Coffee & Poetry


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And she his.

He clamped his teeth onto her neck, bending her back a bit, rubbing himself along her heat. Her legs came up and wrapped around him.

"Rylan... Rylan..."

He couldn't take any of it much longer.

With his hands on hers, he guided her down to his throbbing erection. Her breath puffed from between her parted lips as she took hold of him, pumping up and down the length of him. He pushed her wild hair back so he could see her face as he entered her.

"You want this? You want me?" he watched her eyes darken with each question.

Her fingers tightened around him. "Yes... I need you, Rylan."

"Then come here."

Without waiting for a response, he tugged her off the table and stood her with her back to his chest. His hands kneaded her shoulders then went down her arms, outlined her waist and ultimately rested on her hips. They fit so well together. He wished there was a mirror so he could see if they looked as good as they did in his head; dark and light, both untamed.

She was made for him.

She pushed back at him, teasing his cock, rubbing up and down until he fit snugly into the crack of her arse, wet with her juices. He watched her move, moved with her, pulled at her hips to make her backward thrusts more emphatic.

Then he couldn't anymore.

"Now." It was a command.


His hands wrenched her top from her – something ripped – and he cupped her bare breasts. More than beautiful. He bent her over the table and positioned the tip of his cock at her entrance. She was so fucking wet, there was no other way to –

He slammed his full length in. Ella screamed.

Rylan gritted his teeth and forced himself to keep still. Her back glistened, the globes of her derriere lush. He stood and took in the light tones of his throbbing penis buried in the dark mocha exquisiteness of her and felt something thud in his chest. He bent forward to get away from the feeling and wrapped his strength around her.

"Ella, baby, are you okay?"

She nodded, making her hair dance.

"Are you hurt? I'm sorry, did I –?"

And then he felt it – faint ripples within her, endless ripples: a smaller, longer orgasm avalanching off her previous one.

"Bella, shit... I need to –"

Her face turned to his, tears clinging to her thick lashes. "Fuck me, Rylan. Please just make love to me now."

He pushed further in at her words. His tip grazed her cervix as the rest of him stretched her out.

"Yes, like that... God, yes..."

He pulled all the way out then pushed all the way back in. Her knees buckled and he held up by her hips, slamming her back into him as he thrust into her.

"Ah, fuck... Harder, baby...!"

Which was all he needed to hear. He moved forward with her until she was kneeling on the table, her head low and her thighs wide, and he climbed up behind her. He pumped into her, faster, pushing as deep as he could go.

Her whole body shook as he slammed into her, passion gathering in waves and washing over her, scorching her. He brought a firm hand down sharply on her flawless arse. Ella's body jerked as she cried out something wordless. When he did it again, he thought she might be trying to say his name but just couldn't form words anymore. He smacked each globe again, yanking her back to him by the hips when she lost control of her body.

"Ah, god... Rylan..." Her words were back. "I'm going to come. I, ahh... I want you... come with me. Come inside me..."

He pulled out of her then despite weak protests.

When he turned her over the sight of her stole his breath again. Her lips were pink and swollen; the hair at her temple sweat-drenched and coiling. Red marks had started appearing along her breasts and hips. His marks. The bruised bite marks on her neck were darker.


He could only imagine the marks and welts she'd left on him, but he relished the idea.


He entered her forcefully. His.

He shook his head, trying to dislodge the idea. This was sex. Mind-blowing, soul-melting sex... but still only sex. No matter how good it felt to be on top of her... wrapped in her.

It would all come to an end.

That was another thought he shook from his mind, the end – choosing to drown himself in her kisses and the scent of lilies. Her legs were around his waist, her firm calves over his buttocks, her heels urging him closer, deeper...

"You want more, bella?" His lips were over hers, his voice a hushed rumble.

"Yes..." She kept her eyes on his even when her eyebrows drew together in excruciating pleasure. "More, love..."

That word undid him. He kissed her, plundered her 'til her eyes closed not wanting her to see what she had done to him with just one word.

They moved together, danced; urgent and primal. Completing an ancient ritual, sealing a vow between them.

When Ella's nails scored his back harder than before, Rylan roared. He lost it.

