Date with Destiny-Demon Style Ch. 08


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A well-aimed throw of her hammer sped by Emiline's head and cracked the stone of her chair. She jumped, flailing wildly and screaming like a banshee. Her grotesque smile faded, replaced by a look of shock.

She cleared her throat and reset her posture. "Very well." Her eyes narrowed as she gritted her teeth. "You may have your privacy. But until you get back, the twins stay here. I don't need them running off and causing any more trouble."

Malnos and Ziorn sulked beside her.

Kara smiled and bowed low, sweeping her arms out dramatically. "Your majesty," she said in the most mocking tone she could.

Emiline scowled, but made no move against her. She knew Kara was for too important to her cause to strike out at her, no matter how much she pissed her off. As she grabbed Ladrian's arm, Kara swore to herself that, for as long as she could before that woman had to be killed, she would make Emiline's life pure hell.

* * *

They rushed out into the hall, with Kara turning around just outside the doors and slamming them shut. Damn that woman. First she makes the twins fight her deranged sons. Now she'd threatened Lucifer himself and Darian! She cursed herself for not smashing her head in with her hammer when she had the chance.

A hand gripped her arm, causing her to vault backwards and take the most absurd ninja pose ever imagined.

Lyzander stared at her confused. "What's got you so riled up?"

She exhaled heavily and relaxed. "Where were you?"

He gave her an apologetic look. "I tried to follow the twins in, but the whore's guards held me back. Mother didn't want me interfering with her plans anymore."

"Oh. Sorry." She felt horrible that he hated his mother so much. But with a mom like that, who wouldn't?

He shrugged. "It's nothing new. Mother and I have never been on the same wavelength."

She chewed her lip and nodded, still feeling pity for him. "Have you seen Darian?"

A small smile crossed his lips. "Yeah. He and Lucifer managed to find the other princes. Turns out those knuckleheads didn't have the balls to kill them after all. Both of them managed to avoid being captured by Emiline's guards. Darian actually dropped a few of them. So did Lucifer."

"Good." She let out another relieved sigh. "Where are they now?"

"Lucifer is off doing something that I'm sure is incredibly important and has to do with marrying you."

Fabulous. Start planning those wedding invitations early, jackass.

"And Darian is waiting for the three of us in your room."

The last part made her stop. Why would Darian be waiting in her room for the rest of them? She couldn't think of any reason why he'd be there...Yes, she could. Ladrian had stated that he needed both Darian and Lyzander for their night together. He must have told them about his plan before all this had happened.

"Alright." She turned to Ladrian, looking at him expectantly. "I guess as long as the others are safe and Lucifer is free, we should go and do this before psycho bitch decides to change her mind and make this a public show."

She walked quickly down the hall, looking over her shoulder every few minutes to make sure Ladrian and Lyzander were following her. This whole shit storm had planted a small amount of paranoia in her, one that was constantly making her check to see if she had lost one of her companions again.

She hated the feeling of being watched by other people, and this was no exception. At the same time, she knew the men following her must hate the feeling of being watched by her. But it was the only way she could convince herself that neither of them had wandered off or had been taken away.

They reached her room in record time, partly because of Kara almost running down the hall. The faster they moved, the sooner they could get inside and be away from the witch and her hounds. She reached out and grabbed the handle, jerking the door open so hard it would have dislocated a normal man's shoulder. When all of them were inside she pulled the door shut, watching the fiery red eyes of the demon carved into the door glowed in the soft light, signaling their safety.

She rested her head against the warm wood of her door, letting the heat sink into her body and clam her heart. The smooth grain felt wonderful under her fingers. It offered so much comfort, she almost wanted to sleep on the door itself.

"Nice of you two to finally join me." Darian's voice, deep, low and filled with sarcasm, instantly soothed her nerves. "What took so long to get her here?"

"Kara was the one leading." Lyzander responded, sounding defensive. He leaned against a wall separating himself from the rest of them.

"And we had a bit of trouble getting away from Emiline." Ladrian had now entered the conversation. "She almost made us fuck in the middle of the hall with everyone watching."

