Coal Miner Pt. 04


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Sure, that's fine was what she said. Again, I had to wonder if those were any of the words from Mike's list. Sure and fine when said by Brenda wasn't at all believable. I figured by the time I got out of this hospital Brenda and my daughters would have a whole new set of words. I was just too worn out and hurt too much to argue with them.

My friend Mike came in and I asked him about his word list of women's words. He told me he carried it with him so when he talked to his wife, he had something to refer to.

"Are Right and Fine on that list?" I asked Mike.

"Right isn't but I have a feeling it should be. I heard Racene say it a few times and it meant I was wrong. Fine is on the list but means we're not done talking about it," laughed Mike. He went ahead and added 'right' to his list.

I had a number of visitors throughout the day and was glad when visiting hours were over. Lying there seemed to take a lot out of me. The nurse came in and gave me my pills and then Brenda came in.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going home tonight?"

"No, I'm staying one more night. I'll have to go home tomorrow night because I have to get up for work. I just wanted to make sure you are okay."

"Brenda, I want to thank you for..."

"I know, Rob. Just get some rest. Goodnight," she said as she lay back in her chair.

I couldn't help thinking about her. I didn't have much control over what was going on in my life. It's hard to believe that she was still there for me. It's been over nine years since our divorce.

The next morning I woke up and there was Brenda sleeping. I must have made some noise and woke her up. "Everything all right, Rob?" she asked.

"Not really. I have to piss like a racehorse and I can't reach that stupid bottle."

She got up and got the jug for me. I was lying on my back and could hardly see my damn dick. Brenda laughed at my predicament, came over, lifted up my hospital gown, pulled my dick out and held it inside the lip of the jug.

I felt kind of funny having Brenda hold my dick. "Don't worry, Rob. It's not something that I haven't seen before," she smiled.

I let loose and began to piss. Damn, it actually felt good. There was my ex-wife holding my dick in the jug. When I was finished, she began to jack me off a little. I felt myself starting to get a little hard.

"Hey, stop that. What do you think you're doing?" I asked.

She laughed, "Don't you always shake it a few times after you piss?"

"Yeah! I shake it, not pump it," I laughed.

She tucked my cock back under my gown and covered me back up. She was emptying the jug into the toilet when the nurse came in with my breakfast. Brenda walked over to the sink and washed her hands.

Again, I had visitors all day. I didn't realize I had so many friends. Even some of our joint friends like Joyce and Ellen came to see me. Matt, my boss, came in and told me to take all the time I needed to recuperate. He said that I had done more for the advancement of the coal industry than anyone in recent years. First, I did the lecture and then saved the lives of two students.

Before he left, he told me I had a visitor at the mine. It was the woman from the lecture; she came to see me.

"You mean the teacher, Ms. Smiley?" I asked.

"No, the other one that you had lunch with. She said her name was Mary and to tell you hi and she hopes you're doing okay. She said her offer still stands."

Brenda had walked back in the room and I think overheard the end of the conversation with Matt. She'd known Matt for a number of years and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. They exchanged a few pleasantries and Matt left.

Brenda was about half smiling at me. "So what offer did this woman Mary make you?"

I came out and told her the truth. "She said if I needed anyone to talk to or have sex with, she was available."

Without missing a beat Brenda said, "Heck, I can do both of those things for you, and probably better," she laughed.

I dropped the subject. I think I had just lost another round. Before going home that evening, Brenda took my piss bottle and put it where I could reach it. She told me she knew I would want it first thing in the morning. She knew me as well as I knew myself. Before she left, she kissed me on the forehead.

"Night, Rob. Hope you get a good night's sleep. I'll see you after work tomorrow."

The next morning I found myself looking at the empty chair and for the first time felt a ping of sadness that she wasn't there. I reached over and used the urinating jug Brenda put where I could reach it and set it on the rolling cart for the nurse to empty when she came in.

Everything went about the same for the next few days. My daughters and friends stopped by every day to see me. Brenda stopped in every evening after work and stayed till visiting hours were over. One day the doctor told me I was going home the following day. I was allowed to lower my leg but I had to keep it on pillows and raised up. I had to stay off of it.

My two sons-in-law picked me up at the hospital. They helped me into a wheelchair and into one of their vans. My daughters sure picked some decent guys. When we got to Brenda's house, they used the wheelchair to get me into the house. The house wasn't really wheelchair accessible so after we got inside they carried me to the bedroom and helped me onto the bed.

"Brenda, this is your room. I can't take your bedroom."

"Rob, just go with the flow. I'm sleeping in the guest room, Sue's old bedroom. My room was the biggest and it also has a TV set in it. You'll be spending the best part of the next two weeks in it," said Brenda.

Cheryl spoke up. "Dad! Mom, Sue and I know what's best for you. We have everything planned out. All you have to do is rest and get well. After that cast comes off then you'll have to go to physical therapy till you can strengthen that leg. Don't worry, we'll be with you then too," she smiled at me.

