Cottage at the Lake


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"Not just yet, Mrs. Johnson."

I just glared at them. Then I thought, screw them. I stood up, letting them see that I was bare at least to the waist, but I kept my back to them. I held my suit in front of me and picked up my towel and walked out of the lake. They whistled as my bare ass came into view. I wrapped the towel around myself. Shaking, I walked out of the water and up to my cabin. They motored off.

"I knew she was naked, I knew it."

"Nice ass, huh?"

"Very nice."

I figured that mine wasn't the first bare ass they had seen, but I didn't feel much better about it. I spent the rest of the day in our cabin, embarrassed. I ate and read and thought about how much to far I had let this go. I had dressed in a long sleeved shirt and slacks with bra and underpants. I figured that they would show up and I was right.

"Hi, Mrs. Johnson."

"Hi, boys. I apologize for this afternoon."

"It isn't anything to apologize for Mrs. Johnson."

"I am a just a little embarrassed. I thought you guys were inside."

"We're glad we weren't."

They were so sweet I had to laugh with them.

"Well, I am sorry that a middle aged woman is the only one around."

"Don't be, you are very nice."

"So, why are you here?"

"Well, we wanted to ask you to go tubing with us tomorrow. No funny business, just a fun day on the lake."

"I'll think about it, boys, OK?"

"Sure, we'll stop by tomorrow."

I sat and felt embarrassed and the more I thought the more it was like with my caddie. I got warm and tingly and I decided to go tomorrow.

It was about ten in the morning when they came over. I had on my blue bikini and brought a towel into the boat. They were all looking at me. It made me feel good. I watched the boys tube first and it didn't look too hard to me. Three of them went and then I decided to give it a try. Unfortunately I forgot how loose my suit was.

They gave me tips and one helped me up on the tube in the water before getting on the boat. Jack started off slow and it felt good, bouncing along behind the boat, getting splashed and cool. I motioned for him to speed up and the first big wave cleared the top of the tube, drenching me and pushing my top down a little. I was showing more cleavage than before. The bouncing made me jiggle and the waves put a little more stress on an old swimsuit. All of a sudden my top felt loose. I tried to reach back with one hand to see what the problem was, but I couldn't hold on with just one hand so I grabbed the tube again. The bouncing was pushing me off the tube and as I slid back, my top ended up around my neck, baring my breasts. My bottom ended up in the water. As Jack speeded up more, I felt the bottom of my suit fill with water and start to slip down. When it cleared my ass, baring it, I let go and took a mouthful of water. As I was choking, they motored up to me. I immediately turned my back to them and pulled the top down to cover my breasts. Then I struggled to pull up my bottoms.

When I was decent again, I climbed into the boat. I had to pull my bottom up again. The weight of the water seemed to pull it down every time. I watched Jack take a turn, then the others once more. It was a blast. I wished I had done this sooner.

"Want to try again, Mrs. Johnson?"


I got back in the water and on the tube. As we took off again, I again slid back on the tube and my loose top ended up around my neck. I ignored it, wanting to tube for a while. I couldn't see if the guys were looking. I knew one for sure was as a spotter. Jack speeded up and I slid back further. My bottoms filled with water again. I ignored them and I shouldn't have. We hit a big wake from turning and I felt them slip further down. I was going to let go when I saw another wake coming. I hung on and my bottoms pulled right off. I shrieked and let go, turning immediately to find them.

I saw them about fifteen feet away and frantically swam to them, watching them slowly sink below the surface. I jack knifed again, diving for them, not caring that my bare ass was above the water. I caught them and kicked back up, forgetting that my top was around my neck. I burst through the surface, right next to the boat, with my bare breasts breaking water.


"Are you all right, Mrs. Johnson?"

I was facing them; my bare breasts just under the water. I brought my hands up to tug it down letting them see that my bottoms were in my hand. As I looked up, I blushed.

"Turn around, boys, please."

They were gentlemen and did. I climbed up the back ladder, watching them closely. Then, standing in the bottom of the boat with them facing away from me, I put my bottoms back on. I was embarrassed. "OK, you can turn around now."

"Mrs. Johnson, I am going to say something and I don't want you to be upset. You have great tits and a cute ass."

I turned scarlet.

"That's enough of that."

"Are you upset?"

"No, just embarrassed that you saw. I guess I should get a new bikini that fits."

"Please don't just on our account."

That was followed by laughter and I had to join in with them. They were good boys. I sat in the back sunning and watching the boys tube some more. Finally they talked me into trying it again.

