Correspondence with Anne Ch. 01


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Anne stood there, hand to the cheek he had kissed, with tears in her eyes. This is just a dream, she thought to herself, just a dream. I'll wake up in my dull little bedroom in my dull little apartment, by myself.


But she didn't. She woke in the guest room, confused again. Then it all came back to her and she jumped out of bed with a huge smile. After showering and doing her makeup, she put on the yellow top and white shorts, critically eying herself in the mirror. Not to bad for an old broad, she thought. I hope he likes it.

He did like it, and told her so.

"What would you like to do today? More importantly, how long before you have to leave? Are you hungry?"

"I'd like to leave in time to get home before dark, and that gives us plenty of time. What do you normally do on Sundays? And yes, I could eat."

"Do you like waffles?"

He made her two enormous waffles, with butter[not margarine] and maple syrup that a friend from Vermont sent him every year. She ate it all.

While she ate he explained that one of his favorite past times was going to the local flea market. It was one of the largest in the state.

She hadn't been to a flea market in ages, so off they went. They had a ball. He bought a few old hand tools that she teased him unmercifully for. "What, where is the plug? Is it one ten or two twenty?"

She found a McCoy planter that she adored but couldn't afford, when he started bargaining with the vendor. They were enjoying the give and take.

The vendor cut five dollars off the price, then grinned.

"Give it up mister. Your wife hasn't let it out of her hands since she got here. Buy it already, or there won't be lovin' in your future. Look her in the eyes and tell her she can't have it."

He paid, mumbling about getting robbed, but she played it to the hilt. She gave him an exaggerated smooch on the cheek, and declared to all that could hear her,

"Thank you honey, you are going to get soooo lucky when we get home."

Carl glowed red while people around him chuckled, but he didn't object when she held his hand the rest of the morning.

They ate a light lunch, talked quietly for awhile, then it was time to say goodbye.

She hated going, he hated seeing her leave. They lingered by her car.

"Thank you so much, Carl. This is the best weekend I've had since, well, this is the best weekend I've ever had."

He was holding her hand.

"I can't remember when I've had a better time.

Would it be too forward of me to see you again next weekend? You can come here, or I could visit you. Your choice."

She took a big chance and gave him her phone number.

"Here, call me. No more internet, I want to hear your voice. We'll work it out later."

He gave her his card, with home, cell, and business numbers.

"Call me when you get home, so I'll know you're safe."


Cathy was enthralled with Annes' account of her weekend.

"You are so lucky. Do you think he's got a brother that might be single? Are you going back this weekend? Think you'll be getting intimate?"

Anne sighed.

"That's the million dollar question. I think he likes me, I really do, but he's a straight guy, you know? I'm a whole new reality to him. He didn't mind hugging me, and we kissed on the cheek a couple of times, but he didn't try to take it farther. Plus, it's way too early for intimacy, I want to get to know him better."

"I'm really worried that when it comes right down to it he'll never be able to accept me. If he strings me along and then dumps me, it would kill me."

"I really, really like him, he's kind and gentle and puts me first when we're together, but I get glimpses he could be quite stern if pushed. I'm not going to make any long range plans, but I do want to see him again."

Meanwhile, Carl was wrestling with his own thoughts. He really liked her, and that's how he thought of her, as a woman. But he knew that wasn't true biologically. He already had strong feelings for her emotionally, could he go through with it physically? He wasn't sure. One thing he did know, he wanted her around. He just seemed to click with her.

He flushed a little, remembering bringing the toothpaste and brush into her room when he got up the next morning. She had tossed and turned during the night, or maybe she just got hot, but the covers were thrown back.

She had her back to him. Her shirt had ridden up, exposing her back and the curve of her hip, encased in full cut white panties. He got an instant erection, painful in intensity.

His body was screaming "Go get girl, go get girl!"

while his mind kept saying "slow down, remember what's in those panties." It was very confusing.


They talked every night. Part of her wanted to wait a week, to not seem too eager. Another part was screaming "Screw that, get him now before he has a chance to escape."

She finally agreed to come for the weekend, if she could cook him dinner Saturday. She wanted him to try her lasagne, it was her best dish.

