Cosmo Cheating Article

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Amy travels the USA interviewing cheating wives.
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As clearly set forth later in this piece ALL names, and all other identifying information in this story, are FAKE; and there are no email addresses, URLs or anything of the like.


I, Amy Calvert, at age 34, had been working as a freelance writer for five years, after a career change from my boring accountant's job, before I got a chance for my first plum assignment. The bigwigs at Cosmopolitan Magazine, after reviewing thousands of letters (by email) to the editor and to an advice columnist, had come up with the general concept of an article that they were sure would be a blockbuster. The broad idea, as it was relayed to me, was anonymous interviews with wives all over the United States that had physically and/or emotionally cheated on their husbands, with the results and the feelings of both the wives and (if possible) the husbands (or ex-wives and ex-husbands, as the case may be) chronicled in detail. The magazine wanted the article to report the details of the cheating, the reasons for the cheating, whether or not the cheating was discovered, the effects on the participants and others that resulted from the cheating, and any retribution that had been exacted.

The editors of Cosmo also envisioned two versions of the story, one that they would print and the other - which went more into the actual sexual details of the betrayals - would be published in an erotica book using a publishing house partially owned by Cosmo.

I was very excited about the assignment - until I was told that it was unlikely that I could complete it just by phone or Skype interactions alone. I was told to confirm that with some of the less juicy looking scenarios, and if confirmed then set up personal interviews all over the country.

The reason why I was reluctant to travel all over the country was because my husband Jason had been acting a little squirrelly lately. I thought that at 37 he was too young for a midlife crisis - both my friends Beth and Cindy heartily agreed - but that lately he was a little daffy and secretive regardless of the reason. I wondered how he would react if I left for a month especially since he was non-plussed (although he never made a big deal out of it) when I had quit my accounting job to pursue my dream of becoming a writer.

The first thing that I did - as suggested by the Cosmo editors - was to determine whether I could get everything that I wanted by phone and/or Skype. I found that I could not. I realized that even though the potential participants indicated some interest via the letters to the editor or advice columnist that they had written, that there needed to be some sort of trust before they would be forthcoming with the real information that I was after. That meant that I had to tell Jason that I would be "On The Road Without Charles Kuralt."

Jason actually took the news a little better than I thought that he would. One reason was that there was a week-long combined golf outing and tournament that he wanted to go to that fell right in the middle of the roughly one month time period that I would be gone; another reason was because I would make and freeze enough of his favorite meals to last him three weeks; and the third reason was because I told him that he could do anything sexual that he wanted to do to me in the ten days before I would leave for the road.

"I see lots of anal and blow jobs in my future," he chuckled as he smiled and rubbed his hands together when I relayed the "anything sexual" sweetener to him. His squirrelly actions the last couple of months did not include a reduced libido. While I was no big fan of anal or blow jobs, it wasn't like I hated them either; it was just that I liked my pussy eaten and fucked more than either one of the others.

After informing Jason of my plans I spent the next ten days making dates for my interviews with twelve different women - and hopefully sometimes the men relating to their situations too - over the next month. It was an ambitious schedule, but I had planned it properly geographically that I thought for sure that I could accomplish it, especially since some of the women had very flexible schedules and I could easily reschedule with them if necessary.

One thing that I had to keep in mind was that I could not be judgmental. Personally I hate adulterers, but if that came through during my interviews I could not get what I needed.


From New York City I drove a rental car to my first interviewee. [All of the names and locations, and some details (although not the sexual ones) are fake "to protect the guilty."] Cheryl in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, was my first candidate for a salacious story. Cheryl owned her own small business and had a degree in business administration from Rutgers, was 35, and had two kids. Cheryl is relatively ordinary looking, and in my humble opinion about ten pounds overweight for an ideal BMI, but she does have a very pronounced chest, maybe even a DD. She is very intelligent and personable. She had an affair starting about three years ago with a salesman for one of the suppliers to her business; he lived about twenty miles away.