Back in the water and up on the tube. This time Bill was driving and he drove much faster than Jack did. As I slid back this time, my right shoulder strap caught on something sticking up and the next time we bounced my old suit gave way. The strap tore completely off and the water pushed the cup on that side down, straining the back clasp. I was having too much fun and just held on. The water rushing by my ass felt good. I bounced high a couple of times in a row and my back clasp gave way. My top got pulled back and ended up with the strap around my elbow and my top fluttering. Both my breasts were bare! With my shock at that and trying to get the top back in place I didn't notice that my bottom was rapidly going down my legs. I took one more huge bounce and when the tube and I hit the water, it yanked my bottoms right off. I let go as Bill started a turn and I bounced across the water, then with a huge splash I went under. By the time I surfaced and began to look for my bottoms, I couldn't see them

Frantically I dove under and tried to find them, but I didn't have a clue where or what direction to look. I broke the surface again, right next to the boat, with my top around my elbow and no bottoms. I tried to cross my arms over my breasts, but each time I did, I sank. So, I ended up treading water with my breasts showing just under the surface. I dog paddled to the end of the boat, coughing up water. I hung on the ladder for a few moments, still coughing. When I looked up all four of them were looking down at my bare breasts and I.


To their credit, after one last look, they all did. I climbed into the boat and wrapped the towel I had brought around my waist. Then I tried to get the top back on. It was useless! The hooks had torn out at the back and one strap was hanging loose. I pulled it up so it covered me blushing bright red.

"Take me back."

I sat down as primly as I could, thinking of them seeing my breasts. At least they hadn't seen my pussy! It had gotten rougher and the boat bounced and pounded through the waves. I didn't notice right away, but the right cup, the damaged one, slipped down and before long my right breast was out in the open with three young men staring at it. My nipple hardened in the cool air and when I did notice, I hurriedly covered it and glared at them.

"Mrs. Johnson, don't take this wrong but nice tit."

I turned beet red. The boat was bouncing enough that I had to grab on the side and soon my right breast was right back in the open. I was so fucking embarrassed! I grabbed the top and pulled it back up just as we hit another big wave. I bounced up in the air and my towel came apart. It flew open and I shrieked this time, letting go of my top and pulling the towel back over me. My right breast bounced out again and I gave up. I held the towel over my pussy and let my breast hang out all the way back. They appreciatively watched it jiggle and bounce with the boat's motion all the way. I was so embarrassed! My nipples, both of them, were as hard as they had ever been. I was turned on, besides being embarrassed.

When we docked, they all turned to me, breast hanging out for them. I thought, screw it. I let the top slide off, baring both of my breasts to them and dropped in the bottom of the boat. As I stepped out of the boat to the dock, my left leg bared from ankle to hip and they knew I had nothing under the towel.

"Isn't that our towel, Mrs. Johnson?"

They were so sweet and innocent! I was standing in front of them bare to the waist and they were saying it was their towel. It wasn't. I played along, feeling all hot.

"Are you sure?"

"I think so, Mrs. Johnson."

"Well, here then."

I don't think they thought I would, but I peeled it open and tossed it into the boat. I stood briefly, naked and then turned and walked down the dock, my ass jiggling at them.


That was all I heard. I walked, not slowly, not running, letting them see my ass all the way to the cabin. I waved just before I walked in and then I sat down. I sucked in a breath and then broke out laughing. I couldn't believe I had just stripped naked for them. They didn't come over that night. I spent it, both regretting and giggling about what I had done.

The next morning I but my bikini on again, the one I had left, and lay out to sun. The boys were not around which surprised me. I expected them to come sniffing around as soon as they knew I was awake. I had wine and more wine as I sunned and with lunch and after lunch so I was pretty wasted when they did show up.

"Mrs. Johnson, do you want to play in the water or something."

"What did you have in mind?"

"Well, we used to play keep away with a Frisbee."

"That might be fun."

I got up half stumbling and walked very precisely to the water.

"Rob and Mike against the three of us?"

I agreed and we started with the Frisbee. It wasn't long before they had it and we were fighting to get it back. I was guarding Rob and the Frisbee went off to the side. I pushed him under and took off, but he came back up and was right behind me. He tried to grab me to pull me aside, but his fingers caught my bottom as I twisted away. I lunged and my bottom ended up below my ass. I got the Frisbee and tossed it to Jack, laughing. I just pulled my bottom back up.

