Dark Travelers Ch. 12


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After all, she had said to take prisoners, had she not?

Kirik smiled as the man landed with a sickening crack, and was instantly restrained and taken captive by the remaining pirates.

Sway was in her glory. This was what she lived for. This was what she knew. Her pistols fired in quick succession. She grinned triumphantly when she realized that their victory was all but assured.

Pride in her crew swelled hugely in her chest as they made short work of overtaking the smaller craft. All in all, the battle was over in just under fifteen minutes.

Any survivors were taken prisoner and lined up on the main deck of her ship, while she and her comrades looted and set fire to the merchant vessel. A once fine sea-craft had been reduced to a broken, flaming wreckage.

The Feylak brothers, unaccustomed to such a short battle, got themselves back under control bit by bit.

Panting with a mixture of waning excitement and exertion, Kael managed to calm himself down and reboard Sway's vessel first. He went with a vague feeling of disappointment, glancing back at the destruction with a longing expression.

The fight had been great fun and a decent workout, but hadn't lasted nearly long enough to suit him. He glanced down at himself and curled his upper lip in disgust; his armour was streaked with human blood and other assorted chunks of filth. A proper cleaning would be in order. And the sooner the better.

Kirik hung back and observed the fire for a moment more before he also retreated. Having been able to finally vent, he felt much better than he had in days. A good, bloody battle both soothed him and made him feel vibrantly alive. It was always a welcome change to let himself go; to completely dismiss the strict discipline he constantly kept himself under.

Watching as the last of the spoils were being hoisted aboard by the crew, his attention was diverted by Sway's cheerful voice.

"Greetings and salutations! My name be Cap'n Sway, and I shall be yer hostess until we next make port." She offered them a a cagey grin. "Yer complete cooperation is appreciated and also wise."

The little woman began busily walking up the line of captives, nodding to each of them and enthusiastically shaking their hands as she introduced herself. The hostages began to glance at one another, growing uneasy.

"Now, yer gonna find the accomodations to be a bit cramped, mayhaps, but adequate enough. Tis no worry, though! As soon as we finish another quick little errand, we shall set sail fer the nearest seaport! From there, well..." she trailed off, smirking mischievously.

"What will you do with us?" One queried.

"Tis not up t'me what's to be done with ye," she replied coldy. "That task falls to the highest bidder, don't'ee know."

Hushed muttering began to ripple up and down the line of captured merchants.

"Well!" Sway clapped her hands together once. "I'm sure yer gonna have a lot t'think about for the next few days, hm? I might as well let'ee get to it then! Hee! Pogs! Would'ee be so kind as to take a few men and show these nice prisoners to the holding? Make sure they get fed n'watered regularly."

"Aye Cap'n," the dwarf replied, beckoning to several crew members.

The redhaired pirate watched with satisfaction as the loot continued to pile up, and her captives were taken down below. Upon the arrival of some kegs, she began to bounce with excitement.

"Booze! Nice!" She cried, twirling. "We're gonna have us a grand celebration this evenin', we are!"

The elder brother shook his head in wry amusement and cleared his throat, hoping to draw her attention. Sway glanced over at him, brows raised.

"Are we still needed?" He asked. "Or can we go collect our prisoners now?"

"Ye two fight like fierce champions, ye do," she commented. "I was duly impressed." A narrowing of the eyes, "I get the feelin' that'ee two do this sort o' thing a lot. Am I right?"

Kirik nodded in agreement. "It is our way."

The small woman appeared hopeful for a moment. "Yer each like four men in one. I don't suppose ye'd want to join me crew permanently? It'd be like one big happy family, it would!"

"We cannot. We've business elsewhere."

Sway drooped a bit, "Nah, I didn't think so. Tis a shame, it is. We'd make a great team."

Silence for a minute, then a crafty expression slowly worked its way over her features. "Well, how 'bout this then? Ye two stay on as part of me crew whilst ye finish up yer business here, and in return I shall grant ye room and board on me ship. As well as passage to anywhere else ye may need to go. With yer other friends included o'course."

Kirik raised his brows, rather surprised at the offer. It would be useful to have ready access to transportation. Who knew where they'd have to travel to next? Still, he wasn't at all certain about making another pact with a human.

"I will think about it."

"Eh. Better than a 'no', I wager. Good then, creature. Ye go think on it. I hope ye accept. We could do grand things together."

Kirik stared down at her, a brooding expression on his face. After a moment or two of heavy silence, Kael sauntered up to the two of them and nudged his brother.

"Yes, youngling?"

