Dad's Sad Dilemma Ch. 03


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"What you do not know is that I have had a second opinion and it appears there is very little chance of a significant recovery. I have been concerned that it might affect our relationship and marriage, although I thought it unlikely, but I do not want to lose you."

"You wouldn't" Susie cried.

He tenderly squeezed her hands and nodded "I know you have a plastic lover, I also know it's not like the real thing and as you became more, and shall we say in need. I was frightened that you might feel the need to take a lover and in this small village that would soon get around."

Suddenly the penny dropped, she covered her mouth with her hands in shock. "So you thought you would just fix me up with my son, that should keep me happy," she said angrily.

"No it is not like that, just listen to me," he told her.

"Jon is attracted to you of that there can be no doubt, any thing he has done and said has been his own words and actions he has had my blessing that is true, but never have I told him to do or say anything."

She was quieter now and listening.

"He loves and respects us both very much, the other evening after a few drinks he spotted I was a bit down, one thing led to another and I poured my problems out to him. He was so mature and understanding and tried to offer alternative suggestions that may help me, but I have researched or tried them all the alternatives."

Ken looked at her and sipped his drink. She was feeling a little sorry for him now; it must have been hard for him telling his son he was impotent and unable to perform sexually.

"Jon's next concern was for you; he had noticed how miserable and forced we have been with each other, he told me he was going to try and cheer us up, I think that was why he brought the meal tonight."

"Bless him," Susie uttered.

"In the pub he was man enough to tell me that he saw you in a different way, his exact words were desirable, gorgeous and sexy. He expressed his worries regarding his feelings for you and about you being his Mum; he was very confused and upset."

Ken had told her the truth, just not in the right order that they had happened. He glanced at her as she sat there impassively waiting for him to carry on.

"This may upset you, but I hope not, I told him that you were both adults and that if you both felt that you wanted to get, lets say closer, it would be ok with me, but ultimately it would have to be your decision."

"I told him that in my opinion the incest law was basically right in as far as it should protect children, but where grown and consenting adults are concerned that should be their own private business, even in the bible people used to marry and breed within the family." He told her.

Susie was now looking at Ken with surprise; she thought back to the afternoon in the car and more recently, here on this sofa, she shivered at the thought.

"You want me to have an affair with Jon?" she asked incredulously.

"No, not particularly," he lied," but it makes sound sense in lots of ways, he has really come to see and love you as a real woman and not just as his Mother." He explained hastily

"We know he respects us both and that he is honest and sensible, importantly we know he has no medical problems," he was trying to be delicate there and avoid discussing aids or any other sexual disease.

Susie was almost opened mouthed as he explained his thinking, she gulped her drink down and Ken smiling at her warmly refilled her glass. "You seem to have given this some thought Ken," Susie stated

"Yes I suppose I have really, I will be brutally honest, if you felt the need for an emotional attachment with Jon I would be delighted, he is the only person I can trust to care for you properly."

He paused to put his thoughts in order. "Regardless of what you say, I know you miss proper sex and in my humble opinion, he would be the perfect person to please and satisfy you."

He waited for a reaction and he saw none he spoke again, "he is family and I have told you my thoughts on family love, you both look very good together you really do and as you were young when you had him, the age difference is not too great. You look younger than your age."

Warming to his subject and seeing not protestations from her he went on.

"Show me any mother that would not want her son with her for the rest of her life. You can see and must admit that there is a real spark between you both; you excel in each other's company. I told him these things earlier and he was as quiet as you are now, he expects or demands nothing he is happy to just be in your company in whatever way it will be."

He saw her look up at him as she gave a small smile. "Remember Susie that I love you, that is why I have accepted this idea so readily your happiness is paramount and Jon's is next it has always been that way and it always will be."

