Carry That Weight: Beast Of Burden


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I sat down and we ordered. For the next few minutes we danced around things before we both grew quiet.

"How are doing really, Amber?" I asked gently.

"Oh," she said wiping her eye, "things are pretty awful right now."

"I'm sorry," I said softly.

"Me, too," she replied. "Of course it was expected. I knew when I went with you it would hurt Jeff and it did.

"He's not handling the revenge thing very well. He thinks we had hot monkey sex all during the time we were there. Of course I haven't told him different."

She smirked sadly.

"Okay, maybe it was me who led him to believe that in the first place!"

She read the concerned look on my face.

"Tom, I'm not sure my marriage is going to survive this, and honestly," she said staring at me with a sad smile, "I'm not sure that's a bad thing."

"Amber, you and Jeff had a good marriage before all this happened."

"Did we? I'm not so sure. If it was that good how could he throw it away like that? It couldn't have been that solid if he was so repulsed by my bloated pregnant body he slept with my cousin!"

"I... I," I started to say before she cut me off.

"No, it's okay. I'm just trying to look at this calmly and logically."

She sighed deeply.

"I know I'm pretty, Tom," she said flatly and then smiled. "Maybe not as beautiful as you make me out to be, but still... attractive.

"So," she said sadly, "if my loving husband would cheat on me while I'm carrying his son and am temporarily bloated, what happens when I become not so pretty? What happens when age gets me and my boobs sag and my butt spreads? God forbid, what would he do if I was in an accident or got ill and couldn't have sex for an extended time? Would he stand by me and be my loving, faithful husband?"

She snorted in disgust.

"I think we both know the answer to that, don't we Tom?"

I sat quietly knowing she was right. Given his reasons for cheating on her in the first place the likelihood of him staying around if things really got bad was pretty low.

"The worst part of this," she continued, "is what it's doing to Amy. She's figured out most of what happened and she's hurt, scared and very angry. She'd mad at Jeff and me and even at you."

Amber saw my concern and smiled sadly.

"No, she doesn't know the truth about the trip. I'll tell her someday but not yet. I'm afraid she'd tell Jeff and I'm not ready for him to know everything yet."

"Why?" I asked softly.

"If he isn't willing to work on our marriage now, I doubt I'll trust him to do it in the future."

"I can understand that, I guess," I conceded. "I'm sorry you and Amy are going go through all this. It kills me to think Amy hates me."

"She doesn't hate you," Amber said and gently put her hand on mine. "I'd never let happen, but you've lost your hero status, at least for the time being."

I nodded and played with the food on my plate.

"How are Arlene and Jeffrey handling all this?"

"I guess they're doing as well as can be expected," I replied. "Arlene is still furious at her mother and very disappointed in me for going away with you. She suspected it wasn't as bad as her mother believed at the time.

"Jeffrey tried to handle it like his mother. He tried to put on the same stoic face Ashley tries to wear, but you could tell he was hurting.

"Have you told them the truth about our trip yet?"

"Yeah, after we got back from the family reunion. I didn't go into a lot of detail but gave them some of the basics."

I snorted a small laugh.

"Their reactions were very different. Arlene screamed 'I knew it!' and gave me a huge hug while Jeffrey nodded and said he was glad to hear I hadn't lowered myself. It was obvious he's still going to hide his pain and disappointment.

"Both kids are still on pins and needles when we're all together. There's still the fear that Ashley and I won't make it and end up getting a divorce."

"So you and the bitch are going to try to make the marriage work?"

I nodded and stared at Amber. She returned my gaze with a small sweet smile.

"What?" she giggled.

"Some of those things you told Ashley about our trip were pretty coldblooded. You cut her deep."

"Good!" Amber replied sharply. "The bitch should hurt! She slept with her cousin's husband, her husband's best friend. She betrayed you and me and our children. She should hurt!"

Amber looked at me then sighed.

"I'm sorry, Tom, but don't ask me to feel bad for her. I think I'm owed a little payback don't you?"

"I understand, completely," I said nodding slowly, "but you two are family. There'll come a time you'll need to at least be able to be in the same house without being nasty to each other."

"True," Amber said with a predatory smile, "but not for a while yet."

We talked and ate and enjoyed each other's company for the rest of the meal. She seemed to be doing better than I expected even though I had serious doubts about whether their marriage was going to make it or not.

As we were saying goodbye after lunch, she gave me a huge hug. I felt her warm body press next to mine and I let out a small groan. She chuckled and then leaned back and looked me in the eyes with her arms still around my neck.

"You know Tom," she said very softly, "I'll always regret not attacking you while we were in Miami, just to see if there was more chemistry between us than you'll admit to. I'll always wonder if you and I could've made a go of it."

"I'll struggle with it as well, Amber. You're a very special woman and whoever you give your love to will be a very lucky man. I'll wonder what my life would've been like if it would've been me."

She smiled and reached up and gave me a warm passionate kiss.


