Change One Thing


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"You look so fucking gorgeous right now it's ridiculous."

"Please. I probably look like I just got thoroughly fucked."

"Yeah, you do. And it's sexy as hell."

"Well, you deserve a lot of the credit for that, then," she said, and she leaned in and kissed me hard. "That was...fuck. Thank you."

"I thought that was my line?"

"No, believe me, it's mine right now."

"Well, I'm glad I could contribute then."

We laid like that for a few minutes, her lightly running her fingers over my chest as I played with her hair and lightly touched her face and neck. Finally, she kissed me once more and asked "Shower?" I just smiled and nodded.

We squeezed into her standup shower, which, really was only meant for one person. Nevertheless, we made it fun, working on soaping each other down, playfully making out, and generally giggling through the whole experience. By the time we were done, I'm sure that both her breasts and ass, as well as my tool, were spotless and well buffed. As we dried off, she noticed that my member was awakening a bit, and reached over, gently grabbing and stroking it. "You wanna go for a rematch?" she teased.

"Hell yes," I replied. She leaned in, pressing her body into me as she gave me another scorching kiss. "I don't have any more condoms with me, though. I can go grab some?"

She didn't reply, but instead went over to her medicine cabinet and pulled out a container of birth control pills, showing me that a few of them had indeed been punched out. "I'm on these for backup. We're both safe, I'd say. I've actually never done it raw. You?"

Well, I had, but not as a teenager in the 90's at the height of HIV/AIDS that was scared shitless of diseases and pregnancy. "No, me either."

"Well, let's make a memory, then."

I picked her up around her hips and carried her back into the main room. She giggled, wrapped her arms around me, and quickly craned down to kiss me again. I quickly deposited her on the bed, intending on spreading her legs open and eating her out again, but she surprised me by lifting herself up and quickly scooting onto her stomach with her head near the foot of the bed. She reached out, grabbing my cock and gently playing with it, then craned her head and gently kissed the end, licking gently around the head. She looked up and me, smiled, and then quickly devoured the first couple inches, sucking gently but firmly on it. She alternated her sucking with gentle, long licks up and down the length of my shaft, staring up at me with those gorgeous eyes, while softly stroking me. While her technique was a tiny bit inexperienced, it was obvious from the smile on her mouth and in her eyes that she was really enjoying doing this and watching my reactions, which was definitely a turn on. I let her continue for a bit, knowing that, having already shot once, I was a bit aways from going again. After a few minutes, I stepped back out of reach, and she whimpered cutely as I walked over to the side of the bed, grabbed her legs, pulled her around to face her hips to me, turned her over, and bent down to give her clit a bit of attention. She was already dripping wet, and after a couple of minutes, I suppose I got impatient, so I stood up and entered her slowly but firmly. She cried out in pleasure as I surely bottomed out, and I began solidly sawing in and out of her. This time, it only took maybe a couple of minutes before she went off again, that glorious sheath of hers grabbing on firmly and refusing to let go as she cried out a mighty "Fucking hell!" I grinned at her as I picked my pace back up, grabbing her hips again so I could pull her into me hard.

We kept pushing back at each other, shifting onto the bed so I could be all the way on top of her in traditional missionary for a bit. After coaxing her to one more cum, she asked me to fuck her standing up against the wall, as she'd always wanted to do that, which was fun, but we had to move after a bit, as the difference in our heights was a bit of an obstacle, and the only way around that was for me to support her weight in my arms, which was a tiny bit tiring and also was hitting her a bit deeply. We ended up moving to a modified doggy position, with her kneeling on the bed at first, and then finally laying flat with me on top of her. As she hit another building cum, I finally lost control and flooded her pussy with another load. We laid like that for a few, me trying not to collapse my weight onto her, unable to easily pull out due to the clenching of her still spasming quim. After a few moments, I was finally able to withdraw, and she groaned lowly and let out a firm "Holy. Fucking. Shit."

"Yeah, what you said."

"Shit. The best sex of my life has been living next door to me for how long and I didn't even know. Why didn't we do this sooner?"

