Dancing, Deceiving Wife Pt. 03

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Recounting Wife's journey and a way ahead is revealed.
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/29/2019
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Part III: A Wife Changes Beyond Imagining
But all for the Best


3rd part of a multi-part story of how a wife, needing a job in tough economic times, transformed not just her body and life, but everything about her marriage. In part three Scott, the husband, recounts what he learned and the fun times get wilder.


Sheila's Journey Begins

Much later in a number of long talks and over several bottles of wine, I found out the details of how my wife began her work at the club. Sheila also covered how she went from waitress to dancer and more. She also explained the why and how of her submitting to the plastic surgeon.

That surgery of course had resulted in that massively altered wife who had greeted me in the hotel restaurant on the night of my birthday. Sheila's changes were not a single simple or immediate thing. That was not hard to believe, with the massive number of changes Sheila had opted for, it would have been unlikely to have been a single event.

First of all, she had had a lot of trouble finding a waitressing job. That part was really true. All that were available were either the wrong hours or not enough pay for us to keep our heads above water. So, things had really been as bleak as Sheila had told me at the time as far as job hunting went.

Then one of the managers at a place that paid too little took pity on her when she explained how she might lose her house and her car to creditors.

"If you don't mind a little nudity, there is one place that has the hours and pay you want," he told her. But he claimed the tips and available earnings were much bigger than in his bar.

Sheila said he was leering at her as he said it. He told her it was a pretty raunchy place, and she seemed to be a pretty strait-laced girl. He did say that it might be too much for an innocent girl like her.

She didn't like that he was blatantly staring at her legs and tits. And of course, the description of the club as raunchy and wild was concerning. But Sheila was truly desperate. So, the very next night she told me she was going to look at more waitressing openings and instead drove into Baltimore to the club, of course it was The Million Dollar Fantasy, I had found her at much later.

The manager was hiring, he clearly liked her figure and cute face. As she watched the waitresses and bar staff she calmed down. Yeah, the music was throbbing and girls were stripping and getting pretty raunchy, but it was just like other bars and clubs she had worked at in college.

And she kept telling herself that this was no big deal, after all she did know how to work in a club as a waitress. Though she had to wear a very skimpy outfit she didn't have to take off her top. Best of all the other girls slinging drinks described clearing close to two hundred a night.

Sheila rationalized that she wasn't getting naked, so the fact that all the strippers were getting naked and slutty wasn't her problem. So, with a lot of reservations, as well as a big sense of foreboding she later told me, she took the job.

Sheila said she quickly got over the nudity, but was very jealous of the big money the dancers made. It made the money the waitresses earned seem like petty cash. She started to think that dancing wasn't a big deal, shake your ass, show your tits and make more in a set than she made in a night!

She was soon best friends with Daisy, that hot redhead I had grown a little obsessed with, and began to change her style and look to match her new workplace. She started to use a lot more makeup and shorter tight skirts with stockings and heels. She told me by then she was only using her few push-up bras, trying to create a look that maximized tips she claimed.

Daisy was her size, except for that big set of tits she shook around, but was fun and friendly, even if she made her money grinding on guys dicks all night long. They bonded very quickly as the shortest girls in the club, and Sheila told me she was intrigued by Daisy's boob job and all her piercings.

Sheila shared that even in the first couple of weeks she had danced several times, with no lap dances, on a couple of nights when dancers failed to show. The manager had been working her hard to convince her, calling her attention to each time a dancer would stuff a huge wad of singles into their purse after only a nine minute three song set.

As I thought back to that period, that was when I started to notice a much more sexual Sheila. She wasn't just getting more comfortable with the strip club; she was become more sexualized too. It was obvious, in retrospect, that my innocent little wife had gone from wide-eyed at her new job to severely tempted by the money and sex.

Back then Sheila told me, that first time dancing, it had taken a lot of persuading from the manager and Daisy, not to mention a couple of shots of Jack to calm her nerves. She was amazed she said, at the feeling of power, the money, and most of all how wet she became dancing.

