasts thrust up and forward, so as to give her hands easy access to them. Lady Hildis had a wicked sort of knowledge when it came to a woman's nipples, she knew precisely how to handle them to make them throb and swell with desire. By the time she took her hands away, my nipples were so hard and engorged with blood that they ached.

A small crowd of onlookers appeared in the street and watched with great interest as Lady Hildis continued her exploration of my naked body.

"Her pubic lips are very plump and noticeable," Lady Hildis observed, "I'll wager that her sex is wet."

My pubic area had recently been shaved bald, thus making it impossible to hide my sexual least when I was naked like this. It was degrading enough that intrusive bitches like Lady Hildis would clearly see when my pubic lips became pink and swollen with arousal, but to add to my feelings of humiliation, the domineering woman reached between my legs and felt how wet I was.

"Aaaahhhh," I gasped as the strange hand cupped my vulva and her fingertips eagerly explored the moist folds of my labia.

"Spread your legs wider, dear," Lady Hildis urged, "I need to examine you."

I whimpered and hesitated at the humiliating command, but then Getreu and Leise echoed her words and insisted that I needed to spread my legs pornographically wide to give Lady Hildis even greater access to my pudendum.

And then at least two dozen people were watching as two strong fingers were thrust deep inside my sex. I trembled and made sounds of distress as my sex throbbed and my juices flowed onto Lady Hildis's fingers.

My lower lip trembled and then she brought her fingers up to my face, slick and coated with my warm juices.

"You're soaking wet, dear," the arrogant woman said as she held up her glistening fingers where I could easily see them, "It would appear that you are ideally suited for serving as a naked plaything."

I bit back an angry retort. I was an American teenager, raised by parents who believed that girls should be able to control their own sexual identity and have autonomy over their own body. I was taught not to allow priests or gymnastics coaches or creepy uncles to molest me or touch me in inappropriate ways, and yet there I was, naked on a public street, dozens of people watching as a stranger fingered my vagina and told everyone how my sex was soaking wet.

My head was reeling, and I was feverish with shame. I desperately wished for my encounter with Lady Hildis to be over, and then she developed an infatuation with my buttocks.

She positioned herself behind me, brushed her fingertips across my ass, fondled the curves of my buttocks, squeezed each ass cheek and then gave one of them a pinch.

"Her bottom is exquisite," Lady Hildis enthused, "Has she been spanked yet?"

"Not yet," Getreu replied, "She is freshly captured and has no conditioning or training just yet."

"What a shame," Lady Hildis replied, her voice thick with emotion, "She has a bottom that was made for spanking. If she were my slave, I would spank her often and make certain her buttocks were constantly sore."

"Would you like to spank her?" Getreu inquired, "We were taking her to the castle. I am certain that Princess Bedrohlich won't mind if her buttocks are slightly reddened before we arrive."

Lady Hildis turned to the large crowd and asked if one of them could fetch her a chair to sit on so that she could put me over her lap. Almost half a dozen of them scrambled to get her one. It seemed that I'd ended up in a kinky society where the vast majority of people were into seeing lady's bottoms getting spanked.

I had never been spanked before in my life, and I was frightened at the prospect of being spanked for the first time. And being spanked on a public street with dozens of people watching made me even more scared.

"But, I haven't actually done anything wrong," I protested, "I've done everything that's been asked of me. Why do I have to be spanked?"

"Dear child," Lady Hildis said as she took her eyes off my ass and turned to look me in the face instead, "It is something every slave must endure, even the most obedient and well behaved. In time, you will learn to accept spankings with grace and civility."

And then two people carrying a wooden chair with no armrests pushed their way through the crowd and set the chair down on the street where Lady Hildis could use it. She gracefully sat down and looked at me expectantly, before patting her lap.

"Come now, adorable child," she said sweetly, "You know what you have to do. Drape yourself across my lap, else I'll call for volunteers from the crowd and have them force you to go over."

My legs felt wobbly and my hands trembled, but I forced myself to get down on my knees and slide over Lady Hildis's thighs.

Before spanking me, she fondled my upturned bottom, leisurely running her fingertips across the curves of my buttocks and slightly spread my butt cheeks apart, as if she were examining my anus.

"Keep your hands down on the ground," Lady Hildis admonished me, "and your hips raised up. That's the proper posture for a slave to spanked."

"Please, do I have to be spanked here, on a public street?" I asked, pleading for a little dignity and then I felt a hard smack on my ass.