Dad Dies Ch. 03

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Consensual Incest with Mum.
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 02/20/2024
Created 01/24/2024
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All people having sexual activity in this story are eighteen and over.

The next morning mum woke me at six, as she cuddled close and fondled my stiffening cock she said, "Darling, I have my butt plug in, my ass is lubed, I'd love four vaginal orgasms so I'll be tingling all day so I'm ready for the big one after the cremation, let me gobble you and make you hard."

Mum made me so hard then lubed my cock, she got on to all fours with her butt at the bottom of the bed with me standing behind her, mum's pussy was so wet, I was sure she was getting aroused thinking about what I was going to do to her.

Mum had her four vaginal orgasms she loved everyone of them, as she showered I made toast and coffee for breakfast, as mum left the house at ten to eight, "I loved that this morning, I'll be back just after nine to dress and put my war paint on then we'll leave as I want to be at the crematorium early, let's use the Bentley today as we'll use that to go to France, that car is two years old and has done no miles, you do not know how happy you make me Barry."

We kissed lovingly, then she left; I went to the garage to remove the dust sheet, the car was gleaming, I then started the Bentley, it started immediately, the car had covered only fifty-two miles in its life. I drove it into the courtyard for its big drive to the crematorium.

I was dressed ready to go when mum got back, she looked gorgeous, her hair had been beautifully styled, "Barry, the car looks gorgeous, will you get me a glass of wine as I'm nervous then come to the bedroom as I want you to see what I'm wearing underneath my outfit. I'm going to wear four-inch heels today so I look the perfect height for my tall handsome son."

I got mum her wine, I was tempted to have a glass myself but didn't, mum was sitting at her dressing table wearing an amazing crotch less bodysuit, she had no panties on but a matching G-string was on the table, she had self-supporting stockings and four-inch heels. Her tits looked massive and jiggled as she moved, mum was putting the final touches of her makeup on, she looked gorgeous, "Barry, I'm going to do something special for you today, I want to give you a lovely tight ride later."

I didn't know what mum was talking about, she then spread her legs and put her pussy on the edge of her chair as she opened a drawer of her dressing table and brought out two Kegel balls which she slipped inside her pussy, her fingers pushing them deep inside her gorgeous cunt, "Mum, will you be comfortable having them in during the service and brunch?"

Mum then put on the G-string panties which covered the line connecting the Kegel balls as she put on her outfit, "These two balls are the perfect size and weight for me, they make my pussy tingle, if I hold your hand during the service, you'll know I'm doing my exercises as I hold your hand, the exercises make my cunt muscles so strong you'll going to find out later how strong they are."

In the car on the way to the crematorium, "Mum, this car gives a great ride."

Mum laughed, "And so do you darling, Barry, as from now when we're out please call me Babs, in bed you can call me mum, but when we're out, I want people to think, look at that attractive woman with that handsome young man."

We arrived at the crematorium at ten to ten, we were first to arrive, we sat in the car when a silver BMW convertible parked beside us and a tall, attractive woman in her twenties got out, "That must be Pam, let's introduce ourselves to her."

We both got out of the car, Pam looked at us and said, "Good morning."

I replied, "Are you Pam?"

"Yes, I am."

"I'm Barry this is Babs, thank you for coming today."

As she put her hand out to shake mum's hand, "You have my deepest sympathy, John was one of life's characters, I honestly feel privileged to have known him."

"How kind of you to say that Pam, please come sit with Barry and I during the service."

Pam shook my hand firmly, we walked into the crematorium, we sat at the front, mum was on my right and Pam was on my left. Pam was a good-looking woman, she had massive tits, a beautiful face, tall with curves and long legs, we could hear people coming in, sitting behind us, at ten exactly the service began.

As the minister spoke of the acknowledgement of dad's life, his words were very good, the pleasure and encouragement he had given millions of people throughout the world, mum took my hand, I knew immediately what she was doing as her hips were also moving gently, Pam cried, I took Pam's hand and held it, she whispered, "Thank you."

Mum leaned very close to me and whispered, "Ask Pam to sit with us at the brunch."

I whispered back, "Do you think Pam was performing for dad?"

Mum quietly whispered back, "Maybe he wasn't very active then but still liked his cock sucked, she's got lovely big tits, dad loved big tits."

