Corky and Billie Ch. 04


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"Hey, calm down," Marianne soothed. "It's not the end of the world. Everybody has their period some time. You knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. Does he know about such things?"

"I don't know, I don't know," Billie groaned.

"It's not as if he expects to 'do it' or anything, is it?" Marianne asked.

"That's just it, he might," Billie confessed.

"Well then, either you do it messy, or you tell him why not," Marianne offered. "And, him being blind and all, would he know anyway?"

"You're terrible," Billie said, and could not help giggling. "Of course he would know. There's the smell for one thing. And if we didn't 'do it', he would want to, you know, go down there and pay his respects. So what should I do?"

"You just have to talk to him then," Marianne continued, "and make it up to him somehow. I never did it messy, myself, but I can't imagine it being any fun for anyone."

"Me neither, "Billie added, "and I'm not about to start, especially with him, especially not his first time."

"Really?" Marianne said, "His first time? Hey girl, you going to need some moral support this weekend?"

"Moral or otherwise," Billie said, "but please, please, please do come down. This is a fucking emergency."

Corky and Billie met on Saturday, early afternoon, and walked together the few blocks to Aunt Carolyn's apartment. "Some day," Billie said, "we'll need a car, I suppose, but so far everything we need is walkable."

"Do you drive?" Corky asked.

"Yes," Billie replied, "but it doesn't make sense to keep a car here, while I'm in training."

"That's the other thing I miss," Corky admitted, "driving."

"Which do you miss most," Billie couldn't help asking, "driving or girl watching?"

"You're doing a lot to make up for the girl watching," Corky said, "so it's got to be driving right now."

"Well," Billie said, "I'm afraid I can't help you much on that score, but Marianne drives and has her own car, too."

They let themselves in, and took a quick tour around the apartment, with Billie providing a running narrative.

"Tell you what," Corky said, "why don't you just sit somewhere and let me have ten minutes to fumble around here on my own? That's the best way for me to learn my way in a new place."

"Okay," Billie agreed, "just holler if you get lost." She listened with interest while Corky made his way systematically through the apartment, on his own this time, checking and double checking all the angles and the sequence of rooms, constructing a mental floor plan to guide his independent movements later.

"I think I got it," Corky said as he returned to the living room where Billie waited. "Thanks for not hovering, I really appreciate that."

"Well," she said, "I figure you know what you need better than I do, and if you need help, you know how to whistle, right?"

They left to go shopping, and returned with their bundles a couple of hours later. As they unlocked the door to let themselves in, a familiar voice from inside said, "Well it's about time, you two. I was beginning to think I had the wrong weekend or something!"

"Oh my God!" Billie squealed. "Marianne!" and she rushed to embrace her friend.

"Here," Marianne said, "let me help you with that stuff. Hi Corky, you got bundles too? You two going to shack up for the winter, or what? I never saw so much junk in my life!"

With much merriment and playful verbal abuse, they managed to get everything into the kitchen and more or less unpacked.

"Cool!" Marianne said. "Wine! I'm glad I crashed your little party. You'll never manage both these bottles yourselves."

"You're not crashing any party," Billie said, "that's why we got all this crap. I told Corky all about your appetite."

"Singular?" Marianne asked coyly.

"Yes," Billie laughed, "singular. You can tell him about your appetites, plural, yourself, if you want to."

Corky was laughing too, and commented, "Hey, I think I'm the one who's crashing the party. You two are really clicking!"

"Click click!" Marianne mocked. "Click click!" Billie echoed. And they dropped what they were doing, rushed to Corky's side, overwhelming him in a fleshy sandwich, embracing him and each other, kissing him and each other with loud smacking playful kisses. Corky clutched one girl in each arm, and held them fast, trying to survive the squirming excitement.

"You're not crashing any party either," Billie said, "believe me."

"Hell no," Marianne said, "you ARE the party!"

"Wow!" Corky exclaimed. "And we haven't even opened the wine yet."

Later, when the girls were busy preparing the meal, Corky wandered about the apartment, updating and correcting his mental map. Returning to the kitchen, he approached the sound of their chattering voices, and found them standing next to each other, with their backs to him. One was attacking a salad, evidently, and the other supervising the pasta and stirring its sauce. They grew silent as he approached.

He placed his left hand on the left hip of the girl to his left, and his right hand on the right hip of the girl to his right, and concluded from their relative sizes that Billie was on his left and doing the pasta, and Marianne was on his right and doing the salad. Both girls were wearing jeans, he noticed, as he was.

He leaned to his left and nuzzled Billie's neck, giving her a little lick there. She reflexly giggled and turned to give him a quick peck.

"Careful, Romeo," Billie said, "you'll make me burn my sauce."

"Is that how you get him to do that?" asked Marianne, "call him Romeo?"

"That's one way," Billie joked, "almost anything gets him to do that, seems like."

"Well, Romeo," Marianne said seductively, "you got something against us blondes, or what?"

