Coming Home Pt. 01

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Going back to the last place on earth, home.
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Coming Home

Part 1: Going back to the last place on earth, home.


"Hello there, sweetie. Is there anything you want? We have a lovely selection today." A middle-aged lady wearing an aged waitress outfit asked me while holding up her pen.

"Just coffee for now, and..." I asked, while looking around. "Do you have some fresh peach pie hanging around here?"

"Why yes, we do. Best pie east of the Mississippi. Made it myself," she said, with a little bit of pride in her voice.

"I'll take one of those, as well," I told her, to which she jotted it down on her little paper pad.

"That's good to hear... Hey, you look familiar. Do you live around here?" she asked me.

"No, just passing through," I told the nosy waitress, in a curt tone. She seemed to not like taking the hint and went off to fulfill my order. In no time at all, she placed down a steaming hot cup of coffee and a slice of peach pie.

"Enjoy," she said, with a bit of a forced smile, but I didn't mine. I didn't go there for the food, or the service.

The pie wasn't exactly the best one I'd ever eaten, but it was better than the ones you can buy at the store. Plus, it paired well with the coffee, but only mildly. After all, it was only diner coffee from a can, not the premium roast that I've spoiled myself on. I was halfway through my second cup of coffee, wondering why the hell I was there of all places. I was just about to get up and leave, but a familiar voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Sammy? Is that you?" Judy said, in a shocked voice, once she spotted me in my booth.

"Hey Aunt Judy, it's been awhile." I smiled at her.

"Seven years, I'd say. God, it's good to see you."

We both stood up and hugged each other. After that, the waitress came in and took Judy's order.

"God, you've changed over the years. The last time I saw you, you were nothing but twigs and bones. Now, you are all filled out." She smiled at me.

"True, I had put on a few pounds here and there, but you, Aunt Judy. I swear you look like you haven't aged a day."

"Oh please, I know I don't look that good," she waved me off.

"No, no. I think, if anything, you look even more radiant than the last time I saw you."

"My, not only did you fill out, but you seemed to have picked up your father's charm," she smiled at me, but then it quickly turned into sadness. For a good, long moment, we just sat in melancholy silence, as we let our grief wash over us.

"I know. I miss him, too," I said to her, knowing what she was going to say, but spared her from doing so. She took my kind gesture with grace, and we continued for the real reason we were there.

"Look, I know you didn't call me out of the blue just to reminisce. Why did you need me to come back?"

"Yes, I think it's time we get to the heart of the issue. Sam, she needs you. Your mother needs your help."

My fist clenched for a moment, threatening to break the ceramic mug in my hand, but I managed to calm myself down, before that could happen.

"I don't have a mother," I said, darkly.

"Sam, I know you have your issues with her, but could you put them aside? At least for the time being."

"No," I continued, using that same dark tone on her. Aunt Judy was taken aback by it, but she managed to compose herself, and looked outside the window.

"Things have changed since you left Sam. Ever since that day, Everett hasn't been able to recover."

Chapter 1

The Everett, Aunt Judy was referring to, was my old hometown. A place I swore that I would never step foot in. It wasn't a large town. It just stood right in between a small town, and a medium city. It had its hospital, a county courthouse, an event center, and a rather middle-of-the-road factory that belonged to Kellogg—the cereal company, and even a state prison, just within the county line. It wasn't exactly a prosperous town, but it did have pride in one thing—its school spirit and my old alma mater, Everett High School, home to 'The Fighting Cougars'. Everett loved their 'Cougars' and practically worshiped the ground they played on, whether it be a football field or baseball diamond. At least, it used to be that way until the school was surrounded by a scandal, over a certain golden boy. A golden boy named Marcus Miller, or M&M, to his friends. I wasn't one of those friends; in fact, I was the furthest thing from it. You see, while Marcus Miller was Everett's golden boy; he was my bully.

While teachers, parents, and even students, were praising him for his accomplishments, a select few had the distinct dis-pleasure to have been put down by him, either verbally, or more than likely, physically. I could count how many times I've had a broken, fractured, and sprained bone or joint in my entire life, and they were all caused by him.