"I'm covered in blood." Kael looked down at his sullied armour with faint distaste.

"You are indeed. What of it?"

"I need to wash. Is there somewhere I can do that here?"

Kirik turned his attention back towards Sway, "My brother wants to bathe himself. Is this possible?"

The woman gave the juvenile an amused glance, "I can see yer very enthusiastic when ye fight. Aye, there is. I only got unheated seawater to offer ye, however. The fresh we gotta save fer drinkin'.

"Still though," she gave him an apprasing glance and wrinkled her nose, "it be better than nuthin'. Ick." She beckoned to the youngster. "C'mon then, follow me. I'll show'ee where to go."

The elder Feylak translated for his sibling, and watched as Sway led him away. When he was out of sight, Kirik turned to go check on the woman.


As the crash of the cannons resonated through the ship, the sisters clutched each other and glanced up uneasily.

"What do you think is happening up there, Anya?" Andi queried nervously.

Faint shouts and sounds of battle could be heard now.

Anya stroked her sister's hair comfortingly and shook her head, "I don't know, Sweet. I'm not certain I want to know, really."

*"'Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me! We pillage and plunder, we rifle and loot! Drink up me 'earties, yo ho! We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot! Drink up me 'earties, yo ho! Yo ho, yo ho...a pirate's life for meee...'" Horace sang softly, patting his thighs rythmically.

The sisters threw him irritated glances. Looking a bit abashed, he offered them a rather sheepish shrug. "My apologies, ladies. I'll stop."

"Sway's takin' stuff again," Evan piped up, dancing around his sister and mock-attacking her. "She's always startin' fights. She's pretty ok for a girl, too." He grinned and continued to playfully jab at Ree with his toy sword.

"You cut that out!" Ree snapped, pushing him back. "I hate it when you poke me!"

Evan stopped and appeared astonished, "I know that. That's why I do it." Poke. Poke.

"Leave me alone!"

"Make me!"

A shoving match ensued.

The sisters watched the children, bemused. "How old are you two, anyway?" Andi asked.

Ree gave her twin one last frustrated push, before dismissing him once again. "We're seven and a half." She bent to pick up her doll and cradled it lovingly.

"How did you come to be here?" Anya continued, interested.

Evan shrugged, "Sway won us in a card game."

Anya was shocked, "A card game?!"

Ree nodded and began to pretend-feed her baby doll. "Yes. It was a long time ago, though. Almost a whole year."

"Who would gamble children?" Andi wondered, frowning.

"Our da' did," Evan replied, rather sullenly.

"Yes," Ree agreed again. She paused and appeared to consider, "He wasn't a very good daddy I guess."

"Nope," Evan went on, without missing a beat. "Sometimes, he would spend all the money on his drinking and there wouldn't be enough left to buy any food! He never even got us any toys. Not ever. Sway's the one what got me this." He gestured to his wooden sword and grinned happily.

"Uh-huh. She gave me Sweety, too." Ree smiled down at her doll.

"And she feeds us good food!" Evan said.

"Everyday!" Ree finished.

"That's ...nice." Anya told them, feeling badly. Poor little things.

Andi was confused, "So she just keeps you around for the hell of it?"

"I guess so," the boy replied, shrugging.

"Where is your mother?" Anya queried.

"Da' said she died having us. It's why he didn't want us no more," Evan said, a bit sadly.

"Oh. I see. Well that isn't your fault, you know."

"No?" Ree questioned, looking a bit hopeful.

"No. Your mother wanted children. It was her decision to birth you. You hold none of the blame," Anya said firmly.

The little girl smiled with genuine relief. This was something that had been bothering her for a very long time. Again, doubts of this woman being a witch resurfaced. Ree hesitated for a moment, before curiosity got the better of her.

"Uhm, lady," she began.

"Anya. Call me Anya. And this is Andi. My sister."

"Uhm...ok. Anya. Are-are you really a witch?"

"Yes. She is," Horace chimed in.

"He says so," Anya continued, giving him another impatient glare. "But I've little power to speak of. I only recently found out."

"Oh. So, are you evil? I thought witches were evil."

"No. I'm not."

Ree nodded, "I didn't think so. You're really nice. And pretty. Witches are mean and ugly. Everyone knows that."

Andi snorted laughter, then quickly composed herself.

The little girl focused on the blonde sister, "How about you? Are you a witch, too?"

"Nope. No magic here. I'm just... me." Andi shrugged and appeared vaguely disappointed.