"Hell no," Corky said, "I was just asking permission first."

"Oh my God!" Marianne said, "Permission! Please, Billie darling, may I please have a piece of this hunk?"

"Hey," Billie laughed, "you know the rules, sweetheart, what's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine. And he's mine, so he's yours too."

Corky turned to nuzzle Marianne as he had done Billie, but she abandoned the salad, wrapped her arms around his neck, and went for a world class kiss. Corky adapted to the attack, but kept his left hand lightly around Billie's waist, while gathering Marianne close with his right arm.

"Careful you don't use him up," Billie observed, "save a little loving for me, girl. You're just lucky salads don't burn or we'd have to send out for one ."

"There's plenty of loving to go around," Corky said, "count on it."

The two girls said in unison, "Oh, we're counting on it all right!" They were all having a joyous and spontaneous time. In spite of this, dinner was eventually ready.

"Who's good with a corkscrew?" Billie asked.

"I am," Corky said, and moving to the counter, found one of the wine bottles, rummaged in a drawer or two, and came up with a corkscrew. He examined the mechanism briefly, then applied it to the cork, and withdrew it, holding it up for the girls to admire.

"You're a keeper," Marianne said. "One for the salad, one for the pasta, and one for the wine. I love it!"

Bringing the bottle to the table, he poured their glasses to the brim as the girls passed them to him. They noticed a stealthy touch of his fingertip at the rim of each glass to sense the level of the fluid, but somehow he made it seem natural.

The meal was terrific, and it was enhanced by the wine, and the company. They eventually grew quiet at the table, and Billie broke the silence saying, "I just love you both so much, my heart is so full."

"We both love you, too, Billie," said Marianne.

"You know we do, we both do," added Corky.

"But it's not fair," Billie continued, "I have two absolutely dear loves in my life, and you guys only have me."

"I think she's saying something about you and me," Marianne said to Corky.

"Seems like she's saying we ought to love each other like we love her," Corky agreed.

"Then we'd each have two absolutely dear loves," Marianne added, "Billie would have both of us, and you would have both of us, and I would have both of you, like a perfect circle."

"You make that sound so simple," Corky said.

"Well it IS simple, damn it," Billie insisted. "Especially tonight."

"Why tonight particularly?" Corky asked.

"Wait a second," Marianne said. "Corky love, there's something going on here you don't know about."

"Then tell me," Corky said, "if we're going to love each other in a great big circle, you have to tell me."

"He's right, Billie," Marianne said softly.

Taking a deep breath, Billie said, "Well, it's like this. See, I'm having my fucking period, that's all."

"Is that what the other night was all about then?" Corky guessed.

"What do you mean?" Billie asked.

"You know," he continued, "the tears, the falling apart, quitting as my teacher, all that. I never did understand that."

Marianne covered her mouth trying to hide her laughter, but failed.

"What's so fucking funny?" asked Billie.

"Oh Billie," Marianne said, "God almighty, Billie, love this guy and keep him! You don't have to fuck him tonight. Keep him for later, keep him forever, whatever. He's onto you, girl."

"Will somebody please tell me what's happening here?" Corky asked.

Softening, Billie said, "You're right, Marianne, as usual." Then turning to Corky, she continued, "Everything's copesthetic, Corky, we'll all be okay. And you're right, that's what it was all about the other night, only I just didn't recognize my own hormones at the time. And now I'm bleeding like a stuck pig, and now it's breaking my heart, that's all."

"Breaking your heart?" Corky plunged on, "but why, for goodness sake?"

Marianne laughed again, and intervened, "Because now she has to keep her panties on, that's why, and she had big plans for tonight."

"Is that true?" asked Corky incredulously.

"Well, yes, I guess that's about the size of it," Billie said. "It sounds silly when Marianne puts it just like that, but that's about right."

"Well I'll be damned!" Corky said. "I think Marianne and I can still love you even if you keep your panties on. What do you think, Marianne?"

"Absolutely!" she agreed. "Panties on or off, you're our one and only Billie, and we love you to pieces either way. Of course some day we'll get those panties off of you again, and then, oh brother, just watch your ass, girl!"

That broke the tension, and the three of them rose at the same time, joined in another three way hug, and marched awkwardly with all six arms interlocked, into the living room where they sprawled on the sofa, with Corky still sandwiched between the girls.

"I'll try hard not to be a party pooper," Billie said, "so how about we just forget the heavy stuff and play, okay?"

"I go for that," Corky said, "and if you want to keep your panties on, we'll just consider it your particular disability, and take it from there."

"Right," Billie laughed, "like you're blind and I'm bleeding, same thing, right?"

"Anyway," Marianne said, "if it's important to get out of your panties, I got panties too, and I'm not due for at least ten days. So just say the word, people and POOF, off they go!"

Laughing, Corky said, "What word? Tell me the word, and I'll say it."

Billie joined the joking too, adding, "Any word will do, Corky. You just pick any word and say it, and off they come!"