Now, one may wonder why I haven't done anything to stop him. The answer was that I did, and that had gotten me nowhere. The reason being is because people were willing to look away from any allegations against him. His father was a banker at one of the largest banks in the city twenty minutes away from Everett, and his grandfather was the county sheriff. Two powerful men, in very powerful positions, made Marcus nearly untouchable. I'd say nearly because right at that moment, he was spending time in jail for extortion, blackmail, adultery, obstruction of justice, and my personal favorite, distribution of child pornography. Now to be fair, it was for sex tapes of him with girls from high school, and a few teachers, but if you send them out over the internet, or by mail to an unwilling recipient, then it becomes a felony. Especially if said material was personally sent to the FBI, with a return address. Now how did the FBI get such material? Well, it was me—I sent it.

It was well into senior year, and for some reason, Marcus decided to spend his last year of high school, making my life miserable. Beat downs, name calling, being thrown into trash cans, the works, and because I was so thin and weak, I really couldn't fight back. Not with him being fifty pounds heavier than me. Of course, because he was the one doing it, the school would always look the other way. Everyone, but my mom. She would go out and complain to teachers, the principal, and even his grandfather, to punish Marcus for what he did, but nothing happened. Finally, after putting up a huge stink, the principal, and Marcus's father put something together. Community service, where Marcus would come over to my house and do whatever chore my mother had for him. What my mother didn't realize was that little agreement would lead to her undoing. And the main reason for that undoing, was because Marcus was born with a silver tongue.

It was no secret that Marcus was a good-looking guy. Tall, lean, and the nature of him being black, added an allure about him for the opposite sex. He had everything going for him, but what made him so dangerous was that he could talk his way out, or in his case—into, anything he wanted. Mainly, he had a way to get into any woman's panties with ease. It was rumored that he managed to sleep with half of the women in Everett before senior year. Another one, was that after he had made his way through the entire cheerleading squad, he'd then set his sights on their mothers. Then, of course, there were rumors about some teachers, guidance counselors, and even a few members of the school board were wrapped around his little finger. And, what I also heard, was that he had a rather large cock, as well.

His preferred choice of conquest was the forbidden fruit kind—wives, mothers, couples—he'd like to steal women away from their significant other, and turn the men into cuckolds. It was his thing, and he loved doing it. He loved the power he held, when he stole their women. It wasn't necessarily a big secret in Everett, it just wasn't a well-known one. I guess the women he slept with didn't want to admit to the men in their life, that they were having an affair with a high-school student. If it had been a more well-known secret, then my maybe mother wouldn't have fallen so easily into Marcus's trap. I did warn her, and to always be on her guard while around him, but like a fool, she assured me that she could handle him—boy, was she wrong.

I was no fool when it came to my mother, and how men looked at her. She was a curvaceous woman, with those thick curves in all the right places. She, of course, had large breasts, a narrowed waist, thick hips, and even a thicker ass—that just bounced every time she walked. I knew, because I would sometimes stare at her when she went by. Her body kinda reminded me of Ryan Conner or Joslyn James in the later years of their adult careers, as they shared the same measurements. I'd known, since I stole a few of my mother's underwear and jacked off into them, while fantasizing about her ass. I was not proud of it, but I was a growing boy, racked with hormones, and lived with a beautiful woman. She was beautiful, and Marcus never missed a chance to remark about that, or that how nobody like me, could possibly come from such a beauty like her. How such a hot milf PAWG like her, could give birth to a skinny little shit guy like me. It was demeaning and a huge blow to my self-esteem. So, when I heard that he was coming over to my place, as our personal servant—I couldn't help but be ecstatic.

He would come over, and do some chores that I found difficult to complete. Normally, it was a father's job to do such manual labor, but unfortunately, we lost him when I was quite young, due to a tragic car accident. So, all those chores fell to me, but I was more of a brain guy instead of brawn. At first, I thought it was good to have my bully work for me for a change, while I worked on my passion project—programming my own video game. For several weeks, I thought things couldn't look any better, but I found out later that I was wrong, very wrong. At first, a weird vibe would come around me, every time I was at school. Sideways glances, hushed murmurs, and the odd snickering when I passed by Marcus's group. I thought it was weird, but at least Marcus wasn't bullying me anymore. I thought he had finally learned his lesson, but then one day, things changed for the worse.

