Coach Miller Ch. 06

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What will happen once Mom gets Ashley home.
10.6k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/30/2009
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Thank you incredimeters and dpga4625 for all you have done to help me edit my stories.

Thank you for reading my stories. This is Chapter 6 in the sequence, so I hope that means that you have read and enjoyed the previous chapters. If you have not, I am including a very brief summary but I strongly suggest you read the previous chapters as I will not be spending a lot of time with character descriptions and you may not get many of the running jokes in the series.

Chapter 1 summary: Ashly Haze, captain of the cheer squad, has confessed to Coach Lacy Miller that she loves her and Ashley spends the night.

Chapter 2 summary: Ashly learns about savoring sex and how to have fun with toys and role-playing.

Chapter 3 summary: Ashley gets her naval pierced, a tattoo, and seduces the tattoo artist who used to be Coach Miller's girlfriend.

Chapter 4 summary: Ashley settles down into her new relationship with Lacy (Coach Miller) and Mo.

Chapter 5 summary: In art class, Ashley discovers that her mother is a nude model and a nudist. After class Ashley, Lacy, and Mo have sex in Mo's office. Lacy forgets to lock the door and Ashley's Mom catches them.

Chapter 6

We all froze. My mom walked over and got right in my face. "Ashley Elizabeth Haze, get off your knees and get your clothes on. Right, now!" My mom released the now more as a growl.

Both Lacy and Mo opened their mouths to speak but my mom cut them off by holding up a finger. Neither of them was brave enough to mess with mama bear, even for me. I was a little hurt but also very scared and so I got dressed in record time. I was buttoning my skirt when Mom grabbed me by the elbow and pulled me out of Mo's office. I didn't even have a chance to say goodnight.

The car ride home was long and silent. Unlike Mo, my mom drives a Volvo, a beige one, and she likes her good driver discount. It had started raining. My window was already becoming obscured by droplets as we drove. I was not sure but I could have sworn I saw Mo's Jag overtake us but it could have just been my imagination. The sound of the wipers was the only thing that dared to break the silence and I think even they weren't sure they should, they seemed to be slow for some reason.

I used the time to seriously think about what was going to happen now. I'm not going to lie, I was scared. I mean, I didn't think my mom would kick me out of the house and naturally I would just move in with Lacy and Mo if she did, but what about the friendship we had? I wasn't sure I could deal with my mom disowning me. I also didn't know what I would do if she forced me to choose between her and Lacy and Mo. I loved them all so much. Little did I know that before this night was over all our lives were going to change forever.

She pulled into the garage, turned off the engine, and started to count to 30. My mom had seen a special about CO2 and garages and ever since had made sure the fumes had a chance to clear before closing the garage door. I met her at the door that led from the garage to the kitchen and she unlocked the door. Before opening the door, she turned to me and said, "Set your stuff down on the kitchen table. Then go and sit on the couch in the living room and don't you move." She accented her final words by poking me in the chest.

I had to use the bathroom but one look from her and I was not about to even ask for that. "Yes, ma'am."

I would have done whatever she said at that moment. On my way to the living room, my phone vibrated in my hand.

Lacy: You, OK?

Ashley: Scared.

Lacy: Hold on we're on the way.

Ashley: Not sure if that will help.

Lacy: We're coming anyway.

It did help a little to know I had backup on the way. I was still kind of pissed they had not stepped in at the school but was glad to know they could and would rescue me if called upon to do so. An image of Lacy dressed in Xena armor and Mo dressed up as a shogun warlord did at least bring me a chuckle. The real problem for me was still the unknown. That was what scared me the most and that still hung over me. How was my mom going to handle this new situation?

I heard doors open and close upstairs and I heard Mom on the landing but then she was gone. Then my phone vibrated and I jumped.

Mo: We're here.

Ashley: Come on in. The code is 6587. (We have one of those front door locks that can be opened with a fob or it has a keypad.)

Mo: Why can't you let us in?

Ashley: Just come in. I'm in the living room.

I heard the front door open and Lacy and Mo walk in. Either from habit or not wanting to upset my mom further they took the time to remove their wet shoes and coats and left their shoes on the wet shoe mats and their coats on the coat rack by the front door. They entered cautiously but with determination, much the way I imagine tactical teams must do when entering a suspicious apartment.