"Ugh. How did you get away from that?" Darian was now interested to hear the rest of their magical tale of escape.

"Kara almost smashed her head in with a meteor hammer." She could hear the smile in Ladrian's voice.

The room was quite for a moment, then Darian broke out into hysterical laughter. The suddenness of the sound startled her so much that she spun around and stared at him, pressing her palms against the door.

Darian was splayed out on her bed, his ecstatic laughter making his body jerk. She could see tears streaming down his eyes. He curled up into a fetal position and buried his head into the blankets of her bed, muffling the sound.

Cautiously, she stepped towards the bed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

The last of the laughter tremors faded, and she watched as Darian took a deep breath to calm himself. He lifted his head, grinning up at her. Quicker than lightening, he sat up on the bed, grabbed her around the waist and pulled her in for a scorching kiss.

He pulled away quickly, still grinning. "I knew you were a feisty one!" He held her closer, smashing her face into his chest. "Oh, I love you!"

She allowed herself to laugh. "Thanks."

"Honestly, I think she's the only one who'd have enough balls to attack her like that." Lyzander's voice was also filled with a smile, proud to know his princess was no damsel in distress.

She smiled, too. As much as she loved these men and appreciated their help, she could survive without them if she had to. Not that she wanted to be away from them, but she'd be fine if she was. She could take care of herself, thank you very much.

Darian let her go gently, worried that he may have harmed her by holding her so tightly. "I'm so glad you're alright."

She smiled at him. "Same to you. I was worried that you and Lucifer -- "

Darian waved his hand. "Don't worry about him. He can handle himself, even if he does take his sweet ass time getting things done."

She nodded. "I heard from Lyzander that you found the other princes."

"Yes. The idiots were able to follow their mother's orders about capturing them, but they didn't have enough backbone to finish them off."

"Where were they?" She cocked her head.

"In the kitchen, of all places. Apparently, she was able to move the ovens and stuff to block the doors so no one would find them."

She's a bitch and jumpier than a jackrabbit, but she's clever. Damn.

She filed that bit of information away for now, just in case something came up.

Brushing the thought of Emiline from her mind, she refocused her goals to having one more night with her princes before this hell storm broke out. She looked up at Ladrian, searching his face from any kind of instruction. He simply smiled at her.

She looked at Darian and kissed his cheek, gently pulling away from him. He was confused at first, but when he looked over his shoulder at Ladrian, he smiled and nodded.

Relieved that at least two of her suitors weren't out to kill each other, she made her way to Ladrian. She stopped an inch from him, wrapping her arms around his neck and twisting her fingers in his long silver hair.

"So?" She stared into his black eyes. "What's your plan?"

He smiled at her, his arms slipping around her waist. "Get undressed and lay down. I've already discussed my idea with the other two. They know their roles."

She looked at him curiously. "I'm not being critical, but this is supposed to be our night. Why are you..."

His kissed her forehead. "I wanted to make the special for you, for all of us. And who knows if we'll ever get this chance again."

He gave her a gentle shove backwards, then placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face her bed. Darian had already left the bed and was standing next to Lyzander. Both of them were staring at Ladrian for instructions.

"Don't worry," he whispered against her neck, "you'll be fine. I promise."

Hesitantly, she stepped towards her bed. She reached the edge of the blankets and began to disrobe, pulling her shirt over her head. She heard the faint whispers of the men behind her, though she couldn't make out any words. They were speaking the tongue of Hell, an ancient language she'd never been taught.

She shrugged and continued to undress. Thankfully, after spending several days and nights with each of her suitors, her insecurities about her body had gone down considerably. There was no blushing about being naked in front of them, no covering her breasts out of fear of ridicule. She had become comfortable around them, which, in her mind, was a vey good thing.

Tossing her underwear into the pile of her clothing, she sat down on her bed and watched as all three of her suitors continued to talk quietly. Ladrian was motioning to Darian and Lyzander with his hands, making his point visually as well as verbally.