Even though she was clearly not very practiced, and not ripped like some of the dancers, guys were all around her stage. Clearly every one of them wanted the lap dances she refused to give.

Sheila said that afterwards, picking up her tips, she wondered for the first time what she would be making if she not only stripped. She knew that if she added couch dances and the back room, or god forbid took guys upstairs to fuck, her income would explode.

However, she wasn't ready for that big leap yet. But she told me that the fact that she was even seriously considering it meant she was very close to sliding down the slut slope already. She also liked the idea that the dancers were the reason the club existed; the waitresses just pushed drinks, a pretty minor role in the scheme of things.

Sheila Becomes Bambi

Soon after those fill-in shifts the big change from waitress to stripper actually occurred. It was about six weeks after Sheila had started working at the club. She was now over her initial nervousness, and everyone saw her as just another hot waitress pushing drinks and working for her tips.

She was no longer shocked by the crazy raunchy stuff the dancers would say or do. It seemed normal already. In fact, she was not just listening passively anymore, she would have racy even dirty comebacks when the dancers started ribbing her. Daisy encouraged her to open up too, often kissing her and hugging her after a wild line.

As Sheila told me about the big transition, I was amazed that in only six weeks she had made the move from naïve, innocent waitress, shocked by the dancers, to a dancer herself. Sheila reminded me that actually the changes really happened even faster after that first shift. She told me it was more like a dam breaking and a flood of changes than a gradual thing.

It was Daisy's birthday that night, and all the dancers did a few shots before the club even opened. Sheila always got frisky with liquor and tonight was no exception. But this time I wasn't there and only Daisy and the other drunk dancers surrounded her. And I had always known that cocktails got my wife naked and wild every time!

But without me and only those new stripper friends, I was wondering where this went, as Sheila told me this part of the story. Between those sexy, slutty friends and a manager who obviously wanted to move her from slinging drinks to grinding on laps, I could tell that this was an important night in Sheila's journey.

Additionally, a dancer had not shown up that night. When they called her, she told the manager she had quit, effective that night. Turns out her boyfriend hadn't known about her job. The girl had decided the job was not worth losing her boyfriend.

My wife was quickly making the exact opposite choice. Sheila immediately volunteered to fill and to dance again, this time without any pushing or prodding from Daisy or the manager. The girls all cheered and told her it was about time she showed off her fine body.

When Daisy raised an eyebrow at Sheila, she responded with a big grin,

"honey, I'm tired of watching you all make the real money...and those shots made me really horny."

Daisy gave her a high five and a big kiss, open mouthed, that went on for at least thirty seconds. Then if the shots weren't enough, breaking away from their kiss, Daisy passed her a pill. She told Sheila it would enhance her dancing, kind of like Spanish Fly and all the girls used them once in a while. With her buzz from the rum and tequila, Sheila tossed it down.

The pill actually really did make every part of a dancer's body hyper-sensitive and lowered their arousal point to almost nothing. It turned out virtually anything would cause arousal and a little work guaranteed an orgasm, even if no one was touching the person.

Sheila told me about the rest of the evening with a big grin. All the while she was rubbing her naked pussy, pulling on her new rings through her clit hood, but more of that part of the story later.

She said she had been a little unsteady at first, but really got hot on the stage with the pill and liquor. It was a Friday night, and the club was packed. The DJ announced her as a first time dancer and called her Bambi. Of course, the crowd went wild at that announcement.

That lead-in got a bit of attention, later she realized the crowd was all about fresh meat. But the crowd's buzz didn't fade away, especially when the audience picked up on how into dancing Sheila was. She said she was immediately making piles of money as she rubbed herself and her customers at the stage.

Sheila said she imitated Daisy and would slide onto the guys' laps and kiss and suck on their necks. She amazed herself as she even gave several guys a taste of her juices. As she left the stage that first time, she counted over eighty dollars. That was a couple of hours of tips for a waitress she knew.

