Choral Evenings Pt. 02


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And once I'd done as she suggested, she did what she had said she would; peeling off my things in ultra-slow motion, allowing her fingers, then her kisses to trail down my chest and abdomen as she unfastened my shirt - slowly, very slowly, doing it just one button at a time. Then, once she'd peeled my jacket and shirt off, she had me stand - staring at the prominent bulge in my trousers for a minute or so - then, after stroking her fingers up down its length a few times, began undoing the belt and zip. And as they fell to my ankles and she saw the still widening stain of my oozing pre-cum on my boxers, she gave a low gasp.

'Oh you poor thing - I have been making you far too wound up, haven't I! Never mind, we'll soon take very good care of that for you.' She added, before tugging the shorts down and helping me to shed the tangle from around my ankles, then hitching herself back up on to the bed.

She was about to lie back, but suddenly said to me. 'After all the orgasms you just gave me I will be awfully wet darling, so I might not be tight enough for you this way.'

'Let me try something with you darling.' I replied - suddenly realising there was one quite simple thing we had not yet done together. 'Just pass me down a pillow, then lift your bottom for me.'

Having slipped it underneath her, I moved up, slid my cock straight into her admittedly wetly swollen pussy, then, lifting my left up over her right one, I said. 'Now straighten that leg and then as I lift my right one up, pull your left one across beside it.'

'Oh yes, that feels terrific!' she gasped as I began cautiously pushing up and down between her tightly compressed legs. 'And having the pillow there means my clit is being rubbed each time you move - oh it's utterly fantastic darling! Just keep going like that, please!' She panted as I gained the confidence that I was not going to slip back out of her with every back-stroke, and started powering in and out much harder and faster.

'Terrific!' was not a word I would have used to describe what I was actually feeling! After all the stimulation and increasing anticipation I'd been through, my cock was not only rock-hard, but almost sizzling from the heat that had built up inside me - heat that even Bethany's soaking pussy could not immediately quench, only unloading the seething, churning volume of semen that had built up would accomplish that.

So that time I actually, for once, thought very little about Bethany's feelings, the overpowering necessity to reduce that need, was really all that was driving me.

I could hear the squelching sound of my cock literally pistoning in and out of her wetly welcoming pussy, hear Bethany's groaning gasping sounds of her own instantly re-kindled passion, but neither those, nor even the lightning bolts of excitement that shot up my spine as the tightness of that position produced quite massive amounts of friction, really got through to me.

At that moment all my mind and body could cope with was the rapidly approaching culmination that would relieve me of the pressures that was compelling me to quite literally fuck myself into oblivion.

But, in spite of that almost overwhelmingly powerful driver, at some point I was vaguely aware that Bethany was in fact helping me to reach that desperately urgently needed place. Somehow managing to arch herself, to lift her pelvis higher, so allowing me to thrust my fiercely demanding cock even deeper into the slickly velvety tightness of her ever-welcoming pussy. And then, even rhythmically pressing her legs together that much more tightly, and so giving my cock intermittent but even stronger squeezes.

And of course by then that was much, much more than I really needed - and I erupted, exploded - gushing successively jolting gouts of hot, thick and sticky semen into the very furthest reaches of her pussy.

But even when I had thought that I had unloaded everything I had, Bethany seemed determined to ensure I was completely and totally drained; continuing to jerk her hips so that the clutching tightness of her literally milked every last reluctant drop of jism from me. Only when she too was verging on collapse, allowing me to crumple down on top of her, feeling both her arms and legs reaching up around and pulling me even more tightly down against herself.

'That was fantastic darling - and I hope it made up for all that I put you through before it.' she whispered lovingly, then her lips and kisses found my still panting mouth, and those brought flooding back all the love I felt for her - love which had briefly been subsumed by the over-riding strength of those much baser needs and passions.

Chapter 18

After expending such a massive amount of energy neither of us had too much breath to say anything for a while, and what breath we did have was used to enable us to exchange more of those deeply loving kisses. But once we had recovered Bethany whispered - 'I hope you didn't think I was being too weird back then, you know, asking you stand there while I did for myself?'