"All right I'll be good," she cooed then grinned. "Well I'll be better. Don't worry, I'll back off... lover."

She turned and giggled evilly as she walked away.


Chapter 4 - Epilogue

As I lay here taking in the warm Caribbean sun, I have to smile. My wife looks incredible in her bikini even at her age. It's taken ten years to convince her to take this cruise, but we're finally here.

The past decade has certainly had its highs and lows. Ash and I are still together, much to the surprise of some, and our marriage continues to get stronger. It'll never be as good as it could've been before our year from hell, but it's still a good marriage and getting better.

In the end, we both chose to forgive each other. Chose? Yeah it was a conscious choice not an emotional one. It also meant making that decision daily until it got easier and easier. Did it mean we forgot what the other had done? Of course not, those scars will remain with both of us for a lifetime. It would be a long hard road, but it would one we'd walk together.

Over the years my relationship with my children has continued to get stronger. Even my relationship with Amy has improved. It was painful at first looking into her eyes and knowing she blamed me as well as her parents for the nightmare she was going through. Her heroes had proven themselves flawed, and that was hard to watch.

Things improved between us when Amber confessed to her and Jeff what had, and hadn't, happened in Miami. It made a big difference to Amy but not to Jeff. By then, the marriage was crashing against the rocks. The trust was basically dead, and neither of them knew how or even if they wanted to save their marriage.

Eight months later Jeff filed for divorce. Two weeks later, Amber went to Tampa on vacation. The divorce started out as fair and peaceful as those things can be but then became ugly. A couple of the Connor elders did get involved and Jeff ended up selling his business at a loss. The monies from the sale provided Amber and the kids a decent financial future but of course, the Connor family would look out for them as well.

Jeff moved on and we haven't seen much of him since the divorce. We heard he started another business and it's starting to do well. We also heard he re-married, though it was no surprise we weren't invited to the wedding.

I considered trying to extract my pound of flesh from him, but decided against it. He'd lost his wife and kids, his best friend, his business and the support of the Connor family, all for a night with my wife. I guess in the end, I still felt like I owed him for saving my life all those years ago, so I let it go.

Paid In Full.

After the divorce was final, Amber and Amy moved to Tampa. Not surprisingly Amber started dating Allen. Amy and TJ fell in love with him immediately, and two years later they were married.

Ash and Amber tried to mend their relationship before Amber moved, but it was too damaged. Now, they're polite to each other and can be in the same room without any drama, but their close friendship is dead. They are, however, still cousins so they don't avoid each other. We even went to visit them about five years ago.

We went to Clearwater Beach and besides getting a nice tan, I came away with a new appreciation for the Connor genes. Seeing Ash at forty-eight years old at the time, Amber at thirty-eight, Arlene at twenty-one and Amy at eighteen, all looking smoking hot in their bikinis gave Allen, Jeffrey and I, along with a few thousand other guys who were on the beach those days, a definite appreciation for Connor women.

As I now stare at my beautiful wife, I realize that even at fifty-three she still turns the heads of most men. My Ash is definitely a MILF, oops excuse me, a GILF since Arlene and her husband have given us two grandkids. Jeffrey got married last year, and now he and his wife are expecting their first.

My decision to try and save my marriage seems to have endeared me even more to the Connor family. Ashley and I were even asked to represent the Connor Foundation on several occasions.

Did I make the right decision? I think so, at least for me. Carrying that burden of guilt was killing my marriage, even if I didn't put it there in the first place.

Whatever choice I decided to make back then, I knew it was time to move on with my life. There've been times when I think of Amber and wonder, what if. But then I pull Ash tight to me and she reminds me I made a good choice. It may not have been the best choice but it was a good choice still the same. I think Ash can tell when I'm having those thoughts because she seems to do her best to try and make sure I never regret my decision.

It could be that it's only my imagination, but I like to think it's not.


Added Note: My personal preference would've been for Tom to end up with Amber but that wasn't the way I felt HDK wrote his story. It was bent towards reconciliation, so as a tribute that's where I took it. Hopefully it was believable.

My thanks again to HDK for all his offerings on this site! I've enjoyed so many of them and look forward to even more.

Just a heads up so as not to piss everyone off, I'll be doing some maintenance on this Comments Section unlike my other stories. That means I'll respond to comments and delete ones that are negative or derogative towards HDK. That'll be why someone's 10,000 word critique masterpiece that just had to add a dig at HDK at the end was deleted. I'll treat those very insightful, inspired comments like I would a stunningly beautiful wedding cake with a piece of dog shit on top of it... I'll simply flush.

Why? Well this is a tribute piece, duh. It would be like me going into the Liberace Museum and spewing shit about Liberace. Things like "He sucks! (his music not his personal lifestyle! LOL!) I wouldn't be surprised when someone asks me if I'm stupid or just an asshole since I DID walk into the museum knowing who the hell it was honoring.


