Cheyenne's Revenge Ch. 05


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"I ..." she looked back toward the bedroom clearly embarrassed. She was at a loss for words.

"They are comforting each other," I told her. "They care for each other deeply, and no I'm not gay, but I know when they need a little time for themselves.

"I ..." Stacy began.

"You stammer a lot. Relax. I won't do anything to you. I want to make sure they are both okay. So, how are you getting home?" I asked. Her eyes grew large.

"He ... was my ride. I really don't even know where I am," she admitted.

"I can call you a cab if you like," I offered. "If you like, you can wait and have a talk with Cheyenne when she comes out." She was about to say something when I heard a loud moan from Sierra from the back. Stacy was embarrassed and shut up. We sat, not talking, as Sierra began making more rhythmic sounds. Stacy crossed her legs once then crossed them the other way. Stacy broke the silence.

"She's awful vocal," she whispered.

"Have you ever taken pleasure with a woman?" I offered. Stacy blushed and looked away. She developed a flush to her skin.

"No," she told me. I made a judgment call, based on what little I had reasoned out about Stacy's willingness to engage a wounded party then her reaction when she'd made the wrong choice.

"Go back there," I suggested. "It will help." Stacy looked at me as if I had told her to drink Hemlock.

"I couldn't. I don't know how. She must hate me now," Stacy stammered.

"Those are excuses. My suggestion is that you don't be selfish. Trust me, if you go back there, you will be welcomed," I informed her.

"I don't know what to do?" she pleaded with me. I took her by the hand and led her down the hallway to the bedroom, pushing the half-open door wide enough for me to drag Stacy in. Stacy resisted, but more out of form than any real desire to escape.

Sierra was only in her purple lace bra. The rest of her clothes were tumbled at the foot of the bed, undoubtedly where Cheyenne had stripped them off. Cheyenne had shed her skirt and blouse, but had on her black stockings, panties and bra. Sierra was lost in passion on the bed, shaking her head back and forth while Cheyenne teased a nipple through the bra and ran a finger along her asshole and pussy while massaging her clit with her thumb. Cheyenne stole a glance to Stacy then to me. First there was a question, which she saw mirrored in me. She went back to sucking on the nipple and gave a nod of assent.

Stacy caught that exchange and gave me a 'deer in the headlights' look. I went to her and kissed her softly on the cheek. She had been holding her breath until then. I began unbuttoning her blouse. Her hands came up to stop me. She held my hands in hers while her eyes sought answers in mine. She overcame some inner turmoil and moved my hands away. I was uncertain what she would do next. She could have gone either way.

She closed her eyes and took the plunge. Stacy's hands trembled as she worked free the remaining buttons. When she finished I could tell her breathing had quickened a pace. I took her shirt and pulled it slowly up from her skirt. Instead of stopping me, she began to push her skirt down and wiggle out of it. It dropped down to the ground and she kicked it away. Her shirt fell off her shoulders at the same time. Her shoes were next. She was left with a peekaboo white bra, white hose, and white panties that rode high up on her hips by design. As she turned to roll her hose down, I could see that they barely covered any of her ass cheeks, which turned out to be nice, firm, and only a bit smaller than I liked. It was perfect for her frame.

'What now,' she mouthed to me. I took her hand and led her around the bed to the side opposite Cheyenne. I directed her to get on all fours on the bed and move toward Sierra's nipple. She was very hesitant in her first action, a gentle kiss on the bra-covered nub. Cheyenne reacted by reaching across to her and slowly pushing her face down while increasing her own suction on the nipple she was closest too. Stacy followed suit, and I had to say, once she started she became quite enthusiastic. Of course Sierra immediately knew that the person teasing her wasn't me. She opened her eyes to see Stacy nibbling down on her. Sierra quickly looked to me for assurance. I nodded and smiled. Sierra placed her hand on top of Stacy's head and began playing with her hair.

After about thirty seconds, Stacy looked up to Sierra.

"Am I doing this right?"

"Yes!" Sierra insisted. "Please continue." Those words of encouragement invigorated Stacy's performance on Sierra. Stacy place on a hand on Sierra's stomach and began tracing small circles on it, having each one slowly migrate down. Sierra responded by putting her head down, closing her eyes, and moaning.

Cheyenne looked up and gave me one of those smiles that made me feel good all the way to my toes.

'I'll get you later, I promise,' she mouthed to me. I nodded then edged closer to Sierra until I could start planning kisses on her forehead, eyes, lips, nose and chin.

