Coromandel Ch. 02


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"No," I whined. "No, no." I backed off him, spread my legs, and scooped two fingers full of white cum out of my sopping pussy. Yeah, he'd cum alright. I wiped it off on the blankets. "Dammit Razor, I'm not done yet."

"Sorry, babe," he groaned. "Your pussy's just too damn tight. I couldn't help it."

I grabbed his slimy cock in one hand; it was already getting soft. I scooted back a bit further, leaned down, and took it back into my mouth, determined to get him hard again, needing another big orgasm after being disappointed. I was like a druggie chasing a high, and I think I would have done anything right then to really, really get off.

His cock didn't just taste like skin now; it tasted like pussy - my pussy, I thought with a thrill - and cum, which was something I'd never tasted before and didn't really like. But I bobbed my head up and down and swirled my tongue around, desperately trying to bring him back to life. The head of his cock hit the back of my throat, and I gagged on it, but kept moving up and down on his shaft as I could feel it beginning to harden again. After a minute or so, with a final suck, I popped it out of my mouth and sat up.

"Alright, you had better make me cum good this time," I warned him as I knelt there. The smell of sex and cum filled the tent.

"Get on your hands and knees, slut," Razor ordered me, stroking his cock with one hand as he sat up. I turned around, pointing my ass to him, and bent over, sticking my butt up in the air. Instead of supporting myself by my hands, I just turned my head to the side and rested on one cheek, my hair spreading out around me, as I reached back and pulled my ass apart. I'd seen girls do this in porn, but never in real life, and I knew he'd have an exposed view of not only my gaping pussy, but my tight little asshole as well. I could feel the hot air of the tent on my underparts, the crotchless panties completely open.

"Oh, fuck yeah," Razor moaned as he slid his cock up and down between my ass cheeks, over my butt and then down to my soaking pussy, where it made a wet slopping sound as he stirred it around. What he'd said was true, and it turned me on even more: right now I was nothing but a slut for his cock.

This time, when he pushed into me, it didn't hurt: it just felt full, and tight, and right, and I exhaled a sigh of relief as he took two or three strokes to get all the way in. He didn't start slow this time, and I didn't need him to: he just gripped my hips with both hands and set a quick, strong rhythm, moving his cock in and out of me at a steady pace. I kept myself spread for him, and after a moment he let go with a right hand just long enough to spank my ass a couple of times. "Oh! Oh!" I couldn't help but whimper with each stroke, though it wasn't really hard enough to hurt.

Razor withdrew suddenly, but before I could move or say anything, his face was pressed up against me, between my legs, and so I just let him do whatever it was he was planning on. His tongue and fingers worked at my pussy for half a moment, and then I felt him licking my ass. It was weird, and I can't say it felt good: I was so close to cumming, I wished he'd just put his tongue or his fingers or his cock back into my pussy.

"Not there," I complained, but he'd already moved, and I felt his cock slide back into me. With only a few steady strokes, I was building back toward the orgasm I'd missed when there was a sudden, cramping pressure at my ass. I let out a high pitched whine as my body tensed up, and all of a sudden everything felt really tight down there.

"Fuck yeah," Razor groaned. "You like that, baby? You like my thumb up your ass?"

I made some kind of noise as his hips began to slap into my ass quicker and quicker. "Oh... oh fuck," I moaned as that familiar fluttering, electric warmth began to crest and then flashed through me. I felt warm and wet as Razor slammed into me one more time and then held us tightly together, his cum spurting up inside me. Both of us tensed, muscles stiffening in a momentary paralysis as we finished, and after a long moment I drew a shuddering breath and began to relax. His dick was beginning to soften and fall out of me, but his thumb was still in my ass and it wasn't entirely comfortable.

"Take your thumb out," I moaned, and he did so with a pop.

Razor exhaled and fell back on our blankets. "You like that, Audrey," he asked.

I rolled onto my back and pulled my knees up to my chest so I could reach down and feel around a bit. Slimey cum was leaking out of me all over the place, and my ass felt raw and sore.

"I don't know," I admitted. "I mean, I came hard, but now its really sore. Warn me next time, ok?"

