Chosen Ch. 07 (Conclusion)


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"Priest, your presence here is perhaps of use after all," Lucio said, without turning his head. "Pronounce us man and wife."

"Three week banns required first," Jose said, automatically.

"Why?" I said, a little sardonically. "Banns give the community a chance to protest a proposed match. Who's going to protest this one? And if someone would, I dare them to try."

"She might protest, when she comes to her senses. She's not actually Adriana. This isn't really a wedding put off for a few hundred years. She deserves a chance to think about this."

"Think about it?" she said, dazed. "You want me to wait three weeks to take him home?"

"Let her up, Lucio," Jose snapped. "You can see she's in no fit state to make decisions. You're still thinking like a thief, taking what you like. You weren't given this chance just to play the blatant sinner again."

Lucio chuckled. "He may be right. But I'm going to spend the three weeks making you love me so hard you cry, and want me so much you whimper."

"I'm whimpering now," Adrienne whimpered.

"Then when I press this part of myself against your belly-"

She mewled again, and kissed him helplessly.

"I can see why the candle was so effective," I said, sourly. "Is it gone?"

Jose gestured at the tomb. Curious (and perhaps still hoping for a chance to punch Oro) I went in. There was a short passageway, then a small rough-hewn room I could barely stand up in, with small grey white stalactites everywhere. There were no other exits, and Oro was nowhere to be seen.

On a stone shelf were the remains of a coffin, little more than splinters and dust now. Another pile of dust represented the book; the bell was a smudge of pale greenish crumbled debris; and all that was left of the candle was the small ivory candle cap, now cracked and shrunken. It fell in on itself when I touched it.

I swept the remnants together, and scattered them into the remains of the coffin.


The wedding was a month later; an extra week was needed to forge an identity for Lucio that the Spanish government could understand. I helped with that, and when Lucio could be pried from Adrienne (which was not often) I polished his grasp of English and modern Spanish, and his knowledge of the world. We had some discussions on the art of thievery, and longer ones on manners and etiquette. Despite that, it was clear he wasn't ever going to be able to approach the world with anything other than arrogance, and a conviction that error and insult should be corrected with his fist. I have to admit I liked his approach, but I worried about the results, and I explained to him about the improved accuracy of firearms in this era and their general availability, even in Europe.

I think he mostly took the warning to heart, but once when he and Adrienne walked down a street in Córdoba together, and some passing Italian tourist decided to comment on Adrienne's intelligence based on her blonde hair and body, Lucio instantly punched him against a wall and left him for unconscious. That got Lucio a smattering of applause from people nearby, and some dewy-eyed looks from women. I decided he'd probably do ok, as long as he stayed out of America, the land of the lawyers.


What follows is a scattering of scenes and guessed event, some supported by Lucio's memories and research, or later historical finds in the records of the church. No accuracy is guaranteed, but we think we've filled in the gaps.


August 1382 -- Duke and Priest (a guess, by Alan St. Laurent)

"Good afternoon, Duke Guzmán."

"And also to you, Father De Morillo. Come into the shade. You must be baking in those vestments. This is the hottest summer I remember."

"I'm more than happy to get out of the sun. How are things going with your arm?"

"Your poultice worked very well. My doctor had his doubts about it, but the results speak for themselves."

"I learned it in my travels north. People there take a different view of everything, and that includes medicine. Now that it's healed, do you mind explaining how you got that sword cut in the first place?"

"As long as it is not discussed with anyone."

"A priest's word."

"It was my brother. We get along well enough... but he was eyeing my wife in a way I cannot condone."

"He's not the only one who has, I think. She's not difficult to look at. She's part French, isn't she?"

"Yes. But being exotic doesn't give him excuse to look at her that way. He needs a girl of his own -- he's much more than old enough. But he won't have anyone born locally. I think he wants to outdo me in my choice of women."

"Then it would be best if he travelled and found something to his liking."

"He won't travel, Father. With the ongoing wars... he's not too old to distinguish himself in battle. He's reckless in many ways and insists on bringing the fight to the Moors, as long as they are nearby, anyway. I give him credit for his bravery -- but not his arrogance."

"It is fortunate you are Duke, then, and not he."

"He never will be. My Beatrice produces good children. My line is secure. But as to my brother's choice of women... after this discussion we had at sword point, he admitted to an interest in another woman."

"It sounds like that's to be encouraged."

"I'm inclined to agree. He needs to be settled. Which is why I have invited you here, Father."

"I'm always happy to assist in noble matters and affairs of the heart, my Duke."

"Good. Because the blonde girl in your orphanage has caught his fancy."

There was a pause.

"She's only just old enough... and young for him, certainly... and she has no lineage, we have no idea who her family could be..."

"Oh, he will until she is a little older. I credit him with that much patience... and I made it clear to him that we are not a house that marries children. As to the girl's lineage..."

