Contented at Last

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A frigid wife needs a father figure to get her groove back.
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Based upon a true story

We had tried everything. Counselors, sex tapes, a library full of books, a closet full of lingerie and a draw full of toys, nothing helped our sex life. I had no doubt that Eileen loved me. I also had no doubt never given her an orgasm in four years of marriage. The problems had started on our honeymoon and never gotten any better. She was good at blow jobs, even if she would never swallow or even let me come in her mouth. I loved her hand jobs but intercourse with her was like doing it with a rubber woman.

Eileen had not had much sexual experience before she met me. There had been a high school boyfriend who had taken her virginity and a boy in college and that was it. I knew that she was conservative when I was dating her. She had an awful relationship with her mother and she had lost her father when she was fifteen. She had been daddy's little girl and they were the light of each others lives. After he passed away Eileen's home was in constant turmoil. Her mother was a real pip. She criticized Eileen constantly. On the other hand she adored me, a fact that really irritated Eileen.

Her High school boyfriend had offered her a reprieve from her troubled home. He had broken it off with her when he went away to college. I had caught her three years later and she was still on the rebound. She never told me directly but I know that she had been deeply in love with him. She always compared me to him. She didn't tell me in so many words but he had gotten her motor running while I barely got the keys in her ignition.

It wasn't for lack of trying. I took a course in massage. I am an expert at foot rubs. I can preform cunnilingus for hours. I learned to clean the house, do dishes and do the laundry to give her a break and to give her more time to be sexy with me. I may has well have been pounding my head against the wall.

After running through a string of counselors we finally seemed to have found one that worked. Her methods were unorthodox, which is what we needed. She was the first that convinced us that our problems were not insurmountable. Our first session involved a lot of confession. Eileen admitted to the her that I had never gotten her off. I had always known this but it was nice to get it in the open air. After a few counseling sessions Eileen tried initiating sex, something she was loathe to do before. I appreciated this but she still seemed to be going through the motions. The counselor was not afraid to try any approach. We spent hours exchanging sex fantasies. She even had us film ourselves so she could watch our technique.

After a few months the counselor called us into her office and elucidated her findings. To my total lack of surprise she concluded that I was not the problem, despite what Eileen likes to claim. She said that the problem's were almost entirely Eileen's and they came from her hellish home life. Then she laid down the phrase that was to change our lives.

"The problem Eileen is not that James doesn't love you. She certainly does. The problem is that you need a father figure to love you for a while. Your father's sudden death has left your emotionally stunted. You were able to have orgasms with Eddie (her high school flame) because he was several years older and you subconsciously placed him in the paternal role. James is the same age as you, you can not see him as anything more than an equal. A glorified sibling is what you have subconsciously made James . No wonder you don't want to make love to him. In your mind its like fucking your brother."

"What I am about to propose will be difficult for the two of you to accept but I am sure it will resolve virtually all of you sexual issues. Monogamy is a wonderful goal but you two are poster children for the down side of monogamy, a rut you can't escape. However for the two of you there is a way out. Eileen needs an affair with an older man for a few months to a year. The relationship needs to progress from birth to a natural end. You were greatly attracted to your father. You never verbalized this desire but it is written all over your psyche. Compounding this was the fact that you never got a chance to say goodbye to him. Once you have experienced the love of an older man in all aspects you can return your husband's love and you can begin to see James as a sex object."

We were flabbergasted, yet with a great deal of pondering we realized that the counselor was correct. In Eileen's hellish home her father had been her only sanctuary. He had dropped dead of a heart attack while she was a school. Her last words to him after they had had a heart to hear talk about how difficult her mother and his wife was, had been "I love you Daddy."

The counselor seemed to be reading our minds . "I can tell that I have hit very close to home. I will guide you through this process. It is going to be a very hard road, especially for you James, but in the end you will have a marriage that is unbreakable and mutually satisfying sexually. Eileen your frigidity will be a thing of the past. Your husband will be able to bring you to orgasm.

Eileen said, "But I love my husband."