"Uh, we never talked before, I was away at college for the last year, plus you were dating an asshole."

"Oh yeah," she replied, laughing.

"Well, I'd say this has been a good way to ring in a birthday."

"Hear hear!" she cried out, moving over and kissing me again.

We discussed getting in the shower, but being slightly drained, we just laid on the bed and cuddled a bit, chatting aimlessly and enjoying the afterglow. It was glorious and amazing, and I realized this was something I had missed the first time around because I was too scared to just go for a risk and see what unfolded. I doubted that Brandi was the great love of my life I missed out on, but this was an incredible evening and a memory I never wanted to fade. After a bit, I thought about taking off, but she reached over and started tenderly tongue bathing my soft prick, slowly bringing me to hardness in her mouth, and we ended up going one more time, this round a little slower and less frenetic, but incredible nonetheless. We finished together yet again with her riding on top of me while I was flat on my back, and as she dismounted, she reached down and kissed me, then said "Look, I don't want to destroy the mood, but the sun is probably going to be up soon, and I don't want to you meet my dad looking like you just got done fucking all night as he goes into his shop."

"No, that's fair," I replied, and pulled myself up, collecting my clothes and getting dressed. "I had a great time with you tonight," I added.

"Me too," she said grinning.

"I know we're both going away in the fall, but...I'd like to see you again this summer, if you're interested."

"Mmmm...a nice little summer fling with a cute boy that's great in bed?" she beamed, sashaying over to me. "I think that sounds about perfect." And with that, she interrupted me putting my shirt back on to give me one final, frenetic, lustful kiss. I lost myself in it for a few moments, until she pulled back, pushed me playfully, and said "Go. Get some sleep. I'll come over tonight."

I grabbed my jacket, waving at her as I left the casita. I quickly ran down to the fireworks stand, returning the leftover weed, booze, and cash, and slapping that shit padlock back shut again, then went back home. Jerod and Bryan were passed out on the living room floor, with a bottle of schnapps from my mom's liquor cabinet, and I didn't envy the hangover they'd have tomorrow. I went back to my room, and grabbed some clean clothes so I could wash the sweat and funk from the sex off of me. As I got into the bathroom, I stopped and looked at my own reflection. I wasn't sure, but I thought I almost looked a little different, though I couldn't put my finger on it.

Everything went black again. It felt like I was being physically pulled by some great force, something huge, but I wasn't sure what it was. It was bodily moving me at a rapid rate of speed, my body tumbling and unable to control itself, and then, just as quickly, it stopped. I was still, breathing rapidly, slightly panicked, but okay. I was sitting. Still. Comfortable. Slowly, my sight returned.

"Welcome back," Wing said. I stared at her for a few uncomfortable moments.

"What was that?" I finally asked.

"You went back to that moment. Hopefully, you did something different and set things right."

Okay. Okay. "So, that wasn't..."

"A hallucination? No. Far from it."

"How do I know if that was the right thing? I mean, all I did was sleep with a girl..."

"Interesting. Ultimately, the question will be if anything in your life has changed. Your mind will need to catch up, and your memories will essentially reform shortly. You'll still have some of the former ones, but the new ones will also come soon, in small waves."

"So...I'm still confused," I shot back.

"Allow me to explain a little bit better," she said, grabbing a handful of what looked like small, flat glass beads from a curio box. "Your life is a series of events influenced by choices and outcomes, to almost equal degrees." She began setting the beads in a straight line, and as she sat each one down, they began to glow softly. "This was your timeline." Next, she went back to the middle of the line, and started a new line that branched off in a different angle. "You made a new choice. The new choice affected your timeline, and changed it." She tapped the new line, and as those beads began to glow, the beads going in the old direction at the fork dimmed.

"But all I did was sleep with a girl. I thought this would be something way more dramatic."

"Like what, a death match, perhaps?" she asked with a snorting laugh. "Sex is one of the most dramatic and personal choices we make. It's intimate and personal and plays at so many deeper emotions that bolster everything else in our lives. Let me ask you this: was this a girl you thought unobtainable at some point?"