"Come with me, Ella."

He wasn't sure if he'd actually said any of that. It felt more as if the plea erupted within him and she must have just felt it.

The arch of her back sharpened as he held her to him. One hand reached out blindly above her, the other pulling at his hair, making his scalp burn. And the tightness. Ah, fuck, the unbearable blaze of her that tautened around him as her most ferocious orgasm took over.


It was all he could manage before all that he was exploded into her. It was like his entire body pulsated his orgasm out of him as he roared her name. His hips, with a life of their own, rolled and pumped and pushed his very soul into her. And she moved with him, murmuring and kissing.

With his eyes closed he could see her there. Always. Understanding him and his needs; saying what he needed to hear, whether he wanted to hear it or not. He could see her kissing him in the dark. He could picture them together.

Rylan snapped his eyes open.

Ella was looking up at him, a mystical smile on her lips.

"What?" He couldn't help easing into her contentment.

"Whatever you're thinking, stop it," she replied.

He looked down at the rest of her. "Why?"

"Because we just made love in a way I never have before. I'm not very experienced, but I do know that what we just shared... it just doesn't happen. Not like this."

His eyes were serious as they met hers. "Well, I am experienced – and there was a time when I really thought I understood sex and why I was having so much of it. That changed many years ago – but it's only today that I think I truly get why two people would do this."

"Good." She kissed him. "Now hush and let me recover."

He chuckled and buried his fingers in her hair, just holding her to him, as his cock subsided within her.

Until someone yanked at the door handle.

Ella's entire form stiffened immediately beneath Rylan. But the intruder was thwarted: it was locked.

Her eyes were still panicked, though.

"It's okay," he told her as he stood up, pulling his pants on. "Get dressed and don't worry. I'll deal with this."

"But we weren't even supposed to be here in the first place." She was sitting up straight, a hand to her mouth. "It'll be so much worse that they find us like this."

He figured this would be the wrong moment to tell her he'd never seen a woman so stunning.

Her breasts hung heavy and her hips were a sinful curve away from a waist that constantly invited his arms to hold her. Her hair was a mess and parts of her bruised. As she spoke all he noted was how swollen and sweet her lips looked.

There was a knock at the door and a muffled voice. It had to be the blonde barista.

"I told you that I will handle this." His socks and shoes were on and he was buttoning his shirt.

"Oh, no..." Ella was holding her torn shirt up.

Hints of a smile tugged at Rylan's lips, but he bit it back. Something told him she'd cut him down to size if she saw his proud amusement.

He picked up his jacket and draped it across her shoulders.

Which made her look sexier. Fuck.

He lifted her chin and kissed her pink lips. No peck like the last one. A thorough kiss, one that made her cup his stubbled jaw again.


He smiled then stepped out the door.


Ella managed to move from the table to the couch... and that was about the extent of her productivity.

She could hear Rylan speaking to the girl just outside the door, but couldn't make out any words. How could he sound so assertive in the middle of being caught with his pants down? Literally.

Her body was so languid all she managed to do was pull her panties and pants on... and stare at her torn top. That definitely axed the lunch idea – she couldn't meet Cassie in her bra out on the Square. She'd have to call and cancel. And figure out how to get home half naked.

And how to forget about Rylan Kade and the way he made her feel.

As if summoned by her thoughts, Rylan stepped back into the room. The door clicked shut behind him and he smiled at her.

Ella didn't know what had just happened nor what he'd said to that employee – all she trusted was that everything was all right.

She watched as Rylan picked up her bra and handed it to her. Then gathered her phone, purse and everything else that had fallen onto the table and packed them back in her bag.

After putting her bra on, she donned her useless top and scowled.

"Wear this on top," he murmured, making her shiver again.

Ella slipped her arms into the jacket he held up for her, twisting her lips at how big it was. She rolled up her sleeves watching amusement skip in blues and greys as he watched her.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing," he chuckled. "It's just that that jacket is very expensive. My PA practically wept the last time I wore it and she sneezed in my direction."

"Huh?" She looked down at the roughly rolled sleeves, hoping she hadn't ruined it.