I decided to head home early, since I was ahead on my assignments, and wanted to render out a new piece of code I made for my game. Normally, school didn't allow students to leave school early, but since I was a senior, and was one credit away from graduating, they permitted me to leave the school grounds. I was paddling along, listening to some Huey Lewis, as I rounded the corner to the street where my house was at. All was well in the world, until I saw a very familiar Dodge Challenger in my driveway. It was Marcus' car. I would recognize it anywhere, since he bragged about it constantly when his father bought it for him on his sixteenth birthday. It was sleek, flashy, and loud as hell. A perfect car to represent him—and it was in my driveway. At first, I thought I was seeing things, but then I wondered if maybe he showed up to do more chores for my mother. But then, I realized that it wasn't the weekend, and he was skipping school.

Still dumbfounded by the appearance of his car, I decided to investigate things even further. I took the basement side entrance since that was my room. Once senior year hit, I decided that I needed to know what it felt like to be on my own, so my mom and I converted most of the basement into a small apartment, with a shower and everything. The one thing it did not have was a stove, but it had a fridge to make sandwiches. My mother teased me about it, but she understood as I was getting ready to leave the nest. Once I got inside, I made my way to the staircase that led to the kitchen. Acting like a burglar in my own house, I tiptoed my way up the stairs and into the kitchen. I let out a sigh of relief when I found no one in the kitchen, as if I was expecting something. Then my heart sank, when I heard moaning coming from the direction of the living room. At first, I thought I was imagining things, but another sound came from that general direction. This time it was a grunt—a male grunt.

With every step, my heart sank lower and lower, as the sounds only grew louder and louder. I prayed that what I was hearing was not actually happening; that it was my mind playing tricks on me. But, that's when I saw Marcus, his big black ass pumping its way into someone with their feet dangling from the side of him. For the briefest of moments, my heart stopped beating. It was as if time stood still for me, as I tried to comprehend the scene that was right in front of me; to see if there was some sort of reasonable explanation for Marcus to be like that. Try as I might, but once I heard my mother moan his name.

"Oh Marcus, Marcus. Soooo. Big."

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" I screamed, before I could think.

At first, they were startled by my sudden outburst, but once Marcus saw it was me, he had the biggest shit-eating grin I had ever seen. My mother, on the other hand, was as white as a ghost.

"Hold up, I'm almost finished with her," Marcus spouted out, in an amusing tone, as she continued to pump his hips into her.

As for my mother, instead of trying to get him off of her, she was trying to say that it wasn't what it looked like. But, I know what it looked like—my bully was fucking my mom. Her words, distorted by the grunts of pleasure she was feeling.

It didn't take long for them to finish, maybe thirty seconds, but to me, it felt like an eternity. I heard him grunt, then he moaned as he flexed his hips once last time. He came inside her, and in return, my mother squealed, as she came as well. I was dumbfounded by what was happening, that I didn't react when he slipped what I found out was his massive dick outside of her now-destroyed pussy. The pussy where I came from. Now it was a big gaping hole where a trail of pearly white cum leaking out of.

"You came inside of her," I said, in only a whisper.

"Oh, yeah. Your mother is a real slut. Cums every time I dump a load or two inside of her," Marcus said, offhand like it was a joke. Then, as he was putting on his pants, he pulled something out and tossed it to her.

"Here I know you know how to use this. We wouldn't want a surprise to happen in nine months or so." He smiled at her, as he tossed her what was a morning-after pill. That in itself told me that it wasn't the first time they slept with each other, or the fact that he had come inside her before.

I just lost it after that. I screamed at Marcus to get out, but he just laughed it off like my tantrum was the cutest thing in the world. That only enraged me even further, and propelled me to attack the man—but, like always, I was like a mosquito to him. He punched me and flicked me to the nearby wall. It was down at that point that my mother stepped in and demanded that Marcus leave. He, of course, laughed at that, but did what he was told; promising that he would call when he was ready for another round. She, of course, told him no way, but the way he smirked at her, told me that he would always get what he wanted.

