Cyber Encounter

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A bit of cybersex turns real.
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Kendal had just gotten out of the shower; she had just come home from the "Steak'n'bake" a greasy spoon diner she worked at part-time. She always took a shower after work because she smelled like the fried lard the cook was always slapping on every thing he cooked. She'd just finished the midterm exam for the tech class she was taking, so she didn't need to study. What she hadn't learned would come out in the result of the test. Her kids were off with her ex for the weekend, and she'd told her girlfriends to go to the club without her. She need some 'me' time. Now, she was starting to wish she'd gone to the club because she was starting to feel bored; the house was too quiet without the kids running around.

Finally, she decided use the computer -- just for something to do. She sat at the computer in nothing but her blue silk robe with the Asian design, looking as if she was preparing to meditate at the computer alter. She logged on to her email account and found she had email waiting; just a few from pen pals. She responded to all her mail, and then found one that was a confirmation of her membership at literotica. She'd forgotten about signing up on that site; her friend had recommended the site telling her that the stories were amazing. She clicked the web address provided in the mail and it took her to the literotica site. She discovered a cornucopia of stories, all kinds, anything your heart (or well other parts of your anatomy) desired.

She opened a few stories and read them all the way through, and she became slightly aroused. Some stories she closed immediately because she wasn't into hard-core S&M. Slight bondage was all right like fussy handcuffs on the bedpost and being tickled with a feather that was okay. The stories of whips, chains, masks, and masters with slaves, really turned her off. She found more stories of basic erotic coupling and enjoyed those. Then she perused the lesbian side of the website, and found an interesting story of a woman's first time with another woman. This story really increased the wetness in her crotch. She had no real desire to be with a woman, but there was something about the poetry of two women together that made her horny.

Finally, she decided she was done with porno of the imagination; her imagination was better than the real porno and it included better acting as well. She wanted a little human contact, even if it was through a computer. She went to the site her girlfriend Gina had signed her up on (without her permission, telling her that she needed to get some real cock inside her instead of her plastic vibrator). She'd never visited the site before, and decided to check her profile and read what Gina had included about her. Well, the bio was correct 26 years old, divorced, three kids, student, and worked as a waitress. The stuff Gina had put in for hobbies was a bit exaggerated; she was portrayed as some kind of starving artist. All she really did was paint crafts and attempt to sell them on ebay, her crafts never sold. She corrected the hobby part, but left most of the other stuff alone.

Then she saw the pictures Gina had submitted. In one she was sitting at a bar in a black mini shirt, and high heels, with a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Shit! In that picture she looked like a hooker saying "Come on boys I'm open all night". The next picture was even worse; it was of her dirty dancing with some guy on the dance floor after she'd had a few too many Mudslides. She remembered that the guy had tried to feel her up on the freaking dance floor. When he had tried to put his finger up her skirt and under her panties she'd racked him in the crotch. He'd probably never be able to procreate after that kick.

She went onto the site and changed the pictures to some that were more decent. She changed the black skirt picture to one of her as a brides' maid at her friend's wedding, wearing an ankle length silk cream dress with spaghetti straps. She changed the picture of her dancing raunchily with the man on the dance floor to one that showed her at a speech she'd made at school. She was wearing a black pin striped feminine suit with a knee length skirt, cream top and black pin striped jacket. She felt satisfied with the profile, and then she started to cruise the site while looking at the different members. She searched for local men, and found a multitude of men from the Oklahoma area. Most of them were rather older than she was and the ones that seemed in her own age range seemed unapproachable. There were all kinds of usernames for the Oklahoma area. A common theme showed fan4sooners, die4sooners, luvthecowboys (this username sounded more like the man wanted a cowboy instead of loving the team cowboys), and last but not least tulseytown!