"Sure," he said. "Anyway, see you tomorrow." He must have logged off, for his Avatar's eyes closed. He hadn't even bothered to put his dick away. I went into our supplies and got out a couple of cloths and a canteen of water, and washed myself off. The whole tent stank of sex and cum, but there wasn't much I could do about that. After thinking it over for a moment, I washed his dick too and tucked it into his pants so that Coraline wouldn't get a weird surprise when she logged in. Then, I stripped off my special lingerie and replaced it with the more practical things I'd been wearing before, dressed, composed myself, and used my leftover skill points to max out my new Fellatio skill before I logged off.

The first group of mutants hit us on the outskirts of the ruins.

There were half a dozen of them, their skin shifting colors to match with the surroundings, and I almost didn't see them they moved so carefully. Razor didn't see them, at all, and took a shotgun blast to the shoulder, pellets pockmarking the metal of his cyberarm, as a wake up call. We'd travelled for the first half hour after logging back in without incident, and we must have gotten to comfortable.

I didn't even have to finish the motion of drawing my gun; the Quickdraw skill did it for me, and the blurred shape rushing at me staggered as I put a bullet into it's chest, but it kept coming. I saw Coraline pop her claws and rake another along the side of its ribcage, but hers didn't stop either, and then the whole mob of them was on us. They were well coordinated: each of us was charged by a mutant with a jagged length of metal serving as a makeshift sword, while another used cover and their chameleon-like skin to fire on us without giving anyone much of a chance to do something about it.

I saw another shotgun blast knock Coraline back, though the Deathknight didn't fall, and then I was dealing with my own problems. I threw myself aside as another crack rang out, and dust exploded around my feet as pellets came within inches of biting into me. The mutant I'd shot was in my face, swinging that rusted and sharp piece of metal, and it was all I could do to keep from getting slashed by it. As I scrambled back and to the side, I got a second shot off, but it kept coming, incoherent, maddened. I had time to think, at least the shotgun isn't going off again, before I couldn't get out of the way in time and the sharp metal cut my left forearm. I'm pretty sure I screamed, and I had no idea what Razor or Coraline were up to at that point. I just squeezed the trigger a third time, aiming for the center of the deranged thing's mass, and this time it dropped, twitching onto the ground. I had just enough time to catch my breath before a sudden slam took my shoulder, spun me around, and knocked me to the ground. Through the pain, my half-functioning brain put two and two together: shotgun guy had switched to slugs rather than pellets, and I'd just taken one. There was blood everywhere, my ears rang, and my vision started to go dark.

If I stay down, I'm going to die.

I forced myself upright, shaking my head, and brought my vision into focus enough to pick out the mutant who was shooting at me. I raised my gun - half the bullets were gone now - and took him in the thigh. He staggered, but stayed up, breaking the shotgun to load another round. I scrambled behind some brush, then popped up long enough to snap off a fifth shot, but couldn't tell if it hit or not. Another shot rang out, and I felt a pain in my left thigh. I tried to drag my leg further behind the brush, then took aim with my last bullet. I saw something move, squeezed the trigger, and heard a cry.

There was silence, and I was bleeding everywhere. After a long moment of trying not to pass out, I called: "Everyone still alive?"

"Yeah," Razor replied. "Hold on. One's still moving." There was the sound of a butcher's knife sinking into a watermelon, and I tried not to picture what that would be. I reloaded my revolver before holstering it, just in case, and then tried and failed to stand up. I nearly passed out again, settled for sitting upright, and then saw Coraline holding up one of the mutants, her face buried in his neck. I watched, dazed, as she threw him aside, her mouth red with blood.

"There," she said with satisfaction, "All healed. Razor, Audrey looks like she could use a potion or two."

Razor must have already had one, because there were only three on his belt when he walked over. His leg looked like someone had just stitched it up after a major surgery, and I guessed what the potion had been for. As I accepted mine and drank, the pain eased a bit.

"Should I save the last two," I heard him asking Coraline.

"No point," she told him. "Once we're at the camp outside the ruins, we can buy more. There's a kind of trading post set up there. You'll see."

By the time I'd chugged my second potion, I felt just about normal again, though the healing did nothing about the bloodstains or bullet holes in my pants or shirt. I wondered if the trading post would have baths.

It turned out the mutants had been hitting travelling players along the road, and they must have been doing pretty well, for not far away was a hollow in the scrub and rocks where they'd been stockpiling their loot. There was plenty of coin, a bag of scattered gemstones, and another of various flasks and potions. We loaded up our loot, and headed into the trading post.

