Cheryl's Passion Ch. 16

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Naked and bound in the gynecologist chair.
9k words

Part 16 of the 30 part series

Updated 01/21/2024
Created 09/07/2016
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My life is complicated.

I live with my teenage girlfriend who is madly in love with me, however, I was scheduled to go out on a date with my girlfriend's mother. To make the situation even stranger, my girlfriend knew that I was going out on a date with her mom and she gave us both her blessing.

You see, my girlfriend and I are in a S&M type relationship. She views me as her slave and she thinks it only proper that a mistress be able to loan out her slave to people that that she likes and trusts.

Some people might see this as a twisted relationship, but to April, it was just proper etiquette for when a woman owns a slave. I'm extremely submissive, so I agreed with April's viewpoint right away. It was April's mother who resisted April's idea of sharing me with friends and family, but she slowly came around to April's way of thinking.

April keeps me naked most of the time, so dressing up to go on a date was an unusual event for me. Stefania picked out my clothes and helped me to get dressed. I was given black panties, black, sheer thigh high stockings, a black bra, black leather pumps with five-inch heels and a black bodycon dress.

"It feels strange wearing so many clothes," I commented as I looked at myself in the mirror. I had gotten used to being naked in Ms. Cuthbert's home. Being respectably clothed actually felt strange and unfamiliar.

I met up with Mrs. Ladd downstairs and she was dressed in similar attire. Ordinarily, Mrs. Ladd dressed in clothes that were comfortable and functional. Seeing her in high heels and a slinky, figure-hugging dress seemed so out of character for her.

"Mistress, you look beautiful," I exclaimed as I took it all in. Mrs. Ladd was old enough to be my mother, but she still had the sort of body that could turn heads.

"Why, thank you, Darling," Mrs. Ladd replied with a seductive smile on her lips, "but for tonight, don't call me Mistress. Call me by my given name or by some sort of adorable pet name. After all we're on a date tonight."

"Yes, Christina," I said and then Mrs. Ladd sauntered over to me on her high heels and she wrapped her arms around my waist, pressed her beautiful body against mine and kissed me on the lips. It was an intense, open-mouthed kiss with her tongue gracefully introducing itself into my mouth and seductively brushing up against my own tongue. I moaned slightly in response and made a muffled sound when one of her hands drifted down and gave my girlish butt a squeeze.

It felt weird doing this in front of April. I mean, April was my girlfriend, and now here I was getting kissed and groped by her mother. Nonetheless, when we broke from the kiss, April was smiling brightly as if she was enjoying this as much as her mother.

Yeah, this was not a conventional family.

"You look fabulous," April said to her mother. Then she added, "And Cheryl looks stunning too. Where are you taking her?"

"It's a secret," Mrs. Ladd replied with a mischievous smile on her lips.

* * *

Our destination was kept secret from me as well. I got into Mrs. Ladd's car, and she drove as if she had a destination in mind. She smiled like a teenager on her way to the prom and repeatedly told me that I was the most adorable female to ever set foot in her vehicle.

"Even more adorable than you?" I asked while batting my eyelashes at her.

"Even more adorable than me," Mrs. Ladd conceded, "I'm very good-looking for a woman my age, but you're alluring in a way that I couldn't have matched even when I was a teenager. You exude an erotic energy that just mesmerizes and draws people in."

"Wow," I said.

"Sometimes I get one look at you in the morning, and then I can't stop thinking about you for the rest of the day. It's like you've put a spell on me."

Mrs. Ladd's compliments made me feel like I was the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet. I got so caught up in the adulation I paid no attention to where she was driving. And when Mrs. Ladd finally parked the car, I realized we were at the Lago County Medical Center.

"Wait, isn't this where you work?" I asked.

"It is," she confirmed, "I've got a dream date all planned out, and this is where it all takes place."

My eyebrows went up in a quizzical expression, and I said, "I don't get it."

"It actually makes a great deal of sense," Mrs. Ladd explained, "There are millions of people out there who think that being a gynecologist is all fun and games. But the reality is, it's a very time-consuming, stressful job with lots of responsibilities. And it's a job that has pretty much prevented me from every having a social life. So, I would like to have at least one memory associated with my job that's rife with erotic excitement and titillation."