I had tears in my eyes thinking about the support I was getting from my family. For the next two weeks, Brenda was there for me twenty-four hours a day. She made me breakfast, lunch and dinner. She remembered all my favorite foods.

She would sit on the bed with me in the evenings and we would watch TV together. She had a DVD player and rented movies that she knew I would like. One day she laughed when she handed me 'Coal Miner's Daughter'. I was so dependent on her.

She was there for me. She never mentioned anything negative about the past. We did talk a lot about our kids growing up and how proud we were of them. We decided that we did a good job. Of course, Brenda was the main influence. The girls were so much like her.

I wanted to mention that Brenda did everything for me including wiping my ass when I had trouble doing it a couple of times. She would make jokes about emptying the porta-pot so I wouldn't feel bad about it. She got a kick out of giving me sponge baths spending a little more time than necessary on parts of my anatomy.

I remember the first time she came into the room in the morning. She had just gotten out of the shower and had a robe on. She took it off and dropped it to the floor. She was totally naked.

I said, "Brenda, what are you doing?"

"Getting dressed, stupid. All my clothes just happen to be in this room. If you don't want to watch me then close your eyes," she smiled. "There's nothing new here. You've seen it all before."

Again, I was lost for words. I didn't close my eyes as I watched her get dressed. It was something I looked forward to. Every morning she would take a shower and I would listen to her sing. She had the nicest voice. She would then come into the room take off her robe and get dressed.

The two weeks flew by and I was finally able to stand up on my good leg. I could make it to the couch in the living room but again, I had to raise my leg and put it on pillows. Brenda had started back to work but she made sure I was okay before leaving in the morning. Within two hours, one of my daughters would be there to be with me. They always had my grandkids with them.

The phone rang one day and a man asked for Brenda. I told him that she was at work and wouldn't be home till five. He seemed a little put out that a man had answered the phone. I wanted to ask Sue about him in the worst way but didn't want to act jealous. After all, Brenda and I had been divorced going on ten years.

"Who was on the phone, Dad?" asked Sue.

"Some guy named Bill wanted to speak to your mother."

"Oh, I was supposed to take that call. Sorry, Dad."

"What do you mean you were supposed to take it? Who's Bill?"

"Okay, Dad, I'll tell you. Mom has gone out a couple of times with him. She told me that if he called to tell him that she's back with her husband and not to call anymore."

"I told you we're not getting back together. I'm just staying here till I'm able to go to my apartment. Doesn't anyone listen to me?"

"I forgot to tell you, Dad, that we sub-leased your apartment."

"What? Where am I supposed to live? I can't stay here forever."

"Dad, you have four months left on your lease. We sub-leased it till the end of your lease. That way you don't have to pay the rent. Phil and Bob (my son-in-laws) are going over tonight to get most of your personal things. We told the lessee that he could use the furniture and some of the other stuff for an extra hundred a month.

"If in four months you want your apartment back, it's yours. Dad, be honest with yourself. Do you really want to leave mom again? Of course the choice is totally yours. We just figured it would save you a lot of money since you're not staying there right now."

She didn't ask for an answer but I knew it would be something I'd have to think about. When Brenda came home, she apologized for Bill's call. She told me he was a nice guy but was looking for a wife and she wasn't available. She never said why.

Life went on like this for another month. I was eventually able to use the crutches and use the toilet. You don't know how good that feels until you're not able to. Life was pretty good for me. I got to see a lot of my friends and then of course seeing my daughters and their families almost daily was great.

The sad yet happy part was that these last two months, even with the broken leg, was probably the best two months of my life in the last ten years. Being around Brenda made me realize how much I still loved her.

Saturday night the phone rang. Brenda and I had just eaten a great dinner that she had made and we were getting ready to watch a movie. She said hello and got up and walked in the kitchen to talk. I couldn't help it; I had to listen to what she was saying. I put the TV on mute.

"No, not tonight. I'm here with Rob and we're getting ready to watch a movie. No, I don't think so. Okay, have a nice time and I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I quickly took the TV off mute when Brenda came back in smiling. "I know you were listening. Do you want to know who it was?"

"Was it Bill?" I asked.

Brenda laughed. "I broke it off with Bill a month ago shortly after you talked to him. It was Joyce. Tonight was our girls' night out and she wanted to know if I was going."

"You should have gone out. You've been stuck in here with me for two months now. You go and have a nice time." I said it but I really wanted her to stay with me and watch a movie.

"I told Joyce that if I had to choose between a night out with the girls or watching a movie with you, I'd pick you," she smiled

At that point I was thinking about the last couple of months. At no time did she try to kiss me or talk about sex. I was wondering if she was waiting for me to make a move. We cuddled some but nothing really sexual unless I count her dressing in front of me every morning. I have to say I loved watching her and she knew it.