It was build up against one of the more structurally sound walls of the ruins which surround the mine entrance, and someone had cleared out any trees in the area to make a rough palisade with a ditch in front of it. Inside, there were tents, lean-tos, and even wagons, as well as horses and a few dozen people. There was even a kind of tavern in front of one wagon, where large rocks, tree trunks, and logs had been set up as seats for the patrons. Coraline took charge of the loot - she'd been here before - and we found ourselves at a kind of cross between a travelling trader and a general store, where a tall and lanky man with no hair on his head seemed quite eager to help us liquidate everything she judged we didn't need.

The Deathknight began piling flasks and vials on the counter, but she did pick out one and hand it to Razor. "Keep that," she told him shortly. "The rest we'll sell."

Some haggling followed, and Coraline also wanted to trade some of the smaller denomination coins the mutants had been hoarding for larger, to make our wealth easier to carry. It seemed we were going to pick up half a dozen healing potions out of the deal, but I decided to trust her to handle it and didn't really pay too much attention. After a few moments, she handed each of us a pouch, and I checked my inventory. Along with the gold I'd saved from right after character creation, I had nearly four thousand gold of in-game currency.

Once Coraline was done, I picked up a box of thirty more bullets - I was getting a bit low - and then browsed through what he had for sale. Quite a bit, I found. I spent a thousand on a gun belt which would hold my bullets conveniently close to hand, and held on to the rest. With that, we headed over to the bar for a drink.

"So," Razor began. "This is where you got hurt last time."

Coraline nodded. "I lost my party down in those mines. I was able to get out, and make it back."

"Why didn't you just wait for them to respawn," I asked her.

She hesitated in answering my question, absently tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "Because we'd gotten down to the fourth level of the mine."

Razor and I looked at each other.

"What does that mean," I asked.

"I means," the Deathknight sighed, "That down that far is where the mutants don't kill you. They take you captive. I have no idea how long it will be before any members of that party die and respawn."

I recalled what we'd spoken of before. "Wait," Razor interrupted, confused. "So you mean that on levels one through three, they kill you out of hand - but any lower is where the torture starts?

"Exactly," she confirmed. "They take you prisoner, and then, from what I've heard, they start to torture you. It sounds pretty bad, and the worst part is that it's possible to be rescued, and you don't lose anything in your inventory, so people try to hang on through it, hoping the rest of their party will somehow get to them. They say that you can basically opt out and choose to have your character die at any time, but if you do, then you lose everything you gained while raiding in the mines. So people try to stick it out. Maybe they've given up by now, maybe they haven't. I don't know."

Razor and I looked at each other. Finally, he asked again, like an idiot who hadn't been listening, "But on the first three levels, they don't bother?"

"The first three levels are mostly rusty old security drones and traps," she said more confidently. "I've got a good idea of what's there, and how to handle it. The fourth level is where you really start to hit the Fallout Crew."

"The Fallout Crew," I prompted her.

"The mutants. Sometimes you'll run into them on the upper floors, but four is their base, and that's where Gorm, their leader is." She shook her head. "That's what wiped my last party. Gorm and that damned gun of his. Anyway, the mutants are searching for something buried in the mine - the Null Sword. I think I have a pretty good idea of where it might be at this point - my last party scouted the area pretty extensively. But I don't want to say here, because that's what everyone is looking for. As far as I know, not a single party has managed to get out with it yet. A couple people claim to have gotten it in their inventory before being captured, but all of them eventually gave up on the torture."

Something tingled in the back of my mind - something I'd scrolled past as I checked the list of items for sale at the general store. I knocked back the rest of my drink and stood up. "I forgot something at the store. I'll be right back."

Razor started to stand up, and I waved him back down. "Finish your drinks. It won't take long."

As I walked, I called up my shop menu, bit the bullet, and spent another twenty dollars on in game currency. It only got me 5,000 gold this time, because it was at regular prices instead of at the introductory offer, but whatever. It would be enough. When I got to the shop, I quickly pulled up the item that had caught my eye in the menu and looked the skinny shopkeeper. "I want this," I told him, and felt a bit disgusted by the gleam in his eye.