"Please for me just acknowledge that I am impotent and that I cannot fully meet your needs. Having taken all that into account it I consider that in my humble opinion Jon, with his love for you and his youthful enthusiasm and energy is the best man to satisfy you, but remember it is your decision nobody else's there will be no pressure on you, but if that's what you want you must make the decision and say so."

Susie was feeling quite emotional as all of these new thoughts and ideas were going through her mind, she was in love with her husband and it looks as if he is prepared to make this sacrifice to keep her.

She had enjoyed the day and the evening so far with Jon very much, but she would never have guessed in a million years that Ken would be such a strong advocate of them getting together as lovers.

"What happens than if Jon and I did get together, what happens to you and our marriage? I do love you and would hate to lose or upset you."

Ken wondered if she was now actively thinking about it as she was starting to consider the different aspects of it.

"We would all still be one happy family, but a truly loving family in every sense of the word, you and Jon would live almost as man and wife you could make love as often as you wanted to, that would be between you two.

"I would still live with you both," he assured her, "I would still be your husband, but in name only, but you must accept that you would be Jon's woman in every single respect and he would have to come first in your thinking and he must be due the love and loyalty that you have always shown to me."

He grinned to lighten the mood a little, "It sounds sexist, but we would sort of share you, but in most respects he would be the senior partner in our new relationship and that is how I would like it I cannot see it working any other way."

"You would look after each other's needs and develop a new and better understanding and form a relationship with each other just as if you were married. I am quite a bit older than you and suffering with my heart, so it would be a comfort to me knowing you were happily living with him should anything happen to me."

She rushed and hugged him, "don't talk like that please." She begged.

Ken took the piece of paper from his pocket that he wrote on the other day.

"I promised you that one day I would give you this, I said every one in the family has to give a little for each other, and here is what I wrote. She took the paper and read,

"I would be giving up most of you, you would give up part of me the part that is tied sexually, and he would give up part of his future and build a new one with you"

She folded the paper and hugged him, "I am so lucky to have such a loving and understanding husband," Susie said weepily.

"That's just what Jon said, you even think the same," he said chuckling.

He thought that maybe the worst was over it had been quite a speech, but he wanted her to fully understand his feelings and his reasoning's. He also did not want her to have any guilt feelings regarding how she may feel for Jon or what they may do; he wanted to reassure her that it was all ok with him.

A selfish thought then came into her mind; I would have the best of both worlds, how many wives are lucky enough to have a husband willing and happy to give them what Ken is offering her, to have a husband who thinks of nothing but her happiness is truly wonderful.

"I must confess that you shocked me Ken, I had not expected anything like this," she told him honestly.

"As you have been honest with me, so I will be with you. You are right I do miss your hard cock, I'm sorry to use that word, but I suppose I am a little frustrated."

"However, that does not mean I would run off with the first stiff one I found. I have certainly enjoyed the attention that Jon has given me these last couple of days; he is a charming, sexy and thoughtful man."

She held his hands in hers, "There is one problem though he is my son; I will admit I do fancy him and would love to have him take me and if I was not his mother would jump him willingly. However, I do not know if I could go that far with him, I hear and understand your thoughts on the subject and to a degree; I can accept and see your point and your reasoning."

"I do feel a little confused with my feelings about it all as well. Jon has certainly stirred emotions and sensations in me that I was trying to hide away, but I am not sure darling that I could go that far with him, as nice as it would be." She giggled nervously

Susie was serious and she did have mixed feelings. Ken saw that in her and hugged her,

"There really is no pressure on either of you, just go with the flow and see what happens, but please don't worry about me being cross or jealous my impotence has desensitized me and I will not let that stop you being happy."

Susie cuddled close to him, "thank you darling, what ever happens I will love you always." He kissed her softly, "That's just what I wanted to hear," he answered.

The emotion of it all was starting to get to her and she looked at him through tearful eyes. "I really don't deserve you," she smiled.

Then through her tears she looked up at him, "Do you think he will be back soon?" She asked.

