Chris and Jasper Ch. 02

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Incipient - Ignition the Chemical Reaction.
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Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/23/2020
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The Fireman and The Librarian

Chapter 2

Incipient - Ignition the Chemical Reaction

When Bill walked into the station at seven-thirty the following morning, Chris wasn't far behind him. As soon as Bill saw Chris enter, he pulled him aside. "Hey, I'm just going to say this once. I love my brother, and I can see you two like one another a lot. Please don't hurt him, or you know what I'll have to do." Then he clasped Chris on the shoulder and laughed, "You should've been sleeping with him last night instead of me. It was quite weird, waking up with a boner in my backside." After that statement, Bill walked away, leaving a stunned Chris.

Chris stood for a moment, digesting what Bill said, smiled and chuckled to himself, then went to the Chief's office, officially reporting in as their newest member. When he took his things to his bunk, Bill was making his bed. "I take it you stayed with Jasper last night," Chris said, smiling.

"Yeah, he always sleeps like the dead, but shit, he must have been thinking about you this morning." He laughed again. "Anyways, how was your time off?"

"It was good. I slept most of the time. When you have nothing to do, it's easier to sleep to make time go by."

"Need to make some friends."

"Little hard when I was shuffled around from house to the next, but now I'm permanently here. It may be easier. At least I know I can stop off at the library a bit more, even though it's a hike." Chris said with a smile, as was Bill, but he was turned away from Chris.

"I was going to ask about that, how did you start checking books out there?"

"When I was stationed a few times down at Three or over at Forty-Two, I'd stop in before I went home to grab something to read for my time off or before I was due to report in."

"That makes sense now." Bill nodded as he turned back around. Bill didn't like Jasper getting involved with a firefighter, although he was happy Jasper was getting out there to date again. Bill wanted him to find love, and if it must be with a fireman, then it is what it is.

The calls came in, and the guys went out. Jasper came by to see Bill on Friday. He didn't want to be too forward and ask to see Chris when everyone knows he comes to see his brother every few days. When Bill came into the kitchen, he just smiled. "Do I need to go get Chris?"

Jasper smiled. "Not yet. I did come to see you too."

"Yeah, but I think I'm not the person you want to see."

"I'm not going to take Chris over my brother. Please sit down and talk with me for a bit."

"Want some coffee?" Jasper nodded, and Bill got them both a cup and sat down. "Did Mary come and get the car?"

"Yeah, and she left me some home-baked cookies." Jasper smiled an evil grin.

"You know she loves you more than she does me." Bill fakes a sad face. "She won't let me eat her cookies," he laughed. Jasper pulled out a container and opened it to reveal cookies. "Woo hoo." Bill grabbed up a cookie and ate it whole.

"Which this is why she doesn't give you cookies. You don't know how to eat them right," Jasper chuckled. "But, I did want to talk to you before I talk to Chris."

"What about?" Bill takes a drink of his coffee.


"Shoot," Bill said as he grabbed another cookie. Jasper wondered if anything ever phased Bill because he was sure Bill would've rolled his eyes if it was one of his ex-boyfriends.

"Will it bother you if I get involved with one of your coworkers?" Jasper was looking Bill in the eyes; he wanted to know how Bill felt.

Bill exhaled, "Jas, I want you to find happiness, you can date whoever you'd like. Now for it being a fellow fireman, it scares the hell out of me. Not that I know I couldn't seriously hurt him if he hurts you, but you know this isn't a safe job. I'd hate for you to lose someone you love."

"Bill, I love you, and I could lose you at any moment. I understand it'll be slightly different, and I'd be in Mary's shoes if I got involved with Chris. But Bill, I don't know what it is. I really like him."

"If you're looking for my blessing Jas, you have it. I've already done the older brother threat." Bill smiled and chuckled. "Do you want me to go get him, so you two can talk for a bit?"

"You threatened him!" Jasper looked at Bill in astonishment.

"Yeah, I've got to make sure if he hurts you, he knows he'll be hurt in return." Bill again smiled, laughed, and went to find Chris. He knew Chris would be on his bunk reading because it was where he was when Bill was told he had a visitor. "Hey Chris, you have a visitor."

Chris looked over at Bill, got up, and left the bunk room following Bill. He didn't even realize he still had his book in hand when he rounded the corner and saw Jasper. Chris smiled as he walked to the table and sat down. Bill poured him a cup of coffee and sat it next to Chris. "I'll leave you two. Jas, remember Mary wanted you over on Tuesday for dinner."