"No fair," she muttered. "Everyone is ganging up on me." She gasped and writhed as Cheyenne stroked her clit for the first time. Stacy followed suit the moment Cheyenne moved her hand away, causing Sierra's breath to quicken even more. Stacy then surprised everyone by going down and planting a kiss right on Sierra's pleasure center. That earned her an appreciative moan from Sierra, which in turn encouraged Stacy to do more with her lips and tongue.

Stacy looked up to Sierra and I and said,

"I've never been with a girl before. This is fun."

"It is even more fun for me," panted Sierra, "I guarantee it. Now get back to work. I'm getting close." Stacy dove back in with gusto, causing Sierra to arch her back. To make Sierra's sexual misery even worse, Cheyenne dipped a finger into Sierra's cunt, pulled it out, and began working it into her ass." At the last minute, I reached down and pulled Stacy up. Sierra squirted hard, dousing Cheyenne's hand with her juice. Stacy was about to say something when she saw how hard Sierra came. Then her mouth formed an "O".

The moment Sierra calmed down, she popped up and grabbed Stacy by the shoulders, planting a steamy kiss on her lips. Stacy tensed up, but Sierra didn't relent. She wore Stacy's resistance down with her heat. When Cheyenne felt the moment was right, she reached out and began rubbing the bottom of Stacy's panties. Stacy jolted, but Sierra wouldn't let her come up for air for the longest time.

"I ..." Stacy stammered when she had the chance.

"Ssshhh," Sierra whispered, placing a finger on Stacy's lips. "Go with it." In response, Stacy kissed Sierra back. Cheyenne moved around and unhooked Stacy's bra. She pushed it forward, moving her hands around to cup both of Stacy's breasts. The nipples grew even harder in her grasp.

Sierra detangled herself in order to reposition herself so that she was on all fours facing Stacy. Stacy needed no encouragement to meet her halfway to continue their kiss. Sierra slowly retreated, drawing Stacy to her until Stacy had to reach out with both arms to prop herself up. This brought Stacy's breasts out of Cheyenne's hands. Cheyenne looked at me with a wicked grin then sidled up behind Stacy. Her fingers traced down Stacy's sides until she wrangled a finger inside her panties waistline. Stacy wiggled uncomfortably and got goose bumps on her butt and back.

Cheyenne gave Stacy's ass a playful slap. Stacy looked behind her, a scared look on her face.

"Behave, or you'll get another one," Cheyenne teased. She hauled back her had to accentuate her threat. Stacy gulped and turned her head back to Sierra. Sierra had used the interruption to put one hand under Stacy and pull and pinch one nipple. Stacy gave a little shudder before kissing Sierra once more. Cheyenne put her hands back on Stacy and worked her panties down. This time Stacy used her thighs and knees to help Cheyenne work them off.

The most powerful sexual tool is not the dick or cunt, it's the brain. A month ago, what Cheyenne know about pleasuring a woman could have been written on one hand. Sierra had been a good teacher and Cheyenne a good student. Experience isn't knowing what you've been taught, it is applying that knowledge in your own way, and I could see now that Cheyenne had created her own style of play in just a month. He came out sex with an urgent, hungry style, whereas Sierra was more of a rolling, steadily increasing wave. Or, you could consider Cheyenne to be a tornado while Sierra was a hurricane.

Cheyenne took hold of Stacy's ass cheeks and pulled them apart, then plunged forward and began licking her ass. Stacy gasped but kept kissing Sierra. Sierra's tongue really was that good; I speak from experience. Cheyenne licked up and down with several strokes, before looking up to me and grinning. She leaned in and rolled her tongue into a tight point and plunged it into Stacy's asshole. Stacy tried to turn around and shift away from Cheyenne, but Cheyenne held fast to her hips.

"No! No one has ever ... it's dirty," she protested. Cheyenne wasn't listening. Stacy's struggles lessened, finally stopping and being replaced by moans. "This is so wrong," she whimpered.

"Feel's weird, doesn't it?" Sierra said voice full of sensuality.

"I ...its different," she whispered. "I thought it would be different. Isn't it nasty to do?"

"Want to find out?" Sierra offered.

"Not really," Stacy stated.

"Maybe later," Sierra grinned. "It gets better." Cheyenne was moaning behind Stacy and I saw her slip one, then two fingers into Stacy's snatch. She stuck them in deep and stirred them around. Stacy pushed back against her hand. Cheyenne press her forward, removed her tongue from Stacy's ass, and stuck one finger in. Stacy gulped as Cheyenne slowly worked the finger.

"Wow," she gasped. Sierra giggled and rolled over onto her back. She scooted underneath Stacy until she could inhale one of her breasts into her mouth. Stacy leaned down to make it easier for Sierra to suck on first one breast then the other. I was excited and pleased to see Stacy support herself on one arm and tickle her way down the chest of Sierra in the other. She flicked a nipple and headed further down. She gave a start when Cheyenne stuck a second finger into her. Her breath began to come in gulps and she was having little tremors all over her body.

