Consequences, Sandy Ch. 04


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I asked her later what she sent with him.

"Two sandwiches, a pear and a dozen cookies I made just for him. He's my Daddy, you know. I love taking care of everyone in the family!"

We worked and started getting into a pattern of life that had us all enjoying our big family, being parents and each other. Martha discovered she loved running the cash register in the BC. Jenn had John mount a large white board in the hallway of each house as a calendar. We kept track of all the school events for the kids and social, medical and other events for each of us. Jenn and Martha made sure Daddy was invited to dinner at least two Friday nights a month.

On a Wednesday afternoon Martha came into my office and asked, "Can you go with me to school? Matthew's teacher called and there's a problem."

"What time do we need to go?" I asked, as I stood up.

"School's out at three-ten. We should be there then, meet with the teacher and then take Matthew and Ruth home."

"Ok. Do you know what the problem is?"

She nodded and said, "He got into a fight with Ben in his class. Ben is Curt Downey's son."

"Know what the fight was about?"

"MS June says Matthew said Ben was teasing him about our family going to hell." I could hear pain in her voice as well as her questioning herself about being in the family. The two months since they moved into the Gingerbread House had been delightful as far as I could tell, but this problem had Martha reevaluating.

"Ok. Call back to the school and make sure that Ben's parents are at the meeting too. This problem will never get solved unless the two families solve it together."

Martha kissed me and thanked me for going with her. I watched her leave my office and wondered if John or Bill would have sent her to me or gone with her. They are Matthew's Dads too, I thought.

We left the BC at three. We saw the Downey's get out of their car and head for the school building as we did the same. Being called into the school brought back feelings of years ago when we were called to the Principal's office as students. I had the same feelings of being in trouble and wanting the trouble to just go away.

As Curt Downey opened the door to the main office the bell rang and the four of us jumped, followed by the noise of all the children rushing to see how fast they could leave the building. We got inside the office as quickly as we could and Curt said, "Timing is everything." We all smiled.

After a few minutes of chaos the teacher, MS June, came into the office with the two boys. She led the way into the conference room and she took the head chair. She had Ben sit to her left and Matthew to her right. The families sat on the side of the table with their son.

MS June said, "This conflict has the potential to last a long time and cause a disruption to this class all the way through high school graduation. Here's how I'd like us to proceed: We will give each boy time to explain what happened. After they explain what happened each family will be able to ask questions. Then, when the questions are done we will have a discussion about how to solve the problem, as we see it."

Curt's wife, Rose, asked, "Who decides?"

MS June smiled and answered, "Hopefully, we can agree to a solution. Let's aim at that." She went into her pocket and pulled out a quarter. She said, "To decide who goes first I'll flip a coin. Matthew will call either heads or tails. If he guesses correctly, he goes first otherwise Ben goes first."

She flipped the coin and Matthew called "Heads!" It was Tails.

MS June said, "Ok. Ben goes first. Ben, tell us what happened, beginning at when you arrived at school this morning. Remember, just tell us what happened."

Ben looked at his parents and then at MS June before he spoke. In a soft voice he said, "When I saw Matthew this morning he was walking his sister to class. They looked dorky."

MS June interrupted, "Just what happened Ben."

"Ok. I saw Matthew walking Ruth to her class. After she went inside I asked Matthew if he liked thinking about going to hell. He got upset and pushed me against the wall. I told him my Dad said their whole family was going to hell for being adults."

"Then what happened?" MS June asked.

"He hit me! He called me a heathen! He said I was the one going to hell, not his family!"

MS June said, "Thank you, Ben." She turned to Matthew and said, "Please, tell us what happened."

"When I came out of room three Ben was standing in the hallway and he said, "Hey Matthew, Why are you smiling? You know you and your little sister are going to hell, don't you?"

"I said, "I don't know any such thing! My sister and I haven't done anything wrong!" I tried to walk passed him and he blocked the way. I pushed him and he hit the wall. He called me a devil and I called him a heathen. We stopped talking and started fighting. MS June came out of her room and stopped the fighting."

Curt said, "Kids like Matthew shouldn't be in school with kids like ours. Ben's right. They probably are going to hell."

