College Daze - Maggie

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Cameron meets up with the girl next door...
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This morning started like so many others. Wake up, throw on some clothes that didn't stink too badly, wander to the dining hall to fill up on badly cooked crap, and go to classes. All the while, the rest of the student body at the college moved around me in a dance I didn't know the steps to. Girls, dressed in tiny shorts and tight t-shirts, flirting with both sexes, and the boys trying to one-up each other to prove they were worthy of notice. Most days I didn't bother trying because no one ever glanced my way. College was my chance, right? No more 'Mr. High School Geek', just 'come fuck me I am a college male' scenarios. What had made me think that would work was beyond me.

The fact that I lived in the same state as the university helped because I knew a bunch of people who graduated both with and before me. But as much as I tried to get out of that rut by going to parties, trying to make friends, trying to get involved, I usually ended up hanging out in my room or wandering the halls looking for anyone to hang out with. Hell, even my roommate, chained by the balls to his girlfriend still in high school an hour away, couldn't help me. He usually split after class on Friday and showed up on Monday afternoon, driving straight to his classes in the morning.

Today was no different. The weather was still warm enough that the t-shirts on most of the girls I walked among were super tight and left little to the imagination. Nipples of all shapes and sizes greeted me as I scanned the student bodies around me through my dark shades. Taking the stairs two at a time, I hit the bar on the stair door, walked down my hall and unlocked my door, slinging my book bag to my desk on the left, kicking the door closed behind me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and, tossing it on the bed, I turned and locked the door, flipped off the overhead light, grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and kicked off my shoes.

Scooping up the phone and setting the volume on low, I opened a familiar bookmark and lay on my bed as my favorite redhead with huge knockers bounced up and down on the man's large shaft, the volume set so I could hear her moans but not loud enough to carry to the door. Reaching into a drawer, I pulled out the bottle of lube and some napkins and slid my shorts and boxers down around my knees, my dick already hard with anticipation.

I set the phone down on my bed, pouring a small amount of lube into my left hand and spreading it slowly up and down the shaft of my cock until it glistened in the light shining up from my phone. The redhead was really starting to get herself off, big tits bouncing up and down as she rode him in cowgirl position, playing with her clit. I really loved the way her tits bounced, especially at the part where she pinched her nipples, causing her eyes to roll back in her head. My hand sped up to keep pace with her thrusting.

Just as her head rolled back signaling her orgasm, I thought I heard a light tapping at the door. Pausing the video to listen, I lay still in the dark, quiet room, waiting several moments before shaking my head. Just before I tapped the screen to restart the video, I heard a definitive knock, followed by an urgent whisper.


I dropped the phone and moved quickly to the door, shedding my shorts but pulling my boxers up. I realized I was still slick with lube as they stuck to my hard shaft. Shrugging my shoulders, I moved over and stood behind the door, unlocked it, and eased it open to peek out into the hall.

I didn't get a chance to say hello before the girl on the other side gave the doora solid shove, sending me backwards into the room, off balance. I sprawled across the end of my bed as she moved quickly into the room, shutting the door behind her and leaning on it, her breath quick and labored.

"Cams?" her voice called in the dark, the tone touched by what seemed like fear. I recognized the voice, and my high school nickname.

"Yeah, is that you, Maggie?" I answered, reaching for the light on the table next to me. I heard her cross the room towards me.

"No!" she whispered fiercely, slapping my hand away from the lamp on my bedside table. "You have to hide me, Cams, please!"

Something in her voice got my immediate attention. She was literally the girl next door. Maggie Collins and I had grown up on the same block in the same town and ended up both attending State University, though we never talked much either in high school or here. I'd seen her more in passing at college than I had in high school, but only as a flash of her brilliant red hair as she moved across the quad or turned a corner. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I could hear her next to the bed, fidgeting, jumping with a squeak at the heavy knock on the door; someone's meaty fist was pounding against it, shaking the frame.

"Yo, pencil dick, open up!" boomed the loud slurring voice, making me curse under my breath. It belonged to Goo, the floor's resident drunk. Picture your typical, football-playing, entitled fuck and you're probably in the right area.