He must have peeked out the living room windows twenty times before she pulled into the drive.

It was all he could do to keep from running to her. It was all she could do to keep from launching herself into his arms. They both controlled their urges and had a nice hug.

He asked about her trip, was the car running all right?

She laughed and said it ran fine, and if she caught him checking it over before Saturday afternoon, she would make him eat canned soup for dinner.

She freshened up and they had a light dinner at Chili's. They ran into a few friends of his.

"Come on, let me introduce you."

She hung back. What if they didn't like her? What if they guessed her secret? She would die before she shamed him.

He felt her reluctance. He took her hand and pulled her along.

"You have to meet them sometimes, you wouldn't believe the calls I got last week, and you got nothing but compliments. It'll be fine."

It was. One couple invited them to the bar for a drink after the meal, and they spent a pleasant hour with them. They only had one drink, he wouldn't drink and drive, and if he didn't drink she wouldn't. They made vague promises to get together in the future.

Saturday he was knocking on her door at six thirty.

"Get up, Annie. We have to get to the farmers market before the best stuff is gone."

She groaned, suggesting they go a little later.

He surprised her by throwing her door open. She jumped and held the covers to her chin.

"Get up, girl, before I drag you up. No lying around all day in our house, go on, I expect you dressed and ready to go in fifteen minutes."

He was laughing when he shut the door.

She was halfway through her shower before the phrase "our house' registered. She was ready to go in seventeen minutes, a personal record.

She loved the market. It was one of the biggest in the state, due no doubt to being close to the state capital. They looked, made a few small purchases. She would have gotten a bigger quantity several times but he reminded her they were shopping for only two.

He was talking to a farmer, obviously someone he knew quite well, and she had wandered a few stalls down. She saw beautiful eggplant, and decided to substitute them for noodles in her lasagne, it gave it a much better taste.

She picked them out before she realized she hadn't even brought her purse. Going back, she found him still engrossed in conversation.

Having a bit of fun, she said, "rule number five, honey", and to her surprise he didn't even stop the conversation, but handed her his wallet.

The farmers' eyes widened a bit, but he was smiling when she left.

She paid for the eggplant and slipped the wallet back into his pocket, leaving her hand on his butt a few seconds longer than necessary. He flushed and the farmer laughed.

"I almost kept it, honey, we still have to go to the supermarket. If you're done, we need to go."

They said their goodbyes, and she happened to glance over her shoulder on the way out. He made a whipping motion and pointed at Carl, smiling.

She nodded and smiled back.

Not yet, she thought, but I'm working on it. Carl asked her why she was laughing, and she told him it because she was happy.

She made him push the buggy, to which he complained no end. Only a few things were needed, but she dragged it out, pretending to compare different items before picking what she wanted all along. They ran into a few more of his friends, and she was introduced again.

"Do you know everyone in town?" she asked as they checked out.

"Pretty much. This town isn't that big. All the wives have been plotting to marry me off, a batchelor my age seems to offend them. You may have wrecked some plans by being with me, babe."

It amazed her how quickly they slipped into terms of endearment, honey for her, babe for him. Her response to his statement surprised him with the intensity.

"Tough tomatoes! They had their shot, and missed.

As long as you want me, you're officially off the market!"

Anne put her hand to her mouth. She hadn't meant to say that. She wanted to have him, right there in the checkout line, when he said mildly "Yes dear".

They went home and he went about doing the chores that a homeowner never gets done, while she bustled around in the kitchen. She was so happy she was singing, something she hadn't done in years. She watched him weeding a flower bed while she layered the lasagne, when tears started falling. The whole thing seemed so normal, so domestic, so RIGHT!

Suddenly she became serene. This is where I'm supposed to be, I know it in my heart.

Luckily, she had dry eyes when he came in.

"Whew! You smell, mister. Grab a shower and get presentable, dinner will be ready in thirty minutes."

He gave her his now familiar half grin and said

"Yes dear." before disappearing into his bedroom.

She went all out. Found his good china, nice tablecloth, candles, and had them lit. Two bottles of wine were breathing on the sideboard.