The next time I was in that position, Rob grabbed a strap on my top. It tore with a ripping sound and ended up hanging down my back. I just left it and kept playing. Rob eventually got the other strap and it tore also. While playing, my top slipped down baring my breasts. I left it down until the Frisbee was safely in Jack's possession and then tugged it into place. I could tell the guys were getting a little excited. I was getting tired and asked for a break.

"All right guys, I know what you are trying to do."

They looked innocently at me and I laughed. I was not feeling too much pain still, my head buzzing.

"Just be gentlemen and don't expect anything, all right, boys?" We began to play again. This time Mike got me and my top slipped down around my waist. I was enjoying this. I knew they were trying to strip me and I kept pulling my top and bottom up, but it seemed as though it was a losing battle.

The last time for my top, Mike grabbed it on one side just as I was lunging the other way to get away from him. I heard a couple of pops and it just popped away from me. I ducked down in the water and Mike stared at my top, then got a big grin on his face. I crossed my arms over my breasts and crouched down.

"I think this game is over."

"You have to give us a chance to get even."

He then dropped my top and I watched it sink into the lake. They smirked at me and I figured that they had seen them anyway.

"One last game, then I am done."

The guys whooped and hollered. I was back guarding Rob. The Frisbee sailed off to my left, away from me but further away from Rob. As I dove for it, he dove also, reaching out. His hands caught my bottoms and as I kicked to get away I felt them coming down. Feeling naughty, I kicked harder and Rob stood up, still holding onto my bottoms. That lifted my ass up and as I kicked, it quickly slid down my legs. With a last kick and squirm, I ended up naked in the water with four young guys. I stood up; waist deep, looking at each one until my eyes came to Rob.

"Put them on the dock."

Rob was so funny as he swam to the dock like an Olympic swimmer to get my bottoms out of my reach. We played for another twenty minutes with me naked. I blushed a lot, but I didn't stop jumping up or lunging for the Frisbee. They all got some pretty good looks at me. I was exhausted and starting to sober up.

"That's it, I can't do anymore."

They watched me walk to the shore, naked. I picked up my towel, turned to face them and dried my hair. I let them look at my naked body. I was buzzed and hot. My nipples were erect. My pussy was swollen. They could see me, see how hot I was. I let them look; even turning so they could look at my ass. Then I walked to our cabin with my towel in one hand. I dried off better inside. Then I dressed in a bra, panties, slacks and blouse.

"Come back later I will fix dinner for you."

The guys nodded and swam to their cabin. Later that night they came over with some wine and steaks, which I cooked on the grill with some potatoes and vegies. We ate and they were quiet. I studied them.

"What's wrong."

"Ah, we want to see you again."

"Well, I am not that easy. You'll have to work for it."

"Oh yeah, how?"

I was feeling naughty again. If my husband only knew.

"Ever play poker, strip poker?"

"Ah, no."

"Well, that way, at least I get a chance too."

They agreed without much hesitation. I got the cards. As we sat around the table on the porch, I looked at them.

"OK boys, strip poker does not mean sex. I am not doing anything other than the poker game. Do you understand? Low hand takes something off."

I dealt. I looked at my cards. I had a pair of jacks, an ace, a four and nine. I asked for cards. Everyone took their cards. I looked at mine again, looked at each of them in turn. I discarded the two jacks and the ace.

"Dealer takes three."

Of course I lost. I made sure that I lost. Every hand I was lowest. My sandals went first, then my blouse and slacks. Sitting in my bra and underpants, I wondered if they realized what I was doing. I didn't care if they did. I had to throw away two pair in the fourth hand to lose my bra. My nipples were hard and tingling as I exposed my breasts.

It was Rob's turn to deal as sat down in my underpants. It was killing me to throw away probable winning hands. He dealt me three fours. I looked at my cards and thought about playing this straight, but then I tossed two of the fours and an ace. Yes, I lost again. I stood up and looked around the table, and then I slipped my underpants off and tossed them behind me.

I sat down and tried to make conversation, but they were too caught up to talk. So I got up, moved back to easy chair away from the table and sat in it naked. "Look all you want."

I didn't spread my legs but I didn't make an effort to keep them closed either and I didn't cover my breasts. They just gazed at me like I was a work of art and enjoyed being the center of their attention. I got up and got them beer and a glass wine for me and finally they began to talk. It almost got to be normal except for me being naked. Later that night we went swimming. I stayed naked for them and in the water, there was a little feeling of my breasts and ass. I enjoyed their hands on me as long as they didn't get pushy. I let Jack dry me off after we got out of the water. His hands were nice, especially when he dried between my legs. I kissed them each good night on the cheek, still naked. I masturbated that night, twice, exploding in orgasm both times.