Realization slowly dawned upon me. Being a medical doctor was hard, stressful work. Sure, she got to see hundreds of vaginas each year, but it wasn't sexy, it was all about urinary tract infections and reproductive health. Mrs. Ladd wanted a beautiful, naked girl in her gynecologist chair who was in perfect health and who was willing to be probed, fondled and stroked until she squirmed and had a screaming orgasm.

"So, I should expect a very thorough and titillating exploration of my vagina?"

"Among other things," Mrs. Ladd confirmed.

* * *

The medical building was closed for the day, but Mrs. Ladd used her key card to get us inside. We went up to her office on the third floor, and then she turned on the lights. The place was empty and eerily quest.

"My daughter is very kinky," Mrs. Ladd said softly, "but there are things I can do that she can't. Tonight, I'm going to show you."

Mrs. Ladd pressed a hand into the small of my back and escorted me from the waiting room, down the hall and then into one of the examination rooms. She turned on the lights, and the first thing I noticed about the room was the gynecological examination chair. It somehow seemed to dominate the entire room.

"Let's start by getting you out of those clothes," Mrs. Ladd instructed me, "You look great in them, but for what I've got planned, I need a girl who's completely naked."

I unzipped my dress and pulled it off. Standing there in nothing but a bra, panties, stockings and high heels, I held my dress in my hands and asked, "Where?"

There was no obvious place for me to hang my dress. Mrs. Ladd just told me to fold it and place it on the small chair in the corner. I placed my shoes side by side underneath the chair and then my stockings and bra went on top of the dress.

Something about taking off my panties while Mrs. Ladd watched me with hungry eyes caused my sex to throb. She had seen me naked plenty of times before but stripping naked while this older woman intently scrutinized my every movement triggered a tingling sensation deep within my loins.

I stripped naked and then allowed Mrs. Ladd to order me around. She ordered me up on the scale and had me stand straight with my hands at my sides while she checked my height. I think this was more of a ritual than any real interest in getting my exact height and weight. Or perhaps it was just a way to prove that she had power over me, that she could give me orders and get me to obey them without question.

While I was standing on the scale, Mrs. Ladd donned a white lab coat and retrieved a hypodermic needle and an ampule. She loaded some sort of drug into her needle and said, "Have you ever heard of a drug called libidol?"

I looked at Mrs. Ladd over my shoulder and shook my head in negation.

"Libidol was originally developed as an anti-depressant, but it was discovered to inhibit the ability to have orgasms. It didn't inhibit the ability to become sexually aroused, indeed most studies indicated that it increased sexual arousal, but it made it impossible for most patients and test subjects to experience orgasm, no matter how hard they tried."

"And you want to inject me with that?" I asked, feeling very naked and vulnerable.

"Of course," Mrs. Ladd replied, "Think of it as a chastity drug. Slaves are denied orgasms as a type of discipline or punishment. Ordinarily this is done through the implementation of chastity belts or some sort of bondage that prevents the slave from masturbating. My way is simply much more-high tech."

Once she explained all this, she rubbed some alcohol into the flesh of my buttocks and then she injected the drug into me.

She wasn't wrong about libidol increasing sexual arousal. Within seconds of being drugged, I felt an intoxicating heat suffuse my entire body, and I felt a soft, wet pulse deep within my sex.

"Okay, step off the scale now," Mrs. Ladd said, "Next we're going to do a breast exam."

I stepped off the scale and Mrs. Ladd told me to raise one arm up over my head and place it behind my back. This caused my breast to raise itself up and place itself on display. Mrs. Ladd then placed her hands on my breast, feeling it up, pressing down with two fingers and slowly rotating them. She was very thorough as she explored every inch of my flesh, beginning at the outside of my breast, pressing, making circles and moving on.

I obediently kept my hand behind my back and my breast thrust out as Mrs. Ladd's skilled fingers worked her way towards the center of her breast. Of course, my nipple was hard and brazenly erect before she even touched that part of my anatomy.

By the time she reached my nipple, my breathing was becoming labored, and my arm began to tremble. Mrs. Ladd grabbed the sensitive pink nub of my nipple and pinched it. I gasped at the sudden pain, and then I was ordered to raise my other arm so she could begin the exploration of my other breast.

She took her time, pressing her strong fingers deeply into the soft, sensitive flesh of my breasts and getting me all worked up, finally arriving at the nipple and pinching that one as well. My nipples were inflamed and almost red by the time that Mrs. Ladd ordered me to sit in the examination chair and to place my legs in the leg crutch stirrups.