"Cams, please!" she whispered desperately, the shadow of her head darting nervously back and forth between me and the door. I could see a glimmer of her face from the light leaking under the door; she looked terrified.

"Ditch the shirt and pants, now!" I demanded, standing up and moving around the bed to lie down, holding the covers up for her to crawl in next to me. I knew the Neanderthal would bust in and it was the only thing I could think of.

"Did you lock it?" I asked. She shook her head, quickly stripping down, her clothes rustling at her feet as she dashed to the bed. I dropped the sheet and blanket over us as she dove onto the bed behind me. I rolled onto my side facing her with my back to the door a second before the door burst open, flooding the room with light.

Hidden from view, I used my left arm to draw her closer to me, sweeping her thick red hair under my pillow with the other. She slipped her arms around my back, her right leg moving between mine, trying to get as close to me as possible. I shot a feigned indignant stare behind me at the large shadow that now stood in the door frame, the door bouncing off the wall to smack him in the shoulder. I could feel her trembling with fear in my arms. I stroked her back with my right hand as I looked at him.

Goo, or Geoffrey Oscar Onivanus, stood swaying in the doorway, his hairy paw leaning against the door for balance. Obviously drunk, he belched loudly to the cheers of "Nice one!" from the lackeys in the hall. I noticed the awful stench a few seconds later as it wafted across the room. My guess was tonight was Philly cheese-steak night at the dining hall and he'd partaken heavily before returning to his room for his 'before party' six-pack of Heineken.

Goo, as usual, had attracted a crowd, friends and hall mates of ours gathering around the outside of my door. He let out a long fart, chuckled to himself, and shook his head to clear it. His friends laughed and egged him on.

"You seen a hot piece of ass run past here, pencil dick?" he said, stumbling slightly with the words. "Long red hair, fine as fuck, booty I'm gonna break my dick off in?"

"Goo, ya mind? I got someone here!" I protested in a loud whisper. I turned on my other side to face him, cheesy smile in place, cocking my thumb behind me. Maggie was hidden from view, but I'm sure it was easy to tell that I was not the only one lying there. I felt her move as close to me as possible, her hands still trembling where they rested on my back.

"No way, Bro! Nice! Yo, her name Mary or some shit like that?" He mumbled something else, but he started swaying again, laughing. "Fuck that, no way a fine piece of ass like Mary would be hanging with this pencil dick, right ya'll?"

The people in the hallway laughed as he turned his bloodshot gaze on them, willing his sycophants to prop up his damaged and fragile ego. I didn't give a shit, as long as he left. He stood there for a minute, his face expressionless until they all nodded and yes'd him in the proper places.

"Yo...she ready to go, Bro?" he whispered, his attempt at being quiet failing miserably. It looked from the way he stood there that he might come in, which scared me.

"Nah. She's a townie I picked up. Fuckin bitch passed out on me as soon as I got her back here," I admitted, whispering conspiratorially on the last part. I'd obviously struck the right chord as he started roaring with laughter, wiping the tears squirting from his eyes. He got the rest of them laughing until they all moved down the hall, leaving the door wide open. I felt Maggie slide one leg over mine, her arms snaking around me to pull me in close.

The softness of her breasts resting against my back, rising and falling rapidly as she tried to catch her breath, were heavenly, but the door stood open and people were walking back and forth. I slid my hand along the sheet, finding her smooth thigh and just holding it as she rested her head against me, tears running down the small of my back.

"It's cool," I whispered, "he's gone. Catch your breath."

The fingers that had been clutching me slowly started to relax, and after a couple of minutes she slipped her hands from around me and lay flat on her back. Looking at her over my shoulder, the light from the hallway lit her curves like a master's painting. Her large breasts stood firm and proud on her chest, so much better than any of my fantasies about her. Their fullness was wrapped in a lacy white bra that barely contained them.

I somehow wrenched myself up and off the bed, slipping over to the door. I closed and locked it, adding the chain as well in case the fucking meathead decided to come back and have another drunken one-way conversation in my general vicinity. Standing with my back to the door, I let go of the deep breath I'd been holding, feeling the tension in the air dissipating once we were alone in the dark once more.