There was also a crowd of three or four guys waiting near the stage as Sheila finished dancing and gathered up her outfit and tips. They obviously wanted her one on one either in the lap dance area or the back room. In a second, bigger change, Sheila agreed to lap dance for the first guy, telling the others they would have to wait a bit.

As Sheila told me about that first trip back to the couches, she grinned over at me. She then admitted she pulled that guy back towards the couches knowing she was now officially full speed sliding down that steep slope to full slut mode. She had almost tried to sell him on the more expensive back rooms, but held back. I could tell that attitude was going to change too.

She did laugh as she described his obvious arousal and orgasm as she rubbed her tits against his balls in the very first song. Little did he know her arousal and orgasm during that first dance were also real. She was both super horny and loved the power of bringing a guy off without even touching his dick.

Sheila told me she was hooked at that point, lapping guys all night long on the couches and even in the back room. Of course, that made her a lot more money than the three song sets on the various stages.

She wasn't willing to pull out their hard dicks for more just yet though in the back room. However, she did rub them hard and bite their cocks through their pants. Sheila also admitted she let two hot guys lick her nipples after they begged her for a taste of her tits.

After the second guy, she got much better and teasing them the whole first song so she was able to sell them a second, third, or even fourth song to allow them time to get off. She had been told by Daisy that the trick was not to get a guy to buy a lap dance, but to get him to stay with her for ten or twenty minutes back there, paying for every minute.

Sheila confided that she got even hotter as she rubbed them and felt their dick's throbbing and clearly, after several songs, finally cumming in their pants. She also knew that this wasn't the little pill. Daisy had told her that its effects only lasted for about 45 minutes and over that six hour shift Sheila had gotten more and more not less aroused.

She did say that though she wasn't willing to provide any extras that night, she already had a feeling that reticence was only temporary. She told me she had been thinking constantly of how other men's cum would taste and how different dicks she was rubbing through their pants would feel deep inside her soaking wet pussy.

Daisy had been an important part of Sheila's first night. She was cheering her on, and finding outfits for her that would show off everything. After each set and lap dance they huddled together and Daisy gave advice on how to tease more boldly and work the guys for more dances and tips.

Sheila even danced a duo with Daisy to the tune of "Good girls Don't". She said that it was the first time she had kissed and felt another woman, and started to get really hot when Daisy began to tongue her nipples, eventually she even orgasmed right there on stage.

For my wife, a woman who refused to watch porn with any lesbian scenes, the fact that she came from Daisy kissing her tits was amazing. Sheila grinned as she said she had tasted Daisy's juices on her fingers and immediately decided she loved the taste.

That two girl act was a huge hit. They had pulled on black latex outfits, in the back room. The scanty little outfits were only held together with Velcro. Daisy told her not to worry, the point was to take the tops and bottoms off, not to makes sure they stayed fastened.

When they really started to go after each other, pulling the tops then the bottoms off each other, at least four guys started to make it rain singles everywhere. And it wasn't just the four guys, when Sheila looked up the customers were two deep around their stage, and money was flying in from every direction.

Their routine was basically nearly lesbian sex on stage. After that dance set, Sheila realized she had cleared over a hundred herself...and Daisy had made her cum too! They were obviously not just very good friends, but very soon were going to be full time lovers.

It was only her first night as a full-time dancer and Sheila was not only raking in the cash but finding out she really enjoyed her new job. Sheila told me she was quickly figuring out she didn't know her own limits. She was at least bi and realized she would soon be breaking her marriage vows with the club's customers, and that didn't actually even upset her.

After the club closed, she counted her earnings at just over two thousand dollars, more than five times her normal take. In one day she had made what a waitress made in a week. As she was telling she admitted that she would have changed jobs for the money, but combined with how turned on she was, it wasn't even a question of going back to waitressing.