The appreciation finished, then we all sang a hymn, Pam released my hand, I whispered to her, "Babs, would like you to sit with us for the brunch?"

Pam whispered back, "Thank you, I will be with you, John did a lot for me in my life, I'll explain later."

Mum was still holding my hand, moving her fingers in a very subtle and suggestive way, I whispered to her, "Pam will be delighted to sit with us, I like her, she's a nice person."

After the coffin was moved behind a curtain the final hymn had been sung, mum and I stood up and left the building with Pam walking behind us, when we got outside Pam kept her distance as the other mourners offered their condolences to mum and I, I liked Pam's style she was observing everyone who was there her tits looked massive and jiggled beautifully as she walked to us, she was the last mourner, she hugged mum and I, "I'll follow your car to the hotel."

In the car on the way to the hotel, "I wouldn't be surprised if Pam was performing for dad, she seems a nice person to me, she's very capable in what she does, dad often told me how good she was over the years he had lots of asset managers, dad thought she was the best he had ever seen. I think she likes you Barry, the way she was looking at you said a lot and she has no rings on her fingers, I wonder if she gives good oral?"

We arrived at the hotel, Jim led us to a large round table that accommodate all of us, once again mum was on my right and Pam on my left, Peter sat next to mum and Tony sat next to Peter, the closest advisors were around mum and I. Mum asked Pam, "After brunch could you come home with us and explain how the Asset Management app on John's computer works as Barry and I don't want to go into it in case we do some damage?"

Pam smiled, "Babs, it's a wonderful programme, fifteen minutes and you'll both be experts, this is a lovely Champagne, but I must be careful as I've to drive home."

The brunch was excellent; I chatted a lot with Pam; she asked me what I was studying, we both talked freely, she wasn't dating anyone as she was working so hard.

She explained a lot to me about the programme how easy it was to use, she told me that dad's investments were very good, and Tony had set up offshore accounts so dad wasn't paying taxes. Mum squeezed my hand suggestively as I spoke with Pam, as Pam and I were talking, "I'll show you and Babs how the system works, if you have any problems don't worry about them, I'll give you my personal mobile number you can WhatsApp me. As she bent down to get her handbag her massive right tit was pushed against my arm, I smiled and said, "That feels nice."

As Pam brought her phone out of her bag she whispered, "My life is full of numbers I can't remember my own fucking phone number, do you like big tits?"

"I love them!"

"That's good as mine are very sensitive I love them being played with, are you dating anyone at the moment?"

I smiled, "Fortunately, at the moment I'm not, we have both our numbers now, I look forward to writing with you."

I knew then I'd have a feel of her tits when we got home, people were now coming over and thanking mum and I for lunch, the room emptied quickly, mum asked me to pay the bill as she and Pam finished a bottle of Champagne.

I paid the bill I thanked Jim for the excellent meal and service and went back to mum and Pam. They were both chatting away then mum said, "Barry did you notice the lovely wreath we got from Isa? It was so thoughtful of her; the Funeral Director told me we can have the urns on Wednesday morning so we could go to France on Wednesday afternoon?"

Mum then explained to Pam about dad's wish for the ashes to be spread in the garden here and the other at the unmarked grave in France, Pam gave mum a hug, both of them were pushing their massive tits against each other. "Babs, what a lovely gesture, I know that John was impressed by the man's heroism, let's go to your house I'll show you how things work."

Pam followed us on the short drive home, mum said in the car, "Barry, she likes you and I, did you see her pushing her tits against me, we could have her today but today is mine with you and you alone, I'll give you space to chat with her but you also give me space with her, I want a good feel of those lovely big tits she's got."

I opened another bottle of Champagne for mum and I, Pam had half a glass as she showed us how the system worked, it was so easy, mum and I picked it up so quickly, mum then said, "Pam, Barry and I will go to France on Wednesday for a week, would you like to come down and spend the following weekend with us so we can go into more detail with the system?"

"Babs, I would love that, I feel so relaxed here I'm so comfortable with you and Barry's company, what would you like me to wear, can I dress casually around the house but I'll wear something nice if we go out for meals, I'd like to invite you to the hotel for dinner?"

"Pam, that would be lovely, I'm going to change now as Barry likes me casually dressed around the house, I'll leave you and Barry alone so you can have some time together, I'll be in the lounge so please come visit me before you leave so I can say goodbye to you."