"Yeah, I remember." As Bill stole another cookie and left, Jasper looked at Chris. "Hi."

"Hey." Chris smiled. "Wish we could've talked more the other night."

"Yeah, so do I, I'm sorry I stood you up. I didn't realize the time and when my director asked if I could work over a little. I didn't realize how much it cut into my night until I saw the missed calls and texts."

"Jasper, no worries. But if it happens again, then I'll think you don't want to see me," Chris said while smiling. "Would you like to go out on Monday since your Tuesday is filled?"

"But you said you generally sleep the first two days off?"

"I do, but you could always come by, and we could order pizza from around the corner." He was looking at Jasper, and he had a funny expression on his face.

"Well, how about we talk over the next few days. Do you mind me stopping here to see you?" Jasper smiled at him.

"That would be nice, but you know we could be out when you stop in."

"I'll take my chances."

"Will I get to kiss you when you stop by?" Chris said with a smile.

"Don't know if guys here are ready to see us kiss." Jasper smiled back.

"Well, no one is here right now." They lean towards one another, but just before their lips met, the tones went off. Chris dropped his head, jumped up, and ran for the engine bay. Jasper could see everyone running by the kitchen.

Jasper smiled as he looked down at the book. Chris left on the table as he ran out; it was one of the Jack Reacher books. He thought it was great. He finally met someone who likes to read. Even when he'd date women, they usually didn't want to read. Jasper decided to leave Chris a note in the book since Chris was doing the absolute wrong thing. Chris left the hardcover book, face down on the table to save his page.


When the guys returned five hours later, they were tired, thirsty, and hungry. Most walked into the kitchen and grabbed water as they headed to the showers. Some stopped at the fridge to see if there was anything to grab quickly and were surprised to find a couple of trays of sandwiches and sat them out on the table. By the time the ones who went to the showers first made it back to the kitchen, one of the trays was already finished off.

Chris saw his book sitting next to one of the guys and grabbed it up as he grabbed for a sandwich. He saw a piece of paper sticking out of the top to mark his page. Chris just thought Jasper bookmarked his page, so he didn't bother opening the book.

Chris took the seat next to Bill, and all the guys were all passing a few bags of chips to one another. "Can I look at that?" Bill asked. "I like his stories."

"Sure," Chris said and pushed the book to him, Bill opened and read the book jacket, then turned to the page which Jasper marked.

"Here, this is for you, and you're on page, one-sixty-four." Bill handed him the note.

Chris took the slip of paper from him, looked, and smiled. "Will you put the book on my bunk if you head that way? I need to step out and make a call." Bill nodded as Chris walked outside and sat down on the bench in front of the firehouse. Although the side he was sitting on did get light traffic, he should be able to hear Jasper on the phone.

"Hello," Jasper answered after a few rings.

When he heard Jasper's weak voice, he realized it was very late. He looked at his watch, and it was after midnight. "I'm sorry. I didn't even look at the time before I called, please go back to sleep."

"I'm up now, Chris. Please talk to me."

"Thank you. It was a nice note. It was your brother who found it. I was going to set the book under my bunk and go to bed in a bit after we all ate."

"You all just got back now?"

"Yeah, it was a restaurant fire, total loss, but it could've taken a hell of a lot longer to fight. The building collapsing help put some of the fire out."

"Did anyone get hurt?"

"No, everyone was out of the building, it was fully ablaze, and all we could do is drown it with water. Other than being sleepy, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, Chris. I wish we could've kissed this evening."

"Yeah, me too." Chris smiled. "I'd love to see you tomorrow, but I'd hate to have you come and find us gone or have to leave out like I did tonight."

"Chris, it wouldn't be my first time being left when everyone runs out for a call. I do come and see my brother quite a bit." Jasper smiled. "And it would be nice to see you, and I know Mary is coming to see Bill tomorrow. Do you mind if I come by again."

"Well, how could I deny you?" Chris laughed.

"So hopefully, when we stop in tomorrow, you'll be there. But I know there's a chance you could be out on a call by the time I get there."

"Okay, see you tomorrow. Sorry for waking you and have sweet dreams."

"I'm glad you did wake me. Goodnight Chris."

Before heading to bed, Chris walked into the kitchen to grab another water and found Bill still sitting there. "How's Jas?"

"Good, I woke him, and I feel bad. I didn't even think to look at the time."

