Courting Miss Greene Ch. 02


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Lizzy stared at Robert. For a few moments, Robert thought she was convinced, but all of a sudden Lizzy frowned at him. "My heart is not that fickle!" she cried and ran off, sobbing.

"That didn't help much, did it?" asked Robert.

"No, it's my fault both of my sisters have run off." said Ginny. "I'm sure they just want to be alone for a while, but someone might get lost. Especially Lizzy. She never looks where she's going when she's upset like that."

"We'll go look for them if they're not back in time before tea," said Robert. "We can always get out the horses if necessary. They can't get too far on foot."


Lizzy's heart pounded while she ran. Robert's words raced through her mind. What was he saying? He wanted her to meet another man at the dance? A younger man? Why? Lizzy did not think age was that important anymore. There were young man in Windfarn as well, but they never looked at her the way Robert did. He called it chemistry, almost as a way of apology. Lizzy wanted to laugh at the idea. It could be true. What did she know at her age? She could wait another twenty years to meet a man with the right chemistry.

All because Robert Clark would not have her.

Lizzy's heart broke. She stumbled and fell down on her knees. When she scrambled to her feet, she recognized the gate the carriage had entered through. She could follow the road home from here. Just follow the road back home to Windfarn. She had been gazing out the window the entire time. There would be roadsigns and milestones if she did not remember.

Yes, she could do it.

She had some money in her pocket for food. She could sleep in a tree if she could not afford an inn. Lizzy did not care anymore. She just could not bear to stay under the same roof with a man who felt the same way she did, but refused her for the sole reason of their difference in age.

He might as well have hated her guts!

Lizzy stood at the gate. She did not want to leave her sisters behind like that. She glanced back over her shoulder. Alder Hill looked so peaceful and elegant. Ginny and Abby could stay there if they liked. She could send them a letter when she reached the next town so they would not worry about her for too long.

Lizzy turned back to the gate, hesitated for only a moment, and ran up the road.


Abby was sulking in a pavilion by the lake. This place was far too pretty to be so downcast. She wondered why she was so on edge all the time. Perhaps it was the change of scenery that brought out her true personality: a mean, vindictive personality. She was ashamed of the way she had been behaving. She used to be proud of herself back home in Windfarn. She was always the one who kept her head cool and both feet on the ground. Perhaps her father was right in saying she still had more growing up to do.

Abby let out a deep sigh.

"That's a long face for a pretty girl!"

Abby looked around, startled. A young man stood nearby, leaning against a tree. "Who are you?" she asked him with a frown.

"I'm Thomas... the gardener," he answered.

Abby thought he looked more like a lumberjack than a gardener, judging from the size of his arms and shoulders. He could not be much older than her and his gray eyes seemed friendly enough, but his smile was far too wide. Abby was suspicious of any man who acted too familiar toward a woman he did not know, especially if he called her "pretty" when nobody else did. "Well, Thomas the gardener," said Abby, "would you please be so kind as to show me the way back to the house? I seem to have gotten myself quite lost."

"But of course! Please, follow me!" said Thomas. "I suppose you're one of the guests who are staying over for a few weeks?"

"That's right," answered Abby. She followed him through the park. "I'm Abby Greene, Ethan Clark's sister-in-law. Do you know him?"

"Oh, don't I?" replied Thomas. "I'm surprised to hear he got married at all, in the blink of an eye, and to a woman nobody's ever heard of."

"Well, you'd be pleased to know he and Ginny are very happy together," said Abby.

"Ah! And do you also have a happy marriage, Abby?" asked Thomas.

"What? No, I'm not married," answered Abby. "I'm not even engaged, being courted, or even seeing anyone," she added, starting to feel agitated.

"Could that have anything to do with the reason you were upset?" asked Thomas.

"I don't know. I just don't feel like myself these days. I mean, I've always been rather harsh on my younger sister, Lizzy," confessed Abby, "but lately I seem to be even worse than usual. I don't really like myself at all anymore and I'm not exactly sure why."

"I think I know, Abby," said Thomas. "You'll feel a lot better if you have sex with a man."

Abby stopped in her tracks. She gave Thomas a sharp stare. Her heart pounded while the blood rushed to her head. She could not believe what he had just said! What a shameless fellow! To suggest such a thing and then stand there, looking all smug! Abby was furious!

Thomas laughed. "Why the scowl? You don't believe me? You'd have to do it regularly, of course, and let the man spurt deep inside your belly."

