Changing Places Pt. 04


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In the bathroom he took the time to really piss. 'Damn beers go through a girl a lot quicker,' he thought, 'no wonder Debbie's always headed off to the bathroom.' He checked himself out in the mirror, trying to see what might get the guys really steamed. Lifting up his shirt, John stared at his perfect 34D breasts. He tugged and twisted his nipples until they were really hard, then pulled the shirt down. Two little pup tents stuck out over each breast and were not even more prominent through the tight, white shirt. 'There...they oughta love that,' he grinned.

John's tits bounced with his exaggerated walk as he reentered the living room. A cursory glance at each face confirmed he was right - mouths agape and blank stares.

"You guys ready for another hand?" he asked, breaking the silence.

James stared at his tits without apology, "yeah... I'm in... let's go." John decided to start playing to win now. At first his plan seemed to work and he won half a dozen times in a row before Joe called a quick break for more beers. John faked a yawn, stretching his arms out wide so that his breasts would press out against the thin shirt.

"Not too bad for a dame," James said.

"John's been trying to teach me the finer points," he answered.

"Hell, John's third or fourth at best in this group. If you want lessons then you need to see me for some extra training."

John started to glare back, then changed his mind and gave a wink, "maybe I'll have to take you up on that."

Joe cleared his throat, "hope I'm not interrupting anything," he said, handing out several beers each.

John should have remembered his thoughts from the bathroom about beer running through a woman faster. If he had, he might have thought about the fact that a woman's alcohol tolerance is quite a bit lower as well. After the fourth beer, he began to lose more than he was winning, then he couldn't hold it any longer and had to excuse himself to pee again. The guys laughed softly, then started whispering among themselves as John stumbled a few times and had to steady himself several times with the wall as he made his way down the hallway.

This time after pissing, John pulled his tits up to his mouth, one at a time, sucking on them vigorously, until they were rigid and hurting. 'I can fuckin' take 'em,' he thought, 'my luck's gonna change.'

Joe had two more cold beers waiting for everyone upon John's return, and... his luck didn't change. He chugged the beers down 'like a guy,' much to the amazement of the guys, as they winked knowingly to one another. Three hands after that he was out of money - all $250.00.

"So," James said, as they saw all John's cash was gone, "you wanna stay around and watch the three of us?"

"I can get you another beer," Joe added.

'Think, think, think,' John meddled over in his mind. Then through his foggy, alcohol clouded mind, he got an idea.

"I've got an idea! How 'bout if I sell you something for some cash?"

Ray who was normally the last to speak up, did, "Debbie, we couldn't do that. Why don't you just call it a night and we'll give John a call to come and pick you up."

John was about to answer, but James cut in, "Mmm... what did you have in mind?"

John smiled, "I was thinking about... my blouse... how much do you think it's worth?"

Ray started to say they couldn't do that, but James waived him off, "I'd be willing to give you fifty bucks."

"Uhh... did I tell you that I'm not wearing a bra underneath?"

"Shiiiit," said Joe.

"Okay then, make it seventy five," James countered, upping the ante. He counted out $75.00 from his big pile of winnings, then stood up and pushed the money across the table to John. John could make out the outline of a huge lump in his pants.

John decided to be as nonchalant as possible. He simple reached down, grabbed the bottom of the blouse and pulled it up and over his head. His perfectly rounded breasts were set free to the whistles of Joe, James, and even Ray.

"Those are some fine titties," James said.

"Hey, James, you're talking to a lady," Ray quickly muttered.

"Well, that lady," James countered, "just sold me her shirt."

That seemed to settle it and with all eyes glancing at his tits, John joined in, "how about dealin' the cards."

Thirty minutes went by with money changing hands between the four of them. Then, John began to be dealt his ultimate hand. He was dealt 3 - nines, an Ace, and a 7, and tried to maintain a blank face. The initial ante was out and was raised by everyone. John called for another card and dropped his 7. As he picked up the next card, another 9 he tried to suppress a grin. 'Hell... this is it 4- nines and an Ace high, I bringin' it all home now,' he thought.

"I'm raisin' it all I have fellas," he gloated, pushing all of his cash into the middle of the table.

"I'm out," Ray said.

"Me too," followed Joe.

James looked down at his hand then back up at John. He flashed a big, white smile. "I'll see your raise and raise it $350."

John knew he was sunk. He didn't have any more cash. He decided to play the dumb woman role and see what it would get him. "Umm... guys... I don't have any more cash... what does that mean?"