It was Sierra's turn to gasp and wiggle when Stacy snaked a finger over Sierra's clit and start to rub it in rough circles. She might have made it farther but Cheyenne drove her other hand up against Stacy's pussy, sticking two fingers and pressing hard on her clit. Stacy came so hard she squirted. She would have collapsed onto Sierra if Cheyenne hadn't quickly reached around and grabbed Stacy by the hips. Sierra didn't seem to mind because she kept biting and sucking on a nipple.

"Please, please," pleaded Stacy weakly. "I can't ... I need a second ... please."

I reached out and pulled Stacy away from Sierra because that woman can be too demanding at times. It earned me a dirty look from Sierra as I settled Stacy into my lap and wrapped her in my arms. She gained more control over self then smiled up at me.

"Wow," she giggled. "To think I almost missed this. It has been quite a night. I'm not where I thought I would be, that's for sure."

"The pleasure's been ours, Sugar," Cheyenne said while batting her lashes. I slowly detangled myself from Stacy and began gathering her clothes.

"What are you doing?" Cheyenne asked.

"I'm going to take Stacy home," I responded. Stacy moaned, raised her head, and said,

"I thought you ... we ... were, you know."

"Haven't you had enough fun for tonight?" I teased. "You've crossed some serious barriers. Let's give you a chance to think before you jump into the bed of a man you met four hours ago."

Sierra chuckled. She rolled over to the end table and took up a pen. She took Stacy's hand and scrawled our number on it.

"Call us tomorrow night. Maybe we can go to a club, or something," Sierra offered. Stacy still looked confused, disoriented and now a little hurt. I sighed.

"Listen, do you have to be anywhere tomorrow morning?" I asked. Stacy shook her head. "How about you sleep in the spare bedroom tonight, and we can see what tomorrow brings. It is safe to say you are well liked here, but the Wonder Twins can be a bit exhausting." Cheyenne popped me one for the Wonder Twins comment. I suspect she did it to stop Sierra from hitting me harder.

"You two don't mind?" Stacy inquired. Being a guy, with a dick, that liked women, it was assumed that I wouldn't have a problem with a good-looking lady staying the night. The fact that it's right is even more irritating.

"Not unless you mind us getting you up in the morning," Cheyenne winked. Stacy bit her lower lip.

"I'm okay with that," she said in a small voice.

"We need a quick shower," Cheyenne informed her. "Come on."

"Boy," Sierra said regally as she scooted off the bed," change the sheets."

"Girl, your ass is going to take a pounding for that," I growled. Sierra looked over her shoulder and stuck her tongue out at me. She also put an extra bit of wiggle in her step as she exited the room. God, I love that ass.

In some long lost, nearly forgotten part of my life, I had learned the ever-so useful skill of changing a bed quickly. After I finished, I tossed the sheets in the laundry. Somehow my life as a bachelor had taught me how to do laundry, while Sierra and Cheyenne's stints as girlfriends had left them with some confusion as to what got bleach and that the dryer had more than one setting. The first time Cheyenne saw me ironing one of her shirts, she got all excited and we had sex right there on the floor. After that, I kept my bitching to myself, because, let's face it, the want of pussy makes men do all kinds of strange things. I got this sinking feeling that I was being trained. At least the girls didn't pat my head and rub my belly.

It wasn't that they didn't learn this stuff; it was only that it was like pulling teeth to make them remember. It wasn't totally one sided though. One day Sierra came in and was ragging on my for my domestic side, so I pushed her up against the washing machine and taught her the wonders of having sex during the spin cycle. She now affectionately called my washing machine 'Momma's little vibrator'. Sometimes I just can't win.

When Stacy came out of the shower she was much more relaxed. She was wrapped up in one of my thick robes and was looking positively adorable. She came right up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you," she whispered. "Could you stay with me tonight?"

"I really think you need a little time to digest what's happened tonight."

"I know. I only want someone to sleep beside me," she smiled warmly.

"You realize I'm not gay, right?"

"Yes," she confirmed.

"Just checking."

My life is simple and uncomplicated. I've got two girls sleeping in my bed, I am sleeping with a third girl in another bedroom who I'm not going to have sex with tonight, and apparently I'm the biggest damn liar on the face of the Earth. At least I mostly lie to myself.


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Marklynda2Marklynda2over 1 year ago

Indeed a great series, well thought out and written with plenty of angst, drama, loving feelings and sex. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

Gym52Gym52over 2 years ago

An EXCELLENT story,that I feel may have lost some of its momentum in this final chapter.

