Crossword Puzzles


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Mum: "Newcastle United."

And simultaneously I said, "Your team."

We smiled at each other.

"Well ha ha to you too. One of these days..."

Mum said, "Well, on that very distant day, we'll dig you out of your grave to pass on the information..." and went out to get changed for the evening.

I wanted to follow her up to the bedroom so I could stand behind her while she was looking in the mirror undressing, and help her slide out of that blouse and skirt...and that bra...and those stand wedged up behind her naked form and reach round and cup her breasts...push my dick between those cheeks...

As it was I had to twiddle my thumbs for the next half-hour before going out myself, so I just waited. When she came down a while later, Dad of course was getting impatient because, as a man, he'd been ready for the last fifteen minutes.

But even he seemed to catch his breath for an instant when she made her entrance.

She was wearing an understated little black dress which came to an abrupt halt well above her knees. At her ample cleavage, her breasts were making a sustained effort to push themselves up and over the top, while down below, her feet were perched precariously on a pair of strappy black heels, adding yet more length to her already long, curvy legs. She'd teased her hair up at the back while leaving a couple of wavy strands hanging down over her ears. Those ears twinkled with droplet rings which matched the necklace around her throat.

All this I took in at one glance. As did Dad. Apparently we were both just sitting there with our mouths wide open, Like father, like son.

"What? It's too over the top for the pub? Too chavvy? Should I change?"

Together we blurted out, "You're kidding, no, it's great!... No Mum, it's fantastic... No Annie, you'll wow 'em all tonight, I'll have to guard you with a shotgun...Mum you're hot!..."

She seemed to consider this for a moment.

"Hmm, OK. Jack, go start up the car, I've just got another couple of things to see to..."

"Alright. But don't take as long as it took you to get dressed..." And he went out, swinging his car keys.

Mum stood there looking at me with a quiet smile on her face. Then she laid her hand on one jutting hip. And gyrated it. Then she sidled slowly up to me, swinging her ass from side to side as she did so, her front jiggling with each step of her heels. At that point she was barely a foot and a half in front of me and my nose was level with her navel. She bent down towards me from the waist. I had trouble focusing on the deep chasm which had appeared between her breasts, they were that close. She bent even lower, then took one of her fingers, placed it in between her lips, licked it and slowly brought it down into her cleavage. She thrust it down between her tits and then brought it out as though scooping out a portion of ice-cream. She placed it between my lips which willingly slid open and sucked in the whole length.

While I was thus occupied, inhaling her soft fragrance as I did so, she brought her head round to one side and whispered into my ear,

"This is all for you. And if you're a good boy, then tomorrow I might give you a treat..."


"Mmmm. Four letters, ending in c, k."

My eyes opened as wide as they could.

"Mmm MMM mm???"


She kissed me on my forehead, extracted her finger, swiveled on the spot and sashayed out the door without looking back.

How long did I remain motionless? I dunno. All kinds of permutations were swirling around, jostling for position in my head. Dot, dot, c,!! I stumbled into the bathroom not knowing whether to wank or collapse. I opened the cold tap and doused my face in the water and looked up at myself in the mirror. There, right in the middle of my forehead, was the bright red outline of Anne's lipstick. Like a well-taken fingerprint, only hers could ever be a straight match for that. For a second I considered keeping it there as a badge of honour, a medal, but...but...I wiped it off. No sense my mates seeing it and giving me the third degree...but I so wanted to keep it there, incriminating though it was...

That evening passed in a slow blur. I wished I could wind it up and fast-forward it to the next day. So slow. I joined in half-heartedly with the joshing, flirting and ribbing that seemed to be a constant in meets between my mates. I even danced a bit with a girl called Kay, but found myself making comparisons between her and Mum...Kay came in second, and not just by a head...she was really, I mean really, nice, but simply paled in comparison with Anne. It wasn't only this new teasing sex thing we'd got going on between us, it was the whole rapport of ideas and sense of humour and meeting of minds where we seemed to complement one another in most things.

Even though I bowed out early, I only just managed to catch the last Metro back at midnight. The whole affair might have gone on till dawn; seeing as it was the weekend. I could have dossed out on the floor in one of my mates' rooms of course, but understandably I was eager to get home.