"Yes. Always."

"And yet, you and her connected, no?"

"We did." A memory flash came back. Images in my mind, rapidly, of Brandi and I hanging out that summer. Of us driving up to a creek with a picnic of subs and chips, hanging out, making love on a little ratty blanket on the creek bed. Of me carrying her on my shoulders as we goofed around in Portland one day. Picking her up to go get burgers, and her dad looking at me, gruff as always, but nodding to Brandi, "Yeah, big improvement" as he'd always liked me better than the other losers she'd brought home. Of laughing, and a great time before we kissed each other goodbye on the day she loaded up her little Ford Taurus to make the drive down to LA, and I packed up to fly back to NYC. Emails and occasional calls as we stayed friends over the years. I gasped and breathed out a choked little breath.

"You see, it was that relationship that helped define the man you became. Even though it was not meant to last, it made you who you are. And before, you were too afraid to grasp it, because you lived in constant fear."

"Yeah. Okay."

Wing said a few other things, which to be honest, slightly blurred together, as I paid the other half of the fee. As I dug my wallet out, I was confused, as it had all of my cards in there, but didn't look like my wallet. She brushed this off as one of the indirect effects of the change, and again instructed me to be patient, that as something presented, new memories would come seeping in. She advised me to check my address on my license before going home, and to my surprise, she was right, it was different. As we exited, I thanked her again, and I followed Grace to the car silently.

"So...that was...uh, something," I began.

"I figured you'd have that reaction," she responded.

", how did you know about this?"

"I used her myself. She and mystics like her are kind of an open secret in the Asian community."

"Ah." I sat in silence for a minute. "What was your test? Or can you not tell me about that?"

"No, erm, I don't think that it's not allowed, since you're now...uh, you've done it too," she said. She hesitated a moment, then cleared her throat and said, "It was you."


"Yeah. When we hooked up."

"Okay. I'm totally confused."

"When I went to her, I was lost. Totally and completely. I'd never really had a relationship, my career was fucked, I was drinking too much, I had just got into some legal trouble after I got in this really stupid and unnecessary bar fight, and everything was just fucked."

"That doesn't sound like you..."

"It wasn't. At least not the Grace you know."


"Yeah. See, the version of me that you know is the one that decided to hook up with you after we played beer pong at that stupid party. And because of that, I had to face my fear of sex and relationships in general. It allowed me to figure out I was gay much sooner, even though I was terrified to come out still because I was scared my parents were too conservative to understand. But that decision, just like yours, set up an arc for the rest of my life."



"So...before, in your old life, we weren't friends?"

"Exactly. See, I was fond of you from the first moment we met. I knew that we were going to end up being friends for a long, long time, but I wasn't really sure where I was with my sexuality. I'd kissed one boy and never a girl. I was scared shitless of sex. And I was so unfamiliar and unsure about love and my own place on the spectrum that I was a little scared of any intimacy. In a lot of ways, taking the plunge and having sex with you was a big deal, because it let me see I wasn't scared of sex. I just didn't want a relationship with a man. See, before this, I thought I was frigid and maybe destined to always be that, but taking that chance was really the best thing for me at that point. It seems so weird, but I'm forever grateful for it."



Things were silent in the car for a few minutes as we hit the bridge. "So, what else is going to change," I asked.

"Probably a lot. Your brain is going to move in weird waves. Memories will continue to rewrite. Have you checked your pockets beyond your wallet?"

"Uh, no..." I replied as I dug. I found a key to a Mercedes, which was new, along with a small case with business cards. I pulled them open, and found cards with the business name "Reactive Application Design" with my name and the business title of CIO. Another flash came, and I remembered resigning my day job and joining his business. We had built it together, making a great company from the ground up, and I had bought a little brownstone house in Brooklyn when I proposed to Caroline...

Caroline! I pulled open my phone. "You introduced me to Caroline..." I said with dawning realization.

