Carrie Discovers Passions


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"Well, hello to you too Carrie. What for? Are you actually going somewhere?" Austin teased.

"Yep, I booked that trip we were talking about."

Silence on the other end of the line then, "Did you really? You mean the one to ..."

"Yes, that one."

"Oh my god! I'm proud of you girl. When do you leave?"

"Three weeks," She paused, "Austin?"


"Do you want to go with me?"

"Hell yes I wanna go," she snapped. "But you know I can't get away from work until the fall." She paused. "But I'm seriously tempted. I don't think I'd ever do something like that on my own but now that I know you're doing it, I want to go too. But how can I go if you're borrowing my good suitcase?"

"I just thought I'd ask. I'm a little nervous."

"I can imagine. So, is this really one of those super orgy resorts we were reading about in Penthouse, with the group-sex hot tubs and public fucking?"

"Austin, don't say it that way. It's called Passions and it's an adults-only, clothing-optional resort that encourages guests to relax in natural comfort and allows romantic activity in selected areas on the premises," Carrie sounded like a brochure.

"You make it sound like Disney World for adults," Austin reflected. "So you're planning on getting laid?"

"Stop it Austin!" Carrie squealed.

"Well, why else would you go to a place like that other than to get some hot sex with a perfect stranger...or strangers? I'm just stating the obvious." Austin laughed a jealous little laugh.

"You make it sound so dirty. If I was going only for the sex, I could hang out at O'Malley's and pick up some desperate guy any day of the week."

Austin tone change dramatically. "I know and I was just kidding, I really didn't mean to make you feel bad. It's just that I'm jealous, that's all. Seriously, you're doing something that any one of us would love to do but none of us would have the guts. Speaking of which, are you going to tell the other girls?"

"I don't know yet."

"Well, I won't say a word." Austin could be trusted.

"I know you won't."

"Um, Carrie..."


"On a serious note, can I give you some important personal advice? You know friend-to-friend."

"Of course."

"Now remember, I'm only telling you this because..."

Carrie cut her off, "Just say it already, we're best friends."

Austin inhaled then boldly blurted out, "You really need to shave your bush."


"Did you just tell me to shave my bush?" Carrie laughed outright at the outrageous comment.

"See I told you...that's why I said..." Austin tried to explain.

"I thought you were going to tell me to use protection or to bring back a tall handsome man for you or something like that but I didn't expect you to tell me to shave my freakin' pubes." They both laughed together, "What the hell?"

"Well, I know you've been out of circulation for a while but the last time I saw you in the gym showers things looked..." She paused, "I'm sorry to put it this way but it looked a little out of control down there. If you don't want to shave it, at least trim it up a bit...or a lot. I promise you'll thank me later."

"Oh my god, I can't believe you just said that to me," Carrie was blushing though Austin couldn't see it over the phone. "Have I really become 'big bush girl'?"

Austin stayed quiet as to not belabor the point.

"God, that's embarrassing but I appreciate it and I'll make sure that I 'trim the hedges' before the trip. I'll pick up the suitcase next week. Thanks."

They were both giggling as they hung up the phone.

Carrie knew Austin was right. From time-to-time, out of Saturday night boredom, she would rent an occasional Triple X-rated pay-per-view movie – something she never did while married. Once, Austin and Carrie even watched one together and heckled the poor acting, over-done boob jobs and complete lack of story. It was hard not to notice that nearly all the girls and many of the guys didn't have a stitch of pubic hair and those that did had it shaved into a thin landing strip.

Also noticeable was that more and more of the ladies in the gym showers were immaculately groomed or completely shaved. Going bare was even making its way up to the over 45 demographic in a big way. It was becoming rare to see anyone of any age with a natural, full-grown bush anymore and now that she thought about it, she was one of those uncommon ones. Shit! She WAS Big Bush Girl.


Nudity was strongly encouraged throughout most of the resorts facilities most of the time. According to the brochure, the only real clothing allowed was "revealing swimsuits and sheer cover-ups and wraps during meals and at night." Dinner was the only time the cover-ups, or tank-tops and waist wraps for men, were required. The instructions claimed the dress code and lack of dress code was for the comfort of all the guests. So when she did arrive at her destination and received her villa's key, she slipped all her clothes off and sat down on the edge of her large king bed.

