Dan's Double Dilemma


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For one perilous minute, father, daughter, and niece were locked in a joint spasm of climax! And then, suddenly, the spell broke, and all three sagged back. Dan's cock was still rock-hard, still awash in the mystical power of their Arousal Auras. But their climaxes seemed to have bled off much of the tension, enough that for the moment, he wasn't having a complete Hard Attack.

"Oh... f-fuck..." he huffed. He pat Chloe on the side. "G-get up. Out! Out of the car!"

The dazed girl shook herself awake, and hastily exited. Her shorts were now drenched in both semen and vaginal fluids. She shifted uncomfortably as she watched her father crawl out of the seat.

"Fuck me, man," said Sophie. Her words were a little shaky as she got out of the car as well. She came around to their side, and they could see wetness spreading on the skirt part of her dress. "Okay, this was a bad idea for all of us."

"Well, I'm sorry!" said Dan. "I didn't exactly want to have to pay for a cab this far out!" He looked down at himself. "Jesus fucking Christ. We're soaked!" He looked at them both. "Do, uh, either of you know how to clean this up?"

"What, like, semen-kinesis or whatever it's called?" said Chloe. "I don't... I have no idea."

"Shit," he said. "Well, I'm sure you got spare clothes, but I don't!"

"I got a towel," said Sophie helpfully.

"Fuck," Dan repeated.

"We basically did!" said Sophie, chuckling. She dragged her trunk out to open it, and started pulling out some extra clothes.

They were thankfully on the side of a long stretch of highway between cities, one side lined with trees, the other with empty fields. Only a few cars drove by, and there were no buildings, so at least there were no immediate witnesses. The two girls were able to duck behind the trees to clean up and get changed. Dan's only choice was to go naked from the waist down, and wrap a towel around himself. His cock was still rock-hard from their unrestrained Auras.

"We're still an hour from home," Dan said grumpily.

"Yeah," said Sophie. "Well, let's get going then."

Dan shook his head. "Look, just drive yourselves, okay? I'll call a cab or an Uber or something."

"It... it wasn't... it wasn't that bad, Dad," said Chloe. Dan gawked at her. She was blushing furiously, her eyes on the ground. "Let's just go, and when you're about to pop again, we'll pull over."

"NO!" he shouted, and the girls flinched. "No, forget it, we're not doing that again! I'm not going to—"

"I can try to put an Orgasm Block on you," said Sophie, eyeing the bulge in his towel.

Dan gawked at her next. "What?! If you can't control your powers, how the hell do you know how to do that spell?"

Sophie scoffed. "Please, that's like the most basic spell there is. I cast a few weak ones on my brothers when they pissed me off, without even realizing it. That's why Mom sent me to hang out with you."

"Well, you're not casting it on me!"

"We'll see!" said Sophie, crossing her arms and smirking at him.

"Dad, come on," said Chloe. She slid into the passenger seat, after making sure there weren't any fluids on it. "This time, you sit in my lap. It'll be more awkward, but I think if your cock isn't pressed against me, maybe it'll help."

Dan felt the veins on his forehead throb. This situation was just too fucked up! To be sitting in his daughter's lap, like he was the kid in this situation. Sophie leaned over the car from the driver's side and both girls stared at him. "Come on, Uncle, we're not leaving you here," she said.

Dan wanted to yell at them. He wanted to scream. He wanted to grab a branch off a tree and smash his own car in frustration. But after that powerful orgasm, somehow, he just didn't have the energy to be that mad. He knew it wasn't the girls' fault anyway.

Grumbling, he awkwardly slid onto his daughter's lap. She placed her fists on his thighs, and despite her restraint, he still felt a glimmer of her power tingling through him. As Sophie slid into the driver's seat and took a breath, he felt her energy join in as she concentrated on driving again.

His cock was rock hard the whole rest of the trip home, but they managed to finish the drive without any more explosive pit stops. The three were silent the whole time, blushing most of the way.


They ultimately decided to convert the living room into a large joint bedroom for the girls. They insisted Dan keep his bed; neither was going to force him to sleep on the couch. Instead, Sophie claimed the couch, while Chloe set up a thin futon matt on the floor.

