Confession Time: Couples Therapy


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She cut me off. "Fine, if you don't want our marriage to work!" she accused.

I changed tracks immediately. "Our marriage won't work if you don't trust me," I challenged, and instantly regretted it. Glynne had sucked me off in her SUV only a few hours earlier. For all practical purposes, Ellen was right. She didn't have reason to trust me, and in all honest, I wasn't trustworthy.

Faced with a vitriolic wife, and my own self-flagellation, my self-righteousness dissolved like sugar in water.

I tried to keep my voice even. "Glynne has helped me set up some client meetings," I said, shifting topics. "She's very good at sales, and I need the business."

"Even if it means losing your wife?" she asked. There was fire in her eyes. When she got this way, there was no de-escalating the situation.

"If I don't get more clients, Ellen," I said, "I'm going to lose the business." It was the wrong thing to say. She stormed off and disappeared into her office and slammed the door.

The next several days were cool between us. Well, that's not really true. It more of a frost. Every day Ellen would come home from work and ask me if I had spoken or seen Glynne, and every day I would tell her the truth.

I continued to go out and meet with the clients that Glynne had set up, some times with her and some times by myself. While we were meeting together, she was completely professional. I confess there was a bit of a disappointment that I didn't get a repeat performance of sitting in her SUV.

I did, however, love the fact that my sales pipeline was going through the roof. Glynne was amazing as a saleswoman, and what had been taking me months to land a new client was only taking her about a week. I really didn't want to let her go, but she was very clear about her intentions and I had to respect that.

When the first check came in from one of the clients that she brought in, I was ecstatic. I arranged to meet up at her house to hand over her commission check in person after a pickup softball game. I hoped that perhaps she might reconsider quitting if the checks got more regular, and tried to think of my best persuasive pitch.

Heading to her house, I was in a great mood. The softball game had been fun, and we had won. I was comfortable in my sweats and t-shirt, if a bit sweaty and dirty. I couldn't wait to give her the check and contemplated how I was going to be my most persuasive to try and keep her doing sales for me. We made a good business team.

She saw me coming up the walkway and opened the door to let me in without the need to knock. It lead into the kitchen that was larger than my entire living room. In fact, their house was simply enormous - and immaculate. Whereas Ellen was somewhat of a slob, Glynne and Aaron either had a team of housekeepers or some of the most extreme cases of OCD I'd ever seen.

I couldn't keep the goofy grin off my face as I handed her the commission check. "This is yours," I said. "You definitely earned it."

She beamed at me and reached for the check with both hands - or so I thought. Her hands slipped past the check and wrapped around my neck, drawing me close to her. She was considerably shorter than I was, so she pulled me down a bit. I was taken off guard, and taken off balance, but I didn't fight the kiss.

As she probed my mouth with her tongue, my cock began to rise against the loose fabric of the sweatpants, pushing into her. Within seconds, I was so hard the elastic had pulled away from my waist completely. She never broke the kiss or looked down, just simply reached into my underwear and fished me out.

Instantly I was in a panic. Not because of what she wanted to do, but because I had just come from a softball game and was far from being fresh.

"Glynne," I warned quietly and embarrassed, "I'm all sweaty."

"I know," she said, licking her lips. "You smell like a man."

The insult to her husband was unmistakeable. She immediately dropped to her knees, right in the kitchen, and stuffed me into her mouth.

I stood there like an idiot, my sweats pulled down to just below my ass, the check still frozen my fingers. I felt her hands snake behind me and grab my hips and pull me deeper into her throat, much further than she went in her Land Rover.

"Ugh," I moaned. It came unbidden, part of a shock of her aggressiveness, part because Glynne had a rather small throat and I could feel the squeeze against my cockhead.

"Glynne?" Aaron's unmistakeable voice echoed from the floor above.

I froze. What the fuck!?

Glynne took me out of her mouth and held me in one hand, preventing my dick from bobbing and hitting her in the face. She didn't stop moving her hand up and down the shaft.

"What?!" Glynne shouted back. Her voice was irritated, in a why are you bothering me? tone. She dropped me back in her mouth immediately.

"Everything okay?" Aaron asked, timidly.