Our councilor replied, "You do love James but, you know full well that he has never satisfied you sexually. An older man can and will bring you something you have not had since you were dating Eddie, an orgasm. Once you have been satisfied sexually and the relationship has lasted a sufficient length of time you will be able to transfer your passion to James and he WILL be able to satisfy you."

Eileen sputtered, "But ... but.."

Doctor Barnes said, "Eileen, I understand your misgivings but you really have only two courses open to you. If you do nothing, you will drive James into an affair which will precipitate your divorce from him. If you pursue the logical course I lay out for you you will save your marriage and make James a very happy man. In your heart you KNOW that I speak the truth."

My wife took a deep breath and said, "This is very heady, can I have some time to think about it?"

"Of course," Dr. Barnes said. "I will schedule you for this same time next week."

The week between our appointment was one of the slowest of my life. Eileen was virtually silent the entire week, lost deep in thought. I tried to make love to her once but she made it clear that was not interested. When at last we returned to Doctor Barnes office she was at last willing to talk.

Doctor Barnes said. "I assume that you two have not had sex this week,"

"How did you know that?" Asked Eileen

"Your psyche is an open book. Now comes the hard parts."

She turned to me and said. "James your time of celibacy starts today. This will be very hard for you. Masturbation is acceptable IF you get permission from me first. Your wife can not see you as a sexual animal. For the next year you are essentially a eunuch. We will begin transferring her passions to you when the time is right. I will be able to tell when that time is. I am also going to require that you hand your wedding and engagement rings over to me"

That caught us both by surprise. "Our wedding rings?"said Eileen.

"Yes," said Doctor Barnes. Eileen need to see herself as a single woman. James moves to the spare bedroom tonight. You MAY NOT see each other naked after today. Only one of you may use the bathroom at one time. In two weeks Eileen goes on her first date. I have spent this week interviewing some nice potentials. They are men who are the age your father was when he passed away. I expect that you will hit it off with one of them. When that happens I will be guiding your relationship. I suspect that I won't have to do too much guiding. Eileen, you will probably fall hard and be deeply in love with one of these men. It is to be expected. When the sex happens it will overwhelm you. Later when we transfer these passions to James having sex with him will be as natural as breathing. I ask you both to put your complete trust in me."

I was too shocked to respond for quite a while. Eileen seemed deep in thought.

"How can you be sure that you will be able to ' transfer my passions' to James?"

"Eileen have I steered you wrong at any point? Remember our one on one sessions? Haven't I been able to anticipate your every question and objection? You know that you want to remove your rings. You can see a wonderful world of passion opening up before you. Remember your deepest confession?"

Eileen blushed. "You promised NOT to reveal that!"

"I haven't and I won't but you can hear yourself repeating it to me in your head right now."

Then Dr, Barnes said. "These are the stages you will go through, not necessarily in this order.. 1.Relief that you have removed your wedding ring. 2.Curiosity about your dates 3.Selection of the father figure 4.First blush of passion 5.Amazing sex 6.A reevaluation of James 7.Passion for your husband 8.Terrific sex with James

"How can you be so sure?" Eileen asked.

"If you want the simple Freudian terms You need to fuck your father before you can properly move on with your life. Your sexuality is stuck at age fifteen. The one thing you wanted you could never have. To know your father intimately. A surrogate will get you to that place without the guilt of incest."

"Doctor Barnes!" Said Eileen as she turned a beet red.

"Eileen, we have been over this same territory for months. You know that I am right you need to be intimate with your father figured in EVERY sense before you are ready for a mature relationship with your husband.

Now the ground rules for the two of you. Once you turn your rings over. NO kissing. NO hugging, As I said you may not see each other naked and should not share a bathroom. I do want you to watch a movie together on the couch twice a week. Eileen will be on dates Friday night, Saturday night and on Wednesday night. James will select your attire for your dates but he may not dress you. I expect James to buy you some new dresses. He knows what you look good in, James you will buy entire outfits from undergarments to shoes. You will also be responsible, James, for seeing that your wife has a steady supply of condoms. As I said this will be very hard for you but it is an important element in making this work. When the stress gets too much, James you can call me I will allow you to masturbate but most times I believe I will be able to talk you down from that desire. Eileen can not see you as a sexual creature for a while."