I had been holding Martha's hand and she squeezed tighter. I said, "You're right, Curt. Only children who are all just like your child should go to room six. Any child that doesn't believe just what Ben believes is a heathen and is going to hell. They should be condemned right now! There should be a sign up in MS June's classroom that has the chapter and verse showing why kids like Matthew will go to hell. Which verse is that Curt?"

Curt didn't move or speak. I waited. Finally he said, "I don't know which verses, right off, but I know living like you all live is wrong! It isn't good for the kids to live like that!"

"Is it good for a kid to have a Dad and a Mom?" Martha asked.

"Yeah! One of each!" Curt said, raising his voice.

"And everyone should believe just like you do. Right?" Martha asked.

Curt nodded and said, "Yes! That would make life a lot easier."

"So, who decides which church everyone in town must attend? There's a Catholic church, a Methodist, a Baptist, a Jewish and a Greek Orthodox church in town."

"We've never had a problem with any of them. It's you we have a problem with!"

"Why is it a problem for Matthew to have more than one Dad?" I asked.

"'Cause it isn't right!"

"King David had more than one wife. Says so in the Bible. It also says he was a prophet."

"That was a thousand years ago!"

"Actually, more like two thousand years ago, but aren't the rules the same now as when King David was alive?"

"No. The rules are different now."

"Where are the new rules written down?"

"Probably in the New Testament."

The teacher MS June interrupted, "This isn't getting us any closer to solving the problem. Ben believes Matthew is going to Hell and he's taunting Matthew about it. Taunting another student isn't allowed. I hoped the two families could find some common ground and put aside the need for conflict. Can you see any way that the two boys can be tolerant of the beliefs of each other?"

I spoke up, "I think Matthew can tolerate the beliefs of Ben as long as Ben doesn't attack Matthew for his beliefs or his living conditions. Matthew didn't choose to have me for a dad any more than Ben chose Curt as his Dad. Both were an accident of life."

"That's easy for you to say, you're not trying to teach your kid right from wrong!"

"Yes, I am! I'm teaching Matthew about love, respect, tolerance, compassion, friendliness and lots of other things as well. How about you teach your son about those things and I teach our son about them as well? How about teaching your boy not to pick on people who are different from you?"

"Cause if we allow you all to live like this around us, some folks are gonna want to be like you all!"

"Some folks?" MS June asked. "Who?"

Curt turned to his wife and said, "Her, for one. Ever since she heard about how you all live she's been thinking about it." His wife looked at the floor, her hands in her lap. She was fully cowed.

"Because of what she reads in the Bible or what she sees that might make her life better?" Martha asked.

"She thinks it could be good for Ben to have three or four Mommas and a couple a Dads."

"You don't believe it. Do you feel bad on the days when you need to work an extra few hours and you miss out on being with Ben at a school event?"

"Of course I feel bad, but he understands."

"Since Matthew moved into our family there is always someone around to help with homework. Always someone to help him learn how to become a man, play catch, go for a walk, or whatever. I think your wife sees that part of what we're doing and thinks maybe there would be benefits for her as well."

"Like having more than one husband to sleep with!"

"Unless your wife is a lot different than most women in the world, her sex drive isn't even as strong as yours. The idea that she wants two men panting after her doesn't make much sense. Maybe she sees that with three wives the burden of sex would be shared and not just her responsibility. She probably sees that all the housework could be shared too. She wouldn't be the only one cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, taking the kids to the doctor, and taking care of you. Maybe her point of view isn't focused on having sex at all."

Curt's wife had looked up and smiled as I spoke. She nodded when I was done.

"I still don't like it."

Martha said, "Curt, imagine dinner ready every night at six-thirty, no matter what else is going on. Ben is sick with the chicken pox. The washer broke and dinner is still on the table waiting for you when you get home. Imagine an evening when you have an interest in messing around and instead of needing to pray that Kathleen isn't too tired, you simply let it be known that you are in the mood and one of them will take very good care of you."

He nodded, just a little.

I said, "Now imagine a Saturday afternoon when Ben is off with grandparents and someone prepares a special adult picnic for you all. Couldn't that be fun?"

Both Curt and his wife Kathleen nodded.

MS June said, "Sounds to me like something was said and it was heard as a threat. It wasn't and isn't a threat."