"It's fine!" she shouted back. She looked up at me with an expression that was unequivocal. See what you did? Be quiet, now!

Aaron didn't say another word, and he must have gone back into his home office. Glynne resumed sucking me, inhaling deeply the raw musk of a man who hadn't yet showered. I was dirty. This whole thing was dirty.

Earlier on, I mentioned that this is one of those stories in which I take no pride. From time to time, I still masturbate to the memory, as I can see my predicament as clear as day. Even so, even though it still turns me on, I realize that this was the moment where I became a complete asshole.

Something inside me clicked. I think it was the latch of the door closing behind on my morals. I had a woman on her knees sucking my dick while her husband worked, unaware, mere yards away. A primal force inside me that I never new existed completely took over.

Still holding the check in my fingers, I placed both hands on top of her head and began thrusting in and out of her mouth. I didn't care about anything. Not Ellen. Not Aaron. Not the fact that I needed a shower. Nothing mattered except the impending release of the pressure. The paper check trapped between my hand and her hair rustled softly, which only served to make it all the more wrong.

I reveled in that wrongness of it all. Luxuriated in it. It fueled my animalistic side that I didn't even know existed until that moment. It was the first time I'd ever truly face-fucked a woman.

She loved it. Each time I withdrew from her mouth I could feel her grip on me tighten even harder and help me slam it back home. My balls bounced off her chin. I could feel her tongue lapping at me, her hands gripping me to keep me going.

Glynne was a woman possessed. This wasn't seduction, it wasn't lovemaking, and it wasn't gentle. It was easy to tell that she was unleashing six years of pent-up frustration (sexual or otherwise) and nothing was going to stop her. 

Aaron made a noise upstairs, but neither one of us cared. He got on a phone call, and I could hear his whiny voice waft down into the kitchen. I had never thought about it before, but immediately I found it grating. At the same time, it made me all the more turned on that I was fucking his wife's face under his nose.

Every noise he made seemed to push her even more down her dark path. When he spoke on his phone call, she seemed to get more riled up. I may have found it annoying, but it turned her into an animal. She internalized his voice and redirected it into pure sexual rage. I wasn't sure if I was fucking her face or she was face-fucking my cock. It seemed indistinguishable to me.

I looked down at her and pulled my cock out of her mouth. I still held onto her head, keeping her just out of reach even though she was grabbing at my ass to put me back in. I kept it at bay, throbbing with every heartbeat. She licked her lips. She swallowed her saliva. She stuck out her tongue to reach the tip. I kept it away from her with a sadistic smirk on my face.

Then she whimpered, and looked up at me.

"Open your mouth again," I whispered.

Slowly she opened her mouth and I moved forward. 

"You are such a bad girl," I teased. She swallowed, and then opened her mouth even more. 

"You really want to get back at him, don't you?"

I still held her head, but I felt her try to nod. I'd never been used for a hate-fuck like this before, but I liked it.

Her anger emboldened my own. I had the crazy thought of inviting Glynne to my house so that I could lick her pussy while Ellen was doing whatever the hell she did when I wasn't around. I had the feeling that Glynne would be up for it, if for no other reason than to put yet another nail in her marriage's coffin. 

I smiled. Or maybe it was a sneer. "Six years, huh?"

She nodded again, but this time she wasn't waiting to be teased. She lurched forward at me with her mouth wide open.

The tip slipped onto her tongue, then the flare of the head disappeared behind her lips, then the shaft began slipping further out of view. I was about halfway into her mouth when she surprised me even more by yanking me forward until her nose was buried against my pelvis.

I felt her moan, even though she was deep throating me. The vibration tickled the head. That did it.

I tried to pull out before I came, but she held me fast. My cock throbbed and pulsed but I was stuck. She wouldn't let me go. I didn't want to choke her or make her gag, didn't want to suffocate her, but I couldn't move. My body couldn't wait any longer.

So I let go.

Once again the internal warmth flushed through my midsection, replacing the sexual lust and tension. As it spread through my body, it also returned some semblance of sanity to my testosterone-addled brain. Aaron was still on his call, but now his voice no longer irritated me. Instead, I began to pity him.