"Of course," he said with a smile and a nod. "I'll need to put it in for you. Come around back."

I nodded shakily. This part I was not looking forward to. "Yeah. Give me a healing potion too, for afterward." I paid him, and then followed him into the wagon.

He motioned for me to sit on the bed where he clearly slept. Ew. I bit my lip for a second, and then shrugged out of my duster. Then, I unbuttoned my blouse, revealing the lacey gray bra beneath. I could feel his eyes on me as I took it off and exposed my breasts to the air.

"Left, or right," he asked as he dipped a needle in alcohol.

I shot with my right hand. If this worked the way I thought it would, it wouldn't hurt after I was done, but... "Left," I told him.

He came over and sat down on a stool, taking my left breast in his hand. I looked away, up at the ceiling, and tried not to think about what I was doing. This is just a game, I told myself. It isn't real. And then I screamed as he pierced my nipple. It was hot, and pain radiated out from my breast, and I didn't even notice how he was manhandling my boob anymore as he was screwing the end of the bar into place.

"There," he said, "done," but his hand lingered on my breast for a long moment. As soon as the bar was in place, I could feel it start to do its work. The pain was still there, but now it didn't bother me... it just kind of turned me on. It felt wickedly good, and this guy's hand on my breast started to feel good too. "It's an interesting item," he told me. "Usually only Characters working as prostitutes pick it up. Apparently the programmers recorded the sensations of masochists to program it. You may want to hold off a moment on drinking the healing potion to really see what it feels like."

I took a long, ragged breath, and seriously thought about putting my hand down my pants right then and there. This guy was clearly hoping I would, but he was so gross I just couldn't. Instead, I drank down the healing potion, and the erotic sensation of the pain faded as the piercing healed instantly. In a moment, my bra was back on, I was buttoning my blouse, and then I was out the door, insanely aware of the little bar of metal rubbing against the fabric of my bra as I moved.

It was going to be really hard not to masturbate today.

Coraline and Razor were not waiting for me at the bar. I looked around for a moment: nope, nowhere in sight. With a frown on Audrey's pretty little face, the new nipple piercing forgotten for the moment, I walked up to the bar and waited for the bartender's attention.

"Hello," I began. "I was just here with my party, a blonde female Deathknight in a purple dress, and a big guy in shades and cybernetic arms. Did you see where they went?"

"Oh yeah," he said with a smile. "They hooked up with a pretty little blue-haired Iron Priestess in black. Seen her around before. They headed over toward the wagons."

"Thank you!" I smiled brightly at him, then turned and spotted the wagons. They were big, Conestoga style, and the more well-funded parties were using them as mobile bases out here. I was annoyed. On the one hand, we could use a Priestess in our party, but on the other hand, why the hell hadn't they waited for me?

I began to wander from wagon to wagon, looking for Cora and Razor. Not there, not there... that wagon was all closed up and shuttered... from the sounds of it, someone was having sex in that one...

I stopped. Would Razor take the chance to get in some little skank's pants? Especially if he had the excuse of recruiting a new party member? It wasn't like he'd given me any reason to think he'd be loyal to me. It wasn't like I'd ever asked him to be, or wanted him to be. Glancing left and right to make sure no one was watching me, I snuck up to the side of the wagon and ducked down behind a pile of supplies.

This style of wagon was a long, wide, flat bed attached to wheels, with wooden walls on three sides going up maybe a little more than two feet. From the top of the walls, frame hoops extended up into the air, and canvas was stretched over that to form the top of the wagon, the fabric tied down on each side to hole if over the hoops. It wasn't exactly the most private arrangement you could come up with, to get it on.

I could hear moans now, and the wet smacking sounds of someone either getting fingered or eaten out. It took a moment to find a place where I could maneuver my head around the fabric and get a view in, but when I did, my mouth dropped open. Razor was in here alright, and so was Cora.

The bed of the wagon was covered in blankets and pillows. Razor was kneeling on those pillows, bare-chested, with his head down between a strange girl's legs - presumably she was the Iron Priestess. She was slim, delicate looking, with pale skin, especially where her milky thighs were spread around Razor's ears. Her nearly white-blond hair faded to a pale, bright ice blue, falling back from her upturned face and around Coraline, who was nibbling at her neck. As I watched, the Priestess sighed.