Finally she found a profile that seemed like a real possibility. The man's username was justtulsa. He was 32 years old divorced without children, about 5'11" and a smoker. He worked in computer services specializing in systems using Linux technology. In his picture, though it was a bit fuzzy, he was shown as a good-looking man with light brown hair and a pleasant smile. She decided to send him a message and see what came from it -- if anything. She brought up the message box for justtulsa with a point and a click and wrote:

Kelticgoddess (a username her friend had named for her based on her living room décor) wrote: Justtulsa—Hello my name is Kendall I live in Tulsa as well and basically wanted to say 'Hi'. If you'd like nothing else from me, I'd still like to pick your brain about Linux systems technology and the jobs that are available within the field, since this is what I am currently studying.

She hit Send and her message was off to find its destination -- somewhere in cyberspace. She waited a few minutes, re-studying his profile before moving on to the next guy in line. Abruptly her computer let out a ding, and she jumped a little. A box appeared on the screen, with the message 'You have I new message in your mailbox'. She hit the Okay button and the mail was revealed on the screen. Her new message was as follows:

Justtulsa wrote: Kelticgoddess or rather Kendall, I am online and in a chatroom right now called "single and looking." If you would like to join in, we could chat. I have seen your profile and you seem like an interesting female and I would like to learn more about you. I work with computers all day and would rather talk about something else, though I will tell you about Linux and whatever else you wish to know at a later date. Please join in and chat with me! Thanks, Dustin aka justtulsa.

She was thrilled at the message and surprised at his quick response. She clicked off her message and began to search the website for the "single and looking" chatroom. She finally found it, logged into it, and saw 'justtulsa' in the list of users inside. The minute the chatroom declared that she'd entered the room a message addressed to her from justtulsa appeared right below her entrance message. It said:

Justtulsa wrote: kelticgoddess--I didn't think you would join in, though I'm glad you did!

Kelticgoddess wrote: justtulsa—Why didn't you think I would join in, I emailed you first so it had to be obvious I was interested. I was surprised at your quick response.

Justtulsa wrote: kelticgoddess—I would like to get to know you better can we go to a private room? I'll send you an IM with the room name.

Within a few seconds, a message popped up on the screen saying

Justtulsa has invited you to join in a private chat with the name Tell Me Something Bad About Tulsa would you like to join this user yes/no?

She clicked on yes and was instantly transported to the private room that 'justtulsa' had created.

Justtulsa: Hello Kendall

Kelticgoddess: Hello Dustin

Justtulsa: How are you doing?

Kelticgoddess: I am fine a little bored. Thought I wanted a night on my own, and sent my friends out to a night on the town. Now I don't know what to do with myself.

Justtula: Your profile says you have three children where are they?

Kelticgoddess: They are with my ex-husband for the weekend.

Justtula: So you have the place all to yourself?

Kelticgoddess: Yep, pretty much. It's too quiet.

Justtulsa: Do you have a webcam?

Kelticgoddess: Yes I do.

Justtulsa: I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

Kelticgoddess: Ha funny! Okay here it goes.

She clicked the button to activate her webcam, and just then a little box appeared on her screen giving her a view of Dustin. He looked like he was in a home office. He was not wearing a shirt and had a broad muscular chest with a nice patch of chest hair.

Justtulsa: What are you wearing?

Kelticgoddess: My robe I just got out of the shower.

Justtulsa: May I ask if anything is under that robe?

Kelticgoddess: You may ask and the answer is no, nothing.

She started to wonder where this was going, though she figured she'd follow it wherever it led.

Justtulsa: Well, that's all good, all nice comfy and cozy. I'm sitting here in my undies. So, tell me about yourself.

Kelticgoddess: What do you what to know?

Justtulsa: Anything what are your hobbies? What do you do for a living? How about your children?

Kelticgoddess: My children? I have two daughters and one son, ages 6,5,and 2 years. Do for a living? I wouldn't actually call it a living, I work at a diner called steak'n'bake and I go to school part-time at TCC.