'Far from it darling, I thought it was tremendously exciting!' I admitted.

'Really? Oh, thanks goodness! I thought I might have finally gone a bit too far for you.' she added hesitantly.

'I doubt you'd ever be able to do that, in fact although its not something I've ever seen a woman doing before, I could very well ask that be yet another thing we put on our 'To do' list.'

She giggled. 'Well if you go around looking so damn sexy, exactly what do you expect a girl to do?'

'I didn't realise that just wearing a suit could turn you on, I'll have to remember that when other things I do no longer seem to be working.'

'I can't imagine that ever happening between us my love.' She answered, before giving me an even stronger kiss, then breaking away from my enfolding arms. 'But I really must have a quick shower, then we might get ourselves something quick to eat, then of course I'll have to head back to my place. I'm sorry but the boys do expect me to be there for them in the morning.'

'Of course they do. You pop into the shower and I'll go and fix us something snacky. But in return I do demand one thing.'

'What's that sweetheart?'

Before you put your dress back on, just let me see you in those panties - the ones I never did get a look at.'

She smiled, said she would be more than happy to do that for me, then scurried away towards the bath-room.

I did get a look at her in the panties, along with the matching half-cup bra and thigh highs - and they made her look even more absolutely gorgeously sexy than usual; the panties being made from nothing more than two minute, downwardly pointing triangles of the crimson silk, with a not much wider, v-shaped piece of lace at the front.

So when she stood there, brazenly posing herself in the door-way, it made me wonder if perhaps she hadn't actually drained me as completely as we'd both thought she had - the mere sight of her causing more than a mere twitch of interest from down between my legs.

But the moment passed and she returned fully dressed, then we ate a little and having agreed it was still such a lovely night outside, I said I would walk back to her home with her.

It really was a night for lovers; the air still quite overly warm, with only the occasional softly sighing breeze to move it around a little, the first quarter moon shining brilliantly from a totally cloudless night sky and a chorus of crickets providing us with a musical back-drop.

We walked hand-in-hand, taking our time, completely unhurried - each savouring both the atmosphere and the opportunity to have just a few more very precious minutes of togetherness.

At the corner of Bethany's street there was a small, tree ringed park, and although it was barely large enough for the reed-fringed duck pond and the small band-stand where the elderly liked to gather to exchange the latest bits of gossip, when we came to its entrance I said. 'Let's just stop here for a little while my darling - it's such a lovely night, and it would be a pity to cut our time together shorter than it really need be.'

We strolled between the blackness of the scattering of flower beds and decorative bushes that dotted the grassed area, then mounted the three steps up into the band-stand, standing there, just looking around us - at the moonlit and partially star-studded sky above us, and the loomingly dark shadows it silvery light turned the trees and other vegetation into.

'It's been - no it still is - an absolutely magical night my darling.' she whispered, slipping her arm around my waist.

'It certainly is - and I'm sharing it with the most magical of women!' I replied, using both hands to turn her face towards me and kissing her - just lightly, then adding a few even more fluttering kisses to her eyes, the tip of her nose, her cheeks, her ears, then finally burying my face in the curve of her neck and kissing her much more strongly there.

'I love you so much it actually hurts.' I muttered as the scent of her perfume not only filled my nostrils but also sent my senses reeling.

'And I love you that much too my darling.' she replied as her snaking arms held me even more tightly.

Perhaps there was indeed some magic in the air, maybe provided by the moonlight that softly bathed us, or possibly it was just the love between us that generated it - but it was not long before what had been no more than a tender exchange of innumerable but just sweet little kisses, turned to something rather stronger.

Certainly my hands had slid down from her face, to stroke her back, then, in time, progressing to the taut curving roundness of her bottom - and hers had done likewise, gripping my arse and pulling me far more tightly against herself.