This still made for a tiny domicile. Even standing at opposite ends of the house, there was not enough distance between him and the girls to blunt their Auras at all. As the two teens started rearranging the room and unpacking their things, they couldn't help but let their Auras slip. His non-stop erection tickled at their senses, coaxing their Magic to rise. Chloe couldn't maintain her fists while unpacking, of course, and even if she could, the distraction of unpacking interrupted her meditation too much. Her Aura flowed freely, keeping Dan's cock unbearably hard.

Sophie's Aura kept slipping as well, as she couldn't help but get a little frustrated with the limited space. Dan had intended to help them rearrange the furniture, but he could barely stay standing! The girls glanced over to him, and blushed as they realized how wound up they were making him. And then they blushed a bit more as this moment of self-awareness made them realize how wound up he was making them!

Chloe subtly squeezed her thighs together as she curled her left fingers into a single fist and tried to tamp her Aura down again, while keeping her right hand open to grab her things. Sophie smiled apologetically and tried to focus as well. She moved to grab another box, then paused and sighed. She turned to her uncle and cousin.

"Okay, both of you, we need to discuss this arrangement." She motioned to the couch. "Sit with me, Chloe." She motioned to the recliner opposite the couch. "Sit down, uncle."

Dan frowned, but complied, as did Chloe.

"Okay, look," said Sophie. "Uncle Dan, I know you don't want this turning into a whole family fuckfest, but—"

"Cripes, Sophie, don't be vulgar," Dan grumbled. Then he winced as the tension in his cock surged extra hard for a moment.

"—but, here are the straight facts. My Aura flares up a lot, pretty much any time I have any flash of emotion or desire, and it gets harder to tamp down the longer I suppress it. Also, if I don't regularly deal with my own arousal or release my Aura pressure, I start casting Spells by accident. So, I don't want to upset you, uncle, but you might feel things from me."

Dan scowled. "I really hope you're not just saying that so you can cast stuff and pretend it's not on purpose."

Sophie winked and grinned. "Trust me, you'll know when it's on purpose." She turned to Chloe. "So, what's your deal? Your Aura's pretty out of control, too, huh?"

Chloe nodded. "I... I can't turn it off," she said. "I can consciously hold it back, but unless I'm really concentrating, I can't restrain it fully." She held up her hands. "I'm getting better, but... it's like Sophie said, the longer I restrain it, the more the pressure builds." She glanced to the side and cleared her throat. "And there's, um, something else. I have a lot of trouble tuning out men's thoughts."

Dan's brow furrowed. "You were focusing on me when you read my mind."

Chloe shook her head. "That was a deeper scan. But that's the thing, girls shouldn't be able to see as much as I can without being sexual with a boy. With me, boys just have to be in my Aura, and I look at them, and I can just sort of sink in and see it all."

She cleared her throat again. "I, um, I don't know why that is."

Dan swallowed hard. "The Magic is supposed to improve with practice. Surely you girls have had... lots of opportunities to practice."

"Mom really didn't give me the chance," muttered Chloe. "And every guy I know is taken. I even went to the town Bench, but it was always busy there, and with so many signals from the guys, I couldn't focus at all."

"What, your friends don't want to share?"

Chloe scowled at him. "Back home is still pretty conservative on that front."

Sophie nodded. "I wasn't dating anybody back home while this was going on, the neighbors were all going nuts already with the other girls on the block getting their powers, and I didn't want to be one of those girls, who just zaps random guys all over town. I mean, I did get some practice in with a couple co-workers, but then all the other girls kept sensing them thinking about me, and two of them had crushes on the guys I practiced on, and it became a whole thing."

She threw up her hands and rolled her eyes as she said, "Everyone's such a drama queen back home!"

Dan jerked and gasped as he felt a sudden sharp zap of electric pleasure shoot down his cock. Sophie jumped, then giggled. "Shit. Sorry!"

Dan took a deep breath to calm himself, both physically and mentally. "Okay. Okay. Look. I..." he took another breath as his voice caught. His cock felt like it was nearly vibrating with tension as the two girls looked at him attentively. He swallowed hard to force down the sudden lump in his throat. "...I am not going to kick you two to the curb. I'm not. But if it's going to be like this all the damn time, then I can't—" He winced as his cock flexed hard in his pants. "Goddamn it! Will you two please keep yourselves under control for at least this conversation?"

Chloe clenched both fists again and squeezed her eyes shut, making a face of hard concentration. "I'm, sorry, okay? It's just so hard!"