Finally, after several minutes of conversation, all three of them nodded in agreement to something and turned to face her. Darian moved first, walking towards the bed with a warm smile on his lips. He moved around to the opposite side of the bed, reaching out and gripping her shoulders. He urged her farther onto the bedding before gently pulling her down so she was lying on her back. Her legs and head dangled off either side of the bed, with Darian kneeling beside her on the floor, smiling at her.

Swallowing loudly, her heart rate picked up when she felt the bed dip at her side. Lifting her head to look, she saw Lyzander kneeling next to her, a devilish smile crossing his face. She looked down at her felt and saw Ladrian standing between her legs. His black eyes shone in the firelight, his perfectly straight teeth gleaming.

She let her head fall back again and took a deep breath. She knew what was coming, what they had talked about. That didn't lessen her apprehension. She was truly, honestly nervous, but she wasn't about to stop them. Ladrian was right. They may never have another chance to do this.

She felt Ladrian's hot hands gently grip her ankles, hoisting them high so they could rest on his hips. She shivered, partly out of nervousness and partly out of excitement. She'd never done anything like this before, and with three very experienced men tending to her needs, it was sure to be one hell of an adventure.

She felt one finger begin to circle her clit, warming her up for what was o come. She moaned softly and closed her eyes, savoring the feeling. She hoped that Ladrian would finish what he had started in the weapons chamber, but she knew this was just a way to get her fired up. And he was doing a damned good job. She could feel silky heat gathering between her legs, signaling that Ladrian was getting her exactly where he wanted her. She just hoped that he would give her a warning before pouncing.

Unfortunately, Ladrian never gave her that luxury. He pulled his finger away, gripped her hips and pushed his length deep inside her, making her breath catch and her back arch. He was longer than Darian or Lyzander, but he managed to fit himself all the way inside. He paused for a moment, giving her time to relax and settle back into the bedding. She heard his soft laugh of conquest, something that made her feel oddly safe.

He moved slowly at first, allowing her body to accept his length and girth. She groaned quietly. With her head over the edge of her bed, she was unable to see his face or anything about him. It wasn't that she didn't like what she felt with him; she loved the feel of him, the way he fit her as perfectly as all of them did. It was the surprise that made her react so powerfully.

Satisfied with her response, Ladrian quickened his strokes. Her breath hitched, and she bit her lip as she felt growing bolts of pleasure began to work their way in and around her body. They flowed in her blood, reaching out to the tips of her toes. Ladrian thrust harder, her body twitching with the delicious pleasure. His own moans of pleasure filled her ears, slowly becoming dulled as time went on.

She jerked again, harder this time, when she felt a hot tongue paint a circle around her nipple. It made sense now, why Lyzander was placed there. His tongue left her breast, replaced by his hungry mouth. He nipped and pulled at her nipple, making her gasp and groan for more. She felt his hand slide under her back, lifting her closer to his mouth. He switched from one breast to the other, never leaving either one bereft of attention for more than a few heartbeats.

The final piece of this magnificent puzzle fit into place with Darian. Watching her reactions with great interest, he reached out and turned her head to face him. He leaned close, pressing his lips to hers. She obliged immediately, opening her mouth to meet his. His tongue caressed hers, a soothing massage that unwound her tense muscles and calmed her soul.

She lay like that for what felt like hours, being teased and pleasure by three different men at once. It was magnificent, really. Being made love to by three different men in three separate ways was something she doubted even the biggest slut in her high school had done. Ladrian continued his heavenly assault on her body while Lyzander teased her breasts and Darian kissed her. She felt like she was floating, her body weightless and carefree. All the while being pampered and enchanted by the three men who loved her.

Her orgasm came far too soon. A food of pure ecstasy roared through her, making her heartbeat thunder in her ears and tears stream from her eyes. Darian caught her cry of release in his mouth. Lyzander never broke away from her flesh, instead continuing to tease her through her climax. Her back arched, nearly squeezing the life out of Ladrian's penis as it continued to move inside her.

