Celestial Matters


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We ambled on in companionable silence. Two friends reunited after a decade apart; riding through the night ... preparing for the things to come. I would be ready for the Light. They would not take my Maria from me.

I protect what is mine.


The Comforting Chains

I knew Devnik wasn't beside me.

It was a strange sensation, knowing something without knowing how. I sleepily remembered Devnik had departed with Jon ... I wondered what was going on between those two. How can a demon and a human interact with each other like that?

I was briefly embarrassed that Jon had seen me naked. I hardly knew the man ... just that he was a human ... but not quite the same as other humans ... I chuckled to myself. It was strange to think of humans as a different species than myself I shook my head ... and slowly opened my eyes

The room was dim, no light seemed to reach this underground chamber ... in fact ... I'd never seen Devnik stand in sunlight, maybe he can't stand the light of day ... just like I can't lie ... and can't cast a shadow.

I decided to ask him the next time I saw him. I stretched and made to get of bed ... my progress was hindered when my arms didn't seem to want to follow the rest of my body.

I looked down at my wrists, two bright and thin silver manacles clutched at them, complete with a chain that attached to the stone wall above the bed.

The bastard chained me to the bed.

I could move easily enough on the bed, but leaving was a whole different matter. I sank back down into the silken sheets. For some reason my Dark God wanted me to stay put ... perhaps he just wanted to know where I was ... and keep me safely where he left me.

I sighed ... a feeling of warmth came over me ... despite being chained I felt loved ... even treasured ... like a bauble valuable enough to put under lock and key.

I yawned ... it was still very late at night ... and I couldn't sense my Master anywhere close by ... I felt my eyelids slumping once again...


A dream like voice played at my ears. "Maria ... Maria, sweet child you must wake." My eyes opened slowly for the second time in a few short hours. In front of the bed, a shimmering apparition stood ... it was too bright to look at directly; it appeared to be a silhouette of light.

It spoke again. "Maria ... Maria ... this is the first time he has been far enough away for you to escape unhindered. He is fast, but not quick enough to get to you in time."

This was really frightening. I drew the sheets up to my naked breasts and moved myself as far away from the light as possible.

"Who ... who are you and what do you want?" I asked shakily.

"Maria, dear child, it is I, Cariel ... we spoke before by the stream. My words were guarded then ... to allay the demon's suspicions."

How odd, Devnik genuinely didn't seem to have any knowledge of my previous conversation with Cariel ... perhaps Cariel overestimated him.

Cariel continued, "Michael has agreed to help break the awakening bond you share with your demonic oppressor ... but first you must with all haste leave the demon's domicile and run to the church a half league north of here."

I shook my head... "No Cariel ... I can't do that ... my Master wouldn't like it ... please just leave."

"Maria, this creature is not your master, it is an abomination, and a powerful agent of the Dark."

Cariel's words were clipped now, and resonated with a hidden steel.

I just wanted her to go away. "Please, just leave, I'm happy here."

The apparition grew brighter... "Insolent CHILD, the choice was but a formality ... the demon cannot be allowed to study the powers of the Light. There exists information that cannot fall into the hands of the Dark. You WILL leave this domicile; I Cariel Seraphim of the second sphere command it!"

I felt a tingling throughout my body ... my head hurt ... half of me felt obligated to obey the order of a Celestial superior ... yet at the same time ... I felt as if I retained my choice ... and my free will ... Both sides of me felt devoted to Devnik ... the side that felt obligated felt uncomfortable ... but Devnik came first ... the side that retained my free will never even had to think about it.

"CURSES, CHILD ... MOVE ... MOVE, the demon is returning ... THE DEMON IS RETURNING."

I crossed my arms and glared into the blinding bright light.

The apparition started to vibrate with rage. "VERY WELL, I shall move you myself!"

Bright blue sparks started to flow from the apparition ... I hugged my knees to myself ... the first of the sparks touched my skin and disappeared.

Suddenly, my legs were roughly jerked to the side of the bed ... and they attempted to make me stand.

The chains on my wrists kept me in place though ... I felt grateful to my Master for such forethought.

The apparition screeched ... Blue sparks once again flowed ... this time they went after the manacles ... however, when the magic touched the silver metal ... the room which was previously a blinding white from Cariel's avatar grew dark.