When I arrived the house was already in darkness. British pubs have these strict licensing hours so Mum and Dad had probably been back quite a while. I didn't turn any lights on and just felt my way upstairs and into my room. I shrugged off my clothes down to my boxers, and stumbled along to the bathroom to clean my teeth, all the while imagining Anne just in the next room, probably wearing next-to-nothing. Maybe nothing at all? Should I peep in as I passed? No. There's a fine line between bravery and foolishness. I might try to bend that line a little bit, but if it snapped, my head would be on the block.

So I padded back to my own room and threw myself down onto my bed. It was as though I could smell her fragrance all over again. Ah yes, I was sure I could. I closed my eyes, a wide smile on my face, and replayed the view of her looking up at me with her mouth full of my rampant dick. I grabbed hold of said dick and in my masturbatory pleasure, my head swept from side to side...

The action in my fevered imagination was so realistic, spurred on by her distinctive scent which filled my nostrils as though she were lying next to me.

Hold on.

I COULD smell her scent...

It was coming from that side, next to my pillow...

I reached across and... came into contact with a pair of panties...

I flicked on the light.

Not just any panties. Her panties. Anne's panties. Panties she'd been wearing just a short time before. Those panties through which I'd contemplated the rise of her pussy mound and noted the few spiky hairs that escaped its confines. I sniffed them. Panties which had held her labia in place as she'd walked, sat, stretched, and...I sniffed them again...squirted into when I was tickling her belly and massaging her breast.

I didn't need a pillow that night when I finally fell asleep. My cheek rested on those panties.


" 'morning, sleepy head, I've brought you a cup of coffee. So come on, rise and shine..."

Mum threw open my curtains and I was blinded by the glare of the sunlight which poured into the room.

"Oh, umm, 'morning Mum..." Yawn. "Can you put it down there on the table for me? Thanks..."

I lifted my head but felt something stuck to my cheek.

"Okay, here you are then. Oh, and I think those might be mine..."

She reached across and gently, as you might do with a plaster, peeled her crumpled panties away from my face.

"I think you'd better have a good scrub on that side of your face, you've got a flowery pattern all over it. Your dad might wonder why."

She smiled, turned and left, swinging the panties over her shoulder as she went.

When I went downstairs shortly afterwards, Mum was nowhere to be seen. Dad said she'd just gone out to the newsagents for the Sunday paper and some fresh rolls for breakfast.

"Oh and by the way, she says thanks for offering to mow the lawn and wash the car."

I stopped in the middle of putting bread into the toaster. Huh?

"What's come over you?" He grinned. "Never mind, she said she'll see you right afterwards, whatever that means..."

I looked at him blankly.

He continued," 'course, if you're in the mood, I've got a couple of quid, I can give you a whole list of..."

"Whoa! Slow down Dad, I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart. Profit doesn't come into it..." Yeah, right...Mum's words came back to me - 'If you're a good boy, tomorrow I'll give you a, dot, c, k...'

I surprised myself, and, I think, Dad as well, by going straight out to the garage and pulling out the lawnmower to set it up. Just at that moment, Mum came back through the front gate, with a bag of provisions, and stopped to smile at me.

"Well, we are eager beavers, aren't we? I wonder what brought that on?" She licked across her top lip.

"You think you'll get extra credits...?" She laughed and continued up the path. "Oh, I'll call you in when breakfast's ready..."

I was already half-way through the job when Mum called out the window for me to come and eat. I went in to find a full English breakfast on my plate. It seemed to be twice the size of Dad's portion. Usually, I'd have just grabbed that piece of toast or something.

Dad had taken the sports supplement from the paper and was already engrossed in the mathematical permutations which might give his team any chance of avoiding relegation.

I looked at my loaded plate and raised an eyebrow.

"Well," said Mum, seriously, "I think we've got to build up your strength. I want you hundred percent fit." She looked at me in all innocence as I ate... and rubbed my leg underneath the table. I dropped my fork.