She slumped back into the blankets, her mouth still locked to Darian's but her chest heaving. Her body was satisfied, and she felt a sense of joy at knowing all three of them could work together so well. None of them tried to elbow their way to glory or push the others out of the race. The three of them worked in unison to please her and only her.

But none of them were finished with her yet. They simply slowed their paces, all three of them working imperfect unison. Ladrian's movements slowed to a leisurely pace, sluggish but just as delicious and satisfying as before. Lyzander complied by teasing each of her small breasts for longer amounts of time, kissing and nipping the sensitive underside of each mound. Darian, too, slowed. His tongue continued to massage her own, but with gentle strokes. His fingers tickled along her neck to her collarbone, leaving trails of fire in their wake.

This time, her orgasm was much more satisfying. It came lazily, a slow boil the rippled through her core and along the flesh of her limbs. When it did finally break over her, it was with a long, low groan and a delectable feeling of warmth and love and peace.

She pulled away from Darian's mouth, turning her head to look up at the ceiling. She felt Darian's strong shoulder slip under her neck to support her, loving the feel of his hand stroking her hair. She closed her eyes and smiled as Lyzander laid his head on her belly. His warm breath tickled the tender flesh of her breasts. Ladrian stayed where he was, buried deep inside her and panting heavily. She felt the bed sink where he had braced his hands for support, imagining him looking like a tired racehorse after just crossing the finish line.

An overwhelming sense of love for these men flooded her heart and mind. They would kill for her, die for her, and now they had proved they would work together to please her. Tears sprang up in her eyes. These men would sacrifice everything for her, and she could give them nothing in return except sex and children. She had to find some way to show how much they meant to her, how much she cared.

Swallowing her tears, she reached out and wrapped one hand around Darian's head, twisting her fingers in his dark hair. She did the same for Lyzander, stroking his cheek with her fingers. For Ladrian, she tightened her legs around his waist and held him against her body. She loved these men - all three of them -- through all of their faults, misgivings and scars.

She held onto them tightly -- on hand around Darian's head, the other on Lyzander's and her legs wrapped around Ladrian's waist. She held them close because - between Lucifer, Emiline and the rest of this crap they were stuck in -- she feared the moment when she might have to let them go.

* * *

Once again, I apologize for this one taking so long. I tried to make it a bit longer to make up for that. Thanks for taking the time to read my story anyway. I'll try to type the last two chapters faster.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Most seasoned writers have already mapped out their direction with a beginning, middle and end before they even start. While this is entertaining it is glaringly apparent that the author is flying by the seat of his pants. There's a ridiculous amount of contradictions and more wholes than Swiss cheese. If it weren't for his world and character building this would probably be a complete mess. That being said I'm still enjoying it as a light read. I'm loving the Lucifer twist. Quite frankly I can't see any of her 3 lovers being any challenge to her. At least Lucifer will keep her on her toes and the other three can keep her on her back! I'm sure by now the author has finished school and matured in his writing skills so I look forward to reading more of his stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I really, really had to laugh at the stupidity of writing on the first page, seriously it was so fucking bad... here we have Malnos breaking free of his constraints to assault her, and Lyzander is like "wait I'm almost done unlocking Lucifer!" instead of stopping and coming over to help, hell he could've just given Lucifer the keys or waited while he helped her first, it's not like his case was urgent right that second. You tried to add suspense, each chain coming away slowly on both Malnos and Lucifer and instead of suspense you simply added to the stupidity of the whole thing lol it was really laughable and not in a good way.At least try to come up with something better if you're going for suspense, it would've worked if idk, Lyzander wasn't in the room yet? That way he or someone else could arrive just in time to help. The story overall is decent but sometimes your story really suffers from lack of thought.

Addicted2WritingAddicted2Writingover 10 years ago

I know this story is done, but you really need an editor ... very badly. Every single chapter there were numerous mispellings and/or missing letters.

Don't worry. If you even still read your comments I still gave you a 4 because this is still great, and I'm waiting for the triplets to kill the succubus bitch!

katgoddess1katgoddess1almost 12 years ago

If the choice is hers, how will Lucifer force her to choose him? Or was that part a lie?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

love it,

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