"Yeah, I did. And you're still dating her," she added.

"Yeah. I, uh, proposed..." I added as my memory came kept flashing up images. It'd been four years, we had met at an amateur sailing competition where Grace's brother was competing. She was her old OB/Gyn, and they'd known each other for a long time, but we'd hit it off immediately, I was attracted by her big green doe eyes and her quick sense of humor. We'd taken things slowly, but a few months ago I'd given her a small ring and the house, and she'd actually given me some grief for spending money on the ring because it was "unnecessary." She was a keeper, but in the previous version of my life, I'd not asked her out because I was intimidated. I quickly pulled up her contact and typed out We're on our way home. Love you.

A few seconds later, my phone buzzed back.

Okay, good, you and Grace have fun tonight? Couldn't sleep without you, I'm suck a dork I swear...

Yeah, it was good. And you're my dork. I'll be home in probably 20 minutes or so.

I looked up and over at Grace as we got on the freeway. "Thank you. For everything."

"You're welcome. Anything for you, my friend."

We ended up riding mostly in silence for the next few minutes, and when she dropped me off, I gave her a hug and told her I loved her. I walked in, and Caroline was sitting on the couch, curled up with a cup of tea next to our rescue pit bull, Rhonda.

"Hi baby," she said, giving me a tired smile.

"Hello love," I said, as I walked over to give her a kiss. "I'm sorry you had a problem sleeping."

"I'm fine. I just woke up about an hour ago because I reached over and you weren't in the bed," she said with a sheepish smile.

"Well, what do you say we go to bed, then?" I asked.

"That sounds great," I replied. Waves kept coming, and coming, as I saw my life with Caroline, and especially, my sex life. She was a crazy nympho who had sucked me off all over town, a bisexual woman with very few boundaries or limits, I remembered...

I took my clothes off and got into bed as she stripped down, too. "You know, you still didn't tell me what you wanted for your birthday next month..."

"I really don't know that I need anything, babe."

"No, you probably don't. So that's why I'm getting you a threesome." I froze, and she quickly grabbed my face, kissed me passionately, then got under the covers and said "The girl will be a surprise, though. Goodnight baby."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The end of this intriguing story really doesn't show how Marcus's behaviour has changed in the now where the story starts. Marcus has been changed and his life has changed in the new past, but there is a bit missing - will those changes keep on going?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I love it!

Definitely an interesting plot line to consider. And also to consider for ourselves! We may not be able to go back in time and change things, but we can realize why we make choices, and learn to make different ones! Great premise, and good, clean execution!

silverisgoldsilverisgoldabout 4 years agoAuthor
Reply to james7594

Interesting thought, but I think you missed an important point: Marcus lacks confidence with smart, accomplished women, not just women in general. That’s why he goes for attractive ones who have little intelligence or direction in their lives. The world is full of these sorts, who like being with someone cute but are never equally matched with their partner out of fear of inadequacy or imposter syndrome.

James7594James7594about 4 years ago
Nice story, well knit and closed.

It is a nice story and i loved the general concept and execution of it. I do have a few complaints. The issue he was facing was not properly explained. And there was a contradiction as well. In the beginning, when discussing with Grace, he mentioned how he had no trouble hooking with attractive women quoting actress and model, but then later he says that he was intimidated by Caroline. That and a lot of details in the end kind of worsened the story. It could have been implied but by stating things like nympho who sucked him all over the town and such, it just felt a bit too boastful and broke the mood/flow of the story I'd say, try to be little less boastful/prideful and you will have good stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Okay, this was amazing

I have nothing bad to say about this little story - which is a huge thing! Call it what you will - nitpicking, search for perfectionism, whatever - but unlike most other stories I stumble onto, I can't find a single bad thing about this one! Well... Maybe I would have wanted to see that threesome his wife said there at the end, heheh.

But there is one thing about this story that I find *especially* to my liking, and it's this simple exchange:

"What is the point, then?"

"To lose fear."

And that lesson, my friend, I like better than all the sex scenes that could or couldn't have been in this story.

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