"Where's your mom?" Lacy asked.


"Are you all right?" Mo asked.

"Not really."

"Why didn't you answer the door?" Lacy asked.

"Because Mom told me to sit on the couch and wait for her and the way she is acting right now I intend to follow her orders to the letter. I'm not moving from this spot. Not even if you told me the house was on fire," I explained.

They didn't seem to want to fight my logic so they simply sat down on either side of me. We sat there for several minutes. Mo had never been in our house and so she started admiring the décor. Lacy had only been in my house once or twice but she didn't give a shit about décor so I am not sure what she was looking for. I had a mental bet going with myself that Lacy would speak first and ten minutes later I won. "This is stupid. Ashley let's go, you can spend the night at our house, that will give your mom a chance to cool down."

She got up and grabbed my arm pulling me to my feet. Mo rose when we did. I pulled my arm away from Lacy and sat back down. "No, Lacy. It's a Haze family rule that we never end a day with an argument." A flood of memories hit me. I remembered a lot of nights when Mom and I stayed up all night arguing about why we couldn't have something or go somewhere or buy something. "You never wait to resolve things later Lacy, because there may not be a later. There wasn't the day my dad died."

Lacy was speechless for the first time in our relationship. Her lip curled up in a half smile. "You know you are not half the kid you were when we met almost two years ago," Lacy said, then leaned over and kissed me on the forehead.

"She sure isn't." My mom's voice came from the landing.

My mom started to descend the stair at a slow but steady pace. Like in class earlier, she was naked. The only things that had changed were that her curls were starting to come out and she had removed her makeup. I had said that she didn't have to wear clothes at home anymore if she didn't want to and she had obviously decided to take me up on that offer. I was about to point out that my offer had only extended to times when we didn't have guests, but then remembered that we had never talked about the whens and wheres. Of course, Lacy and Mo had not been expected as guests either and so I didn't have much of a leg to stand on.

Lacy leaned over and spoke out of the side of her mouth never taking her eyes off my mom. "Why is she naked?"

"Because she's stressed right now and she finds clothing stressful," I explained, "I imagine being naked will help her to calm down faster."

"Et parce qu'elle est tres magnifique (And because she is very beautiful)," Responded Mo lapsing back into French and a dreamy tone.

We both gave Mo a, are you OK? look. "What? We're all thinking it."

I don't know about Lacy but I was. My mother came over to us and offered her hand to Mo. Mo took it and kissed her knuckle. "Merci Mo." My mother said with a smile.

They exchanged a glance and Mo sat next to me still a little star-struck. Lacy gave me a look like, What the hell? and I just shrugged.

"Welcome Lacy," said my mother reaching for Lacy's hand.

"Miss Haze," she said shaking my mom's hand. Lacy's response was in a nervous and a little choked-up tone like a teenage boy picking up his date for the prom.

"No need to be so formal Lacy, Catherine is fine. Please sit," Mother said motioning to the growing group on the couch.

"I'd rather stand..." Lacy started to say.

Mamma Bear flared again, "Sit down Lacy."

"Yes, ma'am," Lacy sat.

I was super turned on by the commanding posture my mother had adopted and if I knew Mo at all I would say she was too. I raised my hand. "Yes, Ashley," my mom said politely.

"May I use the restroom?"

"Of course, sweetheart, how inconsiderate of me," she answered with a smile.

I practically ran to the small half bath off the kitchen, I peed and ran back. Mom and Mo had a great working relationship so I knew they would be OK together even at a time like this but I didn't want to leave Mom and Lacy alone for too long as Lacy might say something wrong and or storm off. That would get me banned from ever seeing her again. Then I would have to choose between Lacy and Mom which as I said before was not a choice I wanted or was prepared to make right now.

I came back to Mom and Mo speaking in rapid French and Lacy sitting quietly looking bored but well-behaved. I was so proud of her. I sat next to Lacy, took her hand in mine, gave her a big smile, and asked, "What did I miss?"

"Mo loves your mother's window treatments and guess what, you're getting a four seasons room," Lacy reported.

"No, we're not." I said in a skeptical tone, "Mom has been dreaming of one of those for years."

"Well, your mom's dream is about to come true, because you're getting one. Mo says she knows a guy," Lacy said smugly.