"Oh, you..!" Abby raised her hand to slap him, but Thomas caught her arm and bent down to kiss her. "No...!" said Abby and turned away her head. His kiss landed on her cheek. "Oh, how dare you?" cried Abby and wiped her face. Thomas pulled her closer to him. He was strong indeed. Abby could not break free from his embrace. She started to panic. Surely she had not come all the way to Northfair to be violated by a gardener! "I said 'no'! Take your dirty hands off of me or I'll scream, I swear I will!" cried Abby.

"Why? I'm only trying to help you, remember?" asked Thomas. "There's a shed down that path if you like privacy."

"Are you entirely sane? There's no way you can get away with this! I'll tell Ethan, or Mr. Clark! They'll wring your neck... tear you limb from limb... gauge your eyes out... and everything else as well!" fumed Abby.

"Oh, I don't think so. You'll thank me when we're done. I'm sure you'll even come back for more," said Thomas.

"Don't be ridiculous! Let go of me, you villain!" raged Abby.

"You can scream all you like. Nobody will hear you out here." Thomas threw Abby over his shoulder and carried her off, kicking and screaming, to the aforementioned shed. He kicked in the door and put her down. Abby bolted for the exit at once, but he caught her again and pushed her onto the floor.

"You criminal!" shouted Abby. "Oh, you'll hang for this! Violating a virgin is only one step down from cold-blooded murder!"

"What a temper you've got, Abby! I'd better make it a quick one!" said Thomas.

Abby's insides cringed. Her mind was racing. She needed something to fend him off with. She looked around the shed and found a metal bucket on the floor, just within reach. When Thomas unbuckled his belt, Abby grabbed the bucket and used it to hit Thomas in the head.

"Ow!" cried Thomas.

Abby hoped he would pass out, but he did not. She hit him with the bucket a few more times, as hard as she could. Hopefully the pain would numb him enough to prevent him from chasing her. She dashed out the door without looking back.

She had no idea where she was. Her first priority was to gain as much distance from Thomas as she could. All of a sudden Abby noticed a hedge up ahead that looked familiar. She hoped it would be the same one that led up to the fountain where she had run off. Abby followed the hedge until it took a turn to the left. When she rounded the corner, she ran into somebody. She would have been thrown backward onto the ground, but she was caught in midair. Somebody held her up by the arms. For a moment she feared it was Thomas.

"Robert!" cried Abby. "Oh, Robert! How glad I am to see you!"

"Abigale?" asked Robert. "Where have you been?"

"Oh, Robert! Please, help me! I was attacked!" cried Abby.

"Steady now, Abigale. Catch your breath first," said Robert after he gave her some space.

"No, listen to me! Your gardener is a criminal!" continued Abby. "He brought me into a shed! He was about to violate me! Only through sheer luck I managed to escape in time!"

"My gardener?" asked Robert. "Forgive me, I had no idea! He always seemed such a harmless, old man."

"No, it was a young man," said Abby. "Somewhere in his twenties. He said his name was Thomas."

"Thomas?" Robert raised his eyebrows. "The only Thomas around here is Thomas Clark, my little brother."


"Abby! Thank heavens you're back!" said Ginny while she embraced her sister.

"Oh, Ginny!" cried Abby. "You can't imagine what I've been through! I'll never run off again! Oh, how I've learned my lesson!"

"Where did you find her, Robert?" asked Ethan. "I've searched all over the place."

"Oh, she was on her way back. We bumped into each other in the garden," answered Robert. "I'm afraid Thomas has come home earlier than expected and tried to pull a prank on poor Abigale."

"That was no prank! He unbuckled his belt!" cried Abby.

The blood drained from Ginny's face. "What do you mean, Abby?"

"Well, what else could it be?" replied Abby.

"Ethan? Robert?" asked Ginny. "Please explain."

"I don't know, honey. Thomas is apt to do the strangest things," answered Ethan.

"Well, it sounds like he was taking it a bit too far this time," admitted Robert, "but we mustn't forget Lizzy's still out there. I'll get out those horses so we can cover more ground."

"Ladies, please stay inside," said Ethan. "Thomas won't try anything inside of the house, I'm sure."

"Don't worry about us," said Ginny. "Please, find Lizzy!"


Lizzy's feet were hurting her. She was not wearing the proper shoes for such a long walk. The next village was still not in sight. She had underestimated the distance, or at least the amount of time it would take for her to cross it. The idea of going back home by herself did not look like such a good one anymore.

