Changing Mouse Ch. 03

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The conclusion to Stanley and Loretta's adventure.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/03/2014
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Diane Hollis was as good as her word. I was permitted to bathe Loretta/Mouse twice a month, The first and the final Friday. Giving her that first bath unleashed something in both of us. We both realized how much trust we had for each other. At lunch, the day following that first bath, Loretta's eyes became huge and soft and the most luminous green I had ever seen them.

"Oh Stanley, I felt every ounce of your love when you gave me that bath. Nothing mattered last night except the feel of your huge soft hands on my body."

"Thank you Mouse, I mean, Loretta Very few experiences in my life were as pleasurable as last night's bath. Diane Hollis informed that I could bathe you twice a month!"

"Oh Stanley, That is wonderful!" She got a lovely gleam in her eyes and her voice became husky as she gushed, "I thought about you all last night. Did you know that you can't play with yourself while clad in a diaper and a onesie?"

I laughed and replied, "I've never had that problem."

I winked at Loretta and confided to her that after I returned to the Delta house, I slipped into my room doused the lights and jerked off contentedly while replaying the bath in my mind.

"I have known for quite some time that you care for me deeply, Stanley, but until last night, I did not realize just how deep your devotion is. I felt loved, protected and treasured, everything every woman seeks. Oh, Stanley, I love you!"

Under the table, I pressed my right leg against hers and my hand clasped her succulent thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"I love you too, Loretta. To be honest, I've been falling in love with you from that first night in the Gamma House when you were first diapered. At first, the stares and gossip stung me a bit. It's hard enough being so tall. I've been called "Lurch" since I was twelve! Your "sisters" paired us up for maximum humiliation, but it backfired! None of the gossip or gawking matters. I WANT everyone to know that I am in love with you. I want to shout it from the rooftops, "Yeah, this giant loves a midget, wanna make something out of it?" Then I would glare at them and wave my clenched fist! Unfortunately, neither of us can go public until after your punishment is over."

"I can't even kiss you in public like a real girlfriend would, Stanley." replied Loretta morosely.

"We have our pre-study time."

"That's not enough, Stanley and you know it. We have to carefully ration our time so that you can properly drill me on calculus. I hate the anonymity, I want to snuggle under your arm as we walk across campus, winking at the other girls as they pass when they realize that, without my shoes, I am the perfect size for sucking you off while standing up!"

We shared a very dirty laugh and then ate in joyous silence for quite a while.

"If only we had a time machine." stated Loretta, breaking the silence.

"Freedom to fuck day will be here eventually, Loretta. Being apart from you over Christmas break is going to suck royally and I really don't want to go on spring break without you. I don't want to go with my buddies just to get laid. It would be wrong, considering how I feel about you. I'm taking the money I would have spent and am going to use it for a stay at a real nice hotel by the beach. It will be the offseason, your sentence ends in October, we can spend a long weekend doing everything we imagined.

"Oh, Stanley."

The rest of the semester passed in the most pleasant blur imaginable. In class, I was totally focused. When I was tutoring Loretta, I was all business. Every moment that wasn't spent studying was focused upon imagining the day when Loretta and I could be together. I felt somewhat like a groom from a previous generation, forbidden from intimacy with his betrothed until the nuptials. The very restrictions the Gammas had placed upon us had drawn us together in ways the sisterhood could not possibly have imagined.

In retrospect, Diane Hollis probably had more than an inkling of the passion building between Loretta and myself. Allowing me to bathe Mouse regularly certainly was of small benefit to the sorority. Diane had gifted me this nicety not because she cared about Loretta, but rather because she cared about me! Oh, not in any romantic sense, but out of respect for my needs as a man and my willingness to abet the Gamma's in their quite illegal hazing exercise. She knew how much trouble ALL of us could end up in if the Dean ever got a whiff of what was happening right under her nose.

I came to covet my Friday nights. Always arriving promptly, I would bring gifts of flowers or boxes of chocolates which I allowed the sisters to divvy up among themselves. Truly, a bribe never hurt anything. Loretta would be waiting for me, her angelic little face lighting up each time. I had to fight against the impulse to pick her up and cradle her in my arms. Out of prying eyes, she delighted in being held aloft before I embraced her. Loretta was so light in my arms, like an exotic, fragile yet resilient, toy. What we both wanted was to be out of doors so I could hold her over my head with my arms fully extended. Even now, in my mind' eye, we were on a deserted beach, Loretta soaring in the sky while the October sun danced upon the ocean waves.