They discussed a few more remodeling ideas including a chair they said would look great reupholstered in either rose or rouge, but I didn't quite hear. I thought pink would be better but was not about to interrupt. Mom looked over and saw I was back and so when Mo asked a follow-up question my mother held up her hand and said, "On pourra en discuter plus tard (we can discuss that later.)"

My mother noticed I was holding Lacy's hand and smiled a little. She then took a deep breath and turned to face Mo more directly. I thought they were going to start talking about carpet samples. I could not have been more surprised. Mom took a deep breath and then asked Mo very calmly, "Why are you trying to steal my daughter's girlfriend?"

We all talked at once. I said "Mom," as in, Mom I can't believe you just said that.

Mo stood and said, "Catherine," as in Catherine, I can't believe you just said that.

Lacy sat smiling and holding my hand and mumbled under her breath, "This should be good."

"OK, everyone, should sit and calm down," I said as I grabbed Mo's hand and pulled her back onto the couch. "Mo is not trying to steal anything, Mom. She's, my girlfriend."

"But I thought Lacy was your girlfriend," Mom asked, confused.

"She is too." I said looking sheepish, "You knew about me and Lacy?"

"Of course, I knew about you and Lacy. I mean come on Ashley, 'Oh Mrs. Haze I don't want Ashley to have to walk home in the dark.'" Mom recalled the phone conversation from the first night Lacy and I spent together. "You have had a crush on her since you were in 7th grade. Then you started spending so much time over at her house. It was pretty obvious."

"You didn't mind?" I asked beginning to hope I was not going to be sentenced to kitchen duty for a month.

"Oh, I minded young lady. In fact, it pissed me off." My mom stood and started pacing back and forth in front of us. "I'd like to think I was always supportive of you and the decisions you made. If you had a dream or desire, I tried my best to make it happen. I knew I was not your best friend but I thought I was at least the cool mom you could always talk to."

The truth was an arrow through my heart. She was right. She was always there for me or one of my friends and it could not have been easy being a single parent. How many late nights had she stayed up to make sure my costume or school project was perfect? I said thank you, most of the time. OK, some of the time, but it had not been nearly enough. I had been told a hundred times by other girls at school how much they wished their mom was like mine.

I started to cry. "You're right Mom. You're so right."

Lacy handed me a tissue from the box on the end table. "I could not believe that you felt you needed to keep something like that from me," Mom said while I wiped my nose. "Did you think I wouldn't understand? That I would kick you out or something?"

"I don't know," I said honestly, "I never thought you would kick me out. But Lacy is so much older than me...ow."

Lace showed her objection to me calling her older by elbowing me in the ribs.

"I thought you might forbid me from seeing her," I said recovering quickly and starting to rub my side, "and that would have killed me. I had already fallen too hard for her."

Lacy gave me an, awww, that's so sweet, look.

"I gave forbidding you from seeing Lacy a lot of thought," my mom admitted, "I didn't know about you being in love with her but I knew that if I forbade you from seeing her it wouldn't do any good. My parents didn't want me going out with your father either and if anything, that made me want to see him even more."

"Gram and Papa didn't like Dad?"

"They loved dad," now it was mom's turn to tear up, "They didn't like that he was a firefighter. They were afraid what happened would happen."

I mentally put my grandparents back on their pedestal of perfection. My mom was baring her soul here and I felt that I could do no less. "At first I have to admit what I felt for Lacy was all lust."

Lacy made a face like she was going to protest and then thought better of it, either because she didn't figure she could sell the lie or because she thought the best way to impress my mom was, to be honest. Lacy said, "Yeah that's how it was for me too. I figured that we would have a little fun, Ashley would get tired of my antics and she would break up with me."

"That is generally how my relationships with Lacy went too," Mo admitted.

"Relationships?" I asked glancing at Mo, "How many times have you two broken up and gotten back together?"

They looked at each other then, Lacy started to mentally count on her fingers so Mo answered, "Two, six, maybe a dozen. Who keeps track of these things?"

"Anyway," Lacy took back control of the conversation, "the point is I love your daughter and for some reason, I can't fathom, she loves me enough to put up with me so if you would please not ground her till she thirty I would really appreciate that."

"What makes you think I still have that kind of power over her?" my mom said growing slightly angered.