"Hell, yeah it is," said Sophie, with a grin. Dan just glared at her, and she stifled a giggle.

Chloe shook her head. "I think your... your... cock... I don't know why, but it's really strong in my mind. Stronger than almost any other signal I've sensed!" She opened her eyes and gave him a strained look. "I think that Femdom Family site might have been right about the whole family sensitivity thing."

Sophie shook her head. "I think he's just so loud because he's so pent up. Even after that little group cum we had, he's been soaking in our Auras for a few hours now. I don't doubt his nuts are back up to full!"

Chloe pouted. "Maybe."

Sophie looked to Dan, giving him a sympathetic smile. "If you need to shoot off, go ahead. Maybe that'll cool things down for a bit."

Dan's face went redder than it already was. "I'm not jerking off in front of you girls!"

Sophie laughed. "You may as well. If you go to your room, we'll still sense everything."

Dan shook his head. "We are not going to do anything like that!"

His niece sighed. "We're going to be sensing a lot from you. I've already had to sense my Dad and my brothers whacking off a ton the past week. You're my uncle and all, but I haven't seen you in almost ten years, so you're almost a stranger. It really won't bother me." She turned to Chloe. "Right? I know he's your Dad, but he's already soaked your ass with his jizz, so—"

"God, shut up!" said Chloe, blushing hotly. She whirled, and even though both hands were still balled into fists, Dan let out a gasp and stumbled back as his cock surged from a flex of her Aura. He felt like every ounce of blood in his body was rushing to his cock, and the sheer lust, the sheer need to be touched, nearly made him cum right then! His hands were clutching his crotch before he knew it, and it was only a barely controlled flash of anger that kept him from frantically stroking himself right there!

Both girls winced at his reaction, and tried to rein their energies in. Chloe opened her mouth to speak, hesitated, then said, softly, "Um... if you need to... Dad... go ahead..."

Dan glared at the two, but he couldn't be mad at them. His anger was just over the sheer ridiculousness of this scenario. This was so fucked up, being stuck in a sexually torturous situation with his own daughter and niece! He couldn't blame the girls; they were as much victims of circumstance as he was. But then again, they weren't the ones going insane from the sexual pressure! He wanted to start punching holes in the wall; probably the only thing stopping him was the fact he wanted to jerk off even more!

"Go on," said Sophie, gesturing to his bedroom. "Don't worry about helping us unpack, we'll take care of it."

Dan shook his head, but couldn't bring himself to let go of his crotch. He felt like he would cum just holding himself like this!

Sophie frowned. "Look just—"

A moment of inspiration broke through the haze of arousal, and Dan bolted for the door. He managed to free one hand long enough to yank his door open, then dash to the car, open it and slam it shut. But he wasn't going to try to drive anywhere for privacy. His only hope right now was to pray the car's Shield Spell would be enough to block the girls' senses!

Slamming the door shut, he felt a sudden significant drop in the Magic pressure. The Shield was working! Dan was still too riled up, however, and he quickly yanked down his shorts, grabbed some napkins from the side pocket of the door, and jerked himself frantically!

He came almost immediately, so hard, the first few shots ripped through the layer of thin paper! He made a total mess of his clothes, but kept stroking anyway. Still charged from the Magic, there was almost no refractory period.

He stopped just long enough to wipe up some of the mess before he stroked himself again. He tried to think of other women, of his ex-wife, his co-workers, cute customers, even a couple of his neighbors. But he couldn't help it. Thoughts of his ex-wife slipped into thoughts of Chloe. And that led to thoughts of Sophie. And of the two girls watching him play with himself with their senses, and then picturing what it would be like if they watched him in person.

And that, in turn, led to thoughts of Beverly, his sister. Fantasies of the two of them masturbating together, masturbating each other, of Beverly alternately kneeling between his legs and straddling his face. Of him behind her and on top of her and—

No! Why was he thinking about this? He hadn't thought about that summer in years! He couldn't let the girls see those thoughts!

And then he was cumming again and he found himself moaning Beverly's name! And his orgasm seemed to last longer and harder than any he'd given himself in years as a floodgate of sexual memories about his own sister exploded in his mind!

Finally, he was able to stop. He lay back in his seat, breathing heavily, wondering how he was going to survive living with these girls if their Auras and unintended Spells were going to keep him this riled up all the time!