In the morning I walked out and into the lake naked. The boys wanted me to go tubing naked but I wasn't up for that, but I stayed naked all day for them. Later that night, we played strip poker again. Guess what? I lost again. I was always low hand. We swam again and Mike dried me off that night. He rubbed between my legs for quite a long time, until I was feeling weak in the knees. Then I made him stop. I kissed them good night again and masturbated again.

The next day was Friday. Yes, I stayed naked until the poker game. Then dressed to lose. And I did lose again, stripping for them again. Another swim and Bill dried me, feeling my breasts and ass on bare skin.

This was Saturday. I stayed naked and the boys were around all day as usual. I cooked them a nice dinner, wearing only an apron. Then I took it off to eat so I was naked again. They couldn't believe that I would stay naked for them, but they didn't understand that it was doing a lot for me too. I had hard nipples and a swollen pussy and they had been like that for four whole days! I dressed for our poker game. I made sure I lost again. The guys wanted a little more since they knew I was leaving the next day. They wanted me to talk dirty and let them touch me.

"OK, guys, for the next hour I will sit on the lap of each winner of a hand. Two pair or below as a winning hand can touch my ass. Three of a kind up to a full house can touch my breasts. Anything higher than that can touch anywhere, but only touch."

They agree, but I had to ask them when I sat on their laps. So every five minutes or so I was blushing

"Rob, would you please touch my ass?"

Mike, would you please touch my tits and nipples."

Only once did I have to give it all away. "Rob, would you please touch my tits, ass and pussy."

And he did. And they all touched my tits or ass or pussy when I asked them to touch me. They really enjoyed it. It was frustrating for me because I was being aroused. Finally the hour was up. Time for our late night swim. I walked down the dock with them; almost panting I was so horny. I stopped them. I sat on the dock on my towel. I lay back and I put my feet up by my ass. My knees fell open. I took Mike's hand and put it on my pussy and let him finger and feel me.

When I was good and warmed up, I had Bill take his place and Mike moved to my breasts. I came, gasping and shuddering. They watched me in the moonlight. When I had calmed down, I took Jack's hand and place it on my pussy and Bill's hands on my breasts. Soon I had Jack at my breasts and Rob, fingering me until I exploded again. I whimpered, jerked, bucked and gasped through a tremendous orgasm. When I stopped shaking, I stood up and kissed them each on the lips good night. Then I walked naked back to our cabin.

The next day they were over and were disappointed to see me packing my car.

"It's been a fun week, boys, remember it and don't push for more than you already have."

They watched me pack and helped with the heavy things. I tooted the horn and blew them each a kiss as I drove away. My husband got home just an hour after I did. Guess what? I screwed him senseless until I had to sleep. He still benefits from my silly little games.

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John_BostonJohn_Boston7 months ago

Very well written story! Enjoyed the character description, buildup, and the ultimate conclusion.

lowkeyonelowkeyoneover 8 years ago

Another great story. THANK YOU

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
GREAT story

Wow...this was really good. You took the time to set up the story line and made it very believable. I hope to see more of your work. :)

squangosquangoabout 13 years ago
good stuff

I really enjoyed how you built it up and would have loved it if the boys could have been pleased too. A great job on the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
"Bad Wife" by Valerie Gray

This story begins, at least, exactly as the "erotic" story by Valerie Gray. Put the key words in a search engine and check it out. Are you Valerie Gray?

ErotonautErotonautabout 13 years ago
Well, she didn't exactly cheat...

...but letting a bunch of guys slip their fingers into her pussy isn't exactly being faithful, either. Still, a fun tale.

DirtyDaveDirtyDaveabout 13 years ago

Now I will Have to read more of your stories~

I really enjoyed that story I was in high hopes that the guys would have gotten hand jobs or a blow job But I guess thats what makes us all different LOL~ I could see myself as one of the boys but only because things like this have happened to me my whole life and I have to say that I have enjoyed every minute of it~

This really makes me want to do some more writing myself~LOL

Thanks Again Dave~

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Brilliant story, Sabineteas! Thank you and would love to see more of this kind!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Follow up, please

An excellent tale. Very well written, requiring the reader to complete the story and hope for the frat party.

Thank you and please let your fans have the next stage

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
absolutely lovely

just amazing. thi story made me feel hot. sabine is a brilliant writer. i wish she updates this with a better description of the poker nights and the late night swims. i fell in love with beth.

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