"Because you're the best mom EVER. You have raised the kindest, most generous, and loyal person on earth and while she loves us," Lacy pointed to Mo, "the love she has for me and Mo isn't a tenth the love and loyalty she has for you."

Mom's tear ducts were working at peak performance. She started crying all over everything. Her cheeks were soaked. I was not sure how, but Lacy had said exactly what I think my mom need to hear. She sniffled and Mo brought her the box of Kleenex that was in reach on my lap. Mo then sat down on the loveseat next to my mom.

My mom wiped her nose and then looked at Mo, "So I knew about Lacy but how did you get mixed up in all of this?"

"Oh, that was easy," said Mo as she took a Kleenex and whipped away a tear my mother had missed, "They seduced me."

"We did not!" Lacy and I exploded.

"You did so. You came into my office wearing your little schoolgirl uniform and no panties," Mo began.

"I was wearing my school uniform because I had just come from school and I was wearing panties but you made me so wet I soaked them," I fired back.

"Really?" Mo asked blushing.

"Really?" My mom also asked, in shock.

"Then you took off your shirt and skirt," Mo went on.

"Ashley?" Mom asked, stunned.

"It was so she could see where I wanted my tat."

"Right," Mo went on, "Then you made me examine your labia."

"Oh, Ashley!" My mom accused me.

"Because I wanted it pierced," I said by way of explanation. "Which I still want to be done by the way, especially since I have the only one in this room that isn't"

It was my mom's turn to blush.

Mo turned to face Lacy "I believe your exact words were 'But I don't want Ashley here to get her hopes up only to discover she can't have one, so you better check her vagina today.'"

Once again Lacy opened her mouth to protest but then didn't. "OK, I did say that."

Then Mo further incriminated us by turning to my mother and adding "Then while I was performing my exam, she," Mo pointed at Lacy but maintained eye contact with mom "took her pants off and put her pussy practically in my face." Mo took one of my mom's hands and pleaded, "What was I to do? I am only human."

Much to my surprise my mom started to pat Mo's hand in a conciliatory fashion. "She was into me from the moment we walked in," I protested a lot more childishly than I intended.

"Yeah," Lacy said for no other reason than to say something.

"Ladies, ladies," my mom said to the room in general. "The who did what to whom is not as important as the what and the what is, what are you going to do now?"

We all looked at each other for a minute. "I'm sorry you've lost me," Lacy said looking truly perplexed.

"Me too." I agreed.

Mo looked toward the heavens and then at my mom, "You see what I have been living with?"

"Which woman are you going to break up with?" my mom asked me directly.

"Why would I break up with either of them?" I asked becoming defensive, "I love them both and they love me. They are a lot of work, but they're worth it."

"But it's not right for you to have two girlfriends," my mom protested.

"Says who?" I had no idea where this courage was coming from but it was a heady brew, to say the least.

My mom groped for an answer and then just said, "Society."

Now we; Mo, Lacy, and I were all looking more confused than ever. "I'm glad you think that society (I made air quotes) has come a long way in the last few years but it hasn't." I got up and walked over to Mo, grabbed her by the arm, and lead her back to the couch where she had been sitting before and she sat again. I know it was juvenile like I was about to take my ball and go home, but I didn't care.

"Society (I made air quotation marks again) says I shouldn't have any girlfriends. Society says I should have a boyfriend. Society says I should marry this boyfriend and he is supposed to get me pregnant, then go to work all day five days a week for 30 years, and have a heart attack sitting at his desk by age 50 from eating too much fast food and the stress of plotting the overthrow of his boss."

I took a deep breath. My mom stood as did Lacy.

"That's not for me Mom and it is never going to be. Society can go..." I paused, even in my rage I was not about to drop the "F" bomb in front of my mom, "screw itself. I don't give a flying fig what society thinks."

With that Mo, Lacy, and I, all stared at my mom and dared her to disagree.

"You know you're right," said my mom her voice rising, and us with it. My mother took a very deep breath having decided something. She walked over to me and for the first time kissed me square on the lips. I was not sure what I was feeling. I mean, Mom was a pretty good kisser. Then she pulled away from me and grinned a mischievous grin.

Then things went sideways. My mom, still completely naked, started to skip around the couch and throw imaginary flowers in the air. "Ashley is right. Ashley is right. I'm Ashly and I am going to do whatever I want."