The silk of her dress was thin, and allowed me to feel each and every curve of her, and my fingers tingled as they slipped down over the backs of her thighs - my brain imagining the sexy combination of those panties and her thigh-high stockings - and my cock beginning to awaken from its recuperative slumber.

Even as our lips and tongues melded and twirled against each other, one hand found the hem of her dress - immediately slipped up underneath it, and just the feel of the silky warmth of her leg sent even stronger messages to my suddenly re-energising cock.

My other hand went down there too, its fingers joining those of its companion in tracing meandering caresses up, down and around the backs of Bethany's legs and thighs.

Of course once there, my hands could not be satisfied by even the delights that her legs provided - even the stronger thrills that came from criss-crossing the distance bounded by the lacy tops of her stockings and the warmth of her flesh above them, was merely a foretaste of the much stronger ones that lay above. But, as always, I was strong-willed enough to be patient, allowing myself to enjoy the feel of just that limited part of her, that and the steadily building sense of excited anticipation that accompanied both those feelings and those other thoughts.

So we stood there; two figures bathed in the moonlight, but the shadows we cast behind us had already merged, making just the one.

Eventually my hands had made their way high enough for just the tips of my fingers to feel the lower edge of those devilishly sexy panties, and once there, I really couldn't constrain their upward progress - and before too long I had both hands pushed up beneath them, cupping her bottom cheeks, then stroking and every now and then, squeezing their deliciously smooth tightness.

By then I could feel Bethany pushing, almost grinding herself, forward against me - so after one particularly long and passionate kiss, I broke free, dropped to my knees, and tugged the panties down off her. Then, having turned her around so she was facing out from the band-stand, I knelt behind her, and using my hands and my kisses, began slowly licking, kissing and caressing my way back up along the full length of her legs and thighs.

She gave small, sighing gasps as my fingers wandered back and forth, up and down - each transition from stocking to flesh sending even more powerful tingles back up to my brain - and then when she needed just that little more from me, she eased her legs much wider apart, so I was able to also caress my way right up the insides of her thighs. And even if I hadn't already started to become aroused, the feel of the warm, soft, silkiness of that part of her certainly would have been more then enough to trigger it.

So when it became obvious, from the aroma coming from just a little higher that she was quickly becoming as aroused as I was I slid one hand around in front of her - using those fingers to stroke and tease both her mound and the far more vulnerable little ridge beneath it - and whilst using the other to spread her bottom cheeks open, began licking both the creamily taut curves, then down into the much darker valley that lay between them.

Not surprisingly, her responses suddenly became much, much stronger; and both her panting and far deeper groans, and the way she pushed herself back at me were an undoubted indication of her own equally quickly mounting neediness.

Of course the combination of the feel of her, and of her reactions, as well as the very much stronger scent that accompanied them, had been more than enough to fully re-engorge my cock and I could feel the pressure of it jamming itself against the constraints that were effectively holding it captive. So when Bethany finally said - 'Enough my darling, I need you, need you far more than I do any more caressing!' - I quickly unzipped and pushed my trousers down.

For a few moments I was once again sorely tempted to take that opportunity to at least attempt the loss of my 'anal virginity' - as Bethany had gigglingly referred to it - but decided that even in the dead of night, a band-stand in the middle of a public park was neither the time nor the place for either experimentation nor my initiation.

So I simply slid my cock into the trickling wetness that had smeared the insides of her thighs, then as she bent herself just that much lower, and her hand reached back to guide it, I pushed it forward between her waiting pussy-lips.

Now although by then my body was more than ready for me to simply fuck her - to build and then as quickly as possible, to release all the build-up of sexual tension that my kissing and caressing had already produced - both my heart and brain did not want that. So at first I held myself steady, feeling the soft grip of her pussy-lips as they curled down into the ridge behind my cock-head - then, slowly at first, I began pushing back and forth, but controlling myself so that I used only the very tiniest of movements.

I heard Bethany's sharply hissing intake of air as those triggered a series of small but intense shock-like thrills for her - and once she'd understood what I was intent on doing, felt her fighting back her natural impulse to simply jam herself back on to me.