Undressing her was a wonder that seemed fresh every time. Loretta's head would subtly drop and a winsome expression would dart across her countenance as I reached for the laces of her saddle shoes.

Her tiny white socks were so sexy. I never tired of rolling them off her impossibly cute little feet. Loretta had a fragrance like no other woman on campus. While the other girls wore Chanel or other fragrances, Loretta smelled of baby powder and aloe. I first realized how deeply Loretta was affecting me when I strayed into the baby care aisle of the local pharmacy and the aroma instantly made me hard.

I teased her sweaters and blouses off, savoring the separation of button from button hole and arm from sleeve. Loretta's tiny breasts appeared to me the most succulent little mounds of enchantment. I ached to place my mouth over each tiny hillock, to take those sharp pointy nipples between my teeth while both of us moaned with contentment. That, like cunnilingus, was something we had agreed to postpone.

"If I have too much of you, Stanley, I won't be able to make it through my punishment. You have to be a reward, something I earn, something we BOTH earn for enduring this little dog and pony show."

As much as I hated to agree with her, I knew that Loretta was correct. Some things ARE worth waiting for. The sisters always dressed her in short skirts. In cold weather, they added a pair of tights. I never minded in the least, I adored Loretta's legs. The vision of her little skirts fluttering to the floor often filled my dreams. Peeling away her diaper was like pulling the drape and unveiling a spectacular work of art. Every time that my amazed eyes drank in her secret place, I realized how such a sight could cause the human mind to concoct visions of angels or other ethereal beings. Seeing her naked, taking in the rest of her, the petite body with its amazing legs, flat taut tummy, and amazing ass, made me wonder what I had seen in any other girl. If I had been bathing a super model instead, I would have seen only Loretta's body and face.

Loretta was so aroused during my shaving sessions, I imagined that I could moisten the razor solely with her juices. When all of this was over, would I want Loretta to allow her bush to grow back? Ultimately, I knew that the decision would be hers. I hoped however that any regrowth would not be permanent, that on special occasions she would allow me to return her to her hairless state. Ordinarily, I'm the kind of guy who likes, at least, a landing strip or an exclamation point, but Loretta looked so damn sexy with a bald snatch. That was a conversation for a future time. I wiped away the shave cream, smiled, extended my hand and led Loretta to the tub.

There was always an audience gathered to watch us. "It's not fair! We should ALL get baths!" I heard more than once. The sorority sisters never got tired of watching me work. Apparently I was the highlight of the week. I rolled up my sleeves to tend to Loretta in the tub. One of the girls moaned and said, "Take your shirt off!" Loretta just rolled her eyes when she heard the girls making a fuss about me. She knew I only had eyes for her. One time Loretta told me how good it felt to have a boyfriend, even a secret one, whom other girls coveted.

"Before you entered my life. Stanley, I got the leftovers, short guys or homely guys that other girls never wanted. More times than I can count, I've seen boys lose interest in me when a taller girl or a girl with huge titties entered the room. To be loved just for being me, Stanley is a joy I can never fully express."

I marveled as I bathed this little intoxicating creature. Life seemed to have its greatest piquancy in the confines of the bathroom. The white porcelain of the tub, Loretta's alabaster skin and wet blonde hair with steam rising from the water. Had life left me at any of those moments I would have been a quite contented corpse. Even though we never discussed it, I felt certain that Loretta would want me to bathe her for the rest of our lives. Such happy thoughts filled my mind and I'm sure, hers until it was time to drain the tub. Preparing her for bed never lost its charm but increasingly, I simply wanted the day where she could slip naked between the sheets with me arrived. The long weeks between bathing sessions passed for me like Leon Trotsky's sojourn in Siberia. Were it as simple a matter as stealing another man's passport to end my exile in this gulag, I would gladly have done so.