With our time at an end Doctor Barnes produced a small lock box and Eileen and I handed over our rings. I don't think that I imagined the smile on Eileen's face as she slid her rings off. We went home and I moved my things into the spare room, Doctor Barnes said that every trace of my presence had to be removed from the marital bedroom. Hours later I was done.

I made dinner that night and we ate in stunned silence. Eileen kept looking at her left hand. After dinner we washed dishes together and then watched a little TV. Around 11:30 Eileen announced that she was going to bed. I went off to my room an hour later.

The next morning was awkward because we ALWAYS shared the bathroom. I was a bit late for work as I had to wait for Eileen, The rest of the first two weeks passed slowly, Eileen gave me her sizes so I bought an entire outfits for her. She said she did not want to see it until it was time for her date. It was a short blue number with a purple bra and purple lace panties to go under it. Purple was Eileen's favorite color. I bought a pair of simple but classy dark shoes to go with it. For the hell of it I bought a pair of black thigh high stockings, imagining that she would draw the line t those and we would both have a good laugh.

Before I knew it it was Friday and time for Eileen's first date. I walked into her room. (Amazing how quickly I stopped thinking of it as our room) with a sealed garment bag and left the room. It seemed to take Eileen forever to get dressed but t last she called out. "What do you think?"

She was stunning. Her long brown hair cascaded down her back. Her long legs and slim form filled the dress, Her huge tits pushed against the fabric of the dress, She had decided to wear everything, including the stockings. I simply had to take several pictures of her. Eileen said. "You have better taste than I thought. You buying my clothes might be fun."

A half hour later she was gone. She had taken her car to the restaurant where she was scheduled to meet her first date. I was so turned on that I really wanted to jerk off. I figured that that would do no harm but I decided to call Doctor Barnes. I told her what I was feeling. About how sexy my wife looked and how surprisingly turned on I was. Doctor Barnes is an amazing woman. I did not jerk off that night.

Eileen came home after midnight. Clearly she had had a good time. "He's a nice man. We talked for hours and danced a little. He got a goodnight kiss." I pressed for more details but she said. "James I'd really rather talk about this with Doctor Barnes. I left her room and Eileen called Doctor Barnes. I could not make out much of the conversation but Eileen laughed quite loudly at one point.

The next night, Saturday I gave Eileen another outfit I had bought. A little black dress with pearls and stilettos. Black underthings. It was a daring outfit but she told me that her date had scheduled to take her to a play that night. Once again I took pictures. I had to stay in my bedroom as this date came to the door to pick her up.

After she left I jerked off Then I called Doctor Barnes. She understood and did not criticize me but asked me to refrain or at least call her in the future. I thought it was a little silly but I said I would.

Eileen was returned home around midnight. I could tell that her evening had not been a memorable one. "He was nice too. But we are NOT a match. He loved the outfit. Both of my dates have complemented me on my clothes. They should be thanking you,"

Eileen went straight to bed deciding not to bother Doctor Barnes until morning.

The rest of the week the two of us watched movie together on the couch. We sat next to each other and shared popcorn. I loved the physical contact with her!

The Wednesday night I gave her the outfit I had bought on Monday. A pink taffeta number that came to her mid thigh. For a bit of whimsy I bought a Hello Kitty Bra and Pantie sat with white thigh high stockings. Eileen said that she looked like she was going to a prom. I felt that there was no harm in accentuating her youth. She looked radiant in her pictures that night. As always I put condoms in her purse although I knew that she would never use them on a first date. She's just not that kind of girl.

She came home floating on air. All she would tell me when she got home was "He's the one!" then she went into her room and called Doctor Barnes. I did not see her again until morning. I tried to ask her details about her date with Rodney but she became cross. Doctor Barnes tells me that i don't have to discuss my dates with anyone but her. I had a very nice time that is ALL you need to know. I will also say as far as dresses go you are three for three."

The rest of the week was interesting. On Friday she re-wore her first outfit for a second date with Hank, her second date. When she came home all she said was "I had to know for sure. Since you must know all the details you should know that I let him get to second base. Does knowing that make you happy?"