"Chris, if he didn't want you to call, he wouldn't have left the message. Is he coming by tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Chris grinned.

They both headed to their bunks. When Bill reached his bed, he found the container of cookies on his pillow with a note to share with Chris. Bill smiled and sat them on his duffle under the bed. Once he closed his eyes, he was out like a light.

The next day Mary picked Jasper up at his house and drove to the station, she was going to leave the car for Bill to drive home when he got off work the next day. When they walked into the Engine bay, the guys were washing the trucks and refolding the hoses. They looked tired, but they all greeted Mary and Jasper.

Chris was refilling the first aid kits, so he was in the supply closet, and Bill was in talking with the Chief. "I'd get Bill, but the Chief and he are having a heated argument right now."

"What about now, Jesse?" Mary asked she seems to think Bill and John, the Chief, tend to have arguments a lot these days.

"Nothing, just stupid shit as always. A wall almost came down on the Probie, and the Chief is the one who sent him in without someone else. He was coming in to relieve another guy, but there was a miscommunication. He went in the wrong entrance and almost bought it. He was trapped for a few minutes until we made a hole." Jasper's eyes were wide, Jesse didn't know Jasper knew who he was talking about.

"Is Chris okay? Where is he?" Jasper asked in a panic.

"Yeah, you know him? He's in the supply closet, reloading the first aid kits." Jasper knew where to go and walked away quickly. When Jasper walked over to the supply closet, he could see Chris's face was covered with soot, but he looked unhurt. When Chris turned to step out of the storeroom, and their eyes met, Chris walked right to Jasper.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked Jasper.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. I heard about the wall."

"I'm here, Babe." He didn't mean to call Jasper Babe, but it came out, and there was no taking it back now. "I'm not hurt. I'm okay."

"But they said you were trapped."

"Only for a few minutes, and it was more like I couldn't get out." Chris smiled to try to reassure Jasper, but he could see it wasn't working. "I wasn't trapped under anything. I went through the wrong doorway; the stairwell had already collapsed, and when I walked through, the rest of it collapsed around me and blocked off the doorway. I had to wait until someone could clear it to get me out. I'm fine, really, I am." He could see the panic in Jasper's eyes. He wanted to pull him close and reassure him. He looked around, pulled Jasper back into the supply closet, and closed the door.

Bill came out of the Chief's office still spitting fire, when he saw Jasper talking to Chris and then Mary with Jesse, he stopped and shook his head. "Ah shit," he said as he walked over to Mary and hugged her. "Hey, Baby."

"Sweetie, what's this about Chris?" As soon as Mary said Chris's name Jesse walked away. Everyone else was pretty much done with their part of the truck check and had left for the showers.

"Nothing you need to worry about. Why don't you come with me to the lounge so you can rest? I don't want you getting upset."

"Are you trying to let on I'm pregnant to everyone? I thought you wanted to wait until Tuesday to tell your brother?" She whispered to him.

"I do. I'm sorry." Bill said.

"What are you sorry about?" Jasper walked up behind them while Chris finished doing what he needed for the truck check.

"Nothing, I'm always apologizing to Mary. You'll find it when you and Chris get together. He'll probably have to apologize to you for everything." Bill laughed.

"Yeah yeah, Bill." Jasper shoved Bill, and it got a laugh out of Mary.

"Come on you two, let's go and sit somewhere comfortable." Bill led them to the TV room full of couches and chairs. Chris didn't follow them, went straight to the showers. "Jas, come with me."

"Why?" Bill just pulled Jasper over to the bathroom, which was off the TV room, and stood him in front of the mirror. "Oh, God."

"Just be glad you were wearing a gray t-shirt and jeans." Bill laughed and walked out after handing him a few paper towels to wash his face and neck.

When Bill walked back over to Mary to sit down, she laughed, "Chris didn't tell him?"

"Nope, Chris probably didn't notice himself. He's probably too horny even to see straight."

They both laughed. "Bill, go and shower, you smell like smoke," Mary informed Bill.

"Yes, Honey." Bill ran to the showers where he found Chris. They just nodded to one another and continued to shower. Chris finished first and went back to his bunk to grab clean clothes. Bill walked into the bunk room a few minutes later. "Hey, before I forget, the cookies I gave you were wonderful if Jas asks." Bill smiled.