As I bent down and to retrieve it, I looked up and across towards Mum's legs. She'd arranged them in that classic feminine pose where her feet were spread but her knees were clamped tightly together. As I momentarily enjoyed this view, her knees slowly parted, stopping with a gap of a few inches between them, before being drawn together again. But almost immediately they started to open once more, only this time slightly wider. A thin, gauzy white vertical strip appeared at the junction of her legs. Then she closed them again. Then they reopened... even wider. The triangle and strip of her tiny, transparent panties, wedged in between the cushions of her pussy lips, was on full display for just an instant before the loose folds of her skirt fell in between her thighs, effectively obscuring my view. But my memory had indelibly registered the way the material had given me a clear, almost uninterrupted view of the hairs on her bush and the beginnings of the groove leading down into her pussy. The strip had delved in between those lips and disappeared as though it was being sucked inside.

I scrabbled around as if the fork had fallen beyond my reach, not taking my eyes away from Anne's legs. At that moment one of her hands reached below the table. The index finger pointed at my face and then pointed towards her crotch. Then once more at me. Then two fingers took the hem of her skirt, lifted it and drew it up towards her lap. Her legs were still placed about two feet apart.

Her fingers released her skirt and it remained wedged across the top of her legs. Then her hand came back underneath and made a leisurely tiptoe stroke down along the length of her panties. Bringing her hand back up, she allowed one finger to push against the material and even more of it disappeared up into her crack. Now the outer lips of her labia were pouting out around the strip and the inner lips were beginning to make an entrance.

Down came her finger again, and this time it hooked into the crotch, eased it juicily out from between her lips, and pulled it to one side. Her other hand now suddenly made an appearance and joined the first on the other side of her pussy. After a brief instant, knowing she was teasing me by drawing out the moment, she eased her lips apart and displayed the pink, juicy insides fully to my gaze. And as if not sure that I was properly focused, she opened her legs even wider. Then she dipped one finger deep inside herself, swam it around, withdrew it, brought it up above the table and then she closed her legs. Show over.

Of course I knocked myself on the edge of the table as I re-emerged, jolting it as I did so. But Dad, even though still engrossed in the sports pages, automatically grabbed hold of his coffee cup when I banged my head, as though such a thing were a daily occurrence, but otherwise he didn't pay me any attention. Mum seemed to be drinking her coffee in an excessively refined manner, with one finger stuck out as she held her cup by the handle.

She glanced over at me and, as though being annoyed at my bad table manners, she tutted,

"Oh, Gazz, you're such a messy eater, you've got tomato sauce at the side of your mouth..."

I licked to either side but couldn't find anything.

Anne reached across with the finger that had been jutting out from the cup handle, and made as if to remove something from my cheek. She then inserted the finger into my mouth.

"No, no, here... there you are..."

I sucked the pussy juice off her finger.

"Thanks, Mum."

"My pleasure..."

With a cheeky smile she then proceeded to totally ignore me and went back to her own portion of the Sunday paper, while chewing on a piece of toast.

That was it for the rest of breakfast and, to the casual fly on the wall, we were probably a fairly generic picture that was repeated in many houses up and down our road - a family around the breakfast table, each absorbed in his own little world as reflected in the choice of newspaper supplement. Few words were exchanged except for the occasional 'Pass the butter', or 'You want that last piece of toast?' or a comment on an interesting tidbit of news.

I finished eating and clattered my pots together before taking them over to the sink and casually mentioning that I was going out to finish the grass.

"Okay, love." Mum barely glanced up from her fashion article. "Don't get too sweaty..." And with that she did look over to me and it was with a humorous glint in her eye.

My lawn mowing efforts didn't take too long. Of course they didn't match the immaculate squares of the pitch at St. James' Park, but I reckoned I'd managed a fair representation of a green chess board. I stood back and, wiping my brow, observed it with pride.

Behind me, Mum said, "Well, if you don't get your degree at least you'll be able to earn a bit of cash with the grass cutting thing..."

I spun round and she was standing very close up behind me with a cold glass of juice in her hand.

"Here you go, Sparky..."

She handed it to me and I downed it in one go. While I was thus engaged, Mum stroked her hand across my chest, admiringly.

"Mmm, like in one of those porno movies... wifey comes out in her seethru negligée while the gardener's flexing his muscles in a tantalizing fashion..."

I grinned and flexed the biceps of my right arm. Mum squeezed it appreciatively.