The silver metal turned black as night, and the sparks instantly winked out.

All along the stone walls red glowing runes appeared. They pulsated with power and purpose.

The apparition continued to fade. "NO, blast ... the wards have been tripped; those cuffs must have been spelled!" The runes grew a brighter red ... yet the room seemed to be getting darker ... as if the ancient symbols sucked the light from the very air.

The apparition faded away ... whispering words of revenge.

The room was dark ... the red symbols disappeared as quickly as they appeared.

My heart was hammering in my chest. I cautiously brought my legs back onto the bed ... they seemed to be under my own control once again.

I could feel tears welling in my eyes.

I wanted Devnik ... I wanted to feel safe ... I hoped he was coming back soon.


I was scared to move even an inch ... the chains on my wrists felt comforting ... like protection.

Suddenly, all the candles in the dark bedchamber ignited. I could make out a conversation happening above my head in the fake bedroom.

Strange ... my hearing seemed better.

"I can SENSE it Jon. I can sense Light magic residue!" Devnik's musical voice was just barely audible.

I heard Jon respond. "Master, let's not be rash. The Light does not know about this chateau ... and in addition, how do we know this was not Maria practicing Light magic?"

Devnik practically shouted his response ... I'd never heard him so mad before...

"Oh really Jon? Well maybe I forgot to mention this, but the Light was able to find my cave outside of Paris, and if they can find a hole in the ground I doubt a mansion is much trouble for them! Also, Maria is an Aethling who was awakened last WEEK! Do you think that she has the ability to cast an Angelic Astral projection? I don't know much about the Light but I know that is high ranking magic!"

I heard the door open. A black blur shot down the stairs ... as quick as a wink Devnik was standing directly next to me ... his blood red eyes glaring down at me. I'd never seen anything move so fast in my life.

His beautiful pale face looked cold and hard. "Maria," he said softly, "what happened here? Why does my private sanctum reek of Light magic?"

I tried to control the wavering in my voice. "It was Cariel, she appeared as a bright light ... and tried to make me leave with her ... if it weren't for these chains ... I ... I wouldn't be here."

Devnik's lips turned down in a snarl. "Things are moving faster than I anticipated."

I was confused. "But Devnik ... last time I met Cariel she said heaven wouldn't help me ... she's an Angel right? How could she lie to me?"

Devnik raised an eyebrow, he brought his hand to my face ... his cool palm caressed my cheek. "Dear Maria, the Light long perfected the art of half-truths. When she said they weren't going to interfere with you all that meant was that they hadn't yet planned anything to the contrary." I sniffled, "But that is still lying..." I brought his face close to mine ... I shivered at his proximity. "The Light walks a fine line Maria ... between deception and truth."

He released my face, and I sunk down into the bed.

His mouth raised into the barest hint of a smile, "I'm glad you are alright, I was worried."

I simply smile back at him.

Devnik snapped his fingers ... the chains around my wrists turned to smoke. "Jon prepare the horses ... we're leaving ... now." I hadn't noticed Jon in the corner of the room. He was standing bolt straight with his arms behind his back. He was looking pointedly at the ceiling.

I looked down at myself, and remembered I was stark naked. Jon was very much the gentlemen for averting his eyes ... being naked in Devnik's presence had become a little too comfortable.

Jon cleared his throat. "Um, Master, my I remind you that the sun will be rising in approximately one hour. Leaving the chateau now would be ill advised."

Devnik slumped against the wall.

"Oh, right ... I forgot ... this is ... unfortunate."

I sat up on the bed and looked at him. "Devnik, why can't you go out in the daylight ... does it hurt you?"

Devnik put his head in his hands and chuckled. "No ... it doesn't hurt ... sunlight simply disables me." "As in how?" I asked.

Devnik fixed me with his demonic eyes. "As in I go completely limp, like a puppet with its strings cut..." "Oh," was all I could think to say.

Devnik rounded on Jon. "Jon go fetch the supplies we just collected, and make Maria some soup here on the fire place ... we'll stay up all day preparing our journey for tomorrow night." Jon bowed low. "As you wish milord." Jon swept out of the room.

Devnik turned back and fixed his gaze to mine. "What did Cariel say to you?"