"Leave it – it looks good on you like that," he assured. "Besides, one of the things I lo– like best about you is that you don't tiptoe around me."

She could have asked him many things. She could have asked him why people tiptoed around him and about that word he'd cut short. But she didn't.

Wrapping the jacket tightly around her and cinching her belt high up her waist, she scrunched her nose as she picked up her bag. "You're going to have to walk me to my car if you want your jacket back. I think I have something I could change into in my trunk. Sorry."

"Don't be," he said as he took her hand. "I'm happy to walk with you."

Ella didn't know what to expect as they exited and had no desire to walk through the coffee corner and bookshop. The corridor was deserted and when they stepped out into the garish lights... everyone was going about their business without a care in the world. As they passed through the bookshop, she caught the eye of the freckled guy. If he found anything strange in her outfit change, he gave no sign of that as he gave her a slight smile and waved.

She felt Rylan's hand at the small of her back as she nodded back.

She noticed some glances on their way to the elevator and her curiosity rose as she noted that half of them were zeroed in on Rylan. Fortunately it was a short walk and they were soon in a glass and metal box descending to the underground garage alongside an immaculate brunette.

The other woman wasn't even trying to conceal the fact that she was staring at Rylan.

Ella swept her ticklish hair out of her face and turned her back on them. It was none of her business who was attracted to him nor how they showed it. Nor how he felt about the attention. All she wanted was to get to her car and regain equilibrium.

"Oh, my... you are, aren't you? You're Rylan Kade."

Ella's brow furrowed at the slightly high pitch of the woman's voice.


The response sounded loud to Ella, as if he were turned her way and not towards the woman. Her face softened slightly when she noted that he had told her his real name.

He was obviously well-known and, understandably, many notable people preferred to keep their identities and their lives private. He could have given her a fake name back in the bookshop and she would have been none the wiser.

But he hadn't.

From the moment he first spoke to her, he had made Ella feel his honesty. She'd trusted him right from the beginning. It didn't change the reality of their imminent parting, but it did make her feel good to know that everything they had shared had been real.

"I've read sooo much about the branch of your empire that lies in investment," the other woman chirped. "I'm building an investment company of my own and would love an opportunity to collaborate with you and your... expertise."

Rylan's voice was cool. "If you've read as much as you would have me believe you have, you would know to contact the Pyramid and work your way up. Just like everyone else."

The other woman tittered.

At first Ella was mortified on her behalf. Her entire encounter with Rylan had been so warm and connected that it chilled her to hear him ruthless and devoid. But her sympathy faded at the brunette's very next words.

Tall and sleek, the woman stepped right up to him, close enough for Ella to almost feel her. "Fine. That was just my opening gambit anyway. What I'd really love is a date with the infamous –"


There was a shift, some movement, and then she felt Ryan's body curving into hers.

Ella was already sick of the blatant flirtation by then and was turning to face the audacious stranger. Rylan looked down at her, hints of a warning in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

Ella simply met the other woman's eyes with her dark ones and didn't say a word. She watched as the brunette stared at her down haughtily as if show no regret for her behaviour. Seconds later that changed, though. Her hazel eyes noted exactly how close Rylan was standing to Ella... and his jacket familiarly completing her outfit.

Questions flitted across her face, but she never got any out. The ping of the elevator snapped her out of her outrage – somewhat.

"Bye." Rylan said when she took too long to leave.

When they were alone again, Ella looked up at him. There was so much she didn't know about him – and never would.

On the lower level she marched out as soon as the doors opened. Rylan strode after her.

"Ella, I don't know that woman."

Ella fed her parking card into the token machine then searched her purse for coins. "I know."

"Women like that... The way they are is just how they are and that has nothing to do with me."

The machine offered her the token back and she snatched it out. "Women? Plural. Okay, I get it."

"No. No, you don't!" He was right beside her as she stomped off to her car. "That woman was nothing compared to you, bella."

Ella stopped at her hatchback. "It doesn't matter anyway, does it?"

"Of course it does."

"I don't belong in your world nor you in mine, Rylan." She watched his eyes darken. "That is fine, though. We both knew the reality right from the beginning."