"It means," said Joe, "that unless you come up with the cash, James wins."

"Well, that doesn't seem fair," John countered with pouty eyes, "what if I have a better hand?"

"Doesn't matter," Joe said, "you automatically lose."

John sat silent. This was the best hand he'd ever had. He knew James and had been playing cards with him for two years. The guy bluffed all the time. He was just raising it to beat him. "Uhh... what if I add something to the pot worth at least $400?"

"Sorry babe... I like you boobs, but this time it's not gonna work," James said.

Joe cut in, "as the house, I say we leave it to an independent party to determine value and if we let Debbie use it as cash."

"And who here is independent?" James asked.

Joe looked over at Ray. "Ray gets to decide."

"Fine," James said, "Okay, Debbie... what is it?"

John looked at Ray, 'he was a fair guy...probably give him the benefit of the doubt.' "Umm... first, I'll give you my leather boots..."

"Fifty bucks," said Ray.

"Then my leather pants," John said.

"Seventy-five bucks," Ray said, "total of $125.00 so far. You're $275.00 short."

'Fuck, I'll be nude... what else do I have?' thought John. "My car outside?" John asked.

"No good," Ray said, "It has to be here in the room. Is that it? I'm sorry, you're gonna be short."

James grinned and started to reach forward for the huge pile of cash. "I would have liked to see you naked though," he said.

'WAIT !" John yelped.

They all stopped and starred at him. John looked down at his cards, up at them, then bit his lip.

"If I lose, I'll strip down and each of you can have your way with me for the next two hours."

He couldn't believe he said it, but now it was out there. The delay was as long as the ref dropping the flag in the Fiesta Bowl (sorry, I'm a disgruntled 'Cane fan).

Before Ray could answer, James spoke up. "That'll be fine... I accept... but, you need to put your shorts and boots on the table... just in case I lose."

John looked at Ray. "Seems like we have a deal here," Ray grinned, "you have one-minute to decide if you accept Debbie."

John's head was already clouded by the beer and the manhood he had inside couldn't resist the challenge. 'Fuck them,' he thought. "Give me another beer, Raymond dear... the bet's on!"

Joe and Ray began hootin' and hollerin' while James just flashed a big, full-faced smile. John chugged the beer down then stood up, nipples erect, turned his back to the table and bent over to pull off his boots. His tight shorts hugging his perfect ass, the guys gawked as he pulled off one boot, then the other. Next, he decided to make a show of taking off his shorts. Keeping his back to the guys, he hooked a thumb inside the back of both sides of his shorts and slowly started pulling them down. Moving his hips from side to side to accentuate the process, about half his crack was showing when he looked over his shoulder, "how's it looking so far?"

All three looked up at him, embarrassed at being caught staring at his ass.

"Looking very good... so far," Joe said.

"Mmm....mmm...mmm," Ray hummed to himself.

"Not much luggage in the trunk, but we'll make do," James drawled.

John looked away, arched his back as much as he could to stick his butt out, and then pulled the pants over his ass and down. Slipping his feet out, he reached around and rubbed his bare ass, where only a g-string went down his crack and covered his pussy from behind. Slowly turning back around, he dropped his boots and shorts on the table with a thud.

John settle back into his chair feeling very vulnerable, but then picked up his cards for reassurance - the four 9's and Ace high were staring back at him and he felt better. 'Just a few more minutes,' he thought. "Time to show your cards," Ray said, "Debbie, ladies first."

John smiled, then laid his cards down, "four 9s and Ace high... read it and weep," he snickered.

James had a face of stone.

"James," Ray said, "you're up."

John's emotions went from elation to fear as he saw James grin slowly spread from ear to ear. "We're gonna have some fun tonight boys," he said laying down his cards.

Everyone was shocked.

"Royal Flush Baby!" James howled.

Amidst John's buzz, his only thought was, 'I can't get fucked by my friends.'

John interrupted the high-fives. "Uhh... guys... thereish sumpfing I need to tell you."

They looked over with devouring eyes at the beautiful nearly naked babe, slurring her speech. "She's had a fuckin' lot to drink Joe," Ray whispered out of the side of his mouth, "do you think it's okay?"

"Hey, a bet's a bet," Joe replied.

"I'm not...(hic)...realree Debbie," he said.

"Oh! Is that so," James said crossing his big arms, "then who are you."

"I'm (hic)... John." 'There,' he thought, 'that settles it.'