I looked down at Glynne, not even realizing that I had thrown my head back and was staring at the ceiling. She still had my cock buried in her throat like a sheath. Her eyes were closed and an expression of immense satisfaction spread across her features. She didn't seem like she wanted to let me go.

My guilty conscience was now pushing forward, though, and I began to rock my hips backwards in an effort to withdraw. I felt my dick, still semi-hard, slip back out of her throat, across her tongue, and finally past her lips. Soaked with her saliva, it dangled in front of her face lewdly. She looked up at me and smiled, then stuck out her tongue to playfully flick the tip.

We were both breathing heavily, trying to recapture our wits.

Aaron had been silent for a few moments, but at that moment piped up in his conversation. Glynne rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Fuck," she swore and started to stand up. She took my offered hand and rubbed her knees to get the circulation back. I just stood there, my cock slick and obscene dangling between us.

"Here, let me help you with that," she said, a grin on her face. She grabbed my dick in one hand and the sweatpants elastic in the other, jerked me off a couple of times, and then tucked me back in. Unfortunately, it brought some life back into the little monster, and my sweats did nothing to hid the protrusion. She giggled at the sight.

"I gotta say," she said coyly. "It's such a turn-on to know I can still get that reaction from a man."

Jesus Christ, are you kidding me?

Her face turned serious. "I want my turn," she said pointedly. "Soon."

I forced a grin that I no longer felt. We had gone from a one-off blowjob in a SUV to going way, way beyond any reasonable "oopsie." Glynne was now talking about a true affair, which I didn't want to have. I was angry with Ellen, yes, but I still wanted to work things out with her. I had been willing to work with her to fix our marriage.

Glynne read my face like a book, and laughed. "Don't worry," she said. "I'm not talking about a permanent thing. Just that it's been a long time and I think you should return the favor."

Despite my concerns, I believed her.

"Oh, I didn't hear you come in!" Aaron said, popping around the corner. I couldn't help myself; I jumped a little. Less than a minute earlier, and we would have been caught!

I put on my best poker face. "Just got here," I lied, then held up the check that I still had in my hand. "I needed to pay Glynne her commission for her first sale. Here you go."

I handed her the check, which she took. It was a miracle it was still in one piece. "Thanks," she said, smiling. Then she looked at Aaron and her face changed instantly. "What are you doing?"

Blowjob or no, this was no stress-free situation. The tension between them was thick as concrete. Aaron looked from her, to me, and back again. Cooly, he said, "I came down here to get a drink. Is that alright with you?"

He glanced at me with an expression that read Can you believe I have to put up with this?

"Well," I said, grateful that my erection had both subsided and was hidden by the kitchen island, "I better get home and get showered. Softball game," I explained.

Aaron nodded, and then went to the fridge.

"I'll call you to set up some time to talk about the other clients and other unfinished business," Glynne said. Maybe I was sensitized to what she was talking about, but her pointed comment seemed to go completely over Aaron's head.

"Right," I agreed. "Bye. See ya, Aaron."

"Later," he said, not paying attention.

I would never see Aaron again. I did see Glynne again, but only once more. She came over to my house one final time to talk about another client, and of course to get laid.

Business before pleasure, though, and once again she found herself playing with the gel toy.

"Are you sure you've never tried it?" she asked, smirking.

I blushed. "Yeah, okay, I admit I was curious," I confessed. "But I couldn't get more than just the very tip in."

She licked her lips. "I want to see," she said.

Fuck it.

I dropped my pants and let her play with me until I was hard, and then she put me in her mouth for a moment to get me lubricated. Even with that, though, I had been right. I was simply too big to get anywhere close to fitting inside the small opening.

"Oh well," she said. "Good thing we've got somewhere else to put that."

Then, straight out of my earlier fantasy from the first day, she stood up at the kitchen table and hiked up her skirt. She bent over the table, presenting her rear end to me as a willing target. I shuffled around behind her, and marveled at her beautiful ass, still covered by satin panties.

I pulled them down to her ankles, and she kicked them off to the side on the floor. I knelt behind her and spread her cheeks open to the glorious treasures she was offering.