I didn't know how to react so I slink-ed off to my bedroom and tried to read . She insisted that I spend Saturday morning buying her a new outfit. This was getting expensive and I told her that. "You want to keep me happy, James" was her only reply I ended up buying a white sheath dress. I didn't consciously connect it to a bridal color until later. To go with it I bought lacy white underthings a slip and white shoes and she re-wore the white stockings from Wednesday. This was an outfit she loved from the get go. She said that Rodney was taking her to dinner and dancing later. Eileen loved to dance but I was not much good at it. She left at 8:00 on Saturday evening. She did not come home until past 3:00 in the morning on Sunday. I was getting frantic with worry.

"Oh your still awake", she said as she entered the house. "I thought that you would have turned in hours ago."

"I was worried about you." I replied.

"I am a big girl James. Rodney and I were having fun. It too late to talk to Doctor Barnes tonight but I will call her in the morning. He is a gentleman, a fine dancer and he has a great sense of humor. He looks just like ... " Her voice trailed off but the word Daddy was not hard to discern.

After a moment she said, "James I do love you but this is something I must do. I am seeing him again tomorrow. I know that is our movie night but my mind is made up. I will make it up to you. Pick out something from the clothes I already own tomorrow. James?"

"Yes dear?"

"Whatever happens has to happen. I still love you."

"That is nice to know. You are the only woman I have ever loved."

It wasn't hard selecting an outfit for her. My favorite of her dresses was a purple one she had bought for her birthday last year. It fell to a few inches above her knee and accentuated her bust. Eileen had every right to be proud of her tits. She was a double D. My friends told me I was lucky to have access to such nice tits. My brother took me aside after he first met her and said "She's got the greatest rack I've ever seen!" I always found that funny. I'm not complaining of course but I am not a breast man. I was first attracted to Eileen's legs and her long flowing hair. I'm a leg man first and foremost.

To go with this I selected white tights white sandals and a small white purse. After she got dressed she said. "Rodney is sure to like this. I certainly am seeing you in a new light James. If you have three more successes in a row I am going to let you pick out what I wear EVERY day."

Rodney came by to pick her up at 8;00. It was supposed to be dinner and a show if he could score some tickets. If not then dinner and a walk. I was supposed to stay in my room and out of sight but I found ways to observe the living room without being noticed. He was tall, had a bit of a paunch, and a full head of gray hair. The resemblance between him and Garry, Eileen's father was striking.

Eileen gave Rodney a hello kiss. He complimented her upon her dress and her good looks and they left. I had to call Doctor Barnes. She is a great listener. She understood my desire to see Eileen's date. She seemed to understand the erotic charge the current situation was giving me. Doctor Barnes explained how I should be jerking off. When I do it think of other fantasies or porn images and not focus on images of my wife with other men.

"it is important that you compartmentalize your wife's extramarital activity When she replaces him with you in her mind you don't want to have images of him clouding YOUR psyche!"

I found Doctor Barnes advice to be very good. I hit the internet and focused on legs and asses. It really got me off.

Eileen came home at 12:30. He dropped her off and I heard the two of them have a brief conversation then I heard his car pull away. I opened my door a crack and noticed that Eileen was no longer wearing her tights. I know that Eileen didn't see me because a few minuets later she called me.

"James are you awake? Would you like a chat?" I acted as though I had been asleep and made my way to the living room.

"I thought that you only discussed your dates with Doctor Barnes." I replied.

"Oh I will call her in the morning. First of all Rodney loved the dress. I really appreciate that you are making me look so good. I also want you to know that it is about to happen. Rodney is picking me up Friday night. We will be having dinner and then he wants to show me a foreign film on his Blu-ray player so we will be going to his house after dinner to watch it. I don't expect you to wait up for me. James, I want you to know that I am very fond of you. I'd really like to give you a nice kiss and hug but Doctor Barnes has forbidden it. I also expect that you will find me on the phone chatting with Rodney quite often this week. I will tell you that tonight was quite fun. Rodney could not get two tickets next to each other for the show so we went to the park and went for a walk I slipped off the trail and got mud all over my tights so I took them off. Rodney says that I have great legs. He sounds just like you in that department."