Coming Together at Christmas


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She pulled his fingers downward between her legs, telling him without words what she wanted him to do. Finding the hardened kernel that was nestled within the swollen folds of her sex, he flicked the tip of his finger, reveling in the sound of her moans. It was enough to send them both crashing over the edge as the night exploded into shards of white light and incredible pleasure.

His body went rigid as hers continued to buck under him. He held himself deeply within as his burning seed filled her. Every spasm of her inner muscles drew more of the hot elixir forth until he was completely drained. Wrapping his arms around her, he fell sideways, panting, trying to draw in enough oxygen to sustain his life.

Every time they made love was better than the last. He didn't know how they'd survive if the trend continued. It was a shaking hand he used to brush the hair back from her face and pull her in to spoon against him.

It felt right to have her bottom nestled against his groin. It felt right to have the sensation of her racing heart against his chest. Remembering what she looked like in that hospital only a few weeks before, with the tubes and wires sticking out of her had him wrapping his arms tightly about her. A fierce protectiveness washed over him at the thought of how close he had been to losing her.

"Judah," she gasped. "I can't breathe."

"Sorry," he whispered, reluctantly loosening his grip.

"What is it?" she asked, turning in his arms to look at his face.

"You're my whole world, Emma."

She frowned at him, reading more into his words than he wanted to show. He'd never be able to adequately explain the emotions that hit him like a punch in the gut whenever he thought of those dark days.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, darlin'," he said, smiling while he stroked her hair back. "I just want you to know how much I love you."

She sighed, enjoying the feel of his hand on her head.

"I love you, too. You make me whole again."

He held her tightly, even long after she drifted into sleep. His life had certainly changed since coming to Illinois. Never had he known the kind of peace he felt when she was in his arms.


"I just can't get over it," Tillie said for at least the fifth time since arriving this morning. "This place looks brand new. You even polished the wood floors. You sure you're not working yourself too hard, honey?"

The flurry of activity in the house over the past two days had been astounding. Furniture had been erected, food had been brought in and everything had been given a final cleaning. The home was immaculate.

"Honestly, Tillie," Emma said, shaking her head, "if I let you and Jude have your way, I'd never get anything done. I'm fine. I assure you I'm completely recovered."

"That's not what I'm talkin' about," barked Tillie, casting her a stern look.

"Then what?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Dixie-girl. You think I'm an idiot?"

Emma watched as her aunt cast her vision down to her flat belly. When Tillie looked her in the eye again, Emma's face was burning with a tell-tale blush.

"I shoulda known I wouldn't be able to keep it a secret from you," Emma snorted.

"Hah!" Tillie shot back. "I probably knew before you did. Been to see a doctor yet?"

Smiling dreamily, Emma nodded her head. She returned to the task of working on the flower arrangement that would be the centerpiece for her Christmas dinner in two days.

"Well?" Tillie demanded with her hands on her hips.

"Well, what?"

"What did the doctor say?"

"Oh, that," Emma laughed as her aunt continued to glower at her. "She says I'm perfectly healthy and the baby should be along the first week of August."

"What about Jersey? She been to see that doctor?"

"Damn it, Tillie," Emma hissed. "You're not supposed to know about that. Jersey will be so upset."

"Watch your language," Tillie huffed before allowing her face to soften. "I know that, Emmeline. That's why I'm asking you the questions. And I want you to know, aside from you both puttin' the cart afore the horse, I'm happy for all four of you kids. Now, what did the doctor say about Jersey?"

"She's due in July and is doing perfectly well. Poor kid has morning sickness, though. You should've seen your son yesterday," Emma said, laughing. "Jersey woke up wanting fresh strawberries. Kyle went clear to Quincy to find them. He bought out the store."

"That's my boy," Tillie said. "He's always over-doing it. So when's this famous Hunter clan suppose to get here?"

"Another hour or so. Their plane should've landed a couple of hours ago at the airport in St. Louis. Jude ordered a limo to get them all here together. Otherwise he would've had to rent a van and pick them up."

"Did you invite that Agent Hadley like you said you were going to?"

"Yes," Emma laughed, shaking her head. "When I told him Julie would be here, he demanded to know what time Christmas dinner was. I could almost see him, flipping that little notebook of his open and taking notes. I think he's got the hots for the girl."