Being naked and fondled had already triggered my libido, but when I sat in the examination chair and placed my legs in the stirrups my sex absolutely throbbed. The indecent positioning of my legs left my labia blatantly on display, and then Mrs. Ladd moved the stirrups further apart, thus forcing me to spread my legs obscenely wide.

"Okay, darling, I'm going to use some restraints," Mrs. Ladd informed me, "You don't mind, do you?"

Mrs. Ladd knew that bondage was a huge turn on for me. I smiled and said, "No Doctor, I don't mind at all."

She saw my smile and responded with one of her own. Then she buckled leather straps around my ankles, and just above my knees. Next, more leather straps were then buckled around my wrists and then used to secure my wrists to some sort of metal support near the headrest. I had never felt as naked and exposed in my life.

"I've had a lot of women in that chair," Mrs. Ladd assured me, "but none of them looked as alluring as you look right now. You're a real treat."

I loved Mrs. Ladd, and I was pleased that I could do something like this to make her happy. As I felt a smile creep across my lips, Mrs. Ladd snapped on some latex gloves. And even though my vagina was already wet, my beautiful doctor produced a tube of some sort of lubricating gel and squeezed out a generous blob out onto her fingers.

I held my breath as she came closer and then gasped when she placed her lubricated fingers on my exposed pubic lips. She smeared cold lubricant on my swollen labia before inserting her fingers inside me. Her fingertips made a leisurely exploration of my insides, mapping it out while I moaned as she fingered the most intimate part of my female anatomy.

I felt deliciously exposed and defenseless as she impaled me with her fingers. I also felt extremely sexually aroused, but no matter how much she stimulated the delicious nerve endings inside my sex, I was unable to achieve orgasm. It was just like she had said. The drug that she gave me was a chastity drug. No matter how much I surrendered to her fingers and tried to reach sexual climax, my body refused to cooperate.

"You seem quite flushed," Dr. Ladd observed, "and your respiration seems labored. You may want to pace yourself. We've got several more hours before this examination is over."

Several more hours? I prayed she was joking, although Dr. Ladd wasn't famous for her sense of humor. I struggled against the bonds that held me, however, the leather straps and crutch stirrups were surprisingly sturdy. I strained my leg muscles until I broke out into a sweat, but other than wearing myself out, I accomplished nothing.

"Okay, Cheryl," Doctor Ladd said in that maternal voice of hers, "I'm going to have to pry you wide open next."

She then produced a stainless-steel speculum and applied generous amounts of lubricant to the medical device.

The speculum looked large and intimidating, and I once again attempted to close my legs together. Of course, the restraints buckled around my knees and ankles frustrated my efforts to move my legs, even slightly. I was utterly helpless and immobilized. Doctor Ladd could do whatever she wanted to me.

With my legs spread obscenely wide, Doctor Ladd fed the cold, metal speculum deep into my vagina and turned a screw that caused it to open wider and wider. As the speculum opened wide, it forced my sex to open wide as well. When this happened, I was overcome with a strange feeling. It wasn't so much a painful feeling as a feeling of being open, helpless and exposed.

I gasped as the speculum stretched the walls of my pussy and opened me up wider than I'd ever been open before. The feelings of being open and exposed increased my feelings of sexual arousal. I panted and probably would have reached orgasm right then if it wasn't for the drug Doctor Ladd had injected into my bloodstream. My hood had been pulled back, exposing my swollen clitoris to the cool air. I squirmed as much as my bonds would allow, and my pussy throbbed as my vaginal muscles tried to contract around the stainless-steel speculum. There was another feeling of helplessness as the speculum refused to yield, and I whimpered as I felt one helpless spasm after another in my wet sex.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh," I screamed as a gloved fingertip brushed gently across my inflamed clitoris. Doctor Ladd was clearly enjoying the reactions she was getting out of me. Every time I whimpered, gasped or screamed, her face broke into a beatific smile.

I was feverish and sweating at this point, and then Doctor Ladd proceeded to make me feel even more open and exposed by producing a colposcope, turning on a bright light, and placing one end of the colposcope into my yawning, wide-open sexual orifice. She spent about thirty or forty seconds staring into the most intimate orifice of my body with her high-tech device but didn't seem to find anything noteworthy while she was examining me.