"Zat so," James said, "well honey... I'll call you whatever you like, but right now, get your little ass over here."

John knew he was sunk and resigned himself to fulfill the bet, "you won't tell Debbie... I mean John about thish, will you?" he asked as he slowly worked his way around the table.

"Nah...nah... we don't kiss and tell... do we boys," James said, "this will be our little secret. Start the timer Joe... we've got two hours."

James made John turn around and bend forward, "yeah... just like you were teasing me before when you took off your boots." Then he began rubbing his oversized hands all over his ass, like he was palming a basketball. Hooking his hand through the small band in the g-string, he gave a quick tug and tore it off. "You won't be needin' those, now spread your legs."

John did, and then felt James big hands reaching through his legs and up to his clit. "Let's rub this little button and see what happens." The alcohol continued to wear on John's brain and he felt himself responding by sticking his ass back further towards James and trying to rub his pussy up and down on his finger. He could feel the dampness as James thrust his large digit finger into his cunt. "Mmmmmmmmmmm," he moaned.

The hand moved away and he started to stand up. "Stay where you are," James ordered. He heard the sound of a zipper and looked up to see Joe's dick in his face. "Start suckin' baby... I've dreamed of this for years."

'What?' Joe thought as Joe's dick speared his lips. 'I can't fuckin' do this, but I have no choice.' He opened his mouth and started sucking.

"Your fine lips look great wrapped around my schlong," Joe grinned as he began thrusting in and out of John's mouth. Before he could get used to the oddity of it all he felt James big fingers working on his pussy again.

"Now scoot that little ass of yours back this way," James said. John began slowly moving backwards, while Joe kept up with him, his dick fucking furiously in and out of John's mouth. "Yeah... that's it... that's it... " Joe said, then, "Ahhhhhh.... Shiiiiiiiiit." John wasn't expecting the blast of cum and had only been on the giving end in the past. Semen gushed into his mouth and he tried to swallow it, but he couldn't take it all and pulled back to get some air as is dribble down his chin.

James was still pulling back on his hips, then reached around to cup his dangling breasts and pulled him upright. "Now sit down on your throne, your highness," he laughed. John began sitting and James pointed his massive 12-incher as John's wet pussy. "There, you found it now sit."

"I can't," John said.

"Joe and Ray, each of your grab a leg and help little Missy here to sit on here tuffet."

Joe and Ray, each grabbed one of John's legs, gave a sorrowful look then pulled them out. With no stabilization, John fell straight down, impaling himself on Jame's massive cock. "Owwwwwwwwww!" John cried as James' rigid pole spread his cunt wide open. James gave John a few minutes to get used to his size then told Joe and Ray to let go. "Now bounce up and down," James commanded John. His legs on the ground again, John strained to raise himself up, his tight pussy walls clinging hard to the intrusion. Just as he was to the top of James' dickhead, he felt the two big hands on his shoulders shoving him down again. "Ride the black pony, baby!"

Joe and Ray stood back and watched in awe as the beautiful brunette went up and down like a pogo stick on James' giant cock. Joe looked at Ray, who was finally stripping off his underwear. "You get some of that pussy next," Joe said.

"Pussy? Hell... he's gonna tear that pussy up something awful. It's gonna be a mile deep and a mile wide filled with cum before I get to it. Naw... I'm an ass man and I bet she hasn't had one this thick up her ass before."

They looked back to watch the assault on the pretty brunette's pussy.

"Uhh...uhh...uhh" John yelped rhythmically as he plummeted down then rose up again on James' large pole. Finally his legs gave out, but James quickly had his hands under John's armpits and lifted him up and down like a rag doll. Then all of a sudden he pulled him totally off, lifted him onto the table and pushed him down on his back. Grabbing each leg, James spread him wide, keeping John's ass on the edge of the table and moved between his legs.

"Holy shit! Look at that yawning pussy... I think it's tired," Joe said elbowing Ray in the gut.

Indeed John's pussy was being put through a workout. His pussy lips were spread wide, with a big "O" instead of a slit for a pussy. James grabbed his big cock and slapped it down on John's pussy. "Whack...whack... whack..." on his engorged clit. Then he flashed that big smile and reinserted his cock. "Now I have some real leverage," he said.

Joe and Ray looked on in amazement as James hammered away. The brunette's big breasts were jerking up and down as he slammed into her. The slapping noise continued, but it were the big balls of James that looked like wrecking balls as they hit John's ass with each thrust. "She's gonna have bruises tomorrow," Joe snickered.