Tillie nodded, smiling conspiratorially.

"That's as it should be. It's good Julie will have a date for Christmas dinner. She might feel out of place with all the other women having partners," Tillie declared, helping Emma with the flowers.

"Oh?" Emma said, arching a brow at her aunt. "Will you be bringing a date then?"

"You're gettin' too big for your britches," Tillie growled. "No, miss smarty, but Junior said he and Tara will be here. That poor girl's still got a lot of healin' to do."

Julie walked through the kitchen door just then, lugging a large box of carefully wrapped packages. Jersey followed closely, another carton in her hands.

"Where do you want these?" Julie asked, setting her load down before turning to take Jersey's.

Emma took one of the packages, pulling the paper away to reveal the crimson leaves of a perfect poinsettia. She turned the plant in her hands, satisfied that it met her expectations.

"Tillie, will you finish the centerpiece? I'm going to help the girls set these out."

"Good heavens," Tillie exclaimed. "Think you got enough? You must've bought every poinsettia in Pittsfield. What are you going to do with them all?"

"Well, this one's for you," Emma said, handing the plant to her aunt. "The rest go in the bedrooms, dining room and living room."

"You got this place looking like one of those pictures of Santa's home on the North Pole. I don't think I've ever seen it like this," Tillie said, admiring her gift. "Thank you, honey. This will be beautiful on my coffee table."

"You're welcome, Auntie," Emma said, kissing the older woman on the cheek. "It's just a little token to let you know how much I appreciate you."

"Faugh," Tillie snorted, grinning as she brushed Emma away. "Go on, now. Let me get this flower arrangement finished."

With a giggle, Emma left the room carrying one carton while Julie followed with the other. Jersey brought up the rear to help place the poinsettias. She was nervous about meeting so many new faces, but was determined to make the best of it.

"Will you put one in each bedroom, girls?" Emma asked, turning toward the attic stairway. "I'm going upstairs to make sure everything is ready."

Without waiting for an answer, she jogged up the stairs to place a plant in each room. She grinned, remembering the look on Judah's face when she told him she wanted the largest room painted hunter green. It seemed only fitting for the head of the Hunter clan.

All four rooms were beautiful. This was a home she could be proud of, full of history and decorated with Hiram Dixon's artwork. She'd thought long and hard about it before she finally decided to display the shadow box he'd created. Her own ancestor being such a creative artist not withstanding, that particular piece was an ominous reminder of the family's now-infamous past of cruelty and murder -- the Helm branch, anyway.

At first she had wanted only to smash the thing into splinters and feed it into the many fireplaces in the old house. So much pain and anguish came from finding that accursed thing she was afraid it would only bring back ugly memories, but it was part of her legacy and that of her children. In the end, Jude and Kyle had built the display case they'd promised and had installed it in the front parlor.

Straightening a frame that hung on the wall of the green room, Emma smiled at the images it portrayed -- a picture of two young boys frolicking in a meadow. Looking at this painting, it was easy to believe the illusion of family harmony Hiram had created. That's what she would hold onto, that illusion. The rest didn't matter. All the ugliness, all the horror was dead and buried along with the bodies of the victims. She would leave it that way.

"There you are," Jude's deep voice said from behind her.

"Yes. Here I am," she replied, turning to walk into his arms. "Did you get the tree picked out?"

"Yep. You shoulda seen those little tykes. You're brother did the right thing moving them out of the city. Isabelle picked out the tree and little Jimmy tried to cut it down. The axe was bigger than he was, but he just kept trying. I hope you got room for it. It's a big'n."

"Where is it?" she asked, tilting her head back to gaze at his eyes.

"Still on the wagon, back of the tractor. Tell me where to set it and I'll bring it in."

"Thank you for helping me get this place ready, Jude. It means the world to me."

"You mean the world to me, darlin'."

"What are you thinking?" she asked, catching the strange look in his eyes.

"I was just wishin' it was summer again. I'd like to take you back to that quarry pond where we first made love."

"Mm, what a day that was," she sighed.

"We made that spring water steam, didn't we?"