I asked, "Would your family like to come for dinner? Maybe Friday evening? Bring Ben. He and Matthew can have dinner together. They can check out Matthew's new room and become friends. We might become friends as well."

Kathleen reached for Curt's hand and when she squeezed it he said, "I think we might enjoy that. Might learn more about the crazy family down the road, too." He squeezed her hand back and asked, "What time?"

Martha said, "Jenn has dinner ready by six-thirty. Come to our house on Elm, the one that used to belong to the mayor."

Kathleen asked, "Jenn does all the cooking?"

Martha nodded and said, "She makes dinner for everyone every night. She makes breakfast for each house every other day. She cleans the houses, does the laundry and buys the food and supplies for the two houses. That frees the rest of us up to do other things, like homework with Matthew and Ruth."

The meeting was over. As we walked out of the school I asked MS June, "Would you like to come for dinner tonight?"

She was talked into it. Martha called Jenn and made sure she had enough. We met for dinner at Pete's house.

Near the end of the evening MS June asked, "How do I get invited again?"

Sandy answered, "You have an invitation. To accept you call Jenn and find out which house and then on the third time you have dinner with us, you cook. Check with Jenn and she can answer any questions you might have about what foods are off limits and quantities."

She and Jenn conferred and she was on the schedule for Tuesday night at Pete's House, as a guest. After she had gone I asked Jenn how she felt about the rule for guests. She and Sandy had talked about it before Sandy spoke it and the wives club had agreed it was a good plan.

I asked, "Does the same rule apply to men guests?"

Both Sandy and Jenn smiled and nodded. Another conflict or potential conflict I didn't need to be involved in solving. I smiled and went to the back porch and intended to turn on the hot tub. I was too late. It was on and already warm.

Janice got close to my ear and whispered, "Give the water another fifteen minutes and I'll meet you in the tub." She kissed my ear and went back into the kitchen. Fifteen minutes later I went out the back door wrapped in just a towel. Janice, John, Sandy and Donna were waiting for me.

As I slid into the frothing water I said, "Thank you."

John asked, "Who are you thanking and for what?"

"All of you, for life being wonderful, for a hot tub right here and for the love that fills it."

"Amen." They all agreed.

We talked about the problem at school, about MS June and about the BC. While we talked hands played under the froth in the hot tub. I was stroked from my left and from my right. I assumed others were touched and enjoyed the touching as well. After about fifteen minutes the back door opened and Bill came out, followed by Martha.

Bill smiled and said, "The homework is done, bedrooms cleaned, kids bathed and in bed."

Martha said, "Karen is standing guard while we decided to join you for a little while."

We scooted around and very soon were joined by both our naked spouses. Martha blushed as she undressed and said, "Up until tonight Dr. Jong, Bill and the reverend were the only men who had ever seen me naked. Pardon me for blushing but my head is still getting used to the idea that this is Ok."

Hands helped her get into the frothing water. She sat down and was hidden from the collarbones down. Sandy asked, "So you and Bill shared a bed last night?"

Martha and Bill nodded. Martha said, "I'd never say this to James or in front of our children, but James was never much of a lover. I didn't know that until last night, but... but I found out my body would do and feel things I'd never known were possible." She winked at Bill who sat up a little taller and smiled a bit wider from her praise.

The conversation changed back to the BC and Martha asked if she was working the cash register the next day.

Janice answered, "Sure. You work the check-out and the rest of us will clean and restock some shelves."

Bill said, "Don't count on either John or me for Saturday afternoon or Sunday. We think we can finish the Gingerbread basement if we get in there on Saturday and Sunday."

Martha asked, "Can Matthew help? It is his home, too."

John smiled and said, "Sure. He can help us. I haven't spent much time getting to know him and I need to."

The conversations drifted for a while and we were all quiet for a while when Martha asked, "John, if you have an evening free, I'd like you to spend it with me."

John smiled and asked, "An evening or a sleepover?"

"An adult sleepover." Martha said, blushing.

John answered, "As of this moment I have no evenings spoken for. You can have any evening you want."

"Tonight?" She asked, looking at John and then at Bill.