She also told me she had a hot sixty-nine with Daisy to close out the night for the club. Like the first set together, this one got a huge crowd, who coated the stage with singles. They had been only simulating sex, but that still made the crowd go berserk.

She managed to get in two more back room visits too before the bouncers chased everyone out. All night long she had never even had to walk the floor, convincing customers to go to the couches or back room. Every time she finished her set, she had so many guys lining up for private dances she barely had time to clean up and pee before her next set.

After the club cleared, she wasn't too surprised that Daisy kissed her voraciously and pulled her back into one of the back rooms. There, they immediately fell onto a couch, engaging in a no-kidding real sixty-nine session. Sheila had never even thought about girl-girl sex she told me and now she was so sorry she hadn't done another girl years ago.

Daisy had been the aggressor, but Sheila didn't need any convincing. They devoured each other, Sheila loving Daisy's bare pussy and piercing, deciding right then to get rid of her landing strip of hair. She imitated what Daisy was doing to her, sucking her clit and finger fucking her, telling me the orgasm was fast and strong for both of them.

Sheila said she was a little guilty, but only a little guilty about how she had behaved on her first night as a stripper. She also knew though that after only one night she was hooked. She was loving the money, the power and the sex. She knew there was no turning back, in one night she had descended that entire slope to slutty stripper, or so she thought.

Settling into Her New Career

She loved the routine, and the of course the cash, but was also having too much fun for this to be a job! By the end of the week she was a of course full-time dancer, not missing slinging drinks and fending off wandering hands at all. Sheila was now listed as Bambi in the rotation, already a big earner, not just a substitute dancer.

Just like the first night, Sheila now routinely had guys standing around between her sets for private dances. She never had the need to troll the floor for customers. She barely had time to entertain the guys who were in line for her. Often charging extra for her three dance sets and still getting tips from the satisfied customers.

Some nights she literally had guys waiting all night for her lap dance skills. It was almost a rain check system when she ran out of time between sets. Amazingly most guys would in fact wait for her to be free. Daisy had also started her on a second type of pills that she said were genetically engineered to help her improve her body.

The pills had several effects. They caused all of her hair, below her neck, to stop growing, and begin to fall out. Oddly enough it made the hair on her head seem to grow a lot faster and get thicker. Of course, a stripper with long, thick blonde hair was a stereotype for a reason!

Her bras got tight and she realized the pills also had caused her breasts begin to grow. This was to ready her for surgery Daisy said. Daisy was pretty convincing. She told Sheila that though she was making big money now, with big round fake tits she would make even more.

Sheila told me that the smaller girls, the ones called Spinners had steady customers and made good money. But the girls with big fake tits and piercings, often with a pile of tattoos routinely made more. She also told me that kissing and rubbing Daisy's big rack felt really hot.

So, it was funny. Even though I wouldn't see Sheila's new boobs for quite a while, after only a couple of weeks she had already decided to go under the knife. She also told me that she was considering just how many piercings and tattoos to get. Some girls had just too many, they looked a little too much like the stereotypical stripper, but she knew she had to have some.

The four new piercings in each ear that she did first were easy to decide on. But she told me that whether to go beyond a belly button piercing to pierced nipples and clit was a tougher decision. Of course, Daisy encouraged her telling her that her pierced nipples and clit hood made the sex mind-blowing.

Sheila now had to go to the salon every week now to take care of that mane of wild blonde hair. But she had the money and had the salon give her a set of nearly inch long talons too. They guys did seem to go crazy when she scratched their backs or hard dicks with those bright red nails.

Her tighter body with that huge head of blonde hair and long nails, perched always on six or seven inch platform heels or boots made her feel hot, desired, and empowered. Sheila soon wasn't borrowing outfits and shoes, she quickly was building a work wardrobe, the same one I had finally found in our attic.

She was now the center of attention for so many customers, every time she came out of the dressing room. This was something that the new Sheila quickly fell in love with. She could whisper in a guy's ear or stroke their arm or leg and get them to do almost anything, even things that cost them a lot of twenties!