Ken smiled at her openness and admitting that she wanted Jon here with her,

"I am sure he will be back at any time, are you missing him?"

She blushed a little, "yes I guess so, it has been a lovely day and it would be nice to have the meal he brought."

In an attempt to lighten the mood and cheer her up after their frank discussion Ken grabbed her arse and squeezed it firmly.

"You look really nice tonight, I've not seen you look this sexy for years, did you dress up for Jon?" Again, she blushed,

"No for both of you silly," she answered.

He grinned at her, "I am sure that's right, but mostly for Jon though I suspect"

She nodded slightly, "well maybe," she said apologetically.

"No I know love and I am pleased that you decided to dress that way for him, I could tell that he really approved." They both laughed knowing what he was getting at, she slapped his arse playfully.

"Lets get the dinner warmed and ready shall we," suggested Ken Susie nodded as they made their way to the kitchen.

Susie was still a whirl of emotions and despite the somewhat sobering talk she had just gone through; her mind was spinning with all that had happened and been said. Although it appeared that she had Ken's blessing on any incestuous relationship with her son that she might have.

After her long abstinence from any real sex her body feel taught and hotwired especially after all of the fondling and teasing, the uninhibited and earthy talk and of course that happening in the bathroom just a little while ago. It had made her aware of just how much she had missed that sort of attention and she realised that if she wanted to pursue the licentious urges that her son was causing in her she could without any worries about her loyalty to her husband that was tantamount to what he was saying.

She was reassured somewhat that Jon saw her as more than a frustrated older woman who he just wanted to fuck and than move on. However, she was not sure that she could go on with it much longer it was such a torment for her. Certainly she had enjoyed their petting and touching a great deal and as much as she thought that she wanted him, she still had visions of him as her son.

Although Ken's explanation of Jon's feelings and his thoughtfulness towards her had cast him in a different light and it coincided with her own opinion, he had acted recently in a more responsible and caring way, but she still had a problem crossing that taboo line.

Jon had left the house still no closer to knowing how he and his mother would end up or what the resolution to Dads dilemma would be, despite what Mum had said Dad still seemed convinced that things would still work out between them for the better.

He was still surprised at the speed with which his feelings had changed towards her it still felt weird, but in an odd way so genuine and so right, if not totally ethical. He had always loved her of course he just had not realised that she was a real woman with real feelings and emotions. It was just strange quirk of fate that had dealt the cards and bought them together in this new way.

He did not want to take advantage of her, if they were to make love he wanted it to be for good reasons not just because she was frustrated and was desperate. He decided that he would just see what the next few days held for him and accept what ever happened and if nothing else he could look back on this as a great weekend.

He looked at his watch; it was still not late there was still the rest of the evening. He wasn't sure whether to walk to the pub or go home, little doubts were niggling at him, he did not want to make a fool of himself or unduly upset Mum, but she had dressed up really nice and sexy tonight and he was sure she would be upset if he stayed out. As he walked into the house He hoped he had given his dad enough time for his talk.

Ken thought that he had done all he could for Jon and Susie, he had explained how he saw his own bleak future and what he thought the best solution would be, he had also tried to lay to rest any moral objections with a reasoned argument in favour of family love. It was now up to the two special people in his life to decide on what they wanted. He had encouraged and cajoled them in as sensitive way and thought he had tried to be as relaxed as possible, but he refused to put either of them under any more pressure.

Susie saw Jon enter the living room, her pulse quickened slightly, this made her cross with herself for being stupid, I am not a silly schoolgirl, she lambasted herself.

"Hi Jon, thought we had lost you," she smiled sweetly.

Any doubts he may have had earlier melted when he saw her standing there, with her pretty face, great body and a personality that came and kissed away any moodiness. He cheered up instantly.

"Huh, nice try you won't get rid me as easy as that," he chuckled, "I just had a walk to the shop to get another bottle of wine," he added. Which he held up and showed her, he had brought it as an excuse for going out.