Justtulsa: Wow, that's really amazing Kendall! You didn't tell me about your hobbies.

Kelticgoddess: Well, my hobbies are a bit harder to explain.

Justtulsa: Try me, I'll understand.

Kelticgoddess: Well, I paint -- not pictures or anything like that -- I just paint sculptures and other already made crafts. And I carve things using my Dremel.

Justtulsa: Wow, you sound like a creative person, any other hobby?

Kelticgoddess: I like to write.

Justtulsa: Write what?

Kelticgoddess: Short stories.

Justtulsa: About?

Kelticgoddess: You promise not to think I'm too weird?

Justtulsa: I promise. Writing short stories is not weird, whatever the topic. What's weird is if you go down the street muttering to yourself while skipping.

Kelticgoddess: Ha yeah that would be weird. Okay I write erotica (sex stories).

Justtulsa: Wow! Have you published on the web? I'd love to read some.

Kelticgoddess: I haven't published yet. I've written about a dozen stories, my girlfriend has read them, she thinks I'm good, and gave me a site called Literotica to publish them. I'm still thinking about it.

Justtulsa: Well, would you send me one; I'll give you an honest unbiased opinion. If I like it, I'll tell you, if I don't I'll tell you. Pleazzzz?

Kelticgoddess: All right, I'll send it to you, only if you promise not to read anything into it.

Justtulsa: I promise!

She got up from the computer (it was set up in her bedroom), crossed the room to a drawer in her dresser and extracted a diskette marked 'Kendall's private stuff'. Then she walked back to the computer and put the diskette in the slot. She clicked on the send a file button, opened the A drive and selected a story to send him. The story she selected was a fantasy about being willingly sexually accosted by a man in Home Depot. Dustin accepted the file and asked her to wait while he read the story.

Nervous, she got up and walked around her apartment. She was worried that he wouldn't like her writing, but also she was excited that he might really like it. Talking with him was really exciting and she was very much attracted to him. She wondered if he might want to meet her in person. It wasn't out of the question since they lived in the same town. She went to the bathroom and opened her robe in front of the mirror. She inspected her body, something she always did when she thought about having sex with a new man. Her size 'B' tits were standing in an upright fashion. She'd gotten some muscle tone in her abs and the stretch marks across her tummy were almost invisible. She walked back into her bedroom leaving the robe opened. The webcam was pointing toward the wall in the corner, so she wasn't concerned that he could see her in the webcam.

She lay on her bed and imagined him in her apartment and fucking her. These thoughts just increased the horniness she'd felt since first sitting at the computer. She began to rub her tits back and forth, rubbing her fingertips across her erect nipples. Soon her right hand ended up inside her pussy rubbing her clit vigorously. She started to feel an orgasm building within and her efforts were starting to make her whimper and moan. As she rubbed her pussy she could feel her wetness increasing. It not only coated her pussy, but also down into the crack of her ass. She felt that very soon she would climax. Sudden her computer chimed, telling her that he'd written a response.

Pulled out of her trance she jumped up off the bed and clumsily attempted to tie her robe together. She ran her hands though her hair in an effort to smooth out her curly brown locks. Now, she quickly walked to the far corner where the computer was, sat down and read what he'd thought of her writing.

Justtulsa: Kendall that story was great, I loved it, it was amazing!!

With shaking fingers she bent over the keyboard, and began to type a reply.

Kelticgoddess: You liked it really?

Justtulsa: Yes, I really, really liked it! You should submit it!

Kelticgoddess: Well, maybe I will!

Justtulsa: It was great really. If this isn't too vulgar I am now rather hard from reading your story, and it isn't helping the fact that your robe is now slightly open and I can see one of your tits hanging out.

Slightly embarrassed she looked down at herself and realized her effort to close the robe hadn't worked and then she quickly pulled her robe tight across her and cinched up the tie.

Kelticgoddess: Oops! Didn't mean to do that, honest.