I continued using those very small movements, just gradually increasing the speed of them - the resulting grazing back and forth of her pussy-lips over the rim of my by then hugely bloated cock-head, sending massively strong waves of ever increasing excitement right through me - until both of our bodies were literally incapable of coping with any more such carefully targeted stimulation.

Once again we were totally in tune with each other - even as I felt compelled to thrust deep into the heart of her, Bethany finally jerked herself sharply back on to me. So I then began literally powering back and forth, hearing her muffled cries of exhilaration rising as the pressure inside both of us rose at much the same speed.

That time I think it was the sheer force of my climax that finally triggered hers, but at that moment my mind was ablaze with only the breath-taking intensity of what was gripping me, so although aware of the increasing shrillness of her voice, I was really unable to tell which of us reached that apogee first.


When we were finally done with each other - had exchanged many more, but somewhat less passionate kisses - and Bethany had decided it was pointless to even try to put her panties back on, we finally walked hand-in-hand around to her house, where after a longer, much more lingering kiss, I left her.

Once home, and being far too overwhelmed by the events of the evening to even consider heading for my lonely bed, I poured myself a large scotch, then sat, sipping it slowly as I allowed my thoughts to roam wherever they had a mind to.

At first of course I remembered how stunningly beautiful she'd looked when I first saw her in that crimson dress, and how appropriate - and sexy - was the rather 'Spanish' look she'd given herself to go with it.

Then I thought of how happy she'd been when we saw how easily her friends had accepted us as a couple.

Then of the excitement I'd felt as we danced together - remembered Bethany brushing her leg back and forth against the rising swell of my cock.

And of course those thoughts immediately brought back the memories of the time we'd spent on the band-stand. Thoughts of how beautiful she'd looked in the moonlight. Memories of the scent of her perfume, the softness of her lips, the silkiness of her skin. Memories of how strongly I'd reacted to the feel of her thighs, the scent of her sex, the feel of her pussy-lips sliding down over the rim of my cock-head.

But then my mind flashed forward - to when we'd been walking towards her house. I recalled hearing the 'click-click' of her heels against the footpath, the 'swish-swish' of her dress against her nylons - and remembered thinking that, although it may have been purely my imagination, I thought I even heard, underlying those sounds, the much fainter, 'squish-squish' of her semen-oozing pussy.

But even whilst recalling the most lust-filled moments of the evening, I was fully aware that behind - and perhaps fuelling - all such thoughts and actions, was the far more over-powering love I felt for Bethany. And I somehow even knew that in the unlikely event that the physical side of our relationship was for some reason no longer possible, nothing would change the deep emotional bond we had so quickly built between us.


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rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago

thank you for such a romantic love story.

My only regret is being two parts in and we no little about them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Hard to say...

if this is more erotic or more romantic. Such a lovely mix of both! However it is categorized, it is a gorgeous and seductive story. Most enjoyable!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Really enjoyable story. I loved it all. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Sheer Delight

The clearly written characters and the continuing unfolding of this delightful romance is a joy. Such clarity of writing and detail of characters, scenes and settings lends credibility and deep enjoyment to the appreciation of such a finely-wrought story. Your skill and care are much appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Unbelievably excellent

What a fine thing to have a sequel to this delightfully addictive romance. The excellent writing and romantic detail made for compulsive reading. Mr Dowse has a most enviable skill both as an imaginative writer and with an excellent turn of phrase.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

The mood of this work has become almost mystical as Mark and Bethany drift seamlessly between couplings. The scene with the scarlet gown was exquisite - all accompanied by the appropriate sounds at the end. Perfect! WW

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

What an ecstatic time I had reading this! Thank you for writing a sequel!! I hadn't dared to hope that there would be more after such a gorgeous series already, and then to find this! I read it in one delicious sitting. Totally romantic, erotic, and most seductively delightful, I can't think of anything else I'd rather read! Thank you again!! I'd give it 150 if I could!

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