I licked her with abandon. I love the taste of a woman, and Glynne did not disappoint. My own wife had loved it once too, but she had denied me this pleasure for years. I could have stayed there for hours.

As it turned out, Glynne wasn't someone who climaxed easily with oral ministrations. She would get close, but then it would ebb away from her. I could feel her breathing change and shift as her orgasm would hover just out of reach, only to dissipate slightly and keep her teetering on that knife edge.

"Please," she said, gasping. "Put it in me already!"

I stood up and aimed my cock towards her furnace. The heat radiating from her body was intense. I took one hand and pulled her right cheek to the side so that I could see where I was aiming, and then guided my head towards her entrance.

It was then that I noticed she was still holding onto that bright red toy. It is a rare moment when one of my fantasies comes to life in such a literal way. I slid into her body, feeling the heat and her sopping wet walls accept me all the way.

"Oh god, yes!" she panted. We were the only ones in the house, so we didn't have to be quiet. That was a good thing, because it turned out that Glynne was a screamer.

"You've got me so primed," she said. "Fuck me hard! I'm going to come!"

Surprised at how quickly she had rose to her crest, I did as she asked. While she had difficulty coming with oral sex, she had no such problems now that she had my cock inside her body.

"Harder!" she cried.

I obliged. The table began to scoot across the floor until it hit the wall and couldn't move any further. Her entire body jiggled with the pounding I gave her, including the toy. I wasn't sure if she was playing with it on purpose or if it was just something that happened because I was fucking her hard, but it looked like she was jacking it off in rhythm to our thrusts.

"Again," she panted. "Another... one..."

She gripped the edges of the table as her second orgasm tore through her. I kept sliding in and out of her body. Just as she seemed to be coming down, her eyes flew open and her entire body shook with another one. Not only was this a hell of a lot of fun, but it was doing wonders for my ego.

Eventually, she started to grow limp, convulsing occasionally. "Thank you... thank you... thank you..." she kept saying over and over again.

"Glynne," I said. "I'm going to come soon."

"Okay," she said, exhausted. She didn't care. It was as if told her the weather forecast.

Truth be told, I liked her blowjobs better. I could see that she had no energy left to suck anything out of me, though, so I didn't slow down. In moments I felt the familiar tickle in my balls and gripped her waist to guide myself in at my own, preferred pace.

Typically, I prefer to grind more than fuck, especially when I come. It's more intense that way for me. Glynne was offering her pussy up to me to use however I saw fit, and so I did.

I buried my cock as far in as I could go, causing her to groan. "Do it," she said. "I need to feel it. Come inside me!"

That's all that I needed to hear. I came hard, holding onto her hips and releasing everything I had into her body.

"Oh," she let out a long, prolonged moan. "I felt that!"

"I hope so," I joked, and she giggled.

I let my cock continue to jump inside of her for a while until I was able to calm down.

"Can I get up now?" she asked, amused.

At that moment I knew this was going to be our last time together. I don't know how I knew, but it was clear as day.

"Not yet," I said. "I want to remember this feeling."

"Okay," she said, and lay back upon the table.

Despite the intensity of the sex and the orgasm, I began to slide back and forth inside her. I was only semi-erect, but there was still enough turgidity to allow me to stay inside.

"Mmmm," she said. "If you keep doing that, I'm going to be late to pick up my son at school."

Ah, crap. I had forgotten about that. I felt a bit disappointed, because I was sure that I would have been able to continue. She felt so good. I don't think grown men or women were made to go for several years without sexual contact. Both of us knew we had been making up for that lost time. 

Reluctantly, I pulled out and she stood up. Turning around, I saw that she had a light, wispy tuft of pubic hair that I hadn't known about as she had been bent over the table.

"Fuck, I needed that," she said. "Getting laid once in six years is nowhere near enough."

I smiled. "Well, with the number of orgasms you had, you seem to have made up for lost time," I said.

"Nowhere near," she said, and then excused herself to go to the bathroom.

While I waited for her to return, the previous feeling of guilt resurfaced. I wasn't sure how I was going to face Ellen, especially with the memory of what I had done on our own kitchen table as a constant reminder. Sighing, I adjusted the table back to its proper place.