"Sweetie... are you okay?" my mother asked, while wiping away the blood from my cheek.

I shoved her hand out of the way, since I didn't want to be touched by a slut like her. What was in front of me, wasn't my mother. She was another one of Marcus's conquests, another notch on his belt. What I saw was a woman whose hair was disheveled, tits bared to the world, a skirt that was ridden up around her waist, and a trail of white cum from my tormenter, flowing out of her pussy from where I was born. She, of course, had a hurt expression on her face, but I didn't care. I made a mad dash out of that house, grabbed onto my bike, and peddled anywhere but there.

For several hours, I traveled end to end of my hometown, trying to sort through the buzzing noise that was droning through my head. It didn't help that my mother was calling me every few seconds. By the time my phone reached its fifteenth voicemail, I shut it off entirely. As I rode around, I proceeded with everything that has happened to me for the last few days. I now knew why people were whispering behind my back, why Marcus hasn't been bullying me like always. It was clear as day, but for some reason, I never saw it. I just stupidly belueve that my mother was strong enough, smart enough to resiste Marcus, charm. I was so wrong.

I did manage to get back home, but that was well after the sun had fully set. Of course, my mother was worried sick about me, and was about to give me a lecture, but I cut her right off. I practically screamed at her, at how stupid she was for letting a man like Marcus get between her legs. How he was a womanizing jackass that fucks any woman he wants, then tosses her aside when he loses all interest in them. How the whole school was laughing at me, behind my back because she couldn't say no to him. Then I asked if she had thought about the future of their relationship—if they even had one. I yelled and yelled, like I had never yelled before, and my mother only grew smaller and smaller. Finally, she broke down in tears, as the weight of her transgressions had finally come down upon her. I left her there to wallow in her self-pity, not bothering to eat any of the dinner she made that night.

After that, I spent the next several days avoiding my mother; having meals by myself, and leaving early at the crack of dawn before she went to her part-time job. Of course, when I got home, she was there waiting to see me, but I took great pains to avoid her. One being that I always took the basement entrance way, and kept the door to the kitchen locked.

Now even though living at home was hard, going to school was much worse. Since I had found out about Marcus's little secret, he and his whole posse pretty much spoke loudly about how he had gotten my mother. How easy it was to take such a fine PAWG, MILF pussy, and make it his own. I tried to ignore it, but there was only so much a guy could take before he burst into tears. That only made it worse when I got caught crying. I thought about going after him, but I knew that he and his crew would beat the shit out of me. Then the school would blame me for it, as Marcus would lie and say that I started the fight.

Life was hell for me during those last months of school. So much so, that I began the process to get credit out of my school. I had the grades, and the credits to graduate early. The only thing I was missing was parental consent, which I wouldn't need once I turned eighteen. Unfortunately at the time, my birthday was a couple of months away, so all I needed was to bide my time until my birthday came around. It was a simple plan, but time has a way of changing things.

I started to open up to my mother. It was slow at first, mainly seeing her in passing; grabbing dinner before heading back downstairs. Then we started to talk once again. We managed to come to some sort of understanding, and she agreed to cut all ties with Marcus; blocked his phone number, emails, and any social media that he might have. She promised me on my father's grave, and as a mother, that she would not see him again. With her word that it was over, we started to become a family once again, or so I thought.

After a few months, things seemed to go back to normal. Marcus wasn't picking on me anymore, his crew was no longer snickering or whispering behind my back, and things with my mother seemed to go back to the way things were. Then on the day of my eighteenth birthday, my whole world—came crashing down, once again.

It was like deja vu all over again. I came back home on my bike all excited, but instead of planning to run some sort of game code, it was so I could get ready for our birthday tradition. A trip into the city to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. I didn't notice any cars in the driveway, so I thought nothing was wrong. But, when I heard that distinctive moaning again—once joyful cheer quickly took a big nose dive. I quickly crouched down and made my way towards the moaning. To say the least, I was shocked by what I was seeing. My mother was on all fours getting the ever-loving shit fucked out of her, but not by Marcus; no he was in front of her, trying to ram his cock down her throat. The man that was fucking her was Jamal Sampson: Marcus's best friend and co-captain of the baseball team.