"Townie?" she said, a slight lilt to her voice telling me that she was at least smiling. I looked over at her; I could see parts of her where the light from under the door lit where she lay tangled up in my sheets and blanket.

"Only thing I could think of," I chuckled, walking over to the lamp on the table between the two beds. Flipping it on, I sat across from her on my roommate's bed.

She rolled over on her left side, propping her head up on her hand, her breasts hardly even moving, thrust out in front of her in all their glory. She pulled the sheet up to cover herself, but the grin on her face was not one I was used to seeing directed at me. At other guys, sure, but not me.

"How did you know I was in this room?" I asked, leaning back on the bed with my lower arms supporting me.

"I have my ways," she said cryptically, slightly biting her bottom lip. I was so hyper-focused on her pearl white teeth pressing down on her plump bottom lip that I totally missed what she said next. She had to call my name twice before I came out of my trance.

"Sorry, what?" I said, coming back to reality. I gasped inwardly as I took stock in my situation. The combination of my favorite redhead in the PornHub video, the previous touches of Maggie's soft breasts and hands on my body, and her lying on my bed in her undies had me harder than a rock. The problem with this situation was that I dared not move; the effect of copious amounts of lube on thin boxers had made them a bit on the transparent side and practically plastered them to my shape.

She smiled at me, slowly moving to sit up on the bed, letting the sheet fall to her waist. I concentrated on her eyes; the blue crystal pools I'd fallen in love with years before threatened to drag me down again, but I managed to stay coherent to hear her.

"I'm sorry I got you involved, Cams." There was something in her voice that I'd never heard before, something intimate for lack of a better term. I didn't want to read too much into it, but it sent a shiver downmy spine in a good way. The way she bit the corner of her lip conveyed both an innocent and naughty feeling for my lifelong crush. I struggled to regain some semblance of control, trying to sound like it was no big deal.

"No sweat, I hate that walking bag of dicks. He thinks he's still in high school and rules the hall. Any excuse to fuck with him without getting my ass kicked is a good day. The fact that I saved a damsel in distress makes it even better," I said, trying to raise one eyebrow and look dashing, yet cheesy. She swooned prettily, her hand to her forehead, collapsing back onto my bed with a dramatic sigh.

The effect of her hitting the bed was mesmerizing. The ripple across her melons and the way they bounced as she hit the bed was mouth-watering. It verified everything I'd always dreamed about Maggie - her perfect breasts were both soft and firm. I tore my eyes from the magnificent sight; looking at her face and the look she was giving me, I realized I was busted.

"It's okay, I like when you look. In fact," she said, rising on the bed and sliding her legs over the side to again sit on the edge facing me, her arms resting on the bed behind her mirroring my pose, "this is all kind of your fault." Her gaze dropped to my crotch, taking it all in while she kicked her legs out like a little girl. "I came looking for you the other day and that smelly bugbear practically knocked me out trying to pick me up and pull me into his room."

I sat there, mostly in shock, but partly in confusion. I had to clear my throat twice before anything resembling English came out of my mouth. I started to speak but choked on the maelstrom of emotions running around my head.

"I don't know which part I'm more shocked about," I said finally.

"What do you mean?" she said, and I noticed the skin on her neck and her cheeks were growing redder by the minute.

"The part where you were here looking for me, or the fact that it sounds like you actually know what a fuckin' bugbear is..." I said, my voice trailing off in wonder. I smiled because I couldn't help it. How can you not when a voluptuous redhead, someone you've been crushing on since elementary school, is not only down to her bra and panties, giving you plenty to look at, but also that she's grinning at you, hard.

I was lost in her smile, her eyes, the tinge of a blush warming along the creamy white skin of her neck and face. The light dusting of freckles that you knew she hated but was one of the favorite things about her. The way her hair trailed over her shoulders, some of it hanging down above her gorgeous breasts, the rest going unseen down her long trim back, reminded me of the woman from the video. Another spray of freckles framed the deep cleavage that pointed down past her flat stomach to the treasure between her legs, every inch of her mouthwateringly close. Every fantasy, every wet dream, every stray thought I'd had about her over the last fifteen years so totally paled in comparison to us sitting across from each other in our underwear.