"I'm pretty good at doing panties," Corky said, "so if you need a hand, just say the word."

"What word?" said Marianne, "Tell me the word, and I'll say it!"

That was too much. Corky reached for Marianne, who did not resist. He quickly found her belt buckle and loosened it, found the zipper and unzipped it, unsnapped the snap, and Marianne lifted her rump off the sofa. He pulled the jeans down, but they bunched beneath her knees and would not go any further.

"You forgot the shoes," Marianne hinted. "Get those shoes off and the rest is yours."

Corky quickly undid Marianne's shoe laces, removed the shoes, then the jeans, and returned to the problem of the panties.

Billie watched with great interest, and finally said, "Oh, Corky, what a treat you're in for! You're going to see some thong bikinis now! Damn, this is so fucking exciting. Look at you two go!"

Corky was astonished at the skimpy garment, but as he took it by its side straps, Marianne once again raised her rump a bit, and he whisked it away, saying, "Wow,"I've got neckties bigger than this!"

"You're right," said Marianne, "you're good at that, and look at his pants, Billie, will you? Is that a banana, or is he happy to see us?"

"Must be a banana," she replied, "because he can't see, and anyway he hasn't touched me yet."

So Corky turned his talents to Billie, But now he did the shoes first, then swiftly undid and removed the jeans. "You're keeping yours on, right?" he asked.

"I sure don't want to, but I better," she said. "But you're forgetting your manners, Romeo, you got a lot of titties to deal with here, you know what I mean?"

"Not so fast," Marianne said, "no titties until he gets out of those things and shows us what he's got for us, okay?"

"Okay," Billie agreed, "good thinking. Let's give him a hand."

They all stood now, and the girls quickly had Corky stripped. He was enjoying their girl chatter, and the attention of their combined efforts.

"Hey, that's nice!" Marianne said. "I think it wants some action, too."

"Didn't I tell you?" Billie agreed. "Just wait until you get a taste."

Corky was a little embarrassed by the frankness of their comments, but went along with, "Now how about some of those titties, girls?"

The girls said in unison, "Me first!" and threw their arms around Corky, one from each side, nearly sending them all sprawling. They seemed to share a single mind, and it was an extremely erotic one at the moment. Each girl grasped one of Corky's bare legs between her thighs, capturing his aroused dick between their semi-nude bodies. Corky had to concentrate hard, but managed a synchronized lifting of their similar sweat shirt tops, up over their raised arms, and the garments flew to one side.

"Do her first," Marianne said, "or else I'll be the first girl to get naked, and that won't be very lady like, will it?"

"If I have to keep my panties on," Billie said, "you have to keep your bra on, okay?"

"You drive a hard bargain, girl," Marianne replied. "Couldn't I just show him a little"

"Sure, that's okay," Billie replied. "You could even let him inside or under, just don't take it off, that's all."

Corky was finally able to undo Billie's bra fasteners, despite the extremely distracting conversation, and freed her gorgeous globes. Billie pressed herself against Corky's naked body, relishing once more the stimulation of his body hair.

"Wow," Marianne purred, "that's sure a hard act to follow, I wish I had tits like that."

"Let me be the judge of that," Corky chimed in, and caressed Marianne's somewhat smaller and firmer tits, kneading them, and rolling her firm nipples.

"Oh, Corky," Marianne purred, "where have you been all my life?"

Reaching over to Marianne, Billie slid her bra straps down over her shoulders, releasing the support of her cups. Corky instantly registered the increased access, and stooped to suckle her nipples while continuing to squeeze and caress her tits. He turned to give equal time to Billie's more familiar tits, and all three were close to the boiling point.

They held each other tightly now, a topless brunette, a bottomless blonde, and a naked man, quiet and close, with hearts beating in unison.

"Billie darling," Marianne said softly, "your call, sweetie."

"You okay?" Billie asked.

"I'm fine," Marianne added.

"What?" Corky asked.

"Corky," Billie began, "my dear sweet Corky, tonight was supposed to be our super special first night, the night to go all the way, to do the deed, to get laid, to fuck our ears off, to celebrate each other and drop every barrier. And it's still going to happen, if you will have us both, and let us all love each other."

Corky was astonished. "Billie, Marianne, are you sure? Do you think I am up to this? I mean I've never done it before, and I know I'm going to disappoint you, probably both of you."

"You just leave that up to us, love," Marianne said, "and it's going to be okay, trust me. I think you just got your old teacher back, and now you got a new one too, and believe me, you are in good hands."

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Traveller_1955Traveller_1955over 17 years ago
Superb !!!!!

Having read all four chapters, I am in awe of your writing. The charcters are fully developed. The concepts are unique. The plot lines work.

And it is so SEXY.


duddle146duddle146over 17 years ago
Pleasant Read!

Corky is blind but that doesn't stop him from indulging his panty fetish. Eventually he takes on the difficult task of satisfying both Billie and Marianne. What a guy! Enjoyable read. Good Write!

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