I gained Cheryl's trust within about a half hour after which she became very willing to talk since her correct name, exact age, and exact location would not be used. Within about the second half hour after meeting her I felt almost like her therapist - at least one willing to listen though not give out advice. She showed me photographs of both her lover and ex-husband. They looked remarkably alike to me (although from her descriptions she apparently didn't see that). Both are also relatively ordinary looking and about as overweight as Cheryl is.

In Cheryl's mind the apparent main reason - although I had surmised just from my reading on the subject that the issue is usually complicated - that she started the affair was lack of attention from her husband, Jack. Jack was deeply involved with the kids and his own business so that after nine years of marriage (when she started the affair) she felt starved for attention. While Jack wasn't mean or abusive, her attempts to get him to relate more to her were fruitless.

Her lover Sebastian, on the other hand, always was attentive. At first she thought that it was because he just wanted to be sure to keep her business. However, after investigating she determined that she was one of his smaller accounts and her volume didn't justify the number of trips that he made to her offices and the little inexpensive - but welcome - gifts that he often gave her, saying that they were freebies that he had gotten although that likely wasn't the case.

The affair started with a bang after she had been doing business with Sebastian for about sixteen months. She was having a particularly bad Monday two days after Jack had given her a piss-poor thoughtless gift for their ninth wedding anniversary and didn't bother to show any affection that day - although he happily fucked her that night getting his rocks off while she got virtually nothing out of it. Sebastian came in Monday morning his normal cheery self. He surreptitiously complimented her on her new hairdo (which Jack didn't even notice) and dress. He told her that he had gotten a promotional coupon for lunch at the Cherry Hill Holiday Inn, and asked if she wanted to go with him. She enthusiastically accepted and they made arrangements to meet there at noon.

At the hotel Sebastian greeted her like she was a queen. After she and Sebastian had two drinks and hor-dourves he put his hand on hers and in a low voice said "I got you here under false pretenses Cheryl; the only thing I want to eat for lunch is your pussy, and then I want to fuck your brains out!"

Cheryl was taken aback; she had never before, even by drunken fraternity brothers at Rutgers, been so blatantly propositioned, but she surprised herself by feeling hot but not from anger; rather because her pussy was leaking. She never actually said "Yes" as Sebastian stared at her like a cobra would its prey, but didn't object when he threw $50 on the table, helped her up from her chair, and led her to an elevator. She was in a daze until they entered Room 312 at which time he gently laid her back on the bed, knelt down, quickly removed her panties, and then started licking and fingering up a storm. She came almost instantly, then again a few minutes later, and then again a few minutes after that. Since Jack hadn't eaten her in more than a year, and she had never had three orgasms in quick succession before, she had a warm glow permeating her exhausted body.

When she opened her eyes Sebastian was naked with a substantial cock sticking up into the air it was so hard. He vigorously removed her top and bra - her skirt was still bunched up at her waist - and worked over her nipples and tits with his mouth and both hands. Then seemingly from thin air he produced a tube of lube, rubbed the lube over her tits, stuck his cock in the valley between her melons, and once she pushed her tits together fucked her tits like a madman. He squirted all over her neck and chest when he came with a roar and for the first time in her life she had a mild orgasm from a titty fuck.

After that she was putty in his hands. He continued to be super attentive every time they met - whether for a sexual encounter, in business, or in some other circumstance. She became addicted to the attention and let Sebastian fuck her tits, pussy, or ass, his choice, an estimated 45-50 times a year over the next three years. On days that they agreed to meet - always at the Holiday Inn where he paid with cash half the time and she with cash the other half - he would simply text her "The latest charge for materials is $228" with the dollar amount being the room number.

She maintained that the sex with Jack was actually better once she started fucking Sebastian; although the lack of attentiveness outside the bedroom remained the same she just didn't care about it as much.