"Oh," Ree murmured, wondering if she'd hurt the lady's feelings. "Well, your little dog is very nice. And your hair is beautiful."

"Aw! Thanks! And yeah, he is," Andi replied fondly, ruffling the puppy's fur.

Taters thumped his tail happily. Pleased, as always, when he received attention.

Evan was examining his bindings on his sword when he also glanced up at Andi, "She's Kayell's girlfriend."

The blonde girl shook her head emphatically, "No! No I am not! I hate him!"

The boy seemed rather surprised. "Why? He's nice. He fixed my sword. See?" He held it up to show her.

"He isn't nice to me." She replied crossly.

"He isn't?" Evan cocked his head, puzzled.

"No. Not at all."

"Oh. How come you're always holding hands then?"

Andi was about to reply when Horace cleared his throat. The group turned to look at him. He was gazing up at the ceiling of the cabin and smiling. "It's quiet now," he said.

Anya realized he was right. There was only silence. "Should we come out?"

"Best wait until we're sent for." Horace replied easily. "Who knows, Anya? You might get to try your hand at healing the wounded. Should there be any, of course."

"We've already attempted that. I can't."

"We tried once. That's hardly cause to admit defeat." Horace said, pulling out his flute again.

Leaning back, he began to trill another soft melody, seeming to lose interest in the others. After a moment, however, he stopped and tossed a curious look at Anya. "Tell me, are your dreams sometimes odd?"

The woman gave him an uneasy stare, "What do you mean, 'odd'?"

"Are they unusually vivid? Perhaps indicitive of future events?"

"No. Of course n-" She stopped, suddenly remembering the strange sense of foreboding that come over her the day that they were abducted.

And...and there was also that terrible dream she was having; just before Kirik had barged into her home and into her life.

"No? You don't look very certain." He said, his piercing gaze focusing heavily on her now.

"Well," she began slowly, "I did have a strange dream on the day we were...taken."

"Hm," the wizard muttered. "What about the memory? You know, the one you had when we were first introduced? When I asked you if any family members who practiced magic. Recall?"

The dark-haired woman nodded.

"What was it? Describe it to me."

Andi perked up, interest caught. Anya began to run her fingers through her hair, nervously. "I was very young. Four or five, maybe. Me and mother were at a pond. We were holding small pebbles and making them bounce across the water."

Horace frowned, "You mean you were throwing them?"

She shook her head, "No. She had me hold onto one very tightly, and I remember feeling it begin to move in my hand. Then when I opened my fist, it kind of...I don't know, lit up for a moment. After, it sort of...floated across the pond, skipping along the surface."

The wizard leaned forward and stared at her so intently that she felt her cheeks heat up. "You're telling me that you, as a child of five, were able to make the stones hover?"

Anya nodded. "Yes."

"At five years old?" His tone was incredulous.

"I may have been younger, but yes."

"Astounding! Simply astounding! What a pity you were never able to begin training. You've missed out on years of practice. Your talent may be strong, but it has atrophied severely."

She shrugged and appeared unconvinced, "If you say so. Why are asking me these questions?"

"No reason," he chuckled. "It's just that I now know that your favored element is earth. Also, you may have the gift of foresight."

Andi arched a brow, "You made rocks float? That's pretty neat, actually."

"I don't-" Anya began, when the door opened.

Kirik stood there, staring down at her. His face was expressionless for a moment, then she saw the corner of his mouth twitch upward. "You obeyed me. Good girl."

Her mouth dropped open momentarily. He sounded as if he were praising a pet. Still though, she chose to ignore it. "Is it over? What happened?"

The elder nodded in agreement, "It is over. A simple raid and conquer. Nothing more. It is safe for you to come out now."

"Wonderful news!" Horace exclaimed, jumping up eagerly. "I must admit that I am beginning to become a tad impatient with being cooped up. I've had my fill of that sort of thing already!" He strode out the door, curious to go see the aftermath.

"Can I go, too? Or do I have to wait for him?" Andi asked, rather petulantly.

Kirik gave her a sidelong glance, "My brother is washing. He may be awhile. I do not know if you are allowed to venture out. If I were you, I'd wait."

The girl huffed impatiently and crossed her arms. Kirik watched her for a second more, expression considering.

"You may want to adjust your attitude. He's apt to treat you much more nicely if you do." Turning back to Anya, he nodded at her. "You, though, may go do as you please."

"Oh, can I? Thank you so very much," she replied, tone dripping with sarcasm.

"You are welcome."