How did she ever end up in a situation like this? Alone, in the middle of nowhere? Lizzy very much felt like a silly goose, if ever there was one. She wished Abby was there to tell her so. Abby could call her any name she wanted. Lizzy would say Abby was right about everything.

If she had not left Windfarn, this would not have happened. She would have been safe at home with her parents or with her friend Katie. She would not have met Robert either... Oh, Robert! The thought of him made her heart ache again. She needed to get away from Northfair!

It was getting dark. Lizzy had not thought about the cold. Perhaps she could use some of her skirts as a cape. At least she should use this last bit of daylight to make a shelter for the night. It did not look like she would reach an inn before dark.

All of a sudden Lizzy heard horses approaching in the distance. There had been several riders on the road that afternoon. She had hid herself behind the shrubbery every time. They could be robbers or other villains.

She hid herself again and waited for the riders to pass. There was something unusual about these riders. Lizzy heard them shout something every now and then. When they drew nearer, she realized they were calling out her name. One of the voices was Ethan's! Lizzy stood up to return Ethan's call, but crouched down again when she recognized Robert's voice. She put her head to her knees and covered her ears, lest she loose her resolve and reveal herself after all. She could not face Robert. The shame was too great. Besides, he hated her so why should she come to him?

They were getting close now. It was the moment of truth.

Oh, Robert!

The horses halted a few feet away from Lizzy. Her heart missed a beat. She had not called out to Robert aloud, had she? No, impossible! She was sure of it!

"Robert? Why did you stop?" asked Ethan.

"I thought... I heard something," answered Robert. "It sounded like Elizabeth. Didn't you hear anything?"

"No, nothing," replied Ethan.

Lizzy waited for Robert to speak again, but instead she heard footsteps hitting the ground. Impossible! How could he know where to go? How could he know where to look? Lizzy did not look up, but she could hear him get closer. She could feel him get closer.

A hand touched her shoulder.


Lizzy looked up at Robert while tears welled in her eyes. "No, it's not fair! How did you find me? It's not fair!" she cried.

"Lizzy..." sighed Robert.

She gasped, noting the first time he had not called her Elizabeth.

"Come home with me, Lizzy," said Robert.

His kind voice warmed her heart. Lizzy gazed into Robert's eyes while his words echoed inside her mind. It almost sounded like he meant Alder Hill would be her home as well. Her heart rejoiced at the thought, although she knew he was just trying to persuade her to come out. Lizzy did not care. She would allow Robert to take her back with him.

"Good heavens, Robert! How on Earth did you know Lizzy would be in there?" asked Ethan in amazement.

Robert looked at Ethan, but only shook his head. He helped Lizzy onto his horse and set himself behind her. First he had to return Lizzy to Alder Hill. Everything else would have to wait.

Lizzy was relieved Robert had found her after all. At least she could no longer feel the heartache and the despair. She clung to him to keep herself from falling. It felt nice to lean against his chest and feel his heart beat, even if he did not love her. Lizzy cherished Robert's words while they made their way back to Alder Hill.

They were going home.


"Oh, you silly goose!"

Lizzy knew Abby would say that and she did not mind. Not anymore. Ginny and Abby were both in tears when they embraced their youngest sister. Lizzy had already shed all her tears in her heartache over Robert. Now she only felt relief to be back at Alder Hill, knowing there would be food and a bed for her tonight after all. When Lizzy looked over her shoulder, she only found Ethan standing there.

"Where is Robert?" she asked.

"Robert went looking for his brother, Thomas," answered Ethan. "He gave Abby quite a fright while you were out."

"Oh?" Lizzy cast Abby a questioning glance.

"I don't really want to talk about it. You have your own issues to worry about," said Abby, "but I suggest none of us girls should go anywhere alone, especially not outside."

"You mean he... assaulted you?" asked Lizzy with wide open eyes.

"Indeed," answered Abby, "but don't fret. I escaped with only the shock."

"How in the world did you manage that?" inquired Lizzy.

"By hitting me in the head!" a voice answered.

Abby recognized Thomas when Robert brought him into the hall. She was pleased to see he wore a bandage around his head. She had managed to do some damage, but at least she had not killed him. She had been worried about that for a moment. "Quite right!" she said. "Those buckets truly do come in handy. I shall make a note to myself never to leave home without one." Abby held her head high, pretending not to notice everybody gaping at her. She was no longer afraid of Thomas. She had beat him with a bucket, and she would add insult to injury with her tongue.