"I hope you are ready for some food," she said trying to sound as normal as possible. "Dad and I have it ready."

She turned and led the way to the table, Susie could feel Jon's eyes boring into her bottom as she walked and with out thinking exaggerated the swing of her hips. She realised that she was teasing him a bit, but that's what tonight was all about she thought and she had decided to give them some of their own back. There has been no real reason to change her mind; she had made it clear enough in the bathroom earlier how she felt, although her heart and emotion disagreed with her brain and logic.

Ken joined them at the table and poured them all some wine, the food was good and the wine flowed quite well, not enough to get them drunk, but they were all in a merry mood. It was most convivial and they chatted about this and that with the odd ambiguous comment thrown in to spice up the mood.

"That meal was lovely Jon thank you very much it was so nice of you," thanked Susie touching his hand.

Feeling a little daring and letting her mind wander back to the events on the sofa, Susie smiled at Jon

"As your Mother I wonder if I should be worried about your talented fingers and where you learnt such skills, you certainly, shall we say, relaxed me" she said looking over the top of her glass. Her pussy was still itching from his ministrations and despite her talk with Ken she still felt naughty enough to tease him.

I was a little surprised at her remarks bearing in mind what she had said to me in the bathroom. I blushed a bit.

"It was so easy given such a warm, soft and beautiful subject matter," I replied,

"Oh that's so sweet thank you," said Susie who smiled at him.

Her nipples stiffened at his well thought out and flattering answer. Maybe time to push the barriers Ken thought and coughed to attract their attention, he looked from Jon to Susie.

"Jon tells me he inadvertently joined you in the bathroom and that you were flashing your knickers at him, is that right," he chuckled.

Susie blushed and spluttered on her wine. "Flashed my knickers indeed, he barged in on me as I was adjusting my clothes," she replied with mock indignity.

Ken and john laughed at the way she pretended to be mad,

"There were not a lot of clothes to adjust from what I could see," I laughed.

Susie stuck her tongue out at him playfully.

"Has Dad seen what you are wearing for what passes as knickers?" I teased.

She looked at her husband, who shook his head no.

"You should see these Dad they are miniscule and don't cover much do they Mum?"

Susie could feel the way the conversation was going and was not sure how she would react." "No not a lot I admit, but they cover the important places," she giggled trying to hide her mounting nerves.

I suspected that Mum knew I was going to tell her to show them to him. Therefore, I thought I would do something different, just to keep her guessing.

"Don't you know that poking your tongue out is rude, you used to punish me for that, remember?"

It threw her completely and Ken as well, Sue nodded "yes I do" she mumbled in surprise.

"If you were my woman, I would punish you for not showing respect."

Her heart skipped a beat surely he wouldn't would he, she considered his words and blushed with excitement, oh God here I go again getting worked up over nothing.

"How would you do that then Jon," Ken asked giving him the opening he may want.

Looking at his Mum all the while he replied, "Firstly I would make her show my dinner guests her little naughty knickers, then I would probably spank her." I said feeling the atmosphere changing a little.

"Mm that sounds reasonable enough," Ken muttered.

Susie watched as Jon went and placed two dining chairs seat to seat in the corner and placed two small cushions on each. She was shaking with anticipation for she knew that he would do something. She had raised the anti with her comments and the teasing, but it was not all going as she had planned, but then again she thought maybe it was, the men seemed happy and relaxed and a tad excited.

Jon approached her; her pulse was now beating fast, as he came up behind her.

"If she was my woman and she had not done as I had told her to. I would take matters into my own hands like this." He leaned forward and lifted the hem of her skirt above her waist with one hand and forcing her knees apart with the other. She put up little resistance and was getting more curious and excited. Ken now had clear view Susie's knickers.

"Nice little cunt huggers aren't they, you can see her lips easily pushing against them, can't you." Jon boldly said.