He was suitable impressed. Surveying it all, he said he felt like he needed a suit to be at such an elegant table.

He liked the lasagne so much he had seconds, then didn't have room for dessert. They agreed to have it later, with coffee. They sat, enjoying the wine and each other for a few minutes.

It surprised her when he cleared the table and rinsed the dishes before placing them in the washer. House rules, he said, if one cooks, the other cleans up.

She sat and finished her wine as she watched him, enjoying his swift sure movements.

They settled in to watch TV, his turn to pick, he insisted. She endured some lame action flick, putting up with it in exchange for some serious

snuggle time. After it was over, they talked a little before retiring.

He went to kiss her on the cheek when she grabbed his head and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. He didn't respond for a second before raking his tongue across her teeth. She opened her mouth in surprise and he took the opportunity to slip inside, where he played for a few seconds before pulling back.


She agreed.

He turned abruptly and went into his room, flinging a goodnight over his shoulder.

She stood for a moment. Was he rejecting her?

She didn't think so, she saw and felt the bulge in his pants.

Almost there, she thought happily, as she prepared for bed.

Carl stood with his back against the bedroom door.

"Wow." He said to himself, she tasted good, and felt better. He couldn't help noticing how hard her nipples were, she must have enjoyed it too.

She had confessed in her emails that she had been on hormones for years, but her bust never grew past a 34B. He was glad, his wife had 38Ds, and time had not been kind to them. At the end, they sagged badly, and while he loved her, they were not that attractive anymore.

At forty seven, he could detect no sag, but then again, the right bra could make any woman look great.

"I'll just have to see them live and in person to make a judgement" he said to himself as he undressed.

He had breakfast ready the next morning. She had made a decision, and kissed him on the lips before she sat down. If he minded, she couldn't tell.

After they ate, she gathered the dishes and prepped them for the dishwasher, and wiped down the counter. She saw him watching her and said "House rules, remember?"

He grinned and went out to get the paper.

The weeks flowed by and it seemed her car had a homing beacon, it pulled into his driveway every Friday, earlier and earlier. He had given her a key, and often supper would almost be ready when he got home. She always made a production of greeting him at the door with a big kiss.

Several things of significance occurred, the first being the annual block barbeque. All the men manned grills, while all the women made side dishes. The kids roared around the block, jumping into different pools and playing games, always under the watchful eye of one mom or another.

She had met several of his friends, and was on friendly terms with their wives. Things were going great, she was sitting in a group chatting, when one of the girls asked her to help get some more sodas, they were running low.

Without thinking she jumped into his Lincoln, calling out to him she would be back later.

He nodded absently, busy instructing the younger men in the fine art of grilling.

They got a block before Julie looked over at her and said "I know".

"Know what honey?" she asked as they pulled into the supermarket.

"I know you're not a real girl."

Anne almost passed out. Then she decided to bluff.

"What in the world are you talking about?"

"Give it up" said Julie "My brother is a crossdresser, I know the signs. But I have to say, you pull it off well. Does he know?"

She couldn't help it, she started crying.

"Please, please don't tell. Yes he knows, and I think he loves me anyway. Please don't ruin it for us. Please."

Julie relaxed.

"I'm not going to tell. Carl is a cousin, but treats me like a niece or daughter. He's gotten me through some terrible times, times when my parents wouldn't even help. Without going into detail, he pulled me back from the edge, paying for my rehab, getting me a job. I lived with him for six months. He even introduced me to my husband. I owe him my life, literally, and I love him deeply."

"I can tell when he looks at you he loves you, so I want him to be happy. But if you hurt him, the wrath of God won't compare to what I do to you, got it?"

Anne looked at her and believed every word.

They got the sodas, and when they got back Julie put her ten month old on her lap.

"Here. It looks like you're going to be around for awhile, so you might as well get used to this.

We're going to need babysitters, and who better than family?"

She couldn't help it, she hugged the child while tears rolled down her cheeks.

Carl asked about it later, she just said she met Julie and adored her, that she said you were a fine man and she agreed.

"You don't have to answer this if it makes you uncomfortable, but why didn't you have children?"