Life at the fraternity was easier to take. My fellow Deltas rode me in good nature about my little sister. The more perceptive of them easily deduced that Loretta meant more to me than a simple big brother, little sister pairing. The guys really didn't pry too intently as to the exact nature of our relationship but aside from the obvious jokes such as, "Don't you think you have sold yourself a little short?" and "Is it true about what they say about good things coming in small packages?" they pretty much left me alone. The Deltas are pretty cool guys. It was the place that took in the oddballs such as a six foot seven guy who loathed basketball or guys who spent the weekend in Dungeons and Dragons sessions in their rooms. A nice live and let live policy. That its network of alumni tended to share my degree interests did not hurt either.

I wondered what women received from sorority life, but Loretta explained to me how important it was to her future. "I want a career in biological research. The Gammas OWN the alumni I need to impress to get the job I want. First, I need an internship and the easiest way to that is through the sisters at Gamma. If I keep my grades up, and thanks to you I am thriving in calculus, there is a scholarship with my name on it. That scholarship will make college so much easier. Diane Hollis spoke to me privately, she will report that I am a member in good standing so long as I finish this punishment. They expect their pound of flesh, but, at least, they won't ask for my soul in the bargain."

After that, we kissed as deeply as we currently were allowing ourselves and we plunged back into the math homework. I discovered I had a knack for teaching that I never even imagined that I possessed. It was really fun seeing the light go on in Loretta's eyes when she made the connections on her own. I decided that next year, my senior year, I would tutor someone else, a guy this time.

For Christmas break, Diane Hollis volunteered to take charge of Loretta. Diane did not live far from Loretta. The sorority president agreed to supervise Loretta so that she could get to see her family, something Loretta desperately wanted. I looked forward to the day when I could meet her parents, sister, and brother. Like me, Loretta's father was much taller than her mother. Loretta herself was several inches shorter than her own rather petite mother. I'd seen their pictures, Loretta resembled her still striking mother a great deal.

I wanted to present the woman I loved with a nice Christmas present, but both of us feared blowback. I decided on something that was removable yet romantic. Imitation pearls were the best I could do on my budget. Loretta reacted as though they were cultured pearls from a fine boutique. Out of sight of the sisters, I slid them around her neck, removing them before I returned her to the Gamma house. Loretta fairly glowed when she wore them.

Before I knew it it was spring break. On the final day of classes, I walked Loretta to the Gamma house and handed her off to Liz and Marta Wilcox. Liz and Marta were not going on spring break, their father was ailing and his bakery needed every hand it could spare. Loretta would be working along side of them just as she would be for the summer. I liked Liz and Marta, they struck me as a less hard ass than Diane Hollis and her ilk. I wanted to go with her but knew I could not, we had already said our goodbyes. There was e-mail of course, but I had already decided that in addition to that I would mail Loretta a snail mail letter every day. It was a positive way to direct my horniness. In the letters, I found myself telling Loretta my deepest thoughts and the vision of our future I hoped were possibilities. Loretta wrote to me with the same passion. Loretta had taken Marta into her confidence. She, in turn, allowed Loretta to scent her correspondence with the most intoxicating of perfumes.

Spring break would have been intolerable had not one of my professors set me up with a two-week studio wiring and acoustics testing in the big city. Focusing on finessing wires through walls and testing sound dynamics kept me from mooning over my precious Loretta. The money I made was quite a nice bonus. Now I actually could buy her a nice gift when we went away for freedom to fuck day. Our reunion after the two weeks was very sweet indeed.

Loretta and I got closer and closer. Either she had been an outstanding student, or I had been an outstanding teacher. Whatever the cause, Loretta had grasped calculus so well that she needed far less study time. That became an additional make out hour. Loretta's blow jobs and hand jobs kept getting better and better. Her delicate soft hands upon my shaft and the gentle pressure of her small pink tongue and the warmth of her lips caused every other girl who had touched my junk to vanish in a mist of amnesia. Loretta called my cock, her "all day sucker" because it took her "all day" to work her way from my taint to the tip.

Changing her never lost its magic. Yeah, sometimes she could crap like a monster but that never phased me. Changing her was our time. We found all the private places on campus where we could hide from the public eye. I took pride in doing a good job. Loretta never got diaper rash even once under my care. Her sense of humor came to the fore. Once after I dealt with an especially nasty dump Loretta deadpanned, "I MIGHT just forget how to wipe myself by the time this is over."