She was grateful to see her car. It was good to be so close to slipping into something so familiar and dependable. She beeped the doors open and immediately searched her trunk for something to wear.

Rylan's jacket made her wish she belonged in it and she needed to take it off as soon as possible.

He came up behind her, stilling her with his hands on her arms. "Leave it; it doesn't look you have anything in there anyway. Just take the jacket."

"I can't." She shook her head.

He lifted her bag from the trunk and slammed it shut. "Yes, you can."

He opened the driver's door for her then stood and watched her hesitate. She could tell that there was still so much he wanted to say to her; this wasn't a man accustomed to admitting defeat or not getting what he wanted. But she could also see that a man was too proud for another rejection. Or sick and tired of her and her fears and antics, most likely.

"You're okay with not getting it back?" She asked the question more to make it clear that she didn't want anything tying her to him, didn't want a reason to see him again.

"It's just a jacket, bella. I have plenty more." He'd understood her insinuation and was fine with walking away.

Ella got into her car just as another pulled up beside her. Her heart dropped at the cheerful hoot from the yellow convertible.

"What are the chances?!" Cassie was grinning at her from behind the wheel. "I saw your car from all the way over there! Then I was all, like, 'No way, it can't be' – but it could be; it was you, Ella! Did you just get here as well? And what on earth are you wearing??"

Ella gripped her steering wheel as her friend practically skipped over. "Uh, no. I got here a while ago."

Cassie's eyes were on Rylan by then – and she was clearly impressed.

When Ella didn't say anymore, he held a hand out. "Hi, I'm Rylan."

"Oh, I know who you are," Cassie's voice was suddenly slightly breathless. "How do you know Ella?"

"He doesn't," Ella quickly interjected. "I had a little accident earlier, tore my top. Rylan here came to my rescue. I'm wearing his... uh, jacket."

And his scent – which still had her nipples hard.

Rylan's eyes narrowed in on her, steely grey.

"I'm Cassandra," her friend offered.

"Nice meeting you, Cassandra – and I need to be on my way." He straightened to his full height, holding Ella's bag out to her. "Ella... It's been beautiful."

She took her bag then sat deflated, watching him walk away.

"You know who he is, right?" For some reason Cassie suddenly felt the need to resort to whispers.

"I don't actually. And it doesn't matter."

Ella didn't want to walk through that door. Enough had already happened to hint at the sort of man Rylan Kade was and could be in... love. Enough had also happened to hint at the world's fascination with him. She just knew if she let Cass tell her anything now, it would only lead to wanting to know more and more. And missing him more than she already did.

"I have to go, Cass. I'm sorry, but I don't think I'd be great lunch company."

"Are you kidding? I think you'd be a hit – who could possibly get pissed off at seeing a topless lady at the next table?!" Cassie was giggling, ever carefree. "Just kidding, sweets. Go on. And I hope you had the sense to get that gorgeous god's number – calling him is the first order of the day, even before getting dressed."

Ella bit her lip. "I didn't – so I won't... call him, that is. Cheers darling."

Cassie was disappointed by her answer and still eager to talk, but could tell that something was up and Ella wasn't ready to share yet. She cast a quick speculative glance in the direction Rylan Kade had disappeared. Something was up – hopefully nothing that resulted in her friend being as subdued as she was.

"Later, sweets. Call me anytime if you need to."

Ella drove off.

Considering how bright a day it was, Ella found it strange to feel as gloomy as she was. The whole way home she focused on breathing; long, slow, deep and steady.

Breathe. Read the signs; obey the rules. Breathe.

Don't die. Breathe.

Constantia Kloof was quiet, her cottage another welcome sight. She was home. The view from the top of the hill was all blues, greens and specks of buildings. She'd taken the place because of the view and the enormous peaceful garden.

One of the landlord's dogs raced out to greet her at her door.

"Hey, Dali," She smiled, scratching behind his ears.

She'd never admit it, but one of the things that made her love this place was the fact that the owner had named his dogs after painters. An utterly irresponsible and irrelevant factor to most when home-hunting, but beautifully poetic to her.

"So, what did you get up to this morning, boy?"

Dali danced.