How was she going to do this? Carrie flopped back on the big comfortable bed and found herself staring straight up into a huge mirror framed into the ceiling. She hadn't noticed it and it startled her at first. She looked at herself laying there naked and nervous. Could she really walk around naked in front of perfect strangers for an entire week?

Her frame of mind shifted as she looked into the mirror. From this reflected point of view she was really glad she took Austin's advice and trimmed things up a little down there.

It took her sometime to work up the nerve to walk onto the balcony that faced the ocean. Now anyone could see her; physical flaws were in plain view. Over time, she was becoming accustomed to her "imperfections" and realized during the two years of post-divorce dating that everyone had something they wanted to hide. The more she realized this, the more comfortable she was letting things show – a little.

Someone passed her balcony and she jumped back.

"Shit," she muttered, her breath caught in her chest. She was scared they'd seen her, but she shook it off and reminded herself of where she was. Plus, she better get used to it, people were going to see her much closer once she left her room. To warm herself up, she once again walked to the edge of the balcony and stood there; white knuckles gripping the railing until someone walked by.

This time it was a plump couple in their 50s walking back to their villa. As they passed under her balcony, Carrie waved and said, "Hello!" The couple looked up, gave a half-hearted wave and kept walking. It suddenly dawned on Carrie that a naked girl at a regular resort balcony would attract some serious attention. Here, she was just another resort guest blending in with everyone else. Her confidence boosted, she left her villa. Her flip-flops, sunglasses, a straw hat, a pair of small gold earrings and her room key on a coiled wrist band were the only things on her body, with the exception of a transparent layer of strong, waterproof tanning lotion.

The first thing she did was head to the beach for a morning swim before breakfast. She stopped by the beach cabana and grabbed a towel; and then to prove her courage she walked through a large group of people on her way to the water.

As she walked past the other nude guests she noticed there were people combing the sand and the water. Eventually a part of her relaxed and she told herself two things. One was if other men and women of all shapes and sizes could do this, so could she. Besides, she looked great. Another thing she told herself was no one knew her here, so what they thought about her shouldn't stop her from having a great vacation.

She stepped knee-deep into the water and paused before proceeded further into the cool liquid. Once waist deep, she dove in and swam out a good distance from the beach. There she lazily floated and watched couples, as well as individuals, enjoying the warm summer morning.

The cool ocean water felt very odd washing over her naked body. For some reason she felt more naked in the water than she did on land. As she became more accustomed to the feeling, she began to really enjoy the sensation.

Her gaze glanced over a pair of bronzed bodies and she let herself focus on them for several minutes. Their bodies were completely tanned with no sign of a tan-line anywhere. They must be regulars. She was lost in the movements of the man's hands sliding across the woman's shoulders as he covered her nude body with sun screen when all of a sudden she was bumped from behind.

She swam a short distance and then turned around in the water. A rush of embarrassment slammed into her as she took in the chiseled features of the nude man. "Sorry," she quickly said, noticing he'd stopped swimming and was staring back at her.

He made a funny face and asked, "For what? I bumped into you." He reached for her and she jerked back. She blushed when she saw him retrieve a volleyball that had gotten pulled out to sea and was floating right behind her head.

"First time?" he asked and then shouted for the folks on the beach. He launched the ball and it was then that she realized he had to have been standing on the ocean floor, because he was very sure in his movements.

"Uh-huh. How tall are you?" she asked. "Sorry, that was rude."

He chuckled. "Rude? Asking how tall I am isn't rude. I'm six-four." He laughed at her jaw dropping stare and pushed her mouth closed with two fingers pushing on her chin. "Now that reaction was rude."


"Let me see, I bet I can guess how tall you are," He angled his head to the right and then left. "You're five-five, right?"

She blinked rapidly. "Five-six but close enough. How'd you know that?"

"I saw you swim in." He winked and watched her laugh. "I was the one that 'accidentally' hit the volleyball out here."

"Oh, smooth move Mister, "she tossed him a flirtatious grin, "My name's Carrie."

"Justin," he answered back. "So Carrie, you're a virgin?"

Carries smile vanished from her face.

"I mean a virgin to the resort that is?"