She then set the colposcope aside and removed the speculum from my overexposed, defenseless pussy. For a few brief moments, I assumed that meant the exam was over, however Doctor Ladd had other ideas. She then inserted two fingers into me and pressed down on my lower belly quite hard. She probed my sensitive interior with her fingers and told me she was examining my cervix.

Even though I wasn't an expert on such matters, I was pretty certain a gynecological exam wasn't supposed to take this long. Doctor Ladd probed my vagina for what seemed like hours. The way that her fingers probed and explored left me feeling very uncomfortable, helpless and violated.

Her fingers also left me feeling sexually aroused, which being incapable of reaching orgasm left me feeling frustrated. Wave after agonizing wave of desire reverberated through my body, and moans and girlish gasps emanated from my lips, but the orgasm my body kept chasing after was always just barely out of reach. A powerful orgasm was building deep within my loins, and the muscles of my vagina spasmed around Doctor Ladd's probing fingers.

I gasped as another agonizing wave of desire passed through my naked body, and I squirmed with both sexual desire and embarrassment as my nipples became visibly swollen and painfully erect. My body was glistening with sweat by this point and my squirming became more pronounced, but Doctor Ladd probed my sensitive sex until I was a physical and emotional wreck.

I was moaning with desperate sexual need when Mrs. Ladd removed her glistening-wet fingers from my throbbing sex. She had been far too thorough in her exploration and had developed a frustrating tendency to find the most sensitive nerve endings of my sexual core, enflame them to the point where I was whimpering and writhing with desperate need.

"Are you ready for some more fun?" Doctor Ladd asked, "I'll give you a few seconds to recover and then I'll show you what else I have in mind for the evening."

I tried to answer, but the only thing that came out of my mouth were some whimpering, vowel sounds. I was limp and defeated, but Doctor Ladd wanted to continue.

She obtained some more lubricant and a fresh latex glove. When her gloved fingers were coated with lube, she placed her fingertips at my exposed anus and pushed. Using circular motions, she massaged my anus and pushed her way in, forcing the sphincter muscle to open. I gasped as I felt her fingers enter my ass and push their way in deeper and deeper.

I squirmed as Doctor Ladd probed and explored my anal cleft. Her fingers speared me deep and then twisted around inside of me. In a way, it made me feel more helpless and vulnerable than when she had probed my vagina.

"Uuuuaaaahhhhhh," I moaned inarticulately as Doctor Ladd violated my tight, pink asshole and then when she finally withdrew her fingers from my ass, I discovered there was yet more fun to be had.

My breasts heaved up and down as I panted, and Mrs. Ladd went to retrieve something else to torment me. When she returned, she had a medical device with a stainless-steel wheel with sharp ends on it. She called it a Wartenberg pinwheel.

"Normally it's used to test nerve sensitivity," Doctor Ladd explained, "but tonight I'll be putting it to a different sort of use.

My bonds held me in place and wide open as Doctor Ladd approached with her pinwheel. I couldn't be certain how she would employ it, however, I could barely move, so my naked body was totally available for her to torment and abuse in any manner she wished.

I whimpered as the elegant woman placed one hand on my breast and with the other hand she held her Wartenberg wheel. Then her face broke out in a devious smile right before she put the wheel on my breast and began to run it over my breasts and nipples. It was like a dozen little pin pricks occurring all at once. I gasped and squirmed when she ran it over my nipples even lightly.

"Aaaaaaaaaaagghhh," I exclaimed inarticulately and gave Mrs. Ladd a pleading look, but she just licked her lips and continued to abuse my naked flesh with her wicked medical device.

"Oh God," I cried out as the pinwheel ran over my right breast, toward the areola, across the nipple and then the pattern was repeated on my left breast.

The pinwheel moved from one breast to the other, causing me to gasp and scream. The most emotional moments were when the pinwheel was rolled across one of my sensitive, swollen nipples. It was an agonizing sensation, but April had corrupted her mother to the point where she seemed to enjoy inflicting pain on my naked body.

"Oh, Christina," I cried out, "Please! No more!"

Mrs. Ladd smiled and slowly shook her head in negation right before she slowly worked the pinwheel across the underside of each defenseless breast, then straight up the middle of the left orb over the full pink areola, to the erect nipple, back and forth until I was screaming as explosions of pain erupted across my inflamed pink flesh.