"Ooh, I'm impressed..."

"But you've forgotten the negligée bit..."

She glanced down at herself.

"Yeah, I'm a bit overdressed..." Only a bit, I thought. I could whip that dress off her in a flash... "I do have a nice seethru negligée though..."


"Uhuh indeed... which reminds me, you've done a good job here... and I promised you a treat..."

"Uhuh... 'something, something, c k', wasn't it, if I, umm, remember?" Could I forget?

"True. Come with me round the side of the house where no one can see us."

She turned, tugging at the bottom of my T-shirt, and led me willingly round to the side of the house, where she threw me up against the wall. She pressed her upper body against me, my arms circling her waist, and she spread her legs wide across the outsides of my thighs.

"Here it comes..."

Her head went round to the side of my face. She used one hand to pull a few straggles of my hair away from my cheek, blew gently into my ear, and then I felt a damp wash stroke messily up across my face from chin to eye-socket.

She pulled away.

"There you are."

I looked at her blankly while wiping my cheek with my forearm. "What...?"

"What's wrong?" A wide-eyed, deadpan look on her face. "Something, something, c, k...? L.I.C.K..."

Still she looked deadpan. At least she did until she saw the dawn of realization cross my face and I started to make a lunge towards her. She let out a raucous yelp and fled screaming and giggling towards the kitchen door.

She burst through it with me in hot pursuit. Dad was just that moment coming through into the kitchen from the living-room.

"Heh, heh, what's all the palaver...?"

Mum laughed and hid herself from me behind his protective frame.

"It's your obnoxious son, he was going to wash the car and he said he'd hose me down as well..."

She peeped out, holding on to his elbow and grinning from behind it.

"Yeah? Well, it'll have to wait then, 'cause I need the car. You'll have to hose her down later, Gazz."

"Where you off to?"

"Just round to your Auntie Jean's. Her car's packed up on her again and she wants me to give it the once-over...don't know why she doesn't just buy a new one, she's got the cash..."

"You'll be long?"

"A couple of hours. I'll get her to make me some lunch as a down-payment. See you later..."

And off he went to his sister's, Jean's, pulling the kitchen door to behind him.

Anne and I stood watching each other and listening. The car door slammed. The engine revved. The car was thrown into reverse and Dad backed out of the driveway.

Mum smiled. She was slipping her shoes off as she spoke. "So, how does one do a 'once-over', anyway...?"

It was as though she'd called, 'on your marks... get set...', because she just spun round on the spot and raced out of the kitchen with me closing in on her tail. As she sprinted past the sofa she grabbed hold of a cushion and threw it wildly behind her, approximately in my direction. I simply fended it off in midair, vaulted the sofa using my other hand and made a perfect Spiderman landing in front of her. I grinned. She grinned. Then she tried to escape again but I was too fast. I grabbed her, screaming and laughing, by the waist, slung her nimbly over my shoulder and made my way, caveman-style with my quarry, towards the stairs.

As we started up them, she thrust both her hands down into the back of my pants under my boxers and grabbed hold of two full handfuls of my ass. For my part, I flipped her dress up, tugged the back of her panties below her cheeks and caressed her beautiful globes.

By the time we'd reached halfway up the stairs, she'd already brought her hands out and was now trying to lever my pants down over my ass too. A dangerous game. I got to the top just as the pants were pushed right down and arrived at my ankles. But I didn't stop, and continued in tiny steps, a bit like one of those Japanese women you see in traditional dress, towards Anne's bedroom. There, I kneed the door open, hobbled across and threw her onto the bed. I stood looking down at her lying there, resting on her elbows, her dress unashamedly up around her waist, while she remained transfixed by the sight of me, just in my T-shirt, my pants round my ankles and my pole sticking out proudly in front, directly at her.

Her look then turned serious, and she lifted herself from the bed and walked, stumbled almost, straight into my arms, wrapping her hands around my neck, pressing her body up against me and attaching her wide-open mouth onto mine like a limpet. We kissed greedily as though we could never satisfy our appetites. She laughed as I licked along her cheek in retribution. I trembled as she stuck her tongue into my ear. We both smiled as we planted kisses all over the other's face.