Justtulsa: I don't mind, really. I would like to see more just to give me an image in my head of the woman in your story. Tell me what you were doing that caused your hair to get messed and your robe to become untied.

Kelticgoddess: Okay Dustin, I'll be honest and tell you that I began playing with myself.

Justtulsa: Wow, you did! I was almost tempted to do the same thing while reading your story, but stopped myself, but if I had known you were playing with yourself, we could have played together.

Kelticgoddess: Oh you naughty boy!!

Justtulsa: Not naughty, just horny especially after your story and your little flash. Could I see more pleazzz!

She thought about it only for a minute, she was still very horny and the thought of this little endeavor of exhibitionism made her even more so. Finally, she decided to go for it -- what the hell! She untied her robe and pulled it down over her shoulders and draped it over the chair. She was now sitting at the computer completely nude.

Justtulsa: Oh my Goddess! I hoped but never expected you are spectacular! Could I please have your phone number, I want to give you a phone call. Pleazz may I?

She typed out her phone number and sent it on to him. Within moments her phone rang. Quickly, she reached out to the phone (next to the computer) and picked it up.

"Hello," she said.

"Hello," he said, "you sound just as beautiful as you look."

"Thank you Dustin."

"I have to admit Kendall that sitting here staring at your wonderful tits has got me extremely tempted to touch myself."

"Well, far be it from me to hold you back, go ahead if you must."

"No, I am a man that only thinks of his needs once he sees that the woman of his interest is having her needs met as well. You said you were playing with yourself, are you still horny or have you lost the interest?"

"I am definitely still horny, even more so sitting in front of a webcam naked."

"Does exhibitionism excite you?"

"This is the first time I've tried this, but yes I have to admit it does excite me, a lot."

"Do you still wish to play with yourself?"

"Yes, I do! In fact I am soaking my robe as well as my computer chair."

"Well, may we play together? I would like to see you, all of you, and watch as you play with yourself. Do you have a way to place the webcam pointed toward your bed? I'll let you watch me masturbate as well."

"I've got an idea, give me a second, and hold on."

She placed the phone down on the desk. First, she ran into her living room and grabbed the cordless phone off the wall. Then, she ran back to her bedroom, walked over to the computer desk and took the webcam from the top of the monitor and placed it on her dresser, on top of the jewelry box. The cord dangled from computer to dresser. She checked her monitor and brought up the view of her own webcam and verified that he would now have a completely unobstructed view of her queen size bed. She then clicked off the box with her own webcam and brought up the box showing him patiently waiting at his desk. She enlarged the box from his webcam until it filled her computer screen completely. She turned the monitor around until it was facing her bed. This was so exciting; she'd never masturbated online with a webcam. After everything was done, she finally picked up the phone though she was not in view of the webcam as yet.

"You still there?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm here, but I can't see you," he replied.

"Well you'll see me in a second," she said as she walked past the dresser and over to a side of the bed.

He could now see her standing completely naked at the bedside.

"Oh my you are beautiful. Lay down on your bed." He instructed.

She laid down on the bed with the phone at her ear and her legs crossed.

"Kendall please open your legs, I want to see into those beautiful pussy lips, may I please." He said.

"Well since you asked so nicely," she said as she slowly spread her legs wide.

She began by rubbing her tit with the hand not used for the phone. She massaged it in her hand, cupping and squeezing the mound of tissue there.

"I'm going to start playing with myself I want you to start too. I require both hands, so I'll lay my phone beside me and you can hear me as I orgasm." She said as she laid the put down on a pillow beside her.

She looked over at her monitor and saw him begin to stroke himself, this further turned her on, and she could no longer wait. Her left hand massaged her tit, and her right hand went down to her pussy and began to stroke the length of her sex. She dove two fingers inside the hot, wet hole and began to thrust her fingers in and out of herself. Her finger fucks increased in speed and strength, she slammed her fingers into herself, feeling about ready to orgasm.