I shrugged, and tucked my legs under my body. "She just said that I should leave the house, and run to a nearby church. She said something about breaking our bond."

Devnik nodded slowly. "And why didn't you go with her?"

I smiled at him. "You did have me chained to the bed Master."

He chuckled... "Apparently it was a good thing I did..."

I felt flattered that he was glad I stayed ... like I mattered to him. It was confusing to be so desperate to please someone ... yet at the same time, I couldn't imagine it any other way.

"Where are we going to go then? Do you have more caves and mansions lying around? If so may I suggest another mansion, that cave was rather dingy." I said teasingly.

A small smile played at the side of my Dark God's lips. Good, he took himself a little too seriously most of the time.

"Careful little Aethling, I am not above disciplining my women when they step out of line." I stuck my tongue out at him. I was relieved that I was back by his side, because in all my life I had never felt I belonged anywhere more than I did with him.



She was alright.

She was well enough to tease me, and that meant she couldn't be too badly damaged.

When Jon and I had arrived on the property I had immediately sensed the presence of an intruder. I had known immediately that what Jon and I had just spoken of had turned into reality all too quickly.

My wards must have activated ... and saved Maria from abduction. This sanctum was now worthless. I could not abide the Light knowing where I took my rest.

But where could we move to?

I didn't have any more places I felt comfortable in France. Our only choice was to leave the country. I had a modest manor in Ireland that we could go to, though I doubted Maria could speak English.

Still my house in Ireland was the first dwelling I had called my own, ever since I first crawled my way out of Hell. My power and influence there is the greatest upon this mortal Earth, and it was there that I felt I stood my greatest chance against the Light and whatever forces they might gather.

But we could not go tonight.

Soon the sun, the greatest symbol of the Light would rise. Nothing of the Dark was wholly unaffected by its brilliance. Mine was one of the least severe reactions to its light. Paralysis is nothing compared to bursting into flames, or turning into a stone statue for a year.

I heard Jon's heavy steps on the stone stairs. He still walked as if he wore a suit of armor ... like he did ages past.

He descended the last step, he was holding a large pot under his arm, and he had the provisions sack over his shoulder.

Without looking at the still naked Maria he moved to the fireplace and placed the pot over the crackling flames.

Jon busied himself peeling potatoes and adding butter to the stew. Next he opened a small wrapped parcel from the sack, and revealed a cut of beef. He slowly cut it up, and dropped it in the stew.

I heard Maria's stomach growl. I glanced over at her on the bed. She crossed her arms over her stomach and blushed prettily.

"Hungry?" I asked.

She turned an even deeper shade of red, and nodded.

I heard Jon chuckle down by the fireplace. "You don't have to be embarrassed about being hungry, just because he doesn't eat doesn't mean you have to go all rosy cheeked. If anything you should feel sorry for him, I make an excellent stew, and we'll eat soon."

I grumbled.

Maria gave a soft tinkling laugh. She looked at me and stopped, but the smile was still evident on her face.



The stew was fantastic as promised.

We were sitting at an identical table to the one I had first eaten on with Master in the cave.

However, I found it comforting to have an eating companion this time.

Jon and I were both eagerly spooning mouthfuls of the delectable broth. While Devnik simply eyed us from the head of the table, his mouth turned down in a frown.

"I really hate watching mortals eat." Devnik said plaintively.

Jon looked up from his bowel and grinned. "Actually Master, thanks to you neither of us are 'mortals.'

Devnik huffed, and tapped his slender pale fingers on the table. "I think you get the point."

I lifted my bowel to him. "Please Master, it really is very good, could you really not eat just a spoonful or two?"

His hard face softened for a moment. "No my dear, I'm afraid my diet is limited. I would be violently ill should I eat any soup."

An idea struck me; I had enjoyed the experience last time, and was eager to feel those sensations again.

"Would you like some more of my blood Master?" Master's eyes suddenly lit up, turning a brighter shade of red. The room grew dark. Jon looked up from his stew to watch the two of us.

Devnik was eyeing me cautiously. "I believe I need to share some more wisdom about the nature of blood deals. First of all it is addictive to the host. I can grant you up to three wishes using the blood deal. But each time I take your blood, the more you will crave to give it. The pleasure you feel is like a drug. It is a mechanism that demons have to ensure a continued stream of blood, and a way to punish the greedy mortals that demand too many wishes."