"Babs, I'll do that thank you for letting me have some time with Barry, I don't know when it'll be but I'll come to the lounge before I leave, I'm so looking forward to that weekend."

Mum took Pam in her arms, they tongue kissed spontaneously, mum was first to feel Pam's tits, then Pam felt mum's. They kissed and touched lovingly for several minutes, then mum left, "I'm looking forward to saying goodbye."

As Mum closed the office door, I thought she was going to take out her Kegel balls, "Barry, Babs's a lovely woman, I'm so happy she's invited me, where will I sleep when I'm here?"

I smiled, "Babs's very open-minded, hopefully you'll be with me."

I took her in my arms, our tongues were dancing in each other's mouths, as I felt Pam's massive tits she purred with pleasure, Pam was pushing her pussy against my leg, she must have felt my rock hard cock, I stopped kissing her but still fondled her massive tits, "Pam, I'd love to have a relationship with you but I need honesty, I'll be honest with you but you must be honest with me, I have one question, did you perform for John?"

Pam looked me straight in the eye, I knew she was going to be honest with me, Pam said quietly, "I will always be honest with you Barry, John couldn't get it up, he liked to play with my tits as I sucked his flaccid cock, he also liked to finger my pussy, he helped me so much, I would have done anything for him, Barry I'm bisexual, I enjoy being with a woman too, I like your mum a lot."

I pulled her close to me and we kissed so passionately, then I took her hand I placed it on the massive bulge in my trousers, Pam gasped as she felt it, "It's so thick and long would you like me to bring you off?"

I unbuckled my belt and took off my trousers, "Pam, get naked as I want to see your naked body, then you can go down on me, don't worry about Babs she's bisexual too she's like me, she loves your big tits."

Pam smiled, "It would be wonderful if I could have both of you."

Pam immediately started to strip as she was taking off her skirt, she said, "Barry, in the car I took off my thong in case you wanted to feel my neglected pussy, I'm not wearing any panties."

She was only wearing hold up stockings, and I took her in my arms, we kissed lovingly as my hands explored her gorgeous body, she was perfect, her curves were amazing, her stomach was flat, her vulva smooth and swollen with thick cunt lips and a perfectly formed long sex slit, Pam had a lot going for her.

I had a feel of Pam's pussy, she was dripping wet, "Pam, you've a gorgeous cunt, I liked how you gripped my fingers when I slipped them inside you."

"Thanks Barry, I do my Kegel exercises every day so that when I find my dream man, I'll be able to give him a lovely tight ride, I'd love it if things worked out between you and me, I feel so comfortable being around you."

"Can I ask when you were last fucked?"

Pam laughed, "With a cock when I was at university, I was eighteen when I met John, he never fucked me though I had to perform for him, my life changed when I met John, I was studying to be an Actuary but I was also writing newspaper articles, he read one of them then helped me to set up my publishing company."

"I had so much on my plate I didn't have time, though I was tempted to do some one-night stands but did nothing. I wrote articles for the Financial Times when I was still studying, I'm good at what I do, I started giving Asset Management advice to two wealthy mature ladies, I shouldn't say ladies as they're both very kinky in bed, they introduced me to bisexual sex, I loved it but I prefer a big thick cock, now I've met you I'll still perform for them but you'll get all my love."

We kissed lovingly then as I sat on John's chair, "Pam, I will write often from France, I want to see you when I get home, what age are you now?"

"I'd love it if you did that, my two mature ladies give excellent oral, they bring me off when they eat my pussy, I'm twenty-six I honestly think I'm falling in love with you."

I was feeling the same way, the more I got to know Pam the more I liked her, "Pam, I'm going to give you my best shot, I'd like you to suck me off now, I want you to know that Babs loves to gobble my cock."

Pam smiled, "I'd love a threesome with you and Babs, I'll now gobble you I'm going to suck every last drop of your creamy spunk out of that magnificent thick cock."

Pam then went down on me, her tongue was everywhere as she massaged my heavy balls, she was so good, she'd jiggle her massive tits as her head started to bobb taking more of my shaft into her mouth with each bobb of her head, it didn't take long until she was taking my full length, the head of my cock was hitting the walls of her throat, it felt so good I knew mum would teach her the swallowing motion, "Pam, you give a great gobble, I'm going to cum soon please don't swallow it, hold it in your mouth then we can cum kiss."