Anya shook her head and began to massage her temples, eyes closed. The elder Feylak furrowed his brow and observed her for a short while longer, before leaving the room. "I also need to bathe. I will find you later," he called over his shoulder.

The older sister snaked an arm around Andi's shoulders. "I'll stay here with you, alright Sweet?"

"Ok, Anya. Maybe you can show me how to magically throw huge rocks at Kael."

The dark-haired sister chuckled appreciatively, "I'll try. But I'm not promising anything."

"I'll stay too," Ree offered, climbing up on the bunk next to them.

It was kind of nice to have some more girls around. The blonde lady- No. Andi. Andi had even gone so far as to ooh and ahh over her dolly. Ree knew it wasn't real admiration, of course, but she appreciated the gesture nonetheless.

"Ugh! Too many girls around here! I'm going to go find Kayell. Maybe he'll teach me how to fight like he does! Bye Ree!" The boy scampered out, eager to go and find a boy to play with.


A short while later, Sway ventured down to see where the sisters were. Upon finding them, she gave the open door a brisk rap with her knuckles. "Knock! Knock!"

Skeet was perched on her shoulder, but soon fluttered onto a small table near Andi. Again, he cocked an eye at her and let loose a long wolf whistle.

"Pervert," Andi said peevishly, swiping a hand at him.

"Shut yer yap, Skeet. Ain't no one likes ye!" Sway agreed.

The black cockatoo flew over to a shelf and ruffled his feathers indignantly. "Balls," he muttered, actually sounding rather put off.

They glanced up simultaneously and nodded in acknowlegment. Ree beamed, "Hi Sway!"

"Hi Ree!" She replied, with just as much enthusiasm. "Are ye having a fun time with me new chums, hm?"

"Yes. We're playing house!"

"Are ye now! Well ain't that just grand. I'm gonna hafta interrupt, though. Why don't ye go on up and grab some grub? There be a fine feast awaitin' ye! Today was very lucrative!"

"What's lucra-lucrati-"

"Aye, dearie! Means that I had a productive day! Gained massive amounts of swagger! Go on and eat, Ree. As much as ye like. Now get!"

The little girl obediently gathered up her doll and scuttled out.

As soon as she was gone, Sway kicked the door shut with a loud bang. When the sisters jumped, she grinned dismissively and waved a hand. "Fer privacy. There be ears everywhere here."

"I trust everything went well?" Anya questioned.

"Aye. They did. Why are ye two still holed up in here? There be drinkin' and singin' and feastin' goin' on above. Yer more than welcome to partake."

"We weren't certain if it was alright to." She replied, rising to her feet.

"I dunno if he'll let me leave. He told me to stay here until he comes to get me," Andi muttered, frowning slightly.

"Piss on that!" Sway railed. "Yer on my ship and I am orderin' you to go an' celebrate with me and me crew! NOW!"

"But what if-"

"Nah! Don't'ee worry, Andi Brat. I'll take full responsibility." Sway tipped her a wink and beckoned to them with a grin. "Come on! Both of'ee! Let's go!"

The hyper redhead slung an arm around each of their shoulders and began half-leading, half-dragging them out and up the stairs. Anya and Andi had little choice but to follow. Sway was remarkably strong in spite of her slight size.

Tots cocked and ear and trotted after them eagerly. His sensitive nose had picked up the delicious smells wafting down from above. Maybe his Girl would give him some more treats. If he was a Good Boy, that was. He began to wag his tail hopefully. It shouldn't be too difficult. His Girl always called him Good Boy.

The crew members were already quite drunk. As Sway entered with the women, loud hooting and cat-calls rang throughout the meal hall. Anya and Andi flushed significantly, unused to being the center of attention in a room full of rowdy males. The redhaired woman noticed and glowered at her men.

"Be polite, ye nutsacks!" She bellowed. "I'll not have me new chums bein' embarrassed! Hands to yerselves as well as everythin' else! Otherwise ye might have the creatures t'contend with."

At this, the room grew a bit quieter. Everyone had seen the two Feylaks in action today; and there wasn't a man in attendance who wished to cross blades with one of them. As the meal progressed, the sisters were soon forgotten and left to their own devices.

Andi, seeing the bounty on the table, suddenly realized that she was ravenous. "Sway," she began.


"Can I have something to eat?"

Sway blinked at her. "Why ye askin' somethin' like that, Andi Brat? I already told ye that ye were welcome to join in."

The blonde girl needed no further encouragement. She seized a dinner roll and tore into it, chewing with vigor. Anya felt her stomach rumbling as well and, albeit with a bit more poise, she too began to eat.