His words did little to deter me. He could drink my blood every night and I would not mind. I was his; to do with as he pleased ... all I needed to do was show him.

I had wrapped myself in a bed sheet to preserve my modesty in front of Jon, now I withdrew my arm and held it across the table to Devnik.

He smiled, and shook his head. "You have a sweeter vein in your throat dear ... and one even sweeter near your sex." I could feel heat rush to my face ... and elsewhere as well ... however, it was Jon who came to my rescue.

"Um, master if you wouldn't mind just using the throat while I am here, it would make me a great deal more comfortable."

Devnik smiled dangerously at Jon. "But of course Jon, wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable would we?" He turned to me, his red orbs glued to my throat. "If you give me permission Maria, I may break the skin this time." I swallowed heavily, and nodded at him.

"Say it," he whispered sweetly as he caressed my cheek.

"I give you permission." In a motion too quick to follow, I was suddenly in his arms, held above the ground by his unnatural strength. I felt a sharp prick on my throat, and suddenly his mouth latched onto my broken skin.

The momentary pain once again gave way to mind numbing pleasure. My mind felt light and airy, and my body felt sensual and aroused. It felt like this was the most natural thing in the world. Giving him my blood felt right ... though a dim part of my mind could not fathom why.

I wondered if he would take all of my blood again. It hadn't killed me last time ... so it probably wouldn't now. I wanted him to. I wanted these feelings to last forever.

All too soon, I felt his mouth leave my throat. Waves of sorrow hit me ... I wanted his mouth to return ... to continue to take from my all too willing body. But I could already feel the wound on my neck closing. Benefits of my new found membership to the supernatural.

I met his red eyes ... and found them filled with desire. My sex was moist and needy ... and my Master was so close ... just ready to fulfill my darkest fantasies.

Without taking his eyes off me he said, "Jon ... leave."

Jon rose from the table, carrying his bowel of stew. "As you wish master." He said.

"Do not leave the house during the day."

Jon nodded.

"Be ready to leave the house at sundown."

Jon nodded again, "Of course master, I shall make preparations."

With that, he turned and made his way up the stairs and out the door. His retreating footsteps echoed throughout the chamber.

Devnik still hadn't looked away.

"I owe you a wish sweet one."

I shivered. A slow hungry grin spread across his beautiful face. A drop of my blue blood clung to the side of his lips.

His voice was a sweet as sin.

"May I take a guess at what your desire might be?"


We Must Be Away


Maria was breathing heavily.

I could see the outline of her breasts slowly rise and fall from underneath the sheet she had draped across her shoulders.

Her face was flushed ... and she was staring at me hungrily.

My little half-angel was aroused.

We both listened to Jon's boots echo off the stone walls as he walked up the spiral staircase. The door shut at the top of the stairs ... and we were alone.

I repeated my questions, "What is your desire my sweet?"

She smiled softly at me ... and casually shrugged off the sheet. It fell to the floor and pooled at her feet. I was treated to an unhindered view of soft, perfect female flesh.

"I'm saving my wish," she said.

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh? And why would you do that? Don't you want me to pleasure you?"

Her silver eyes flashed. She took a step closer, and she wiggled her body sensuously... "Do I have to wish for it Master? Or will you make love to me anyway because you can't resist me?"

The little minx...

I moved with preternatural speed. I grabbed her by her wrists and slammed her into the wall.

That amount of force would have killed a human. For my little Aethling it was just foreplay.

"Ooomph," she said as she hit the wall. Her mouth parted with lust and she met my eyes with an unspoken challenge. "I like where this is going," she said teasingly.

I leaned my head down, and gently licked her throat.

She gasped.

"Why are you saving your wish little one? What do you desire beyond me?"

A small shiver wracked her body. "Nothing Master ... I just like having you beholden to me."

I cocked my head to the side, "The Master is not in debt to the mastered." I said icily.

She giggled, "He is if he likes to drink his poor slave's blood."

I pressed my body close to hers. I was smothering her between my chest and the wall. "You enjoyed giving it as much as I enjoyed taking it," I whispered in her ear.

I could feel her heart beat faster ... she squirmed underneath the pressure from my body. She was panting.