"Cookies? What cookies?" Chris responded and laughed. He saw the container when he was talking to Jasper and earlier in the day when Bill was eating one. "Man, it's okay. I generally don't eat sweets. But I'll lie for you." Chris smiled.

"Here." Bill handed over the container. "I'll get in deep shit if I don't give them to you."

Chris just laughed and sat the container on his bunk. "Where are they?"

"TV room."

Chris went down first and sat on the couch opposite of Mary and Jasper. Jasper looked at him, smiled, and moved over to Chris's couch. Bill came in and sat next to Mary. There were a few other men with their families in the room. They could hear some in the kitchen. Jesse came by with his wife. "Jasper, you know I like you and Chris too because we work together, but please no kissing. We don't mind you're gay, but it's weird, and kids are running through." Bill hit him. "Ouch."

"Stop being an ass. Chris and Jasper can do as they please." Bill had been teaching his fellow firemen over the last few years to accept men who are gay because if they didn't, he'd beat their asses. Most of the guys didn't have a problem with homosexuality.

"Don't worry about it Bill. It's okay." Chris responded.

"No man, it's not okay. You have just as much right to hold Jas' hand or kiss him as any of these guys here have to hold his girlfriend's or wife's hand or kiss them." Bill raised his voice, so everyone in the room could hear him. Nobody said anything after that. Chris looked at Bill, and he decided when they were alone, he'd have to ask what this was about. Chris has never had anyone want to stand up for him before. He knew it was more for Jasper, but he was still amazed.

They continued to talk for a while, Chris and Jasper did hold hands and would have their own conversation going, and then Bill would bring them back into Mary's and his. After Bill had brought everyone some coffee and Mary some water, Jasper looked at the bottle of water. "Mary, you love coffee."

"Yeah, but it's been messing with me lately, so I'm trying to give it up." Mary looked over at Chris to try and change the subject. "Chris, where are you from?"

"Not too far away, Eastchester."

"Really, I grew up there. Did you go to Tuck or East?"

"East, class of 2004."

"Wait, Christopher Allen Johnston, extreme geek, and helluva track star?"

"GEEK?" Jasper turned to Chris, and Chris smiled.

"Yeah, kind of." Chris cringed.

"Kind of? You were the smartest guy in the whole fucking school. Everyone couldn't believe you didn't even show up for your Valedictorian Speech. What happened?"

"I just didn't show, is all. It was for the best." Mary didn't push Chris. She could tell it bothered him, and she knew who he was. "Anyone need a refill?" Chris got up and grabbed his cup. Everyone said they were okay, but Jasper got up to follow him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Jasper, I am."

Jasper just knew what to say, "My Dad is the same way; he won't have anything to do with me either. If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here for you." Chris just smiled and pulled him by his hand out to the engine bay; Chris backed him to the wall and kissed him. "Wow, what was that for?"

"No reason." Chris smiled.

"Chris, can I ask you something?" Chris nodded his head. "You were smart, and you became a fireman?"

"Well yeah, I didn't want to follow my father's footsteps after he threw me out. I also liked helping people, so I decided to become a firefighter."

"What does your father do?"

"He's in finance, but it doesn't matter now, I love my job." Chris tried to change the subject by pulling Jasper back to him to kiss, but some kids ran in to climb on one of the trucks along with a fellow fireman, so Chris and Jasper broke apart quickly. They walked back to the kitchen and found Bill and Mary standing there.

"Hey, where did you two run off to?" Bill asked, both Chris and Jasper smiled. "Never mind." They sat at a table, and Mary pulled a few things from the bag she was carrying. "You brought cookies?"

Mary just smiled and opened the container. "You know you're just a big kid, Bill."

They all laughed and talked for a little while longer until the tones went off, and all the guys jumped up and ran for the trucks. All the families cleaned up what they'd been eating or doing and left the station. Jasper walked with Mary to the train. "Do you mind if I accompany you home before I head home?"

"You don't have to do that, Jasper."

"I know I don't have to, but I want to Mary."

They took the subway to her station, and he walked her home. He sat down with her for a bit, and they talked about Tuesday. "Jasper, bring Chris with you."

"I can't do that," Jasper exclaimed. "I don't think Bill is ready for me to start bringing home a date again."

"Jasper, he loves you. Bill was so happy after he saw the two of you exchanging numbers last Thursday." Mary was beaming. "Jasper, you know Bill always knew there was something different about you. Remember, when you came out to your parents and your other siblings, he stood by you when no one else did."