He looked off into space for awhile before replying.

"Sally[his wife]told me when we married she was unable to bear children. I was disappointed but loved her, and figured at some time in the future we would adopt, but we never did. I didn't find out until after she died she had had her tubes tied, she never intended to have kids or adopt."

She didn't know what to say, so she climbed onto his lap and held him.

Her birthday came. She wasn't going to tell him but Cathy called while she was at his house and let it slip. He didn't say anything to her, but took her back to D'Angelos'. After a nice meal, he slipped a box on the table while she was in the restroom. She came back, saw the box, and for one fleeting instant thought it was a ring, but it was a very nice tennis bracelet, probably costing more than a years' rent on her apartment.

She of course cried, and everyone around congratulated her.

She kissed him and whispered that she wanted something else. He was surprised, but she said it would wait until they got home.

She would admire the bracelet on the way home, holding it up to catch the reflection of the street lights.

They had a nightcap, and went to bed. When she was sure he was in bed, she knocked on his door before pushing it open.

"Honey, are you awake?"

He had just nodded off, but sat up.

"I'm awake, what's wrong?

"Nothing honey, I want my other birthday present now. Can I have it?"

"How can I give you something when I don't know what it is? If it's humanly possible, I'll get it for you."

"I want to sleep with you." she blurted out, "Nothing more, I just want to fall asleep in your arms and wake up the same way. Please, honey?"

He didn't hesitate, pulling the covers open. She almost leapt into bed. She had on a very nice gown, not to revealing.

She slipped in, snuggling into his arms. he was a bit stiff at first, then relaxed and they drifted off. She wondered if she aroused him at all until she rolled over and spooned against him, feeling the erection against her bottom. While trying hard not to be obvious, she wiggled a bit. The erection seemed to grow, and she lay still. She didn't want to push it, no, take that back, she wanted him to screw her into oblivion, but when he was ready. It didn't stop her from waking up and wriggling enough to get him erect twice, smiling in the dark.

She woke up smiling and refreshed, while he seemed to have bags under his eyes.

"Sleep well, honey?" she said after giving him his morning kiss.

"Fine, fine." he said. It sounded like even he didn't believe it.

After that, she didn't even pretend to go to the guestroom, climbing into bed with him as if it were the most normal thing in the world. He never once objected.

The next month was his birthday, and she and Julie conspired to throw him a party.

They didn't try to surprise him, but told him it was going to happen and he better damn well have a good time.

That morning after breakfast, she told him she had a present she wanted to give him early. Did he mind?

"Of course not babe, I just hope you didn't spend too much, I'd feel guilty."

She smiled.

"Oh, it was surprisingly affordable. I got the whole thing for less than fifty bucks. Can I give it to you now?"

She was wearing a robe, pulled close and tied tight.

She stood up, untying the sash of the robe and letting it drop to the floor. She was wearing a pushup bra and a tight pair of boy shorts. He almost choked on his coffee.

She slowly turned, letting him get a good view.

"Do you like it? It's your favorite color."

It was hot pink. He still couldn't form coherent words.

She snickered.

"You're right, I'm still overdressed. Here."

She popped the front clasp and handed him the bra. Her breasts were just like he thought they would be, sitting high and firm. He had woken up several times when she was spooned up to him with them in his hands, but he had never actually seen them.

"This is my first present. I call it your birthday suit. It's all I'm gonna wear until tonight."

She grabbed the breakfast dishes, and started stacking them in to sink. He still hadn't moved.

"Honey, honey. Get a move on. You need to mow and trim around the patio for the party, and I need to make the house presentable. Now go on, shoo."

She practically pushed him out the door. He would look over once in awhile as she pretended to clean the kitchen. She was watching, and when he looked over she would wave, pushing her chest out as far as she could. She stopped when he ran the weedeater across the edge of a flower bed.

She made tomato soup and BLTs for lunch, going to the backdoor to call him in. She had on an apron, and when she turned around she bent over to pick up an umbrella she had 'accidentally' knocked over before she opened the door. It looked like his cock was doing its' best to push through the jogging pants when he came through the door.