Pam nodded in agreement a minute later my first spurt went straight down her throat, Pam adjusted herself so the next spurt she'd take in her mouth, she sucked every drop out of my cock, as she came off me she stuck her tongue out for me there was a massive blob of cum on it, as she came to cum kiss me I said, "I'll take some out of your mouth but don't swallow all of it save some for mum, tell her that Barry has sent her a present, we are so compatible write to me tonight to tell me if you have enjoyed today."

We cum kissed, I took some into my mouth and swallowed it, Pam wasn't swallowing anything, she put on her blouse and put her bra into her handbag then her skirt, she blew me a kiss and stuck her tongue out again there was a lot of cum still on her tongue; she brought her mobile signalling she'd message me then left dad's office.

I wondered how mum would react to the cum, I was sure she'd love it, I poured myself another glass of Champagne then checked the Asset Management system, dad had over five hundred million in it, there were still a lot more lying around as dad had often said, 'Never carry all your eggs in the one basket.

Thirty minutes later mum came into dad's office she was wearing a kimono but the belt wasn't tied, she smiled then put her tongue out, there was an enormous blob of Pam's cum on it, we cum kissed lovingly for several minutes mum said, "Barry, Pam is amazing I like her a lot, she told me she told you she'd performed for dad but he'd never fucked her, dad had told her about me and Isa, I think that she's in love with you, she could be the girl for you?"

"Mum, the more I get to know Pam the more I like her, I'll finish my law degree but I want Pam to teach me all she knows about Asset Management we can both live so comfortable from that, I'd love to have a baby with Pam, she'd have to accept that I still want you I'm sure she'll agree to that."

Mum smiled she pulled me closer, "Darling, it's now two o'clock we are going to bed, I want to do so much with you, I'm not on the pill I'm not going on the pill as I want your baby too. I messaged Isa I told her that we'll be there on Wednesday I want a double bed for both of us as I want you as a lover, she has no problem with that, Isa want to Skype at seven our time which is eight her time, I'm going to make you hard I'll take some dick pictures with a couple of me gobbling you then she'll see the size of your monster cock, can you set up a screen you can watch her but she can't see you?"

I told her no problem, the dick pictures mum took were incredible, as were the ones I took of her gobbling me and amazing ones of her riding me cowgirl on top of the bed, mum had sixteen pictures she wanted to send but she'd send them after I had fucked her.

The next four hours were a marathon session, we did it in every position imaginable, mum must have had seven massive orgasms, I had three. Mum lubed her ass I ass fucked her as she bent over an armchair in the bedroom; I videoed it; the video was incredible; it lasted four minutes twenty-five seconds, mum had two vaginal orgasms she told me that Isa would love that video.

Mum sent the video and the dick pictures and we had a quick supper, after that I set up a screen to show what Isa was up too in the peep show. Mum Skyped her at exactly seven o'clock our time, mum had put on a crotch-less Basque, her tits looked massive her pussy was still glistening from this afternoon's session.

Isa came on to my screen, she was wearing a crotch less Basque, she looked incredible she looked so sexy but she had an angelic look about her. Isa said the first words, "Hi Babs, you look gorgeous, when exactly are you coming? I told the mayor that you were bringing an urn with John's ashes inside as you wanted to spread the ashes at the unmarked grave, he suggested we bury the urn and have a gravestone with John Gibson's name on it and about his book his wish to be buried beside this man, it would be a great attraction for the area and bring money in for Convent here but the ceremony couldn't be until Friday as the mayor was sure the President of France would want to be there as this could become a National event, after we finish our call I've to phone him so he can get things organised, what do you think?"

Mum was giving this serious thought, she said, "Isa, at John's funeral there were only a few there, thank you for the beautiful bouquet, I believe this could be world news it shows the bond between two human beings that had never met each other but one respected the other's actions so much that he wanted to be beside him when he died. I'm more than happy if this is done, would you say to the mayor that I'm prepared to build a mausoleum to cover these two men, in fact Isa, I want this to happen, Barry and I will be there on Wednesday so we can discuss things more fully then, I know what we intended to do tonight but after hearing what the mayor has suggested I think we should leave everything until Wednesday."