Please consider having as editor check your work as for some reason you seem to spell out as cut in a number of places.

I will be looking for further work involving Taylor Eden as he appears to be an interesting central character with whom many stories could be developed.

Thank you for publishing your excellent work on this site, allowing us an insight into your imagination.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

a little scattered in the story flow. why invite Nick and new GF and have a party if you like to keep a low profile???? good sex but makes no sense

NobilityNobilityover 4 years ago

Good luck to you, sir! It's good to know that you are still connected to your readers and this site. I had actually expected that my message would go unread, when I typed it. It feels good to be proven wrong. It's good that you feel like getting back into this, and I'm sure your readers would be delighted, but try not to overexert yourself. In any case, I'll be looking forward to your next story post or update. Take care.

FinalStandFinalStandover 4 years agoAuthor
Nobility ...

Thank you very much. Taylor Eden was fun to write. Right now I'm trying to keep to my New Year's resolution to respond to all comments and so for, its working. I need to reexamine so many of my old works to see what I can get back into continuing. Wish me luck.

Thanks again and take care,

James aka FinalStand

NobilityNobilityover 4 years ago
It was by sheer luck

that I came across one of your stories, and once I finished it (ugly duckling), I couldn't help but take a look at your other works. Almost all of your stories that I read were an immersive and engaging experience, and I, especially, loved 'Grading the family'. It pains me to think that I had ignored your stories whenever they had popped in my searches, just because they didn't seem so eye-catching from the summaries themselves.

It saddens me to know that a lot of these stories are incomplete, but I understand. I just hope that life is treating you and your family better now, as the last update of your status was in 2018.

For this story, as much as I wanted Taylor and Cheyenne to officially get together (which didn't happen), I read your comment in a previous chapter, saying that this is more about Cheyenne and Sierra. All in all, this was an enjoyable read (like most of your work), and Taylor Eden has become quite a favourite of mine. Now, I'll read all your other stories, prioritizing the ones featuring this particular character.

I just want to say-

Thank you for writing and take care!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This chapter was the strongest of them all.

Taylor could have used a bit more development before chapter one started. If this story wasn't for Lit, with the common perception of the contributors being you have to get to sex immediately, or your work will be rejected, ('apology' at begininng of chapter one is prime evidence of this assertion.), Taylor would have likely got the needed character development.

Your story's premise is not unique. It was invented & mastered by John D McDonald, in his Travis McGee series, (one of my favorite character's of all time; have the entire series, and re-read them every few years. In fact, your story has reminded me it's about time, again. So, thanks!).

Besides the main character needing a bit more development, there were a few things needing some work to make them more believable, from a human behavior standpoint, but a collaborating editor would have the most positive influence with that.

Thanks fir sharing your imagination, and thanks for all the work it takes to out together a Lit submission, so we can have free reading.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Taylor is totally...

Awesome. Great job!!!

sviveritosviveritoalmost 10 years ago
More Taylor please

To be honest I like the legbreaker/boyscout in both stories I've read about him. I have seen people ignore crying half naked women to avoid getting involved, and it makes me sad for our species. We need more problem solvers like him in real life instead of the problem avoiders we currently have.

lisaearnestlisaearnestalmost 10 years ago

Your story read exactly as a private investigator story from the 30's and 40's. Whoever said you need an editor is an idiot. As for someone trying to tell you that your characters didn't fit what they wanted? They should write their own stories. Fabulous!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
So-so writing skills

You really , REALLY need an editor.

texcavemantexcavemanalmost 11 years ago

I did not care for the story

Read like some 20, or even younger, male fantasy

He could not leave cheyenne in her condition after the party. however he could let nick and friens rape her at work so he could plan out beating them up? and of course all the women loved him. men feared but were jealous?

Kid fantasy

Scotsman69Scotsman69almost 11 years ago

an interesting tale, out of the ordinary, and fairly well-written. I've given you fours all the way through.

DesireeFoxDesireeFoxalmost 11 years ago
So much

Fun, caused this one to put a bit of a show on

ResidentWeavilResidentWeavilover 11 years ago
Very nice

Taylor is a fascinating set of contradictions. So hard and emotionless but secretly rather soft.

Cheyenne and Sierra are very confusing. When Taylor drags Joe back to the apartment, Sienna seems really hot for Taylor. But once she get to Taylor's apartment, she seems to only want to take advantage of him as part of her wanting Cheyenne. And Cheyenne seems to be so focused on what she wants from and for each of them that she doesn't think about Taylor and Sienna's relationship at all. She ends up seeming selfish even while being giving.

chytownchytownover 11 years ago
Good Series****

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This was a really fun read, and hot too. Keep writing. And my compliments to the proofreader.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Have appreciated this little series.

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