"You really are snappish! I only wanted to make you feel better," said Thomas.

He looked sorry for himself. Abby wanted to laugh in his face. He could not have meant all those preposterous things he had said to her! "Robert, is your brother quite right in the head?" she asked. "He made me the most outrageous offer and utterly ignored my inevitable refusal."

"Thomas, will you please explain yourself now?" asked Robert.

"Well, she's obviously sexually frustrated. She only refused me because she's a virgin. She doesn't know what she's missing, otherwise she would spread like butter and beg for more," answered Thomas.

Ginny and Lizzy gasped in horror.

Abby felt the blood rush to her head again. "What are you saying, Thomas?" she demanded. "You can't take 'no' from a virgin because you think you're that good?"

"I know I'm that good," he answered with a smirk.

"You're insane! Is no virgin safe from you then? I sincerely hope you haven't pulled this trick before! It's a crime, you know? And not without reason!" fumed Abby.

"Well, I've never left a girl unsatisfied before," replied Thomas. "Then again, I've also never met a girl as uptight as you."

Abby's mouth fell open in shock. "Up-tight!" she echoed. For a moment Abby could only stare at Thomas while her face turned red. "You...!" she hissed. Abby flung herself at Thomas, butting headfirst into his broad chest, and pummeled him with her fists.

Ginny and Ethan shared a glance. They knew from experience it would not have much effect.

Thomas seemed to be amused by Abby's efforts. He let her screech with rage and bang her fists against him until she could no longer continue. In the end, Abby could only sob with her face buried in his shirt. Every now and then she landed a powerless punch. For show, if nothing else.

"So, do you feel any better now?" asked Thomas at last. He took Abby by the arms and lifted her from his chest to look at her face. It was still red and her eyes were swollen from crying.

Abby trembled on her legs, staring at the floor. "Hmpf!" she scoffed.

"She just needs to recover for a bit. Then she'll be much more at ease, I'm sure," said Thomas.

All of a sudden it dawned on Robert. "You provoked her into a fit! On purpose!" he exclaimed.

"Then you really weren't trying to force yourself on her in that shed?" asked Ethan.

Thomas laughed. "Guys, I'm disappointed in you! You truly believed I was a villain?"

"What about the belt then?" asked Robert. "Why unbuckle if you're not going to...?"

Thomas shrugged. "I could've done any number of things. I could've used it to tie her hands or feet... or her hands to her feet. Then I could've stroked myself to spurt on her thighs... or her breasts..."

"No, Thomas! How could you think about treating my sister that way?" cried Ginny. "Oh, Ethan! Punch him for me, please!"

"Oh, honey..." sighed Ethan. "You know I'd do anything for you, but he's already injured. My honor as a gentleman prevents me. You wouldn't want to be married to a hoodlum, now would you?"

"Then punch him when he's well again!" cried Ginny.

"It's alright, Ethan," said Thomas. "You don't have to be a gentleman toward someone who's obviously not. Prove your love to your wife. Punch your wicked cousin." Thomas handed Abby over to Robert and turned to face Ethan, readying himself to take a blow.

"Oh, well... You said it yourself, Thomas," sighed Ethan.

He raised his fist, aiming for the jaw or the cheekbone. While he took a deep breath, Ethan brought back his arm and tightened his muscles.

"No, wait...!"

Ethan paused. Abby had recovered.

"It's alright, Ethan," she said. "The revenge was mine and I have already taken it. There's no need to cause further hurt to Thomas. His wicked thoughts may have insulted my honor, but in the end I remain uninjured and he's the one in bandages."

"Oh, that's our Abby! Entirely her sensible self again!" exclaimed Ginny, clasping her hands. "Thank you, Ethan... You can stand down now, but I'm glad you were willing to punch your injured cousin for me anyway."

"I must also commend Thomas for being willing to take the punch," said Abby.

"Why, Abby... Will you forgive me then?" asked Thomas.

"Not at all!" she answered. "I won't forgive you until you learn to behave like a gentleman."

"Ho! I'd like to see that!" said Robert with an amused look.

"You don't think I can?" Thomas asked his older brother.

"Not really. I mean, look at you," replied Robert. "You can't make such a drastic change overnight."

"No, not overnight," admitted Thomas. "Abby, will you forgive me if I can prove myself a gentleman before the dance is over?"