The Duke paused to reach behind his wrought-iron chair. He brought out a sword in an ornate scabbard. "I think I am safe in saying that the girl means something to you, Father. You have taken unusual care with her, by all accounts..."

"All the orphans are well cared for, as best we can manage in these difficult times."

"But only one is literate. You couldn't bear the thought of her living in ignorance, like so many others... could you, father."

"Have a care, Duke. To sully the reputation of a priest is no small thing."

"I have no intention of it. Let me be plain, Juanito. I've known you a number of years. Your standing as a priest is not of much concern to me. But you are an adapt swordsman and you have adventured your life in the north, and with the backing of the church you've organized raids on the Moors. Vestments be damned -- I know a man of action when I see one, and I believe that blood will tell. Your daughter will have some of your strength and spirit, and that is what I want in my family -- and my brother's bed. It's true her lack of lineage will be socially embarrassing to the house. But literacy and beauty do count for something. So I will give you this sword, after it is finished. And when the time comes -- you will give the girl to my brother."

De Morillo drew the sword, with a nod to the Duke.

"This is well made."

"The tang is the full length of the blade. The gilt on the handle is three layers, hammered. The ruby is the same quality as Beatrice's necklaces. It will be polished, rebalanced to your hand, engraved, blessed, sharpened, and presented in a public ceremony. This is a sword that will tell generations of your friendship with the Duke. The man who made it is known to the Moors, and cursed by them daily. It is a thing of beauty... and I want beauty in return."

"And if I do not agree, your speculations about her father become public?"

"I don't need to threaten you, Father. There are clear traces of a family resemblance, in her eyes. The longer she stays in your shadow, the more likely it is someone will notice. I do you a favor by offering to take her out of your hands. And she'll be well cared for."

De Morillo looked over the sword, slowly.

"It was a mistake," he said, finally. "Her mother was... passionate, and I was young. We spent over two months together, and then I learned how it was. The mother died and my work there could not continue, so I did the only thing I could..."

"You do not need to confess to me, Father. I had a dozen women before I settled on my wife. They offer themselves, and only men wearing your vestments make a point of thinking there is a problem with that."

"It is a little bit different with me, Duke. But I appreciate your discretion in this area. I accept your very generous gift. Feh... it is a very hot day and I do not seem to be here on a priest's business." He stood up and removed the outer vestments, tossing them over another chair to dry.

"Then we will celebrate with something distilled. Iberians first, Catholics second, eh, de Morillo?"

"Best said more quietly, Duke. If at all."


A brief chronology of related events (Jose Estrella) -- proof does not exist for all these events!

1340- Juanito de Morillo (1340-1392) born.

1342- Juan Alonso Perez de Guzman (1342-1396) born

1358- Antonio de Guzmán (1342-1396) born. Brother of Juan Alonso.

1359- Lucio ("the Red") born, believed near Seville.

1365- Juanito de Morillo ordained in Seville (at age 25). Travels north.

1365- Earthquake in Seville, damages church, tower collapses. Records of Lucio's birth believed lost in it.

1366 Dec 28- Adriana born. (Dec 28 is also Adrienne's birthday).

1368- de Morillo returns to Seville, Orphanage founded (Seville outskirts).

1368- Andújar church construction completed, north of town.

1369- de Morillo (unknowingly?) has a male child; the line eventually produces Miguel, first Spanish inquisitor, in 1480. The child apparently knows who his father is, but keeps silent.

1381- de Morillo promises Adriana to the Guzmán family (when she's of age), in exchange for a sword.

1382 June 7- Sword presented to de Morillo. Violent storm disrupts presentation; lightning hits the church.

1382 August 11?- Lucio sneaks into orphanage after having seen Adriana. Chased off, but returns to kidnap her three days later. Spends two months with her.

1382 October 16?-She is captured again by forces loyal to de Morillo and the Duke. Lucio badly wounded.

1382- Lucio searches for her over the next two years, and travels north, following rumors. He discovers Adriana is de Morillo's daughter, and swears to have her and expose him.

1384 June 15- Lucio finds Adriana (in Cáceres?), and rides off with her while under pursuit. A day later he fights off men, and he is wounded, but so are the guard and they only manage to get Adriana. She's returned by force to the Seville orphanage, now a virtual fortress because of Moor problems.

1384 July 1- de Morillo and his forces wound and capture Lucio, and conduct an unapproved excommunication, near Andújar. It fails mysteriously, and those present flee. Lucio takes the bell, book and candle.

1384 July 3- Lucio assassinated by de Morillo and his men. Lucio's body is hidden in a tomb in Andújar, known only to Oro Cruz, who gathers the items.

1384 December 29- Adriana (age 18) forcibly married to the Duke's brother, Antonio (age 34).

1387- The bell (now in a church somewhere near Córdoba) kills four people. An investigation ensues.

1388 April- The candle causes a priest to act inappropriately (location unknown, details unclear). The book hidden at Andújar about this time, presumably by Oro Cruz.