"You'd crap yourself on purpose, you little minx, just to feel my hands on your butt again." I shot back

She stuck her tongue out at me and then broke into a torrent of laughter.

When the summer holiday arrived, I was delighted with my grades, however, I felt my greatest achievement was Loretta's A plus in Calculus. In two semesters, my little bundle of joy had gone from a student struggling to grasp the basics to a disciplined scholar who anticipated the answers. When Loretta showed me her grade, her smile was so wide, I feared she'd split her lips. "Just you wait, Mister, when I get you alone, you will see what my A has earned you!" Then she winked at me and emitted a sexy, husky laugh and my underwear suddenly felt very tight.

Spending the summer apart would be very difficult for both of us. I resolved to write to Loretta every day. I'd gotten a summer internship not far from where Loretta would be working in the Wilcox family bakery. I vowed, that I would find a way to come and visit her. Marta and Liz were not a tyrannical as the other Gammas but Loretta would be spending every day of her summer in diapers all the same. Diane Hollis and the Gamma leadership would Skype the Wilcox sisters every day and Loretta would be examined remotely to ensure she was properly chastened.

The two of us spoke by phone nearly every day. "IF they DO make you president of that Sorority makes sure a punishment like yours is NEVER repeated."

"This scheme was Diane Hollis' creation. Despite her beauty, there is something almost acidic about her. She is tenacious and inventive, however. She is going into politics when she graduates. I have no doubt that her goal of Senator at age thirty will be achieved easily. I sure as hell would hate to be her political enemy." after a sigh Loretta continued, "In a way, she really has been merciful to me. By all rights, I should have been kicked out of school, let alone the sorority. I don't mind eating humble pie, but it is really going to stick in my craw when I'm restored in October and I have to thank her and every other member of the ruling council profusely for being shown such "patience" and "sisterly instruction"."

My internship kept my hopping. There was a surprising lack of down time. I did not mind that at all in the first place I was learning tons. In the second place, it kept me from moping about Loretta. Every night I penned a letter to her. Idle moments at work were spent texting her or in email sessions. My favorite text was a wink accompanied by "Next year at this time, I will be able to flash you my panties, "accidentally" instead of my pampers." A short time later, a second text, "UNLESS of course, you're still into that thing!" followed by a chain of winks.

We were both able to find a free day the second week of August. I borrowed a buddy's car and pulled up in front of the Wilcox home bright and early in the morning. I brought three bouquets of roses, Red for Loretta, white for Marta, and yellow for Liz. That and a huge box of chocolates allowed me to spend nearly the entire day with Loretta.

The day quickly turned overcast and drizzly. Loretta and I did not care a bit. It felt good walking down the streets in public with her tucked under my arm. Well, she wasn't under my arm exactly, the top of her head rode just above my belt line. We would ALWAYS look strange together, that was something we learned from day one. Just like on campus, we drew stares. At one point we passed close to a small group of women standing under the awning of a cafe, the tallest, I guess she was, at least, five foot ten and rather attractive quickly donned a scowl and hooted at Loretta, "Hey shrimp! Leave the tall ones for us!"

Loretta was not about to give an inch. "I'm ten feet tall when I stand on charisma, darling!"

I hustled Loretta out of there before anything else was said.

"We are going to get that A LO T, Stanley."

"That we have known for a long time, my sweet little Mouse."

"Is it mouse or muse? The letters you have been sending me are so wonderful, honey."

"Hmm, "From Mouse To Muse" hat would make a great title for the movie about our story." I replied.

"They can't make the movie yet, Stanley, the dirtiest chapter is yet to come." stated Loretta with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"I've come lots of times," I snarked, "It's getting YOU off that is the big event."

"Oh, God, Stanley, you have no idea how horny I am. You can't rub one in while wearing diapers and a onesie. The celibacy is, in some ways, worse than the diapers. I want you so badly, dear but I want our time in October to be our first. You mean so much to me, Stanley. I can't imagine how good your enormous cock is going to feel inside me."