Finally, he steeled himself to go back in the house. His cock was limp and a little sore from so much attention in such a short time, but he knew the Magic would have him up and ready to go the moment he got back into the house. He took several calming breaths and tried to remember his self-control techniques. The kind he used at work, the kind he'd had to learn while Claire was still getting her own abilities under control.

He just had to stay calm. Not get angry, not deliberately think about sex, not linger his gaze on the girls' bodies. He would just walk in and go to his room, and read something boring on his computer.

He opened the car door and started to stand to pull his shorts up, but gasped as he felt a wave of Magic wash over him. His cock shot straight back to full mast, all soreness fading as the power set him to throbbing again. He felt an irresistible, tight, wet pressure envelop him and slide lovingly up and down. He stumbled back against the car, fell back onto his seat, and tried to shut the door. But the sensations increased, and what's more, he swore he could feel two tight sheaths of female flesh moving on him like a frantic lover. He was being fucked! Fucked by two Phantom Pussies!

The pleasure spiraled quickly, the hot, slick flesh trying to milk even more cum from his body! The two pussies moved from a steady, quick rhythm to a frantic pace. Moreover, he could feel the Aura pressure, like a warm breeze pressing against his whole body, making him flush, trying to burn away his thoughts under a mental fire of pure erotic need. It was the girls! They were casting their Magic right at him!

"Girls!" hollered Dan between gasps. "Girls stop! STOP!"

The Phantom Pussies moved even more frantically, the rhythm becoming erratic as the two sensations moved out of synch, and yet every thrust was like an electric bolt down his cock! In the space of fifteen seconds, he went from totally spent, to a third mighty orgasm! He could do nothing but writhe and moan and clutch at his car seats as another full load of cum splattered him from face to thighs, a few shots hitting the passenger seat and window!

And the climax didn't stop! The pussies grew even more frantic, and he felt the Aura of the girls squeeze his whole body like a lover's fist tightening in climax. Just when his orgasm was starting to fade, another surge of Magic pressure came from the house and his cock continued to jerk and spurt. Once, twice, thrice, four times, his climax was extended, and he howled breathlessly and curled into a ball as the Magic forced him to experience the exquisite agony of a multiple orgasm, like only a woman could feel. He swore he could hear the girls crying out from the house.

And then the connection broke. Dan lay in a boneless sprawl, awkwardly lying across his two car seats and the arm rest, utterly drenched in cum. The Aura pressure from the House finally faded down, almost completely.

He felt so drained and hollow he couldn't even work up the energy to be angry. He just lay there, letting the fading Magic ease the aches and tiredness from his body. He still felt wiped out, but he knew as soon as he got moving, the Magic's refreshing side effects would kick in. His body would feel fine. But if this surge of Magic was going to be happening multiple times a day, he was going to go insane in under a week!


Dan waited another half an hour, spending the time wiping up as much of his semen off his car as possible. He was going to have to buy an air freshener for this thing. The car still reeked of spunk.

His clothes were soaked. His shirt was wet all down the front, and his shorts and underwear had absorbed most of the semen spilling down his stomach and thighs. He let out huge sigh. He stripped off everything and just held the bundle of jizz-stained clothes in front of him. He took a quick breath and strode toward the front door.

They had the Magic. They'd sensed his body. He couldn't hide anything from them as it was. Dan opened the door and dashed through the living room to his bedroom, ignoring the two girls as they looked up at him. A moment later, he had on a fresh pair of clothes, and he came back out to the living room.

The two girls looked up from their boxes and blushed. Dan opened his mouth to speak, then paused as he recognized the scent of sex in the air.

Chloe spoke up before he could talk. "Please don't be mad."

He clenched his jaw, but still found he was too drained to get more than mildly frustrated. "I'm not going to get mad. But what the hell was that just now?"

Sophie grinned sheepishly. "We thought it would help if we burned off some energy, too." She motioned to the large couch, which they'd moved to the opposite wall. "We, um, we didn't think the Magic was going to surge like that. But I think it helped."

Dan let out a slow breath. It was true, his cock was somehow still soft despite being close to the two girls. Chloe's hands were both unclenched, even.

Sophie laughed. "We could only sense you a little once you were in the car. We thought we could finish before you got out. But then you opened your door right when we were about to cum." She grinned. "Sorry about that Spell. I keep casting that when I masturbate. It drove my brothers up the fucking wall!"