Bill saw her look and said, "We're all married here. At first I was worried that loving like this was going to cause friction between us. Sandy, Janice and Karen helped me understand that when I'm with any one of them I'm loving all of us. I love you. I'll still love you knowing you're with John tonight and Nick some other night."

Donna reached into Martha's lap and brought her hand out, held it out of the water and said, "Martha's all wet! I think that means she would like to go to bed with someone."

John laughed and said, "She's wet sitting in five hundred gallons of water!"

Donna stuck her fingers in her own mouth and said, "Nope, She's wet for some loving. If you don't take her to bed I'm going to!"

John stood up, his erection popped out of the water and he said, "Let's go home, Honey!"

We all laughed. John helped Martha out of the tub, helped her dry off and the two of them dressed... just enough to drive to the Gingerbread House and bed. Donna took my hand and led me to her car. All we wore were towels. We laughed and she drove us to the Gingerbread house very carefully.

We walked to Donna's bedroom and heard no tell-tale noises from Martha and John. Inside her suite we showered and got the chemicals from the hot tub off us. Donna asked, "Want me to shave?"

"Want me to dive face first into you and stay a while?"

"I'd like that very much!"

"I'd like to have the pleasure of shaving you before I dive in. May I do it on the bed rather than in the shower?"

Very quickly we were back in the bedroom and I was on my knees with a razor in my hand. Donna held her legs spread, giving me access to anything and anywhere I might wish to visit. We already knew how much I loved rubbing the shaving gel into her vulva and beginning the stimulation of her at the same time.

When all her hairs were covered in gel-foam I moved so I could kiss her face and caress her chest while the gel-foam softened her for shaving. The kisses were returned with enthusiasm. She moaned softly when I sucked her breasts.

I started shaving near her anus, stroking upwards towards her navel. I moved the razor slowly, savoring each stroke and each uncovered patch of skin. My fingers helped stretch her skin so the razor caught every hair. Her lips opened and I both saw and smelled her lubrication.

When her lips parted she moaned again. I leaned in and licked the beads of lube from her slit. She moaned louder. I shaved the other side and took another lick.

Donna said, "You are such a tease! I'm quivering, ready to cum and you're still giving me a shave."

"Wait until I get to the haircut!" I said.

I saw and felt her spasm. The opening to her vagina winked at me and another bead of lube slid out of her. I caught it with my tongue and wiped it up across her clit. Her body tensed and she grabbed the sheets, holding on as her body enjoyed the orgasm.

My tongue continued to please her through the orgasm and I did my best to drink in all the lube that flowed out of her. When she began to calm I finished the shaving. I used a small hand towel to wipe away the gel and then we joined.

"Please, go slowly, tell me you love me." Donna said.

I pushed in as slowly as I could manage, noticing that her back arched and her legs wrapped around my hips. My hands were on the bed beside her shoulders and they framed the sight of her breasts, moving as I thrust and she breathed. It was a beautiful sight.

We stroked to each other and moaned as we pulled apart, just enough to give us the room to thrust into each other again. Donna opened her eyes and said, "I'm not crazy."

Her hands grasped my wrists and lifted my hands off the bed, placing them on her breasts. I had been supporting my weight on my hands. I flattened her breasts and she said, "Perfect! Lean on me! Squeeze my tits!"

I did as she requested. It was hard for her to breathe. Her face changed color to a strained red and she lifted her hips driving my cock deeper inside her. I increased the speed of my strokes and increased the power with which I slammed into her.

She looked up at my face and smiled. The closer I got to filling her with cum the harder I stroked and the harder I squeezed her tits in my hands. I felt the pressure build and then the release as my cum shot into her.

Donna squeezed out a "Yes!" as she felt me unload into her. I held myself deep inside as my cock pulsed and gave her all I had to give. When I stopped unloading Donna shifted under me and flipped us over. She stopped when she was above me leaning against my hands.

"I'd like more." She said.

"Turn round and let me lick you."

How she turned as quickly as she did still amazes me. Suddenly I was no longer looking at her face but saw her open pussy lowering itself onto my face. I felt her mouth take my shrinking cock inside. I tasted our combined juices and I sucked, to get more. Her hips moved to maximize the stimulation to her and my hands searched for and found her tits.