She got up and put in a movie for us to see. She made sure my leg was propped up and sat next to me on the couch. It was a little different this time. She was holding my hand. I didn't say anything. After about an hour, she put the movie on pause and said she was going to make us some popcorn.

We somewhat cuddled and ate the popcorn while watching the movie. When it was over, I hobbled into the bedroom and got ready for bed. I heard Brenda closing up the house and then she was singing in the shower. It was odd. She had a ritual of always taking a shower in the morning. I know, I've been watching her every day for the past two months.

I was lying on the bed in my briefs and had my leg on a pillow when Brenda came into the room. She dropped the robe and came over to the side of the bed. She was stark naked. I saw her take out a pair of scissors and she came over to me. I didn't know what to think as she cut off my briefs.

"Brenda, what the hell is going on? Why did you cut off my underwear?"

She put the scissors back and came back over and started jacking me off.

"I wanted you naked but didn't want to disturb your leg. I'm going to make love to you whether you like it or not. I told you that you didn't have to marry me again but I never said that you couldn't make love to me."

She bent over and took my cock in her mouth. God, now I remembered how no woman could even come close to the things Brenda did to me. She had me as hard as a rock and carefully climbed up and straddled me. Slowly she lowered herself down on my cock. I did everything I could not to disturb my leg but it wasn't easy. She was doing all the up and down movements.

Thank God, she was on top of me. It helped hold me down. I had my hands to play with her breasts, which I did. She was moaning and groaning telling me how much she loved me and missed making love to me. I felt myself coming and I knew Brenda was there too. She lowered herself all the way down as I shot what seemed like a continuous load into her.

What she could do with that pussy of hers! I felt it spasm and squeeze my cock till she milked me dry. She got off and went into the bathroom. I had taken my pills and fell asleep and when I woke up the next morning, there was Brenda cuddled up next to me lying on my arm. She never looked more content.

I don't know where we are going from here. I really did love her but also needed her. If the last ten years have taught me anything, it was not fun living alone. I might have to break my promise not to re-marry her. I do love her with all my heart. Only time will tell what happens next.


This is the conclusion to my story. Thank you for reading it. Comments and feedback are appreciated.

DG Hear

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I must of read a different than others.

Nine years of Rob bounding his pecker.

Sure he was shanghied by people who loved and cared about him

LOVE slap-hapy-papy#9

Dlh143Dlh1434 months ago

Took a great 5 star story and ruined it with the ending. 1 star because I feel generous.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19815 months ago

Coal mining is honestly pointless now days and even so they would have policy's in place that protects there workers which mean they would pay for a in home nurse 24 hours a day as well as his normal every day bills including rent would be taken care of so the ex wife having to take care of him just doesn't fit well into the story nor does it with the daughters taking care of him

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19815 months ago

Ok seriously you called this the conclusion yet you left it wide open there was no ending so how is it a conclusion

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

the only unrealistic part was that renewables and hydropower are helping break the dependency on using coal . natural gas also, but there is no way to stop using coal without having an alternative .

willyk1212willyk12126 months ago

yes it can happen my friend got back with his x after 20 yrs they are great together

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Coal mining is bloody stupid and quite unnecessary in this day and age. We do it because we're greedy and stupid.

Really wtf wants a 60yr old man or woman. The % that are fit, healthy and retain a decent shape is vanishingly small.

Medussa55Medussa558 months ago

A lovely gentle tale. Yes unrealistic in a few places but who really cares? this is a story about redemption not retribution and while my dark soul likes a bit of Hellfire vengeance occasionally my romantic heart appreciates light and hope. Well done

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Not a big reconciliation fan, but I guess this was OK. However, the mining company would have insurance that would provide for his care until he was back on his feet. There would be no financial need for him to move in with his ex.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19699 months ago

I enjoyed that story. shame she cheated and they wasted 10 years apart.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great story. Love wins out in the end! We all make mistakes in our life. I also loved the debunking of the global waring lie.

Martyr2002Martyr200211 months ago

Great story, well written. I would expect nothing less from this author. However it hasn’t necessarily aged well. The sex scene at the end doesn’t seem consensual, and his daughter’s subleasing his apartment was not legal I would say, and a huge violation of his rights as a person. I give it 3 stars for the skill of this amazing writer but the last chapter just flops

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Most overrated author ever, churns out another steaming, festering pile of RAACshit.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Just couldn't resist turning it into an RAAC story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Should have left the boys in the hole to die. Darwin Award time!

nogravynogravyover 1 year ago

Solid story that I enjoyed, though, I must admit that political, or "special interest" topics generally decrease my interest, regardless of which direction they come from. When I read fiction, I generally like for it to be fantasy, and that's it. Thanks for all the hard work put into this tale.

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