Normally Sebastian was waiting for her in the room at the Holiday Inn. The jig was up, however, when one day he got there late, at the same time that she arrived, and they briefly kissed in the lobby before going hand-in-hand to the elevator and were seen by a friend of Jack's who was there to meet a customer for lunch.

Cheryl didn't try to deny the affair give Jack any excuses; although she did make it clear that his lack of attentiveness led her to it; and didn't bother to contest the divorce on "irreconcilable differences" grounds. They have joint custody of their now 8 and 10 year old kids and live within three blocks of each other in the same school system. There is no alimony either way.

Cheryl has no guilt for her marriage dissolving except for once every couple of months when the kids act out in some way that would be easier to handle if they were a cohesive family. She is disappointed in Sebastian, however. His wife was informed of the liaisons with her at about the same time that a private detective found out he was also porking the office manager at another one of his customers. After Sebastian's divorce he shacked up with the office manager at the other customer and Cheryl stopped doing business with his company and hasn't seen him since two months after their last sexual encounter.

Despite her disappointment with Sebastian Cheryl doesn't regret her affair or divorce. She presently isn't in a relationship however she is the member of a pay online group in the Philadelphia area facilitating random hookups, which she indulges in every month or two.


My next interview - also driving my rental car - was with Chartreuse, an unusual looking black woman in a Maryland suburb of Washington D. C. I say "unusual" because her looks would strike some men as drab and others as hot. Anyway, she did "cheating" right.

Chartreuse married Somari when they were both 18 - too young to have a good chance for success. Chartreuse continued to mature and develop intellectual interests after marriage, while Somari stagnated. After six years the marriage was duller than a butter knife. Somari had a dead-end menial job while Chartreuse had an upwardly mobile office job. It was shortly after their sixth anniversary when Chartreuse met Marion at a conference.

Marion is a light skinned black man a couple of years older than Chartreuse who swept Chartreuse off her feet. He was everything that Somari was not; he had a GS-15 job with the Federal Government and was intellectual, and interested in all sorts of exciting subjects. Chartreuse quickly started an emotional affair; she couldn't help it.

The reason that I say that Chartreuse "did cheating right" is because her emotional affair never turned physical until after her divorce from Somari was concluded. She has been paying Somari maintenance the two years since the divorce and will continue for two more years, and she never belittled him or compared him to Marion. However, the day after her divorce came through she and Marion went on a four day trip that was honeymoonesque, and fucked their brains out. They were married three months later, and Chartreuse is now eight weeks pregnant with her first.

Chartreuse is sorry that things didn't work out with Somari, but has no guilt and is happier than she ever has been before.


Denise is a statuesque 38 year old medium darkness skin black woman in suburban Atlanta. Although 38 she looks 25 because of her slim, sleek body and spectacular face. While her facial features would not necessarily be beautiful on a white or Hispanic woman, they are absolutely exquisite African features. Even though she is 6 feet tall I doubt that she weighs more than 135 pounds. She has a slender body, small tits, and an oversized heart-shaped perfect ass. She was wearing an outfit with a bare midriff when I met her - her stomach is flat and striated with muscle, even better looking than a six pack. Looking at her one would never believe that she has three kids between the ages of six and ten.

Denise is married to Deion, a muscular black man an inch shorter and 100 pounds heavier than she is. Deion is a successful businessman. He has never even come close to being abusive in any way to Denise or the kids, however he has very old-fashioned traditional male-female relationship views. To him the woman's place is in the home taking care of the house and kids, he would never let Denise work outside the home, and he is the unchallenged head of household.

Denise started her affair for two different reasons; the first was boredom since her mind was never challenged; the second was an attempt to recreate - with a different outcome - a fantasy from her past.

Denise's boredom led her to subscribe to a pay matchmaking site. The only two rules for the site were that your listed relationship status must be accurate (it could be single, married, divorced, or anything else) as well as your sexual orientation. If either was reported as incorrect you would be booted off the site. You could exchange photos on the site with selected individuals without exposing the photos to the users at large, and the software did not allow the photos to be captured or printed out.