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AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

The problem with this story is that the cheating was so agregious that it's difficult to see a real road home. Sure the story spins a web of somewhat believable regret, but like many cheaters who have much to lose who's cheating gets stopped before it really starts, you never really know what would have happened if they hadn't been caught. The arrogant disregard for not only ones life partner but ones children and the wider family is a step so far that it's difficult to see what would have stopped them from continuing if they hadn't been caught.

For me the hardest thing to overcome is not the cheating as much as the where and how it took place.

You could understand if everyone just got drunk, and a massive out of character alcohol induced mistake happened, but this was planned, and botched through incompetence, or perhaps more accurately a lack of care.

Perhaps the biggest problem is the narcissistic 'connor' family. It seems very much modelled on reality TV families, an overinflated sense of importance and a unhealthy reliance of its members on it to provide a sense of self worth.

Normal healthy people would have just bailed and started a new life free from everyone involved. Instead, we find people that require therapy in order to twist them so that they can function within its toxicity.

And for what? Money, position and power.

Its ironic that such people have a sense of 'morality', and don't just bow down to being cucks. After all, they've bent over and lubed up for everything else.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

It seems a shame that some are allowed keyboard access. The last annie in this section seems damned full of themselves. Show use YOUR stories, then we will talk.

I thought that the two writers conveyed the difficulty presented by cheating on a spouse, friend or relative (or in this case all of the above. Thank you.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

9 pages of 0 star content. HDK has long slipped from the limelight since he started associating with that dumb circle-jerk crowd of sycophantic LW writers. You can easily see his unique viewpoints on how RAAC should work become completely altered in those stories mentioning those other authors, and the stories that were published since.

Oshaw is another example. Great stories pre-2017, went downhill after he allowed an author to touch his work. It's time to embrace the underdog writers whose works have been constantly rug-swept by the creeping politics of this aging site.

And your moderation of such critiques is the reason Literotica has gone to crap. If you can't take the heat, DON'T PUBLISH. All writers face the consequence of global publishing. Heck, even national publishing will shake an author's boots. Published writers all have to face the consequences of someone not agreeing with your psyche. Going Draconian with censureship is pretty low and juvenile. Tolkien himself had his detractors on national newspapers and never silenced them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I enjoyed this story. I have no problem when a couple stays together. Should have read, or reread the original, had trouble keeping track of characters. I will never believe that a cheating spouse loves their partner. The really just in some way "like" their spouse. They may have once loved them, or want to love them again but cheating is anathema to love. The spouse in infidelity should really say," I like what you do for me, but liked what they did for me at the time better!?!" That kind of selfishness is not love. To me this topic can so easily create such intense Drama.

Thought your story made a realistic reconciliation.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2about 2 months ago

great job and a great tribute to HDK!! Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I actually enjoyed this better than the original, except for the ending, I really wanted Tom to end up with Amber!!!! 1* off for that.

chasbo38chasbo38about 2 months ago

I feel sorry for Tom, hopelessly in love with Ashley and having to live with her betrayal for the rest of his live be cause he can't move on. He made a mistake not switching to Amber who was in the same place in life and loved him. Did he stay with Ashley because that allowed hm to avoid the decision to move on ?

NudeInMaineNudeInMaine2 months ago

I liked it. The only disappointment was that Ash and Amber aren’t as close as first cousins should be.

Pappy7Pappy72 months ago

I think you did a really good job within the boundaries you set for yourself when you wrote this. I, however, couldn't have gotten past the planning and the application of the plan for his wife and Jeff to get him drunk and sleep together right under the noses of the entire family. That showed me that Ashley was just as big a piece of shit as Jeff. I think that Tom was a weak man and that even after the initial shock he couldn't bring himself to do what needed to be done, whether out of lack of initiative or to keep his standing in the family, which seemed to mean more to him than just about anything. I didn't ever get the feeling that Ashley wasn't 100% about Ashley and that everything she had done was offset by his actions, every step of the way. She is not a partner, she is not a best friend, she is someone who must not be disobeyed. I am glad that you wrote is so that it worked out for Tom but with her entitlement it could have gone really bad for him as well. 4 stars because I accidentally pushed the button on 4 trying to get to 5. Thanks for the story.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos2 months ago

I could see this story going either way honestly, but for what it's worth I think Tom made the right decision. When it comes down to it, he was still in love with Ashley and she with him. They both needed to find a way back to each other and as it is in so many cases, it really comes down to empathy. Tom wanted to be seen, or more accurately, he wanted his wife to see his pain, really see it. When she did and she mirrored it and was still wanting to try to save their marriage, this was the point where he was able to reach out his hand to her to help with it. Fundamentally it comes down to the fact that you can't really labor with someone who doesn't understand, or at least, not for a long time and not through hard times and definitely not when both parties are not shouldering the burden AND risk. It's funny, but there is actually a lot of good, sensible, psychological advice buried in a lot of LW fiction and while a "revenge affair" (even a fake one) isn't necessary really to get where Tom and Ashley ended up being able to start working together, it was more like "shock therapy" since Tom wasn't willing to reach out even a little bit to open up other avenues.

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