Her shy smile crept back, "It's obvious isn't it?"

"A little. I know this is a bit forward and we just met but would like to have brunch with me?"

"Wow, that was fast, are you sure your wife won't mind?" she asked.

"Ah touché and smooth move back Miss Carrie. But I don't have a wife. I don't have a steady girlfriend either. I am not attached though I came here with a libido ready to be stroked and an appetite to match it."

"Yeah, I'm single too. My libido hasn't been stroked in so many years I forgot what it feels like." Carrie instantly regretted saying every one of those words thinking how desperate she must sound. "Oh crap, did I just say that out loud?"

Justin winked and swam closer to her. "Sounds like we're perfect for each other; at least our situations seem to match."

She laughed and added, "Sounds like we are. How 'bout a late breakfast first?"

"I could go for that."

"Wait!" Carrie almost shouted suddenly aware of something. "If you don't have a wife or girlfriend, how'd you get into the resort? I mean don't you have to be accompanied by a female guest or something? You should be here with someone right?"

"Right," Justin said with a wink. "I am."

"Oh," Carrie felt a chill of panic zip up her spin. "Then you go on and I'll see you around."

"What? No, come on let's..."

"Are you inviting me to join you two for a threesome? Because I don't think I'm ready for..." Carrie asked with artificial confidence trying to fit in at the resort and quell her fears.

"What? No, she's a travel companion; a way of circumventing the system or you could say we're threading ourselves through a small loophole in the rules," Justin squinted one of his eyes and pinched his fore-finger and thumb together. "We share a room but we're rarely in it at the same time. Actually, she's been quite busy and relatively scarce this trip."

"Oh, so the two of you aren't romantically involved?"

Justin just smiled, shook his head and avoided the question, "Come on, let's get some brunch."

They left the ocean and proceeded to walk along the shoreline toward the covered outdoor dining area until a woman with long black hair ran up to them. Carrie stopped dead in her tracks when the vivacious female launched herself at Justin. She leaped up and caught herself by wrapping her legs around his waist. He barely had time to grab her ass to catch her and steady himself.

Carrie stepped back and watched the interaction. The petite woman wrapped her arms around Justin's neck while her legs gripped his waist. Her lips captured his and Carrie watched two tongues battle it out. Eventually, the girl released her victim and slid down his tall body. "Hey there," she said to Carrie, a friendly grin covered her face.

"Hi," Carrie answered back with a nervous grin. This must be Justin's 'travel partner' she thought to herself.

"Lexi! Glad to see you," Justin said and swatted her backside. "This is Carrie. Carrie this is Lexi, professional hedonist."

Lexi stuck out her tongue. "I'm an absolute angel...until the first drink," she said and placed her hands on her hips.

"Carrie's new at the resort. She arrived this morning. Actually, I believe she's never been to a..."

Carrie interrupted and shoved out her hand, "Nice to meet you Lexi."

"Where are you headed?" Justin asked.

Lexi smirked, "To the bar."

"So you've been an angel for forty-five minutes today?" Carrie and Justin both laughed out loud and would have looked at the early time on their watches had they been wearing them.

"Go to hell, it's never too early for a Blood Mary or a Mimosa. They're breakfast for many of us on this island," Lexi smiled wickedly, "Bye, nice meeting you Carrie. See ya tonight. I'm sure Justin has already nabbed you for his date." Lexi started to walk off then turned back, "You know Justin," she licked her lips and looked Carried from top to bottom and back up again, "she'd make a great partner for the games."

Before Carrie could ask, Lexi winked, giggled and quickly trotted off in the direction of another resort guest, her tan ass jiggling as she went.

"Popular girl. Is she your travel..." Carrie said.

"Lexi? No." Justin chuckled and shook his head. "She's the sweetest woman I've ever met. She and her husband own the Whitewater Rafting Adventure inland on the island."

"There's white water rafting..."

Yea, it's a small river and the rides only about 30 minutes long but it's pretty rough. You forget all about bouncing breasts and swinging dicks when you have white water threatening to kill you.

"Not only that, you'll be hard pressed to find anyone more comfortable in bare skin than her. She was born naked, has chosen to live naked and will more than likely die shriveled up and naked." They both wrinkled their noses and giggled at the comical thought of Lexi in 30 years, pruney, sagging, skin like leather but still running around the resort in the buff.