1388 September- The archdiocese at Seville starts a formal investigation of rumors of magic.

1388 (November?)- de Morrilo becomes part of investigation, presumably to derail them, apparently fearing the items could somehow still seek his downfall.

1391- Book sent away from Andújar by unknown priest. Church burned in Andújar by de Morrillo (age 51) shortly thereafter.

1394- de Morillo finds Father Oro Cruz (in Córdoba?); and is killed by bell. Oro Cruz brings the bell and his sword to Adriana (July?) and tells her about past events. Adriana gives his sword to orphanage. Oro Cruz brings the candle to the church in Llerena. First certain mention of candle's unusual properties is in this year.

1396- Adriana travels to Lucio's tomb. In her absence, Juan Alonso de Guzmán and brother, Antonio (husband of Adriana, age 46) are both killed by the bell.

1398- An unknown Dominican priest, somewhere around Córdoba, gets the bell from Adriana. He gives the bell to a lay priest with instructions to "lose it in Africa", but this is believed to be a false lead planted to discourage further investigation. The bell is brought northwest into Portugal.

1398 March- November Church at Corboba publishes letter, decrying investigation into "forbidden mysteries".

1402 (July?)- The candle causes a priest at Llerena to act inappropriately.

1302 August 12- A second letter from Córdoba demanding investigations into magic cease.

1413- Adriana dies, leaving a letter to the archdiocese, to be opened in 40 years "when Spain is free of arabs." The estimate is a little optimistic.

1453- Adriana's letter is read. A library in a small church in Seville suffers a fire, apparently to destroy genealogical records and records of research into magic. Notes are left demanding the three items never be sought or assembled in the same place. Cardinal Juan de Cervantes sets up a secret Order of caretakers for the candle.


16 June 1384 (Lucio and Adrienne)

I heard the drum of horse hooves. So did Adriana.

"They're coming for me, Adriana."

"I know. It does not matter."

"It doesn't?"

She stood up, and pulled together the torn blouse as best she could. "It doesn't. It will never matter. They can take you away. They can force me to marry the damned brother of Duke Guzmán. They can cast you from the church and claim you'll go to hell if I don't obey. They can try a thousand tricks and lies-"

The horseman galloped up, circling us.

"-and none of it will ever matter."

She wound her arms about my neck, and kissed my mouth. The men dismounted and drew weapons, but did not know where to look.

She broke the kiss, and stared into my eyes. "Hear me heavens and earth. With God as my witness..."

She kissed my mouth again, for the last time in this life.

"... of all the men that could ever be -- I choose you."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
redzingerredzingerover 1 year ago

Going through my old favourited authors, your name rang a bell, so I'm up late finishing this. You'll probably never read this comment, but I very much enjoyed all your stories. Tx

Rud1GirlRud1Girlover 7 years ago
Awe inspiring

Everything fitted like a bespoke key to its lock.

HandsInTheDarkHandsInTheDarkover 7 years agoAuthor
Lucio and Adrienne...

are now appearing in Industry In Crisis. Fair warning: IIC is a very different sort of tale, far more tawdry and with a lot more male-fantasy sex scenes. Adrienne and Lucio have in fact ended up in the CNI, and are called in to investigate the disappearance of a model in the states...

poeticlicense91poeticlicense91over 7 years ago

There is always something enjoyable in your writing. This is worthy of a screenplay in my humble opinion. (And as a somewhat reformed/fallen Catholic, I can say I thought it was great and your research served you well.) I also love your 'don't give a shit' writing. It's easy to bend to the masses of critics. I admire you sticking to what you imagine and envision.

secretsxywritersecretsxywriteralmost 8 years ago
To Choose Wisely

This series was highly recommended to me by a confidant and avid reader of my own stories here on Lit. To my pleasant surprise, I thoroughly enjoyed the series and only got a few hours sleep last night as a result. I am thankful that I was able to read it in its entirety and not have to wait for a conclusion to be submitted.

My only quibble (outside of some apparent typos and missing words in the last chapter) was the ending. I felt gypped. Sure, Lucio was released from his prison in pages and reunited with Adriana. Yeah! But Adrienne (sorry, I couldn't help thinking of "Rocky" whenever I saw her name) had to give up her will--not to mention her life as she knew it, albeit the magic made that life more bearable--to embody this heartbroken soul while Lucio got to live in his own body. And poor Alan got treated like a pawn in this whole ordeal despite being a pivotal character. I was hoping he'd hook up with Adrienne and get redemption for his own sordid past (very much like Lucio, who unfortunately turned out to still be an arrogant ass after all those years). Maybe Lucio and Adriana's souls would be released to be at peace. At the least, Lucio would have embodied Alan so the two couples could be together in a twisted sense.

But otherwise, drama? Intrigue? Romance? Adventure? Then your proper use of POV? Beautiful! (My biggest pet peeve is incorrect POV usage when it comes to reading others' writings, even before bad grammar, punctuation, and spelling). So bravo on a job well done!


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