She knew I was staring, and when she sat up, putting her hands in front of her, I knew she was pushing those beautiful globes together for my benefit. I took it all in once more, taking in her long shapely legs before one last full review of her. I stared into her eyes, waiting for her look of disapproval.

I was surprised. She wasn't waiting for me to look her in the eye because she was too busy drinking in the steel bar whose outline was visible through my boxers. I was most definitely hard, long, and ready. She licked her lips several times, wetting them, the tip of her tongue darting out to lick the full lips.

With a start, she shook her head, looking me in the eyes. I chuckled to myself in wonder; I had actually distracted her as much as she had me. I'd been so worried about ruining the moment that I didn't realize it wasn't just me. She grinned, realizing she'd been busted staring too.

"Jesus, Cams," she breathed softly. "Why does that meathead call you pencil dick?"

I laughed, "No fuckin' clue, to be honest. Maybe he needs to put everyone down to make himself feel better?" I saw her gaze dart down to my lap again, so I threw caution to the wind and flexed my cock, making it stand out from my body for a second. She jumped, her hand darting to her mouth, but I noticed that her nipples were now prominent through the fabric of her bra.

Gaze clinging to my shaft, she started licking her lips again. She whispered, "Can I see it, Cameron?"

"See what?" I teased, flexing it up and down.

Her eyes darted to mine, a slow grin spreading across her beautiful face. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours, baby."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, counting to 10, clenching something deep inside so I wouldn't come. The sheer thrill that danced over my skin from the tone in her voice almost set me off. A simple word in most contexts, but the way she said 'baby' was so intimate, I realized I'd felt a woman's need for the first time. I took another deep breath and opened my eyes, seeing her stand up and reach for the clasp behind her. I rose slowly and stood, close enough to reach out and touch her. She paused, waiting for me. I put my thumbs in the waistband of my boxers and began to slide them down, my eyes never leaving her jiggling breasts as she worked the clasp open, holding the cups by her forearms and sliding the straps off her shoulders.

I pulled the front of my boxers away from my body and let the head of my cock poke out over the top, the lube-slick head glistening in the lamplight. Her breath caught as she moaned slightly, easing the cups down her body, exposing inch after exquisite inch of her breasts. She paused, revealing the edge of her dark pink areolas, her breathing getting heavier and faster as we continued.

"1, 2, 3 and drop?" I suggested, my eyes never leaving the swell of her breasts. I could see her nodding in agreement from the corner of my eye. I counted down and let my boxers fall to the floor, her bra joining them a moment later. I was frozen; the only sound in the room was our labored breathing. I took in every perfect inch of her chest, from the thick erect nipples to the grooves in her areolas to how they stood firm without a hint of sag. I wanted to grab them both and squeeze, but I couldn't move.

"Cam," she said in a wavering voice, my name sounding more like a question. I could see her nipples hardening even more under my gaze.

"Yeah," I answered, clearing my throat and trying to find any moisture in my dry mouth.

"Mmmmm, you're close, aren't you?" she purred, a wickedly hot note running through her voice.

"Oh my god, yes." I gasped.

She stepped towards me, sliding her panties to the side with one hand and taking my hand in the other, pulling my fingers along her dripping slit. She was slick with her juices, her hips rocking slightly while she guided my fingers with her hand. Her other hand reached out for my already slick cock, gripping me and sliding up and down the length. I felt my nuts begin to boil as I slid two fingers inside her, my thumb running over the hood covering her clit and making her buck in my hand. Her free hand reached up and cupped my face in her palm while the other hand stroked me faster. Slipping my fingers in and out of her while running my thumb back and forth over her clit, I reached up and grasped her perfect breast, stroking across her hard rubbery nipple slowly with my thumb.

I looked into her eyes a second before she said, "Come with me, baby," her mouth rising up to meet mine, her soft lips supple as her whole body shuddered around my probing fingers. The hand on my cock was whipping up and down, blowing away any control I still had. I erupted, thick hot cum splashing onto her writhing tummy and breasts as her own orgasm rocked her, her hips bucking wildly on my fingers, her warm juices soaking my hand. Our tongues dipped and swirled in each other's mouths as we moaned loudly in simultaneous orgasm.