The hardness against her belly matched the heat in his eyes. His hands skimmed down her back to steal under her shirt and caress her skin. She knew what he was thinking before he lowered his mouth to hers, favoring her with a searing kiss. At the same time, he backed her across the room toward the bed.

"Oh, no, Tex," giggled Emma, attempting to pull free of his grasp. "We're not messing up Dillon's bed. Come on. We have to get that tree up."

"In a minute," he growled, bending to nibble her neck. "I wanna make love to my woman first."

"Judah, your family will be here any time now. I don't need them walking in to find us christening this room."

His chuckle, rich, warm and wonderful, rumbled up from the center of his chest. His mouth worked its way up to her ear, his hot breath causing her to shiver.

"You think any one of them wouldn't be doing the same?" he whispered. "Let's just hope your antiques hold up to the strain."

"You're wicked," she laughed, trying once again to pull away.

"I'm in love," he said.

He raised his head to gaze down at her, giving her a full view of his heart. She knew every word he said was true just by that light in his eyes.

"I love you, too, Judah. Now, stop trying to make time with me and let's get that tree up."

She pulled away, gliding through the door before he could grab her again. She'd almost made it to the stairway when his arms wrapped around her middle, pulling her back against him.

"Not so fast, you little wickerbill. I worked my backside off and it's time to pay the help. How's about a little kiss?"

"One kiss," she sighed, turning to face him again.

What a kiss that was, setting her body on fire and stealing her good sense. It was too late when she realized he already had her shirt open and was tugging at her jeans.

"Jude," she rasped. "In the hallway? What if someone comes up?"

"They wouldn't dare," he growled, "and you said not to mess up the beds."

She laughed at the way he wiggled his eyebrows, nearly caught up in the passion he stirred in her. Taking a moment to think about it, her decision was made for her when she heard a call.

"Come on, Jude," a voice yelled from downstairs. "Let's get this tree set up."

"Your brother has lousy timing," Jude growled into her hair.

"You up there?" Brock yelled again.

Emma felt the first glimmer of panic, struggling to button her shirt, when she heard her brother's heavy footsteps on the bottom stairs. Judah held her still, panting as he fought for control. He grinned at her, a mischievous light in his eyes.

"I'll be there in a minute," he yelled back. "I'm coming."

She felt her cheeks burning as her brother's footsteps receded. She fixed her future husband with a glower that promised future retribution. His laughter filled the space of the narrow hallway, only making her want to sock him.

He groaned, burying his face in her hair.

"I'm sorry, darlin'."

"Sorry? For what?" she asked.

"I'm sorry to leave you hangin' like this, but duty calls."

"Oh," she laughed, "I think I'll survive. I'll let you make it up to me tonight. Right now, we better get moving before Brock comes back."

He smiled crookedly at her, helping her to straighten her clothing. She let him run interference while she ran to her bedroom to shower and change for the visit ahead. Fifteen minutes later, she was directing traffic in the parlor, seeing to the installation of the enormous Christmas tree that they would gather around that night.

The ancient ornaments that had been passed down for generations were still in their boxes, placed carefully in a corner of the room until it was time for the trimming party after dinner. There was a punch bowl ready to be filled, sitting on a side table, and a small bar stocked with everything Jude had told her his cousins liked to drink.

The ham in the oven was now glazed and would soon be ready for carving. Jersey and Julie were busy putting the finishing touches on what Emma hoped would be a perfect meal for her new family. All appeared to be ready.

"Kids," Danielle admonished as her two cherubs ran, screaming through the dining room. "Settle down before you upset something. Your Aunt Emma worked very hard on everything. You must be careful."

Undaunted, Isabelle and James barreled up the front stairs, chasing the puppy Jude had given them as an early Christmas present. Laughter filled the old farmhouse again, giving Emma a warmth she once thought she would never feel again.

Jude's arms wrapped around her from behind, his lips settling against her ear. She leaned back against him, dashing away the single tear that escaped during her reflection.

"You okay, babe?" he whispered.

"Yes," she murmured back. "I'm more than okay. Everything's perfect."

Emma didn't get the chance to hear whatever Judah had been about to say. The sound of a honking horn and the roar of a car engine penetrated the closed windows, alerting them to the moment for which they had prepared so diligently. Two screaming kids dashed down the stairs, screeching about the giant black stretch limo that had just pulled into the drive.