After she was perusing the site for a month she started conversing daily with Brian, a man that she found interesting who listed himself as 35, Caucasian, single, and big. Since she usually had no interest in white men it was odd that she struck up an Internet conversation with him. The reason that she did was because he seemed so clever, with such a good sense of humor. Their conversations really challenged her intellect and within a month her interest was piqued enough to ask him to exchange photos. She sent him two photos, a frontal one where she had only a tank top and shorts on, and a rear naked one which clearly highlighted an ass to die for (she showed it to me and if I were a guy I would have drooled). Brian sent her two photos of him bare-chested with shorts on, and smiling.

Denise was flabbergasted when she saw his photos. He looked just like her High School freshman year civics teacher, Mr. Jones, including a sparse light brown mustache and piercing blue eyes. Denise had had an intense crush on Mr. Jones all through High School; he was one of those teachers who is really concerned about his students and treated all of them like they were special. It was apparent - at least to Denise's star-struck teenage mind - that he treated her even more special than anyone else. While she normally felt gangly in her teenage years he treated her like she was statuesque.

Denise's crush on Mr. Jones was especially odd because she had never dated a white man or had any interest in doing so, and had never been attracted to one (aside from famous movie stars or athletes) aside from Mr. Jones.

Apparently Brian was as impressed as Denise was since after the photo exchange they quickly arranged to meet, facilitated by the fact that he lived only 25 miles away. Their first meeting was enchanting. They didn't have sex, they just went to an art exhibit and a museum, and then had coffee. Denise was intellectually challenged for the first time in years, and she noted many mannerisms Brian had that she remembered that Mr. Jones had. She concluded that he could be Mr. Jones' son, although at six feet five inches tall and 245 pounds he was much larger than Mr. Jones, and in reality was not related.

Denise's second meeting with Brian started out as another intellectual experience but after a passionate hug devolved into a fuck fest in a hotel room. There didn't seem to be any position that they didn't copulate in, including with her pinned against the wall while Brian supported her by her thighs. While Brian's cock wasn't as large as her husband's it had the perfect aspect ratio and Brian loved sticking an anal plug up her beautiful ass as he fucked her pussy, something that made her feel even more full than with her husband. She also really liked the stimulating pillow talk and that Brian worshipped her ass - by stroking it and occasionally pinching or slapping it - while they engaged in pillow talk.

Denise estimated that she and Brian met fifty times over an 18 month period, probably fucking forty of those fifty times including oral and at least two vaginal penetrations (and with a butt plug) virtually every time. Denise continued regular intercourse with her husband - probably once more a week than before she met Brian - and was happier than at any other time in her life.

Denise's last sexual encounter with Brian was the best of her life. As Brian was fucking her doggy with what she thought was a butt plug up her ass, he was being unusually energetic, and in view of the diameter of the supposed butt plug she felt fuller then ever. Just as she was about to cum Brian stroked the vibrator - not a butt plug - in her ass and turned it on. It was like every nerve in both her and Brian's bodies was energized and when he deposited what seemed like a liter of cum into her pulsating pussy she passed out. When she regained awareness Brian had removed the vibrator but was cuddling her in a spoon position with his cock still in her pussy and pinching her nipples. He periodically whispered into her ear "You're my ebony goddess."

It was a good half hour before Denise recovered, Brian extracted his cock, and she cleaned it off with her mouth, savoring every lick. When they went down to the coffee shop in the hotel to have a light lunch her head was still a little fuzzy, and despite a shower Brian's cum was leaking out of her pussy and had already soaked her panties. Brian and Denise never had any PDA, but he was holding her right hand with his left under the booth table. Brian had his briefcase on the table.

Suddenly Deion appeared next to them. He had a scowl on his face when he said "Fancy seeing you here Denise!"