Finally, it looked like it was coming to an end. James upper body was beaded with sweat and he became more erratic with his thrusts. Then with one final thrust he let out with a growled bellow, "take that shhhhhhiiitt!" He continued with a few more thrusts and grunts while squeezing hard on John's 34D airbags like a stress ball.

Joe and Ray watched as the big black man pulled out, leaving a gaping hole in the worn-out beauty. At first they wondered where the cum was, because nothing came out. Then they realized he must have shot it way back in. A few moments later a torrent of thick, white fluid began flowing out of her pussy onto the table. Ray thought she had passed out, but when he nudged her, her eyes opened. He helped her over onto her stomach, and then pulled her towards him until her fit hit the ground, but she was bent flat on the table.

John felt his legs being spread, like he was going to get strip-searched. 'My pussy feels so stretched, I shouldn't feel a thing this time,' he thought. The fingers going into his pussy felt noticeable different - stubbier and thicker. They mushed around in the goo, then came back out and his eyebrows raised. "Not my ass!" he shouted, coming to his senses, like a drunk tossed into a cold pool.

Ray reamed the saucy brunettes puckered hole with his finger a few times then announced, "just try and loosen up... if you tighten up, then it's really gonna hurt."

John tried to think 'loose,' but as soon as Ray's cockhead touched his sphincter, he tightened up.

"Ooh... gonna make it hard on me huh, well... here goes." Ray said, thrusting forward while pulling John's hips back towards him. His fat head pushed in, then the rest of his shaft followed. While Ray was no foot long dong, he had a respectable 8-inches. The thing was, he was thicker than James.

John reached down to do what was the only thing he could think of to reduce the pain searing through his ass. He fingered his clit.

After a few minutes as he approached an orgasm from rubbing himself, the pain had subsided and he began getting a totally different feeling. The approaching orgasm was being magnified by his sensitive asshole getting plugged. "Ooh... that's it... ooh yeah... I'm almost there... ahhhhhhhhhhh!" he screamed, his pussy and asshole quivering. The vibrations brought Ray to the brink as he grunted, "fuuuuuuuck yeeeeaaaaahhhhh!"

* * *

Sneaking back into his house at 2 a.m. all sorts of images were going through John's mind. The most vivid was when Joe was fucking his ass, James was in his pussy and he was sucking off Ray. The two hours actually went by fast as the three guys all got off three times in different holes. As he shuffled into his bedroom, John caught his foot on the side of the dresser and fell flat on his face with a loud 'boom.'

The lights came on and Debbie looked over the side of the bed, "what the hell happened to you?"

She looked down to see John on his face; the short shorts crammed up his ass and his shirt and hair a rumpled mess. Getting out of bed, she helped him into the bathroom and began stripping him down.

"Hi Honey! Howsh it gowing?" John slurred.

"Geez! You're drunk and a mess," Debbie said in a condescending tone. Helping him off with his shirt she saw the red paw marks all over his breasts. Then she pulled down his pants and gasped. "John, what the hell have you done to my pussy?" It didn't even resemble a slit, but was still wide open and looked like you could push a baseball into it.

"Watsh that, baby?" John said through half open eyes. "Kaboom" the sound of thunder rumbled outside.

"Oh, nothing... just a storm coming," she said as she reached down and touched his gaping pussy. She stuck one, two, then three fingers in easily. Four... then brought all her fingers and thumb together to form kind of a wedge and pushed into his pussy. Her hand entered easily and Debbie was shocked to see only her wrist visible. Looking up at John, he didn't even register what was happening.

Rain began to patter against the window.

"Watsh going on... are we gonna fuck again?" John asked bewilderly.

"Yeah, John we're gonna fuck again. Do you want to fuck me again?" Debbie asked as she continued pushing her fist into John.

"Ooh... you feeeeel sooooo big... let me gesh... is it James?"

"No, not James?" Debbie said, finally hitting what must be his womb.

'Mmmm... howsa about Ray?"

"Noooo, not Ray," Debbie said, pulling back and then pushing in again.

"Ha! Then it hash to beeeee... Joe. Ha! I'm not soooo shtupid am I?"

"Nope, babe, you've got it all figured out," Debbie chuckled as she fucked him were her fist and arm.

"Crack!" lightening flashed outside.

John started shaking with one of several orgasms and Debbie was amazed at his pussy trying to bear down on her arm and the subtle vibrations of his inner walls on her skin. "Ahhhhhh...." John moaned, cumming.