Turning to see the excitement in Judah's eyes, Emma thought he looked like the two children with the thrill of the season on their faces. She could only laugh and try to keep up when he seized her hand and ran for the back door.

"I'll be damned!" he roared, stepping into the chilly December air. "You found us."

People swarmed from the limo while a second vehicle followed them into the drive. This one was a rental van, driven by someone who fit the description of Brandon Austin. He helped a tiny woman, who could only be Shanna, from the passenger side, her long dark hair streaming on the breeze. Within moments, the still winter environment was alive with the squeals and laughter of people too long separated by time and space.

Emma stood back to watch the scene unfold, her eyes misting as Jude was smothered in hugs and the joyful reunion of his family. Babies cried, mothers cooed and men laughed.

The biggest of the men nearly crushed Jude in his grasp, clapping him on the back so hard that it made Emma wince. The man had to be none other than Dillon Hunter. He turned to the statuesque blond beside him, taking a small, wiggling bundle from her arms and introducing her to Jude as his wife, Rylie. Rylie shifted the other baby she held, reaching out with her free arm to hug her new cousin.

Another man was helping a woman out of the car, lifting a protesting toddler from the warmth of the interior. This woman held a tiny bundle, carefully covering the open end with the corner of the blanket that enwrapped it. These had to be Aaron and Angel and their children.

"And this," Jude said, his arm sliding around the small of Emma's back, "is my Emma."

There was a hush that fell over the crowd as all eyes turned to her. She could feel her cheeks burning in the chilly air. As embarrassed as she was, she wouldn't have deprived Judah of this moment if her life had depended on it.

"It's a hell of an honor to meet the woman who roped and branded Jude," Dillon declared, sweeping her up in a bone-crushing hug. "Cousin, you didn't do her justice. How'd you end up with a beauty like this?" he added when he finally released her. "Welcome to the Hunter family, Miss Emma."

The rest of the family followed suit, hugging her until she was dizzy. It was Tillie that came to her rescue, herding everyone in out of the cold, barking orders like a drill sergeant. Introductions continued as they all worked their way into the house, until everyone had met everyone else at least twice.

"That stretch job wasn't big enough for you?" Jude asked Brandon while taking his turn at holding one of the babies. "Why'd you rent the van?"

"That was Shanna's idea. Hell, those women went shopping for three days straight. I think they bought out every store in Texas before we got on that plane. They filled the cargo hold with gifts for you and yours."

"You guys didn't need to do that," Jude growled good-naturedly. "Emma's got enough stuff hidden in the basement that you guys are gonna have to charter a jet just to get the packages home. It's gonna be a hell of a Christmas."

It didn't take long for Brandon and Aaron to find the bar and hand out beer and wine to those gathered about. Emma was surprised to see her aunt take a second glass, joining the merriment with the same gusto as everyone else. Only Jersey held back, away from the lively crowd. It didn't take long for the revelers to notice, singling her out for their questions.

"Come join the party, honey," Dillon cajoled, waving her over to see the baby he held.

That was all the encouragement she needed. Children were her weakness, and when he handed the baby off to her, she was fairly glowing.

"Emma and I are expectin'," Jude announced, hugging Emma from behind.

When she turned to cuff him on the shoulder for blurting it out, everyone guffawed loudly. It was Aaron who spoke first, offering his wisdom as a new father.

"Say goodbye to sleep, cuz," he said, trying to look abashed when Angel poked him in the ribs. "But you're gonna love it."

Not to be outdone, Kyle stepped up, eyeing his intended before announcing that he would soon be a father as well. Jersey surprised Emma by not looking for a hole to climb into. Instead, she beamed proudly over the downy head of the baby she held in her arms. It was Tillie that took her son to task, growling at him until everyone laughed again.

Aaron was engaged in conversation with George, pulling up a stool to sit next to the old man's wheelchair. They soon discovered a mutual love for the same sports, though on opposing teams. Jersey occasionally placed a calming hand on her father's shoulder, hoping to settle the animated discussion down.

As often happens in large family gatherings, the women gravitated to the kitchen, finding a chance to get acquainted while dinner was finished. They discussed the eccentricities of their men while mouth-watering food was ladled into ancient serving bowls and platters.