"Did you see the movie 'There's Something about Mary'?" Justin asked.

"Magda? I was just thinking that!" In unison , "Ewww."

Justin shook off the thought and took her hand then let her toward the Porch Dining Room, where breakfast was still being served.

While they walked Carrie asked, "What did she mean about game partner?"

"I'll explain later."

"Her tan is, um, pretty thorough," Carrie commented.

"Noticed did ya? I bet Lexi's entire wardrobe could fit in one dresser drawer – shoes and all! The last time I was here we were dining with some folks from the Chicago area that told her they envied her free lifestyle. She told them that she hasn't owned a single piece of underwear since 1984. I think that's why she and her husband moved here to begin with." They continued walking to the restaurant.

"One of the things you'll really come to appreciate about being naked is that the humidity here is pretty high but without clothes one, you hardly notice it. Just wait until you get dressed after a week without clothing, you'll hate it; you'll see what I mean. It's no wonder the natives ran around naked for a thousand years." Justin smiled as he looked Carrie up and down. "Looks like your tan is pretty even too - at least for a virgin," Carrie squirmed, unaccustomed to the close physical scrutiny.

"Tanning bed." Carrie shrugged then pointed to the restaurant sign. "Looks like we made it in time."

"Yep," Justin said. Carrie started to sit down, "Wait, before you sit down drape your towel over the seat. Hygiene is important around here. Keep a towel with you and always drape it over your chair, bar stool or any other public seat. There are towel stations all around if ever need one."

"Oh, thank you for the reminder. I read that in the brochure but I'm a little overwhelmed." She also read that nudity was allowed at breakfast and lunch but light covers were required for dinner and at all times in the formal dining room.

He ordered a chicken salad croissant sandwich and Carrie ordered a small fare of date bread and fruit. "You'll need your energy for the other activities I have planned for you today, so you can eat off my plate if you want. You'll be glad later."

"I don't want to gorge myself my first day here." Actually, being naked helped keep her appetite in check. "So, what activities do you have planned?"

"Well let's see, after stroking of our libidos, feeding your appetite and playing naked volleyball, we might stroll along the beach."

"That all sounds fun but I see you've have already started working on the stroking part. I saw where your hand went after Lexi grabbed you," Carrie said.

"You saw that huh?" Justin winked. "Hey, she jumped me, what was I supposed to do?"

The food arrived and looked wonderful. The plates were full of fresh tropical fruit, breads and pastries.

Justin grabbed his plate and stood up. "Come on, follow me."

"Are we going to your room?" She naively asked.

Justin just chuckled and kept walking.

Carrie followed him to the beach where several others were milling about. She was a bit put off, thinking she'd be able to take care of his protruding cock by sticking it in her wet pussy, but she decided to bite back her disappointment and let him carry on. "Besides, don't be too eager," she kept telling herself, "There's always later."

She took a seat on the sand after he had pulled two fresh towels from one of the resort's towel stations and laid them down for her. Then he sat down next to her and told her to lie back. He was ready to eat.

"This is our own private version of one of the resorts popular activities."

"Huh?" she asked.

"Carrie, I get the impression you didn't you know about the games and activities when you booked your vacation here?"

"My vacation was a last minute impulse decision. Truthfully, I've never been at a place like this in my life."

Justin's eyes widened appreciating her jump into the unknown. He was equally impressed as to how comfortable she seemed with her nakedness. What he didn't know was that she was dying inside and scared to death.

"We'll we're about to enjoy the Body Buffet." He could see a bit of uncertainty in her eyes. "Relax, you'll love this. I have a plate full of fruit here. You lay back and I eat first. I get to place the fruit anywhere on your body I want to, then I eat it without using my hands."

Carrie smiled at the thought, "You're right, I'm going to like that one. What are some of the other things a person can do here?"

"Well, there's horseback riding - I tried it but is sucks in the nude, too painful. You need to wear a bikini bottom or shorts or something. There's nude scuba diving. I'm not licensed so I don't do that but I'd like to get certified some day. I do snorkel, parasail, jet ski, swim, and play volleyball, all nude of course. I love naked Twister and of course there are the sex games..."